Semper Ad Meliora (Code Geass/Britannian Royalty Quest)

[X][IKS] Inform her of both.
[X][TELL] Tell Kallen about spying on Japan.
[X][CHILD] Have a child with Sayoko, you will make the time.
[X][IKS] Inform her of both.
[X][TELL] Tell Kallen about spying on Japan.
[X][CHILD] Have a child with Sayoko, you will make the time.

Alright, did another round of proofreading which I've complied into a list of typos. It's quite scattered and less organized this time, but hopefully still legible enough and helpful @Slayer Anderson. If it's an annoyance pointing them out, just lemme know to stop.
"Yes." Euhpemia's smile turns somewhat brittle.
Typo: Euhpemia's -> Euphemia's
[ ][MD] Open secret back-channel negotiations with Minister Dreizehn Weber. (Will preclude any overt and most cover actions against the Blood of L'Olonnais unless negotiations break down.)
Typo: cover -> covert actions
have collectively condemned the 'unlawful and underhanded tactics' or the Chinese Federation.
In the wake of proposals to sever ties with China, their larger protector has revoked a number of protective measures against he pirate forces, leaving the Confederation nearly defenseless.
Typo: (of) the Chinese Federation.
Typo: he -> the pirate forces
Analysits report that while the presence of peace-keeping units has largely been positive,
Typo: Analysits -> Analysts
Pictures of Euphemia and yourself share the front pages of many newspapers with a shot of Guinevere's new duaghter, Henrietta.
"If you have it in your heart, though, I would ask another favor," she emplores
your discussion with Sayoko was a much... simpler one, at least in terms of what how it was discussed.
Sayoko, during one of your private meetings discussing your influence and growth in the Japanese government, simply looked up and addressed your very bluntly.
I have good reason to believe sucha potential arrangement will be beneficial to both of us."
much prefering they lead organizations, companies, and family units."
"You're saying that the disparate shinobi clans you serve as the liaison for, and whom I have unified under a single banner[,] are dissatisfied by the fact that the highest member of their elite to interact with me is both female and young."
Euphemia was simply had the most relevant and important opinion on the matter because
Euhpie was much the same
After long days of contemplations, you feel the epiphany take shape.
Typo: duaghter -> daughter
Typo: emplores -> implores
Redundant Word: Remove unnecessary 'what.'
Typo: your -> addressed you very bluntly
Spacing: sucha -> such a
Typo: prefering -> preferring
Punctuation: Add comma as highlighted sentence was a digression.
Redundant Word: Remove unnecessary 'was.'
Typo: Euhpie -> Euphie
Typo: contemplation(s) -> contemplation
Although Cornelia is the captain of you mother's guard unit and a knight sworn to her service,
It had taken serious consider to determine who best to publicly approach at a society ball like this.
"Bit brother! You were amazing!"
It wouldn't impress investors to see exactly how sloppy our security was to allow this to happen, though, so whole thing will need to be kept as quiet as possible."
Typo: you -> your mother's guard
Typo: consider -> consideration
Typo: Bit -> Big brother!
Missing Word: so (the) whole thing will ...
"Your Higness." The blonde boy with ice-blue eyes and a face which can be called more 'pretty' than 'handsome' greets you as you make your rounds in the party.
Typo: Higness -> Highness
"I believe sister Euphie said that Conelia had aspirations to take part in the North Africa front before it was finished."
Your think for a moment, mentally pinpointing the island in your mind. Part of the Soloman group, you believe, directly east of New Guinea.
and is potentially a lucrative territory as it sits on the axis of trade between Hawaii and New Guine as well as between the Philippines and New Zealand.
and as a patrol station for the Royal Britanian Navy to deter pirate activity.
