Semper Ad Meliora (Code Geass/Britannian Royalty Quest)

This is why Lelouch can't have friends, all of a sudden I am scared of continuing ginos SL. At this point it's not even a preference for F/M relationships I just want a damn friend who is just a friend, a good one but not a "good" one.
Is it too much to want to keep Lelouch's relationship with Sayoko purely platonic-professional?
This is why Lelouch can't have friends, all of a sudden I am scared of continuing ginos SL. At this point it's not even a preference for F/M relationships I just want a damn friend who is just a friend, a good one but not a "good" one.
'Professional' in regards to shinobi has a different ring to it than more modern mindsets.

Hmm... to give the thread something to discuss, I've mentioned before that Sayoko has fulfilled pretty much every requirement that could be expected of her as the head of the Shinozaki. Inasmuch as it's possible for her to do so after getting kicked out of Japan.

The one thing she hasn't accomplished? Giving the clan an heir.

Sayoko doesn't want romance, she wants a kid.
'Professional' in regards to shinobi has a different ring to it than more modern mindsets.

Hmm... to give the thread something to discuss, I've mentioned before that Sayoko has fulfilled pretty much every requirement that could be expected of her as the head of the Shinozaki. Inasmuch as it's possible for her to do so after getting kicked out of Japan.

The one thing she hasn't accomplished? Giving the clan an heir.

Sayoko doesn't want romance, she wants a kid.

Oh good! Now we can get Marianne off our case about grandkids!
'Professional' in regards to shinobi has a different ring to it than more modern mindsets.

Hmm... to give the thread something to discuss, I've mentioned before that Sayoko has fulfilled pretty much every requirement that could be expected of her as the head of the Shinozaki. Inasmuch as it's possible for her to do so after getting kicked out of Japan.

The one thing she hasn't accomplished? Giving the clan an heir.

Sayoko doesn't want romance, she wants a kid.

Not having to be a romantic relationship simplifies this, but what's left is still complex and will need to worked out with lots of communication and personal actions later on. Making sure Kallen, Jeanne, and perhaps Euphemia, Milly, and Kaguya are all okay with this is going to be very important if we do (plan to) accept.
It's rolled. I'll reveal it in an update later.
Hmmm. Out of interest, does this and other rolls regarding psionic potential for our hero-units benefit from Sayoko's SL 4 Perk, among other things?
SL 4 Perk: +5 to Trait Rolls for Retinue.
And on more iddle speculation about Sayoko, I'm gonna guess that we might be finally on the verge of finding out what these traits of hers involve in the next update:
Blood of the Kami: ???

Living Shadow: ???
The Briefing: [Roll To Be Determined - Choose how much info is briefed.]
This will be a hard choice. Most likely depending on who will be getting briefed. If it goes well I am honestly expecting Jeager to work closely with Madison on getting to the moon (and all those tasty preserved ancient facilities).
But why am I getting a premonition of Milly, who found out aliens are real, teasing Lelouch that he just wants to add some blue alien space babes to his harem while Lelouch commenting that the Prometheans were definitely not his type.
Pink: 61+15 = 76 +15 (omake) = 91 PASS
At least the very expensive date turned out alright. We most likely won't have an angry Tzarina after our head now for messing it up.
Now we just need to clear the air with Kallen and Jeane next turn. I wonder if Euphy de-escalation bonus will be helpful with that.
Your Personal Shadow: 75+15 = 90 + 10 (omake) = 100 PASS
It seems we solved solved some potential problems for our head of intelligence operations with subordinates pushing her to produce a heir as tradition demands. I wonder if the omake bonus pushing us from a DC90 to a 100 result will result in twins.
Either way I am predicting Marianne deciding she needs some tropical vacation at our private exclusive beach resort. And we better build one for her not to make her a liar.

With all the talk of heirs I got reminded about the fact that the clans breed for psionic potential and have a tendency of bringing outsiders with potential into the clan. We are also planning to grab a lot of refuges with psionic talent from the African conflict. I wonder what are the chances that our intelligence organization will lose its greatest limiter in expanding their infiltration. By that I mean them being almost exclusively Japanese.
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'Professional' in regards to shinobi has a different ring to it than more modern mindsets.

