Semper Ad Meliora (Code Geass/Britannian Royalty Quest)

Hooollllllllyyyyy SHhhhit!

There's a new Code Geass series coming out in 2021!

Code Geass: Z of the Recapture

Apparently it takes place after the Lelouch resurrection movie!

*Faints from excitement!*
My mood about that has been cautiously optimistic. Not sure if we can expect quality for the plot after Season 2 and the movie, but at least we will be probably seeing some ridiculous mecha-fight-choreography and technological escalation. And ham. Lots and lots of ham.

On other news relating to this quest, there is also a new Mass Effect in the works. Even more cautious about that one, as not getting hyped about the Mass Effect Andromeda and waiting for the reviews turned out one of the best choices I've made when it comes to games. But lets hope that it surprises everyone, and isn't just another horrible mess not worth even getting from a sale.
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<thoughts on where Pendragon is situated>

No Brain, no one cares

<Just one map, come on you play City Skylines and did all those other maps>

Shut up Brain.

<Fine. Hey did you know that Parker Dam created Lake Havasu? I mean there's totally no way that all the Zodiac villas are positioned around that right? And there's also the Salton Sea...>


Okay, so I was inspired, and thus this map. A map of what in OUR world is Southern California, but due to the Duchies... well things are different

Entering rant mode. Ok so Pendragon is planted right on top of Parker Dam in our world taken to the extreme. Some Brittanian Royal or the Emperor/Empress themselves thought it was a great spot for a planned city and literally moved mountains and rivers. Some engineer did mess up and Lake Cahuila (aka Salton Sea in OTL) was made on accident but they decided they liked it, and damn the costs. The imperial Corps of engineers flows the water there on ocassion to refill it.

Lake Claire, is what the Grand Imperial Palace Dam is holding back, and is larger than Lake Havasu. This is where nobles and princes transplant the ecology of their choosing to show that Brittania has tamed nature itself. Aries Villa is in there somewhere along with other Zodiac villas (which is apparently a thing in code geass villas for empresses are named after the Zodiac?), also since Marianne can apparently see the Imperial Palace from the Aries Villa it can't be that far away.

Lake Philip was created by the Charles zi Brittania Dam (aka Hoover Dam and not quite as tall) which created Lake Phillip which he named after his father. It has some upstart city next to it called Las Vegas where the la Brittanias built a themepark... which Clovis took over and rebranded.

Phoenix as a city just... well doesn't exist really. At best it's a town but is next to Pima City, named after a tribe that uh... became Imperial? Neither place is even CLOSE to Phoenix's population.

Does this waste a TON of water? Yes. It's why OTL Arizona and Southern California are less populated in CG than OTL. It's all for Pendragon, heck New Southampton probably has to have desalinization plants. BRittanian Nobles moved and cleared mountains to MAKE a major city in the desert. How expensive it is to keep Pendragon fed, hydrated, and powered? Fed well there's trains everyday coming in, water is the big hurdle and probably expensive, and powered well... two very large hydroelectric dams and god knows how many solar and wind plants keep it powered. Water is the largest concern
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So, in short, Pendragon is a massive drain on resources which are spent mainly so the Imperial Family can be flashy?
So, in short, Pendragon is a massive drain on resources which are spent mainly so the Imperial Family can be flashy?
Sounds like Code Geass!
Sounds like empires in general.

Pendragon isn't just for the royal family, it's a statement about imperial grandeur in general to the rest of the empire and, to a lesser extent, the rest of the world. Pendragon is an illustration of how many people and how many resources Britannia can mobilize for infrastructure for the sake of it's seat of governmental power. Much like Rome, Constantinople, the Forbidden City, and so many others before it, Pendragon is supposed to be awe-inspiring propaganda writ in metal, glass, and stone.

It's about ego, yes, but an empire's capital isn't just one person's ego or even one family's. It's the collective ego of every single powerful and influential individual to walk the halls of the state.

The flipside, of course, is that it's a symbol of greed and exploitation built on the backs of tens of millions of occupied and subjugated peoples across more than three continents. Critical interpretations of Pendragon cite the amount of time, energy, and money which could have gone to other projects informed by the will of a brutal and oppressive state instead of benefiting just the imperial and economic elite of the super-state.
So... probably going to be a few more days on that update.