For a moment, Euhpie seemed about to argue, but in time she nodded.
"Think nothing of it, Eumphemia." You shake your head.
Typo: Conelia -> Cornelia
Typo: Your -> You think
Typo: Soloman -> Solomon group (islands)
Typo: New Guine -> Guinea
Typo: Britanian -> Britannian
Typo: Euhpie -> Euphie
Typo: Eumphemia -> Euphemia
"Little Carine, that horrid girl, has managed to bungle things in Oxaca and inflame the dissidents in the jungles after so many years of them being quiet.
Typo: Oxaca -> Oaxaca
"Thank you, little brother," Clovis states softly, smiling at you in a rare moment of emotional honest.
"Thank you for all your help this year Lulu, Nunna! I shant forget it!"
"Oh, Nunna... I'm not laughing at you... All this just reminded me a an old joke a friend of your father's once told me." Marianne's eyes go distant.
You quirk an eyebrow, but your mother shakes her head; a move you know all to well signals her final word on a subject.
Typo: honest -> honesty
Typo: shant -> shan't
Typo: a an -> (of) an old joke
Typo: to -> too well
"You Highness, please, you have absorbed all of our lessons and demonstrated a power we have barely glimpsed!
Typo: You -> Your Highness
Once your were ready, the firm had changed names to reflect their new business, the 'National Park Oversight Fund' was born.
Perhaps, though, you could be shinobi, at least enough to deceive others into believe yourself worthy of the title.
Typo: your -> you were ready
Missing Word: (and) the 'National Park Oversight Fund' was born.
Typo: believe -> believing
Your childhood friend sighs explosives. "Yes? No? Maybe, I guess."
One arched eyebrow is all the respons your declaration receives. "Ambitious. Now, will you be taking Euphemia as your lover?"
Where Jeanne is at your side, Gilbert G.P. Guilford stands stiffly at Cornelia's. The man has the reputation of a consumate professional,
Typo: explosives -> explosively
Typo: respons -> response
Typo: consumate -> consummate
Of more concern to you is the way that Conelia cracks her glass before forcing herself to release her grip and sigh tiredly.
Typo: Conelia -> Cornelia
"Sumeragi-san," you bgin, shaking your head,
Typo: bgin -> begin
Jeanne states as she reads you report.
Typo: you -> your report
Shinozaki-Sumeragi Ancestral Fued fixed at 'Detente' Level.
We're fighting pirates, people like the terrorists who are hurting so many other here in Japan."
"-so, so, then one of my brother's friends, this guy named Tamaki, got the cops called on us because he decided to throw can of spray cheese into a microwave."
Typo: Fued -> Feud
Typo: so many other -> others
Missing Word: throw (a) can of spray cheese
Foreign observes have validated these statements with their own reports,
Typo: Foreign observes -> observers
Euhpie purses her lips. "I'm afraid I don't understand brother, were you planning to submit to their authority in the future?"
"Euhpie-dear? Surprises in the realm of international politics seldom lead to good things." You reply with a deadpan tone.
Typo: Euhpie -> Euphie
"His higness is most impressive, yes." Jeanne nodded in time with her own rhythm.
Typo: higness -> highness
Ethiopian Empire: This is a turbulent year for the budding empire as the refugee crisis strains infrastructure and sees calls for stronger boarders to be enacted across the region by various nobles.
the chairman of the company has unveiled plans to construct the first planned super-city the world has ever witness.
Typo: boarders -> borders
Typo: witness -> the world has ever witnessed
The Shinozaki heiress assures you that, despite his pysch profile, he's not a complete sociopath.
Typo: pysch -> psych
Euhpemia merely sighed in relief as Jeanne shook her head fondly.
Given that Indonesia's diplomatic recognition is prevents Carbez from making moves on him,
Typo: Euhpemia -> Euphemia
Missing Word: is (what) prevents Carbez
You mother shakes her head. "It really is a shame about that girl,
