What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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I'm fine with the Knight Headquarters being in Perfidia. Them being former-feudals makes it thematically appropriate, and would give Knights training at the HQ a huge variety of terrain to practice on without needing to leave the system.

For a name, I like Stardust Crusaders for the meme, but thinking about this reminded me of my favourite Knight Order from Warhammer Fantasy, the Order of the Blazing Sun, so I'm gonna slap together a proposal based on them

[] The Order of the Blazing Sun
-[] (Knight Order - Coat of Arms) A Yellow Sun centered on a black background, with a silver candle with a white flame set before the Sun
-[] (Knight Order - Color Scheme) Black and Yellow/Gold
-[] (Knight Order - Motto) Master Yourself, So No Foe May Best You
-[] (Write-In The Knight Order's Headquarter System) Perfidia
-[] (Write-In The Knight Order's Legal Situation And Answers To The Above)
--[] (Will these bastions stand under Federal or Local Jurisdiction?) Chapterhouses and other infrastructure under the direct control of the Order fall under the aegis of Federal institutions.
--[] (Will the recruits have a legal standing to refuse service?) Yes; ideally the Order should consist entirely of well-trained volunteers.
--[] (If yes, can they be drafted in times of war and the (highly) unlikely but still possible chance that more pilots are desperately required?) Yes, but only in an emergency that would enable the appointment of a Diktat.
--[] (Are Outposts allowed to recruit and maintain their own security forces if no Knight is stationed within?) Yes, though these forces may not number more than 1 Security Officer for every 3 other Order staff at any given Order facility, and they are to be used exclusively for protecting whichever facility they are assigned to.

So this is my preliminary plan. One question @HeroCooky , re: the question of Chapter Houses being under Federal or Local jurisdiction, what is the specific significance of that delineation? Like what would the difference be between the 2 choices? I chose Federal initially because I'd prefer this organization to answer to 'us' over locals, but I'd be open to changing it based on your answer.

Also might change the Motto, not sure whether that was meant to be a Battle Cry or something more recited as a guiding moral for the Order.
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Yes, though these forces may not number more than 1 Security Officer/15 other Order staff
Uh, I'd crank that up by at least an order of 30. Karnivores are 6-meter tall Armiger Knights, and servicing even one is a bit of a harsh ask with only 15 people. Unless you mean 15 security staff, which would still be kinda...low? Seeing as this would be a high-tech, high-security zone.
RaptorusMaximus said:
question @HeroCooky , re: the question of Chapter Houses being under Federal or Local jurisdiction, what is the specific significance of that delineation?
Mostly how the Outpost is handled for law purposes, as in if they answer to planetary or federal law. Corcrat may not care if the Order just throws away toxic materials behind a bush for some reason, but Droma III would very much get on their case about that. Under federal law, they'd be told to stop either way in this example.
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Uh, I'd crank that up by at least an order of 30. Karnivores are 6-meter tall Armiger Knights, and servicing even one is a bit of a harsh ask with only 15 people. Unless you mean 15 security staff, which would still be kinda...low? Seeing as this would be a high-tech, high-security zone.

I mean that for every 15 other staff on a base, however many it's determined are needed, there is 1 security officer. So if there are 150 people on a base, there would be 10 security officers.

...tho saying that out loud, that ratio seems a little low. Maybe 1 for every 3? That would be 50 security officers on a base with 150 other support personnel...that seems a bit better...

Mostly how the Outpost is handled for law purposes, as in if they answer to planetary or federal law. Corcrat may not care if the Order just throws away toxic materials behind a bush for some reason, but Droma III would very much get on their case about that. Under federal law, they'd be told to stop either way in this example.

Okay, then I'll leave that as-is.
Impcat does not have a Karnivore model file so I cannot virtually paint a karnivore to give an idea of how it would look. That being said I like black and yellow, its a stronger contrast.

Maybe an inverted pentagram? Just to make Big E angry.
With the decision to create Knight Order Outposts on every planet of the Federation to draw in recruits, the issue of where to place the Order's headquarters still remains. Some have suggested placing it within Cradle Station, though others argue for a more forward posting in Itani. Yet, the representatives of Drixxus and Ixxus of Parfinda have, despite their societies still suffering from major interstellar culture shock and uplift disruptions, offered almost aggressively to host the headquarters of the Order.

-[] (Write-In The Knight Order's Headquarter System)
so what are the benefits of the possible Knight order HQs?