Due to [RECENT EVENTS IN AMERICAN POLITICS WHICH HAVE NO PLACE IN THIS THREAD'S TOPIC OF DISCUSSION], I've lost a good bit of writing time following the news.

Anyway, that's been a time sink and I ended up cutting one of my fingers at work today so typing hurts a bit. Probably get a scar out of it, but the blade didn't go into the meat of the digit, just tore the skin quite a bit. That's going to slow me down for a few days, too.

I'll hand down some warning when the update's nearly ready.
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Our country needs to sort itself out right now, we can forgive you for waiting until the rubble settles to start typing again. And sorry about your finger.

Take all the time you need.
Anyway, that's been a time sink and I ended up cutting one of my fingers at work today so typing hurts a bit. Probably get a scar out of it, but the blade didn't go into the meat of the digit, just tore the skin quite a bit. That's going to slow me down for a few days, too.
Not sure if you are unlucky for getting cut or lucky for it only being skin-deep. I hope it doesn't get infected.
The whole thing was entertaining to watch.
Anyway, that's been a time sink and I ended up cutting one of my fingers at work today so typing hurts a bit. Probably get a scar out of it, but the blade didn't go into the meat of the digit, just tore the skin quite a bit. That's going to slow me down for a few days, too.

Slayer, is your finger feeling any better yet? Know those are sometimes slow has heck to heal.
Slayer, is your finger feeling any better yet? Know those are sometimes slow has heck to heal.
Asking someone about an injury that causes typing to hurt when the only way to answer that is either to not respond or to type an answer. :facepalm:
As Slayer mentioned he will give us a warning when the update is nearly ready. That means we will know when his finger is healed enough to type without pain.
Asking someone about an injury that causes typing to hurt when the only way to answer that is either to not respond or to type an answer. :facepalm:
As Slayer mentioned he will give us a warning when the update is nearly ready. That means we will know when his finger is healed enough to type without pain.

For small little chats you don't need to hammer away at a keyboard will all your fingers. Especially for phone typing where you're usually going at it with just your thumb(s). Seen plenty of times where someone has hurt some fingers which keeps them from typing up an update but they're free for the occasional chat.

Not like I'm going about demanding an update either, lol. He can take as much time as he feels for that. I'm just curious if Slayer is doing better.
Slayer, is your finger feeling any better yet? Know those are sometimes slow has heck to heal.
Asking someone about an injury that causes typing to hurt when the only way to answer that is either to not respond or to type an answer. :facepalm:
As Slayer mentioned he will give us a warning when the update is nearly ready. That means we will know when his finger is healed enough to type without pain.
Thankfully, and I'd never thought I'd say this, but phones are a thing. I can operate them with only one hand for typing. Even if I couldn't, though, my finger is on the mend. I did some typing last night with no adverse effects, so I should be on schedule to provide an update at some point this week. Still not sure about details on a timeframe. I'll give more information once it becomes available.
Turn 10 (Phase I) Results:
Turn 10 (Phase I) Results:
It is, perhaps, not surprising that you have a host of secrets. After all, you are a prince of the greatest empire this planet has ever seen. Still, there are perhaps two secrets that outweigh all others. Not counting, of course, Xingke's presence on your island. He is something of an open secret, after all, with the Eunuchs seemingly content to pretend the man no longer exists as long as he is not making a nuisance of himself.

No, the secrets you speak of would shake the world.

Which is why you are not going to unveil the entire tale during a single meeting. No, instead you will be scheduling a series of briefings throughout the year to slowly explain certain matters to the various members of your coterie of advisors.

The first of these, the fact that you are in the process of deeply infiltrating an ostensibly neutral nation. Sayoko, of course, already knows. You've been briefing Nunnally given her new status...

...and it must be noted, your only full-blood sister has been torn between awe and horror at what you've done...