but were I in you position I would be interested in playing the field at least a bit."
"I've time my visits to the major storm surges this year.
Clovis and Lila
desperately glad you don't have to wobble on shaky legs with an incalculable weight on your back as you did in those memories, to Nunnally to your mother.
Typo: You -> Your mother
Typo: you -> your position
Past Tense: time -> timed my visits
Typo: Lila -> Laila
Missing Word: to (bring) Nunnally to your mother
Of course, it wasn't actually required that one hold a grand gala for a knight of honor, Conelia had made Guilford's knighting a quiet affair with only a few of her and her mother's most important patrons in attendance.
Typo: Conelia -> Cornelia
Nunnally is waiting nearby, as she has been, standing guard at the entrance of edge of the balcony and picking out potential sniper nests that hadn't already been secured by Confederation MPs.
Missing Word: the entrance of (the) edge ... of the balcony
The monomyous, admittedly sly and intelligent man[,] states as he rubs at his chin.
Typo: monomyous -> mononymous
Punctuation: Weird sentence break from the highlighted comma, feels like the sentence should flow directly:
"The monomyous, admittedly sly and intelligent man[ ] states as he rubs at his chin.​
Realistically, though, you can't imagine what good could come of speaking to the Rus Republic's reprsentative. It would certainly make you the talk of the convention again if you managed to have a civil conversation with the man. Well, that and perhaps cause a minor geopolitical panic given it could be argued that you were courting a breakaway EU state after snubbing the Euro-Britannians on an unprecidented scale.
That said, it would be dificult talking them up as you'd already insulted their strategies and value to the convention as a whole.
He'd perhaps given the longest review of your statemnts at the conference,
For what it was worth, your mother's former bodygaurd seemed more distracted than critical of your actions.
She'd sent you a personal communiction by way of Milly in addition to the seemingly-authentic praise she'd heaped on you in the papers.
...could Carine, who tended to be group in with Guinevere's camp, be using the occasion to leverage greater assitance from your mutual sister by way of a threat to join up with Schneizel or Cornelia's camp through yourself?
You took pains to exempt them from you rhetoric and they'll likely be appreciative of not being lumped in with the rabble."
if you left and never returned to Euro-Britannia you were likely safe from retalliation,
If anything, she particularly liked the snubs you'd givent he Europeans and the Rus more than your advocacy for the conquest of space.
Kallen having stepped into the bathroom, trailed by one of the servants, no doubt to spend some time in the jaccuzzi.
until your realized that it was in the currency of the highest-tier of the nobility,
Typo: reprsentative -> representative
Typo: unprecidented -> unprecedented
Typo: dificult -> difficult
Typo: statemnts -> statements
Typo: bodygaurd -> bodyguard
Typo: communiction -> communication
Typo: group in -> grouped in
Typo: assitance -> assistance
Typo: you -> your rhetoric
Typo: retalliation -> retaliation
Typo: givent he -> given the
Typo: jaccuzzi -> jacuzzi
Typo: your -> you realized
"As such, I believe... accomodations could be made. Especially in the face of unprecedented circumstances."
"Lady Milicent Ashford, Heiress to the Duchy of Ashfordshire."
Instead, it was theywho sought you out.
Typo: accomodations -> accommodations
Typo: Milicent -> Millicent
Spacing: theywho -> they who
in practice the Progressive Democratic Party held a near death-grip on the national-level diet and had for over thirty years after the reoganization of the government following the Pacific War.
that knowledge would doubtlessly allow Harchiro's bloc within the Kyoto Group to further consolidate their Zaibatsu's hold.