-[] (Knight Order - Coat of Arms)
--[] heraldry isn't to be used signify personal glory but rank and afflation's (planets + sectors), as well as culture and history.
--[] any knights of Khara already have a song sung for them, and a Herald that tells their story . . . (fancy/cleaner version of the Dirge of the Innocent Card)
-[] (Knight Order - Color Scheme) Tall White* , with red or gold being the secondary colors
-[] (Knight Order - Motto) i can't decide between things found online
--[] "we will be here after the dying light"
--[] "Rank does not confer privilege, it imposes responsibility"
--[] "let us meet again as stars"
-[] (The Knight Order's Headquarter System) Perfidia
-[] (The Knight Order's Legal Situation And Answers To The Above)
--[] (Will these bastions stand under Federal or Local Jurisdiction?) Chapterhouses and other infrastructure under the direct control of the Order fall under the aegis of Federal institutions.
--[] (Will the recruits have a legal standing to refuse service?) Yes; ideally the Order should consist entirely of well-trained volunteers.
--[] (If yes, can they be drafted in times of war and the (highly) unlikely but still possible chance that more pilots are desperately required?) Yes, but only in an emergency that would enable the appointment of a Diktat.
--[] (Are Outposts allowed to recruit and maintain their own security forces if no Knight is stationed within?) Yes, though these forces may not number more than 1 Security Officer for every 3 other Order staff at any given Order facility, and they are to be used exclusively for protecting whichever facility they are assigned to.
-[] (Something I Missed That Needs To Be Addressed) there will be the right to have the Knights painted a different color standard in order to camouflage due to different planetary environments & battlefields
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[X] The Order of the Blazing Sun
-[X] (Knight Order - Coat of Arms) A Yellow Sun centered on a black background, with a silver candle with a white flame set before the Sun
-[X] (Knight Order - Color Scheme) Black and Yellow/Gold are the primary colorations for Order Knights, with the Order's Coat of Arms painted on the left shoulder plate. Each Knight may (should they so choose) have a sigil representing their Homeworld painted onto the right shoulder plate, and personal Heraldry (should they commit actions deemed worthy of the honor) may be applied to either one thigh-plate or to the crotch plate
-[X] (Knight Order - Motto)
--[X] (Official Motto) Devotion in Study, Veneration of Ability, for the Art of War
--[X] (Unofficial Motto) We go where we are needed. We do what must be done
-[X] (Write-In The Knight Order's Headquarter System) Perfidia
-[X] (Write-In The Knight Order's Legal Situation And Answers To The Above)
--[X] (Will these bastions stand under Federal or Local Jurisdiction?) Chapterhouses and other infrastructure under the direct control of the Order fall under the aegis of Federal institutions.
--[X] (Will the recruits have a legal standing to refuse service?) Yes; ideally the Order should consist entirely of well-trained volunteers.
--[X] (If yes, can they be drafted in times of war and the (highly) unlikely but still possible chance that more pilots are desperately required?) Yes, but only in an emergency that would enable the appointment of a Diktat.
--[X] (Are Outposts allowed to recruit and maintain their own security forces if no Knight is stationed within?) Yes, though these forces may not number more than 1 Security Officer for every 3 other Order staff at any given Order facility, and they are to be used exclusively for protecting whichever facility they are assigned to.
--[X] (Other) At the discretion of the ranking officer of any operations an Order Detachment is apart of, Knights are free to apply appropriate camouflage patterns to their machines in place of standard Order colors for however long is deemed necessary.

Here's my plan based on These Lovely Lads from Warhammer Fantasy. I also expanded the section on Color Scheme to include placement of Heraldry, and blatantly stole *name*'s idea for pilots to be able to repaint their machines for camouflage reasons, as well as to use planetary heraldry to mark themselves out b/c I like the idea of Pilots from Khara using a version of the Dirge for the Innocent artwork as heraldry on their Knights. Lastly, I included the ability for particularly distinguished Knights to earn the right to a personal sigil they can put on their machine, cause that seems like a nice way to reward pilots for performing particularly well.
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[X] The Order of the Stardust Crusaders
-[X] (Knight Order - Coat of Arms) A trio Silver shooting Stars on a Navy Blue background
-[X] (Knight Order - Color Scheme) Blue and Silver/White are the primary colorations for Order Knights, with the Order's Coat of Arms painted on the left shoulder plate. Each Knight may (should they so choose) have a sigil representing their Homeworld painted onto the right shoulder plate, and personal Heraldry (should they commit actions deemed worthy of the honor) on the may be applied to either one thigh-plate or to the crotch plate
-[X] (Knight Order - Motto) Righteous Actions Born of Truth Will Never Crumble
-[X] (Write-In The Knight Order's Headquarter System) Perfidia
-[X] (Write-In The Knight Order's Legal Situation And Answers To The Above)
--[X] (Will these bastions stand under Federal or Local Jurisdiction?) Chapterhouses and other infrastructure under the direct control of the Order fall under the aegis of Federal institutions.
--[X] (Will the recruits have a legal standing to refuse service?) Yes; ideally the Order should consist entirely of well-trained volunteers.
--[X] (If yes, can they be drafted in times of war and the (highly) unlikely but still possible chance that more pilots are desperately required?) Yes, but only in an emergency that would enable the appointment of a Diktat.
--[X] (Are Outposts allowed to recruit and maintain their own security forces if no Knight is stationed within?) Yes, though these forces may not number more than 1 Security Officer for every 3 other Order staff at any given Order facility, and they are to be used exclusively for protecting whichever facility they are assigned to.
i don't know why, but it makes me feel off for some reason