...Jeanne likely suspects something given the various executive decisions you've handed down regarding hiring and resource acquisition and transfer, but Euphemia, Jaeger, and Kaguya know nothing about it. Neither does Crowley, of course, but you suspect the man wouldn't care save in a very peripheral sense. The only reason you are even thinking about telling Kaguya is to control the circumstances under which she finds out the particulars. The fact that she would take your organization's penetration into Japan as an overt statement of threat isn't really a question at this point, but given her position to do little about it, the revelation might provoke a greater motivation to... ah, court your interest rather than attempt a betrayal.

Kaguya, after all, seems the type who would rather co-opt a movement than dismantle it if she could use it for her own ends.

There is also the question of whether or not you should tell Kallen of your operations of Japan. Your first inclination would be to tell her. You believe her loyal enough and, well, unconcerned enough with matters of high statecraft that she won't tell anyone outside of the base. Still, she's the leader of a front-line KMF squad, being informed of these kinds of things is more of a courtesy given her social rank and the fact that you're dating her.

You can choose not to tell her about your infiltration work in Japan.

On the matter of the alien apocalypse...

You are honestly split.

You will tell Jaeger, of course. The prospect is almost as frightening as it is exciting. Given that the man was born in Japan you'd worry over telling him about your operations as well, but for the fact that he's been banned from the country. Also that he hasn't left the island these past several years. Or shows a desire to leave his laboratory for any length of time. Sufficed to say that the man won't be a security risk in this fashion, at least.

You can safely tell Kallen about this, you know. The woman is resilient, she can handle it.

...but, again, Kaguya is a question. To tell her or not?

Do you tell Kaguya about the ancient apocalypse or your work penetrating the Japanese government?
[ ][IKS] Do not inform her of either.
[ ][IKS] Tell her about the ancient apocalypse only.
[ ][IKS] Tell her about spying on Japan only.
[ ][IKS] Inform her of both.

Kallen has some loyalties to Japan, still. While you will be informing her of the ancient apocalypse, should you tell her of your operations within the land of her birth?
[ ][TELL] Tell Kallen about spying on Japan.
[ ][TELL] Don't tell Kallen about spying on Japan.
Pink: 61+15 = 76 +15 (omake) = 91
When two royals begin courting each other, it is the type of news which makes many stand up and take notice. The political scene of the empire is built on the bedrock of such incredibly powerful liaisons. Also, it cannot be understated exactly how... salacious such couplings are among the lower classes. The fact that royalty are allowed such transgressions against the social norms of the commoners and peasantry aside, the intrigue of forbidden fruit is especially alluring to those who will never be allowed to taste it. In other words, simply appearing publicly with Euphemia li Britannia in a romantic setting means setting the rumor mill aflame.

Which is why, in true Britannian fashion, you go big or you don't go at all.

In January, the two of you spend a week at the Niagara Resort. In addition to prime viewing spots for the Falls themselves, the resort hosts a variety of buildings in styles dating back almost to the founding of the empire in North America. Each night is spent in a different palatial suite, the kind held in reserve for only the most influential and powerful of the upper classes and simply not available for those without the proper social standing.

Pictures of Euphemia and yourself share the front pages of many newspapers with a shot of Guinevere's new daughter, Henrietta.

The next day, of course, your stroll down the resort's main promenade and string of high-end boutique shops is booted to the second page due to a story that three of Guinevere's purported lovers have been whittled down as the remaining possibilities for the father. Two dukes and a marquis, the latter of whom is only in the running because of his connections, through his wife, to the imperial military, being a serving general.

The next 'date' the two of you have, a month and a half later, is to the world's largest amusement park in the Duchy of Louisiana during their celebration of Mardi Gras, where Euphemia ups the ante by intentionally including Nunnally in a number of the photo opportunities. Thankfully, your full-blooded sister takes it in good humor, giggling at the next day's headline, which proves to be so nearly-slanderous that having it struck down would only prove their assertion of nightly three-way orgies correct, regardless of the facts of the matter.

You're quite sure you're in a vast minority of royals who have had their Knights of Honor sneak out of their suites after dark, rather than into.

Guinevere retaliates when she brings her newborn to a series of court appearances. Not your father's high court in Pendragon, of course, but lower ducal courts around the homeland of the empire. Privately, you pity the child being forced into adorable outfits and being dragged to and fro across the continent like they are.