He had initially balked at the idea of receiving only half of the intially-proposed loads of sakuradite in exchange for the bargain,
"Well, her most obvious talents lie in diplomacy and stewardship-related tasks and you don't have a subordinate to look after the later, yet."
She would also be remaining on New Caledonia almost year-round, as opposed to Milicent,
"I simply think you're overestimating the vunerabilities it would expose the island to.
"But they will occassionally?" Milly pushes further.
Owing to our mutual understand, I have allowed them safe harbor in those instances."
"And have you suffered any espionage attempts?" Milly asks, crossing her under her chest with the look of a woman about to capitalize on a victory.
"We have." You state bluntly, bringing you glass to your mouth to disguise your smirk at the half-second of stunned surprise on her face.
There have been a few close calls here and ther,
"Very well, Lelouch vi Britannia, I'll concede the point that you might be in the right, here, just don't make a habbit of it."
No one, least of all intelligent and beatiful women, enjoy being proven incorrect in their reasonable assertions.
"I see," the man nods, sketching a poor, if recognizeable bow.
Gears turn behind suddenly-sharp eyes. "You say, specifically, you sister?"
Disregarding anything unfornate, my sister will return it to me with a letter of chastisement over my behavior."
A mere ten hours before you were planning to leave, one of your bodyguards called felt something was amiss with the loading crew for your plane.
and a few of your agnets had put the suspect crew members under surveilance, their suspicions had been borne out when it was disovered that your plane's lubricants had been laced with an advanced magnetically-activated explosive.
"really, Lulu, this was something of a dress rehersal to quiet the naysayers on the Conglomerate's board of directors.
Typo: reoganization -> reorganization
Typo: Harchiro's -> Hachiro's
Typo: intially-proposed -> initially-proposed
Typo: later -> latter
Typo: Milicent -> Millicent
Typo: vunerabilities -> vulnerabilities
Typo: occassionally -> occasionally
Typo: understand -> understanding
Missing Word: crossing her (arms) under her chest
Typo: you -> your glass
Typo: here and ther -> there
Typo: habbit -> habit
Typo: beatiful -> beautiful
Typo: recognizeable -> recognizable
Typo: you -> your sister
Typo: unfornate -> unfortunate
Redundant Word: Remove unnecessary 'called.'
Typo: rehersal -> rehearsal
Typo: agnets -> agents
Typo: surveilance -> surveillance
Typo: disovered -> discovered
Approaching the diminuitive Japanese woman rapidly within the hallway, you discreetly signaled her security detail.
a thick, deep sound which numerous sources assured him would be pronounced 'don' in Japanese onomatopeia.
Doubtless, you would spend a few hours poking and proding at each other's defenses before forwarding an abridged agenda to the other,
So tell me, Prince Lelouch, if there is no one for me to smile for, why must i smile?"
You wished your were in a better position, though it would be a lie to say there weren't traces of abiding laughter in your smile.
Instead, you return to you chair only because of the tender upturn of her lips, because she has smiled.
Typo: diminuitive -> diminutive
Typo: onomatopeia -> onomatopoeia
Typo: proding -> prodding
Capitalization: i -> I
Typo: your -> you were
Typo: you -> your chair
Even with all of the political capital she had expended to push through farming reform with the clique of Eunuchs who had faored Britannia,
"Do not be in such a hurry your highness, I am sure your destiny will await you now matter the time it takes."
Typo: faored -> favored
Typo: now -> no matter
due to a story that three of Guinevere's purported lovers have been whittled down to the remaining possibilities as the father.
Word Choice: Had a weird time parsing this sentence. Why is it "whittled down to"?
Shouldn't it be "have been whittled down as the remaining possibilities for the father"?​