Hmm... to give the thread something to discuss, I've mentioned before that Sayoko has fulfilled pretty much every requirement that could be expected of her as the head of the Shinozaki. Inasmuch as it's possible for her to do so after getting kicked out of Japan.

The one thing she hasn't accomplished? Giving the clan an heir.

Sayoko doesn't want romance, she wants a kid.
So I remember my first post in this quest was asking about if a Sayoko relationship was being teased, and now we have the answer.

So why does the Shinobi have a tradition requiring a heir from their liege lord?
I'm guessing the symbolism behind it is something like: linking the Shinobi clan in such a way ties their bloodline and seals the contract of loyalty to Lelouch. It still seems unnecessarily complicated though.

Just to be sure, kids borne by the Royal members won't always recognized for inheritance, so a hypothetical kid with Sayoko won't be an issue?

On that note, was Naoto Kozuki ever considered a Noble by Britannia or did he give up such privileges later on after becoming estranged?
If Naoto decides to reconcile with his Father, would it be possible for him to be reinstated, if so? Moot point, I realized Isaac could easily raise his status, like he did for Kallen making her a Countess.
With all the talk of heirs I got reminded about the fact that the clans breed for psionic potential and have a tendency of bringing outsiders with potential into the clan. We are also planning to grab a lot of refuges with psionic talent from the African conflict. I wonder what are the chances that our intelligence organization will lose its greatest limiter in expanding their infiltration. By that I mean them being almost exclusively Japanese.
When talking about inter-relations with the shinobi, keep in mind they're very insular by tradition. So if they do bring outsiders into the Clans, it won't be on any large-scale. We'd be better off training the refugees and forming another Psychic group with them, than hoping they'd mix together.
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When talking about inter-relations with the shinobi, keep in mind they're very insular by tradition. So if they do bring outsiders into the Clans, it won't be on any large-scale. We'd be better off training the refugees and forming another Psychic group with them, than hoping they'd mix together.
I don't expect it to happen automatically. We will have to use our influence with the clans that we worked on getting in Weaving Silk Threads when Lelouch trained to show he is strong enough in the shinobi arts to lead the clans. The problem with making a new infiltration group out of the refuges that is separate from the clans is that it would cause friction. By making another group that basically will be doing their job and most likely using their techniques but outside the clans will be seen as something similar to what happened with the Japanese Government. That there are things they are not trusted to do.

On the other hand as the recruitment action has shown the clans are starting to open to outsiders. First of all the Japanese intelligence agents managed to hurt them and hurt them badly when the government raided their super secret caches of weapons. They learned from that. There was also the infiltration test against li Britannia security which our shinobi lost. That made them open to learning new techniques and updating to the modern world. Also during the New Heaven infiltration there was more cooperation and some training of our non shinobi agents in how to evade psionic detection. As the tactics proposed by the shinobi during the New Heaven invasion (setting the fuel tanks to blow up the port) have shown they are very pragmatic.

Getting select recruits that show potential from the refuges to go through shinobi training and get adopted into the clan structure will actually cause less tensions than forming a new branch that mostly excludes the japanese due to ethnicity but is responsible for agents outside east Asia.
That's Euphie's question, it's Lelouch's responsibility to answer.

Hope you have one in mind.:D
I'm kinda assuming she's traditional enough to want Lelouch to propose to her. I mean, Euphemia will likely be hinting at it with increasing frequency and obviousness, but shouldn't we have a few years before she grows frustrated enough to force the issue?

Actually, will a wedding consume more than one personal action?
@Slayer Anderson minor mistake on Schneizel's SL entry: you put "Military" instead of "Martial" for his first stat.
Will fix.

Also updated the finances to include both turn 10 income and expenditures for Phase I.
So I remember my first post in this quest was asking about if a Sayoko relationship was being teased, and now we have the answer.

So why does the Shinobi have a tradition requiring a heir from their liege lord?
I'm guessing the symbolism behind it is something like: linking the Shinobi clan in such a way ties their bloodline and seals the contract of loyalty to Lelouch. It still seems unnecessarily complicated though.
'Relationship' is again, a strong word for what's being proposed here.

Sayoko just wants Lelouch to father at least one child with her. No dates, no romance, nothing like that.