The trend continues from there.

Despite the fact that you'd taken efforts to ensure that Euphemia and yourself would have time alone together, the pinkette insists on various members of your personal coterie appearing in public with you as often as not. She doesn't quite manage to rope Kaguya into the affair, despite her best efforts, but Euphemia invites Kallen, Milly, and even Jeanne along on your tour of the empire throughout your dates.

Finally, though, you confront Euphemia on the matter during your private tour of the restored Machu Picchu Royal Retreat.

The sunrise truly is something to be admired here in the few moments before the mists roll in and shroud the entire view. It's been perenially placed as not only one of the most romantic spots in the empire, but also one of the Seven Imperial Wonders of the modern world. It's a picturesque landscape nearly without equal in the world, combining pre-Columbian civilization and modern convenience.

"You know, you didn't have to include the other girls," you state quietly, one arm wrapped around Euphemia's waist.

Your sister giggles as she rests her head on your shoulder, watching the rising clouds begin to cover the landscape. "Oh Lelouch... the fact that you're willing to set aside so much time means the world to me, especially given that I know you'd rather be attending to matters in China."

You sigh and push down the desire to unsheathe your PDA and do as Euphemia just suggested. "Regardless of what's going on in the world, I would be a failure as a man, let alone as a prince, if I did not cleave to my word. Even were I inclined to spend more time working, which is simply not the case with someone as beautiful as you within arm's reach, at the very least I felt I should display my gratitude for how deftly you coordinated affairs with Minister Weber."

"Hmm, I wonder..." Euphie makes a show of giving you a faux-gimlet eye. "You make it sound as though I am some kind of obligation with all of this talk of your word and matters of gratitude."

Your cheeks heat slightly and Euphemia laughs a bit more as you clear your throat. Bringing the knuckles of her hand to your lips, you brush them lightly, feeling both relieved and satisfied when she blushes in return. "Euphie, if you wish it put plainly, then I will say it again and again as many times as it need be said: I love you. Being here with you is neither obligation nor duty, but pleasure of the highest quality. That is why I invited you to a series of romantic evenings this year. Kallen knows I care for her, as does Jeanne, each in their own way. I have not quite made a clear determination of how things stand with Milly, or Kaguya if it comes to that, but they are not here. You and I are."

You don't quite ask the question again, but the thrust of your statements is clear enough.

Euphie sighs and cuddles deeper into your embrace as mists weave about you on the isolated mountaintop. Her blue-violet eyes scan over the horizon idly, a comforting silence stretching between you two.

"I love my mother, Lulu, really I do." She states, seemingly apropos of nothing. You decline to remark on the declaration, allowing her to continue. "But her marriage to father is one of convenience. I'm grateful to them, obviously, for the lives my sister and I both have, but their's is a marriage I would not wish for myself. A great deal of which is because of father's other wives."

This time, you feel compelled to speak. Not quite interrupt given the extended thoughtful pause of Euphemia's silence, but speak nonetheless. "...Euphie, if this is preamble to making a request of me, I am not sure that I can-"

Euphemia reaches up and taps a finger to your lips, quieting your words.

"It is," your sister states, "but not the request you believe I am making. I do not believe it will be too onerous upon you, either. I simply ask that you not leave your personal life as a secondary concern, as the Emperor does and as Brother Schneizel seems intent to do."

You inhale deeply of her perfume and the chill, damp, mountain air.

"I cannot promise, such, dear sister," you whisper, "but I will make the attempt. I would not wish my children to be wary of their half-siblings in the way I am of so many of ours."

"That is all I can ask." Euphemia sighs, then leans up and kisses you.

The moment stretches in a quiet eternity and, for that time, you wish it could go on like that forever. Eventually, though, you break away. Euphemia smiles, then kisses you on the cheek.

"If you have it in your heart, though, I would ask another favor," she implores, "don't be angry with Gino? I was the one to initiate things."

You roll your eyes. "It would be hypocritical of me to be irritated with him." You smirk. "I will, however, reserve the right to allow him to believe otherwise for a little while longer. I wonder if he really believed his time in your chambers would go unnoticed last year?"