LvB Rolls Diplo. to Call in the Chinese Garrison: 86+18+20 (Imperial Mandate Seal)= 124
1. This result has already played out and is a really minor nitpick, but I just wanted to confirm if this was an oversight. Since this roll was for Diplo, the +5 Personal Diplomacy bonus from Kaguya should have applied, right?

2. For the vote on what to do with Xiǎobāo, had we chosen to give him to Marianne, would it still be possible to learn of New Heaven's secret victory condition from him? I'm assuming the answer is no, because Marianne would be the one deciding how to handle him?
3. Does Kallen still carry emotional baggage from the time Lelouch flipped her expectations, by not choosing her as Knight of Honor? Is there a Character Arc or Social Action we can pursue to address it on-screen, because it hasn't come up as a Kallen-SL option in Phase 1, and I'm wondering if Kallen's gotten over it.

Guinevere must be really starting to dislike us. Especially with our harem prince persona that Euphy seems to be working on creating. With the recent news I'm sure the PR advisor is working overtime trying to get Schneizel a date.

I am for taking the child option. It will take some work but we will always be busy. At elast for the next couple od decades.
I'm expecting Guinevere to be absolutely livid with Lelouch's antics lol. Think about it, Guinevere prides herself on being THE trendsetter, the "chief influencer of Brittania's cultural zeitgeist," and our Romantic Tour is getting so much attention that Guinevere is forced to drag her newborn child on a tour around the country to compete with us. We're forcing The First Princess to scrap her agenda just to react and keep up with the headlines we're generating, courtesy of sweet innocent Euphie.

Lelouch is getting so much press, supported by the vi Britannia's popularity amongst the masses, and such scandalous gossip, that Guinevere can't suppress it despite owning multiple media outlets:
Word from Pendragon is that Guinevere is... more than slightly aggravated with your upstaging her, even if it was only briefly. It's probably for the best that, given what's happened, you didn't take her up on her offers in the previous years. Regardless, though, her hold on friendly media outlets has ensured that she maintains a solid share of the daily news so you probably haven't engendered more of a grudge than she already had against you for being a half-commoner in the first place.
She got aggravated by a temporary upstaging last year, not to mention our continued streak of popularity this Year. Suffice to say, we've no doubt earned Guinevere's hatred and/or rivalry by now; we've now upstaged her twice and she probably thinks of Lelouch as an upstart commoner who doesn't know his place - just like his mother, it's hilarious. :D

Also, while I do support siring a child with Sayoko, I dread the AP Drain required to properly support and nurture the kid (and give Euphie proof). After all, we still need to look for a handler for Xiǎobāo, and now Lelouch is becoming a father. I don't envy Lelouch's sleep schedule and workload for the next few turns. :o

Incidentally, is someone here minding out military situation? I've lost track of it, but it kinda feels like we'll want to have a foothold in Australia sometime soon.
We hired 3 Types of Mercenaries from Duke Stadtfeld last turn and will likely plan to begin Invasions with their help on the weaker Pirate bases either this year or the next, perhaps once we've taken an action to build up our currently meager conventional Ground forces, since we focused heavily on elite KMF squadrons.

Basically there is a reason for people to talk jokingly that Euphie wanted to have a threesome with Lelouch and Suzaku, however I have a question regarding all this, does the current situation require Lelouch to spend a personal action to talk to Gino?
I'm asking why, frankly speaking, we don't have time to spend with Gino if everything was ok.
No, the current situation is fine as is, it's stated right there in the results: "Reveal Euphemia & Gino's Relationship without Negative Consequence,"
While it was a surprise, everything worked out fine and Lelouch is already thinking of playing a joke on Gino ("I will, however, reserve the right to allow him to believe otherwise for a little while longer.)

Make no mistake, the root cause of this situation began with Euphemia (last turn's busy schedule, change in lifestyle, etc) so our lack of screentime with Gino shouldn't have come into play, and we took Euphie's SL action this turn which thankfully resolved things.
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[X][CHILD] Have a child with Sayoko, you will make the time.
[X][TELL] Tell Kallen about spying on Japan.
To be honest the only surprising thing about all this is the fact to be Gino but even that is kind of obvious in a second thought.
Even disregarding all world-building that @Slayer Anderson did and take into consideration only the Canon, if have various tidbits about royal relationships throughout the anime and not to mention Euphemia itself, that for those who have time that doesn't watch Code Geass is good to remember that all interactions between Euphemia and Lelouch have a clear romantic subtext mainly originated from her despite being in a romantic relationship with Suzaku.

Basically there is a reason for people to talk jokingly that Euphie wanted to have a threesome with Lelouch and Suzaku,
I mean, if Gino's part in things did fully go to the tabloids, at this point nobody would care past "DO THE PRINCE'S CONQUESTS KNOW NO BOUNDS??". As far as the public was concerned Gino would just become one more piece of the harem and maybe a few yaoi fangirls would spontaneously combust after creating sounds that should only come out of bats.