any secondary meaning or connections to the glimmering federation?

It's an admittedly somewhat loose attempt to tie back to the Blazing Sun of Fantasy, who worship the goddess Myrmidia (who has similar domains and vibes to Athena), and their whole 'shtick' is trying to master as many disciplines relates to war and combat as possible both to ensure they can effectively serve the people they work for and protect and as an act of worship of Myrmidia.

I chose the words to kind of represent that I want our Knights to seek self-mastery both of their own actions, and to seek excellence in every discipline related to their role in our society-as Elite Protectors-as they can, to become Master of as much as possible so that they can fight and win against anything they come across. That's the ideal, anyway; the thing I'd like them to stride for.
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hmm . . . just gonna , umm paraphrase any quotes and try to make them fit in

"The Knights of the Blazing Sun are a small elite order of Templars devoted to the study and mastery of the science and art of warfare. These fervent followers of Myrmidia value ability and accomplishment over all other factors, including noble birth. It is because of this that the order has grown in prosperity attracting the finest military minds to its banner. A Knight of the Blazing Suns primary goal is to obtain perfection in the art of War, as such they travel the old world individually seeking battle both large and small. A warband with a Knight of the Blazing sun at its head is a potent force capable of dealing with opponents with a level of cunning that ensures victory before the battle is even joined."

—The famed Knights of the Blazing Sun.

"Devotion in Study, Veneration of Ability, for the Art of War"
"Devotion in Mastery, Veneration of Accomplishment, For the Art of War"

"The goddess instructs us to seek out the enemy's weaknesses and to attack them with relentless force. Do this in all things -- in love, in politics, in war. To accomplish any task -- to defeat any foe, all that is needed is a keen eye, a sharp mind and the favour of the goddess."

—The Order of the Blazing Sun's Creed

"with Relentless Force in all things, to accomplish any task"

"We go where we are needed. We do what must be done."

Myrmidian saying often adopted by the order.

no need to change

Some things I thought would fit

"We're Voyagers of the Stars, We already passed the Final Frontier"

"When facing the Twilight, We are the Daybreak"
"When facing the Twilight, We will be the Dawn"
"When all we have is a Dying Light, We are the Daybreak"
"When all we have is a Dying Light, We will be the Dawn"

"to shine light where there's Darkness"

"Astrologia; of the sun moon and stars, inspire those that reach beyond their grasp"

"To the Federation, We are it's Hands and Feet upon the battlefield"

"Excellence is the sublimation of the Self; The brighter you shine, the stronger you are. Isn't that just Common Sense?"
hmm . . . just gonna , umm paraphrase any quotes and try to make them fit in
"Devotion in Study, Veneration of Ability, for the Art of War"

Thanks man, I appreciate it. I'm gonna take the one I quoted as the official motto, I like it a lot better than the one I came up with.

"We go where we are needed. We do what must be done."

And this will be their unofficial motto, cause it gives Big Lamenters Energy
so of the mottos/quotes(?) under the break line, which ones so you think would fit?

"When facing the Twilight, We are the Daybreak"
"When facing the Twilight, We will be the Dawn"
"When all we have is a Dying Light, We are the Daybreak"
"When all we have is a Dying Light, We will be the Dawn"

"to shine light where there's Darkness"

"Excellence is the sublimation of the Self; The brighter you shine, the stronger you are. Isn't that just Common Sense?"

I think all of these are pretty good, but I don't wanna overwhelm the vote with too many quotes/phrases. I'd be down to see these used later on as lines said by our Knights.