"He is a bit naive like that." Euphie giggles again. "Still, he was wonderful to keep me company last year while you were running about so busily."

The light reproach in her voice isn't lost on you.

"The stakes of the previous year were unavoidably high," you sigh, still feeling the exhuastion of the previous year. These past few months, though, have been good for you. It hasn't been quite a vacation, but it has been extremely enjoyable.

"Truthfully, I would rather not have seen all of Asia go up in flames of war, so you are forgiven. This time." Euphie smiles.

You smile back, then the two of you head back to the ancient stone building.

Now that you had seen such a wonderful sunrise, it felt correct to celebrate such a thing by spending the rest of the day in bed.

Results: Euphemia SL Progress (+1), Euphemia becomes a Lover, Lowest Lover's [Jeanne Rowe] SL Progresses (+1), Reveal Euphemia & Gino's Relationship without Negative Consequence, Small Stress Reduction.
Your Personal Shadow: 75+15 = 90 + 10 (omake) = 100
Contrary to the conversation you held with Euphie at the end of the year, your discussion with Sayoko was a much... simpler one, at least in terms of how it was discussed. There was none of the slow feeling out of each other that was so common among royals. Even among ones so closely allied as yourself and Euphemia, it was second nature enough that you found yourself hard-pressed to drop pretenses.

Sayoko, during one of your private meetings discussing your influence and growth in the Japanese government, simply looked up and addressed you very bluntly.

"Your Highness, though I know it is out of place for one of my standing to make such a request upon a better of your standing, I would like to preface this matter by stating I have good reason to believe such a potential arrangement will be beneficial to both of us."

Well, it would perhaps not be blunt by the standards of a commoner, but by political maneuvering of the high royal court it was of a kind with slapping the conversation partner in the face with a cold fish. Still, you were not one of your siblings and lacked an over-inflated ego which would dictate your response to-

"I would proposition that a sexual union between yourself and myself to bear a child is in both our favors." She continued and, thankfully, you weren't drinking at the time.

For several seconds you are simply struck speechless.

Then, you took a deep breath to steady yourself and you set down the document you'd been studying.

"I see." You stated simply, managing to make a broad gesture. "Continue, please."

Sayoko lowered her head demurely. "As you know, your highness, Japanese culture places great social and legal power at the hands of male individuals, much preferring they lead organizations, companies, and family units."

You nodded, feeling more in your element after the sudden and uncomfortable shock.

"You're saying that the disparate shinobi clans you serve as the liaison for, and whom I have unified under a single banner, are dissatisfied by the fact that the highest member of their elite to interact with me is both female and young." You pause for consideration. "They have also likely cited your relative inexperience as the reason your clan was expelled from the country after the death of your father."

Sayoko gives another deep nod, frowning more than slightly. "Indeed your highness, that is just the case. Additionally, they have used the fact that I am without a successor to push the narrative that I am more your lapdog than loyal and obedient to the clans' collective interests, let alone my own extended family."

You lean back, interlacing your fingers in thought.

"How severe of a problem is this?" You ask, displeased that you had not foreseen this issue.

Sayoko sighs lightly, a bit of tension leaving her frame as she internalizes the fact that you are not going to overreact to her... request. "At the moment, sire? It is not overly concerning, merely a cause of some quiet discontent. I believe the relative lack of outspoken disapproval owes itself to the fact that many of the of-age shinobi and active infiltrators are still at work setting up covers or ensuring that they cannot be traced in their paths to immigrate to New Caledonia."

You nod slowly, to yourself more than Sayoko. "I can see why you brought this up now, if we had waited to address such a molehill, it might very well make itself into a mountain."

The two of you share a conspiratorial smile.

"If you are opposed to such a union," Sayoko continues hesitantly, shifting slightly in her seat, "there are alternative solutions. One my agents have informed me is being spoken of quietly in some circles is that I wed either one of the younger clan elders or a senior field agent."

You cradle your chin and narrow your eyes. "A soft usurpation of the power and authority granted to you, de facto, given your soon-to-be status as my primary advisor on matters of spycraft and intelligence gathering. Would such a marriage negatively influence your ability to perform in that capacity?"