I would like to see Gino sneak into the facility through a third story window only to have us sitting there with a glass of wine. We could mess with his head so damn much.
[X][IKS] Inform her of both.
[X][TELL] Tell Kallen about spying on Japan.
[X][CHILD] Have a child with Sayoko, you will make the time.
[X][IKS] Inform her of both.
[X][TELL] Tell Kallen about spying on Japan.
[X][CHILD] Have a child with Sayoko, you will make the time.
[X][IKS] Inform her of both.
[X][TELL] Tell Kallen about spying on Japan.
[X][CHILD] Have a child with Sayoko, you will make the time.
[X][IKS] Tell her about the ancient apocalypse only.
[X][TELL] Tell Kallen about spying on Japan.
[X][CHILD] Have a child with Sayoko, you will make the time.
Alright, did another round of proofreading which I've complied into a list of typos. It's quite scattered and less organized this time, but hopefully still legible enough and helpful @Slayer Anderson. If it's an annoyance pointing them out, just lemme know to stop.
...thank you? So much? I can't wait to go through and correct that extensive list of typos.

I'm sure it will be... fun.
LvB Rolls Diplo. to Call in the Chinese Garrison: 86+18+20 (Imperial Mandate Seal)= 124
1. This result has already played out and is a really minor nitpick, but I just wanted to confirm if this was an oversight. Since this roll was for Diplo, the +5 Personal Diplomacy bonus from Kaguya should have applied, right?

2. For the vote on what to do with Xiǎobāo, had we chosen to give him to Marianne, would it still be possible to learn of New Heaven's secret victory condition from him? I'm assuming the answer is no, because Marianne would be the one deciding how to handle him?
3. Does Kallen still carry emotional baggage from the time Lelouch flipped her expectations, by not choosing her as Knight of Honor? Is there a Character Arc or Social Action we can pursue to address it on-screen, because it hasn't come up as a Kallen-SL option in Phase 1, and I'm wondering if Kallen's gotten over it.
1) I erred on the side of not applying it given that Lelouch couldn't personally go and meet with the garrison commanders and, instead, had to have him summoned. It was discourteous and he got away with it through a high roll which meant the man was already on the way and Lelouch used the urgency of the situation to seize control of things. I almost made that roll a Martial instead, but it was really fringe in any case.

2) I'll take a pass on answering this, since the exact details of secret victory conditions are a little up in the air, only the broad strokes have been sketched out due to chaos dice. The answer would ultimately rely on subsequent choices Lelouch made.

3) Lelouch does not know the details, but his understanding of the matter would be that Kallen's feelings in regards to his KoH pick are complicated. As far as your question on actions/character arcs go...
[ ] Red: Kallen has fervently stated she does not desire to be your sole romantic partner. Nor does she want or expect to be part of the political side of your affairs. Jeanne, you are less sure of, but you don't believe she wishes for such either. The question becomes, then... what do they want? Cost: 100; Upkeep: 0; DC: 60/80; Rewards: Kallen & Jeanne's SL Progress, Information about the future of your relationships.
As always, the best option is usually to ask.

I think I'm going to call the vote soonish, after I eat and get a few chores done. So... three hours on the clock?

It's a pretty clear mandate:
Adhoc vote count started by Slayer Anderson on Jan 21, 2021 at 7:55 PM, finished with 91 posts and 53 votes.
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[X][IKS] Inform her of both.
[X][TELL] Tell Kallen about spying on Japan.
[X][CHILD] Have a child with Sayoko, you will make the time.
[X][IKS] Inform her of both.
[X][TELL] Tell Kallen about spying on Japan.
[X][CHILD] Have a child with Sayoko, you will make the time.
@Slayer Anderson would Kaguya's reroll and bonuses to personal diplo actions apply to any rolls required to get her to accept us spying on Japan? I would like to know before I vote on the subject.