Further, there's no actual tradition requiring an heir from their lord. Because that's not what's at play here.

Sayoko is having to deal with Japanese social norms. Specifically, those of being a woman. There's strong push for her to get married, have her husband take over at least some of the power as the functional head of all the clans, and get busy making children. The decision to not do that means snubbing a lot of the elders, who might raise a fuss in various inventive ways. Perhaps even to the point of asking Lelouch to appoint someone else to serve as the go-between for the shinobi and himself.

Lelouch fathering a child is essentially a third option. Sayoko gets pregnant, has an heir, and is 'taken' by someone powerful enough to enforce his claim on her within the political framework that the shinobi are building.

Kunoichi, after all, are not above using their feminine wiles to get what they want.

Also, there's something to be said for the symbolism of a half-Britannian leading the clans into the future given the position they're in now.

Edit: This is all a blurb, of course. More details and an extensive discussion will be in the update. Probably later on this week. Towards Thursday or Friday. Busy week coming up.
Just to be sure, kids borne by the Royal members won't always recognized for inheritance, so a hypothetical kid with Sayoko won't be an issue?

On that note, was Naoto Kozuki ever considered a Noble by Britannia or did he give up such privileges later on after becoming estranged?
If Naoto decides to reconcile with his Father, would it be possible for him to be reinstated, if so? Moot point, I realized Isaac could easily raise his status, like he did for Kallen making her a Countess.
The default position of any hypothetical child between Lelouch and Sayoko would be an heir/heiress to the kunoichi clans' leadership, not any association with Britannia's line of succession. The child would be a royal bastard unless and until such time as he or she were legitimized which... probably won't happen given the child's mother. It would be an act of desperate necessity on Lelouch's part for it to happen.

Naoto/Nathan Kozuki-Stadtfeld is... a complicated issue. At this point, he's not technically in line for anything (other than some money and property in Japan), but as Kallen serves with Lelouch it's looking more and more like his father might need to push the issue or get a niece or nephew to take things over. One of the big issues with Naoto succeeding his father would be an arranged marriage to a 'proper' Britannian woman with a pedigree to make things more palatable and give Naoto at least some idea of what he's doing politically and economically.
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Poor Lelouch, his life just won't stop being too complicated, this is why I voted to go see Clovis, he needs more male normal friends
How old is Isaac Stadfeldt at this point? I ask because it does affect the urgency to which we would treat the Kallen options. Also tangentially the question of who is the next Duke of Westhaven and the Stadfeldt... shipping? fortune.

Westhaven itself, is not insignificant, as of the homeland dukedoms it seems quite powerful, also they have quite a bit of synergy with Ashfordshire. Given their familial alliance, and close borders, and Ashford Conglomerate, Westhaven and Ashfordshire are likely a good portion of our influence within the homeland. So it's not like we can ignore the inheritance question.

Ultimately the question comes to this, does Kallen want to be the next Duchess of Westhaven? When that happens is probably going to affect our decision. If it is in two years? probably no. In ten years, after Australia and she's become the Marchioness of <looks at map> Queensland? This is likely the question we need to have with Kallen, and unfortunately there ARE political considerations to make here.

There's probably a myriad of other options but given that it seems Naoto left Brittania, Kallen is interested in a military career, and that Isaac's current wife is infertile... The Westhaven Succession Crisis is barreling right for us.
How old is Isaac Stadfeldt at this point? I ask because it does affect the urgency to which we would treat the Kallen options. Also tangentially the question of who is the next Duke of Westhaven and the Stadfeldt... shipping? fortune.
He's not that old. Early-fifties at this point. That's part of why it hasn't become an issue yet.
Ultimately the question comes to this, does Kallen want to be the next Duchess of Westhaven?
Lelouch can't say for certain.
One of the big issues with Naoto succeeding his father would be an arranged marriage to a 'proper' Britannian woman with a pedigree to make things more palatable and give Naoto at least some idea of what he's doing politically and economically.
lets hope that naoto doesnt have a japanese sweetheart because i doubt that he would want to copy his father and marry one woman for love (in japan) and another for politics in Brittania

edit: i wonder if we can set euphieor somebody else to matchmake for kallens brother
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