Sayoko is quiet for a long moment, almost scowling. "In truth? I cannot accurately guess, vi Britannia-denka, as such an estimation would necessitate I know who, precisely, they plan to arrange for me to pressure to wed. If pressed, though, I would say that the elders would prefer the status quo arrangement rather than risk conflict should you grow dissatisfied with the results of our current relationship and appoint a new advisor wholesale."

"Which would place them in a similar quandry," you continue. "A potential black horse with unknown political allegiance among themselves that could replace whomever they select."

It is a choice, even if a bit distasteful, given the fact you have confidence in Sayoko's assessment of the matter. "So, then if I'm correct, you wish me to father a child with you because it would mark you as my woman, which due to my status as their social superior would make the clans' elders rescind any theoretical plots to marry you off. This would also enable you to fulfill your final obligation as your clan's head and produce an heir."

Sayoko nods again. "Precisely, sire. Of course, the child would not stand to inherit anything associated with your status as royalty of Britannia. He or she would stand to take my place as head of the shinobi clans and I would sign any contract put before me to that effect."

You remain reclined, unlacing your fingers to begin tapping the tips of your fingers together and frowning. "The one major impediment to this plan, should I decide to move forward with it, is Euphemia's opinion." Truthfully, you would like to consult all your lovers on the matter, but Jeanne would insist it wasn't her place to be part of this decision and Kallen would...

...probably pretend it didn't bother her.

You didn't quite know if it would or not.

Come to think of it, Kallen probably wouldn't be sure either.

Euphemia simply had the most relevant and important opinion on the matter because, barring extenuating circumstances, you would be marrying her one day. While having a bastard or two waiting in the wings as insurance was almost expected in this day and age, Euphie was a royal and you didn't simply wish to presume-

"She has said she will allow it." Sayoko states.

Your body freezes, acting in tandem with your mind.

"You... asked... Euphie?" You manage, shocked enough to drop decorum and call your sister by her nickname.

Sayoko dips her head so that she thinks you can't see her smirk. "I would not wish for my request to cause my lord any undue distress."

Well, holy shit.

"...and she said yes?" You press, trying to wrap your head around... well, no. The fact that Euphie would agree wasn't that strange. Where you saw plans, numbers, manipulations, shadows to move about and through... Euphie was much the same, only with an ability to move the hearts of even those who did not wish to be moved. If there truly was one member of the royal family who could coax blood from a stone it would be-


Months later, the thought completes itself, finally.

After long days of contemplation, you feel the epiphany take shape.

Euphie wants you to have a child with Sayoko, because it will show her what kind of father you'll be, even if you can't publicly announce the child's parentage. Your sister wants to see if you're capable of balancing a family with your responsibilities as a prince before you and she get married in the coming years.

Clever girl.

You can still refuse, though. There is ample enough reason. Sayoko, while an ideal advisor, is not inherently irreplaceable, and there's every chance you'll be able to work with whomever the clans pressure her to wed. You also won't be forced to reschedule your entire life for a child that, if you are entirely honest with yourself, you aren't sure you're ready for.

With that in mind, you decide...

[ ][CHILD] Have a child with Sayoko, you will make the time.
[ ][CHILD] Do not have a child with Sayoko, you're too busy at the moment.



Last Note: I have a Patreon Now. In no way is it necessary, but if you like what I do, consider funding me. Getting the page ready was part of the delay for this update. For the moment I'll be posting a lot of my old work as an archive for people to check out, things I've never published and that sort. After I get all that up, I'll likely be giving early access to some stuff I'm posting on QQ as well as a few QM omake for this quest.

Link: Slayer Anderson is creating Fanfiction, Original Fiction | Patreon
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The new SL perks are as follows:

Euphemia SL 6 Perk: +5 to All Personal Actions involving more than one Lover.
Jeanne SL 6 Perk: +1 Reroll to Any Martial Action involving Jeanne Rowe
Wait, so Euphemia and Gino were already in a relationship? What would the consequences have been had we waited even longer? Kinda odd that it was never brought up if Lelouch suspected it.
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