[X][TELL] Tell Kallen about spying on Japan.
[X][CHILD] Have a child with Sayoko, you will make the time.
@Slayer Anderson would Kaguya's reroll and bonuses to personal diplo actions apply to any rolls required to get her to accept us spying on Japan? I would like to know before I vote on the subject.
The roll is a personal action roll, not a diplomacy roll, so that bonus wouldn't apply. Neither would the reroll given that it is, again, a personal action and not a diplomacy roll.

Nunnally's emergency reroll would apply, though, if the roll fails remarkably.

Winning Votes:

[X][TELL] Tell Kallen about spying on Japan.
[X][CHILD] Have a child with Sayoko, you will make the time.
[X][IKS] Inform her of both.

Rolling Briefing Action...

Briefing: 85+15= 100 // Crit: 15+0= 15

...don't know whether to be annoyed you managed an on-the-dot crit or relieved the exploding roll isn't higher.

Why not both, then? Both, yes, that's good.

Adhoc vote count started by Slayer Anderson on Jan 21, 2021 at 9:50 PM, finished with 97 posts and 58 votes.
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2) I'll take a pass on answering this, since the exact details of secret victory conditions are a little up in the air, only the broad strokes have been sketched out due to chaos dice. The answer would ultimately rely on subsequent choices Lelouch made.
Thanks for the answers. Was unsure whether the Kallen+Jeanne shared SL action would've also covered the KoH baggage as well, so I asked a semi-rhetorical question to confirm there.

As for possible choices, does that imply giving Xiaobao to Marianne still allowed for a degree of control/updates from his progress? I was assuming handing him to Marianne meant Lelouch was taking Xiaobao off his plate and not pursuing any leads with him?

I'm asking to see if we passed over Marianne as a possible Handler option for Xiaobao, assuming we lost access to him if we didn't keep him on base.
As for possible choices, does that imply giving Xiaobao to Marianne still allowed for a degree of control/updates from his progress? I was assuming handing him to Marianne meant Lelouch was taking Xiaobao off his plate and not pursuing any leads with him?
It would depend on subsequent choices and factors Lelouch doesn't know about. He would have some say in matters, or believes he would, but beyond that I can't say.
Briefing: 85+15= 100 // Crit: 15+0= 15

...don't know whether to be annoyed you managed an on-the-dot crit or relieved the exploding roll isn't higher.

Why not both, then? Both, yes, that's good.
Kaguya being even slightly willing to work with us instead of starting to subvert everything in a range of greatly-somewhat hostile manner was a DC100 roll, wasn't it? I continue to be increasingly amazed how we keep this house of cards from collapsing when thinking about our choices.

Anyway, at least Jaeger will be ecstatic and ranting about how he was right all along. That sweet satisfaction of being vindicated in your research after being dismissed by everyone and then hunted around the world by a secretive conspiracy (that you now also get a pretty solid proof about)? That must feel pretty damn good.
Briefing: 85+15= 100 // Crit: 15+0= 15

...don't know whether to be annoyed you managed an on-the-dot crit or relieved the exploding roll isn't higher.

Why not both, then? Both, yes, that's good.
If we had rolled higher would it have caused the birth of the Black Knights in this setting? We were so close to seeing Lelouch go into extreme charisma mode.

With the base DC being 50 I think we easily managed to get our advisors on board with this result. And as no omake bonuses were applied then the modifiers from our Kaguya and Kallen choices either caused a DC increase over 130 or we managed to get them on board. If we got lucky then it should really help us going forward. Having our entire inner court on the same page and not scratching their heads and wondering what our actions are for will be helpful. Even if it just means they can give advice from their own unique perspective.

I wonder what ideas Milly will have for Stewardship actions now that she knows our goals and the importance of space. She was looking for an interesting project for herself after all. And I'm starting to feel sorry for Hashima as Jeager will start pestering her to get to the moon ASAP. The dreaded water spray bottle might need an upgrade. Maybe dual weilding it together with a rolled up newspaper. At least I doubt he will now see our space program as a distraction from his own projects.

Either way the rolls were generous for us this Personal turn.

I just realized something. Will this briefing count as the dreaded anime recap episode?