Semper Ad Meliora (Code Geass/Britannian Royalty Quest)

I surprisingly don't care about Schneizel sister or at least the last few update have redirected my priorities around the civil war and how to get the best reward from it. And I guess marrying Lihua and still being friendly with Xingke at the same time.
Édit: oh God I'm afraid of writing the question incorrectly and wasting it.
Ehh. Just by taking Guangzhou and commiting our entire fleet to go aid the empress we have pretty much earned top notch rewards, which Ironically is marrying Lihua, and possibly becoming a minister of one of her ministries, preferably intrigue or stewardship. A good avenue might be asking what, or who, is the biggest obstacle post war to Lihua having her own harem.

Personally I think the problem with learning about his sister ooc, is it's a taboo subject, so it's not something we can really learn about easily in quest even once we know it out of quest. Sort of a dead end, which makes it so there are better things to spend the question on.
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Still typing up the answers, but I feel compelled to ask this:
1. Please provide a deep dive into Lihua's character, personality, agenda, ideals, etc. insofar as we players can use such info to plot the best relationship with her (marriage, etc).
@Resonant - So... instead of answering your question word-for-word, I kind of want to give some very specific advice because there's this... thing that could happen if certain choices get made and I want to enjoy reactions to it. Basically, I'm offering something of a Path to Victory for Lihua. You won't know why you're doing what you're doing, but it will get you mucho cred+ with Lihua if you follow it. Not without repercussions, of course, as there are consequences for every course of action, but... Lihua will give you what amounts to nearly a blank check.

Do you want the answer? Or do you want my advice?
Huh. So I missed it. Drat. Oh well.

Still typing up the answers, but I feel compelled to ask this:

@Resonant - So... instead of answering your question word-for-word, I kind of want to give some very specific advice because there's this... thing that could happen if certain choices get made and I want to enjoy reactions to it. Basically, I'm offering something of a Path to Victory for Lihua. You won't know why you're doing what you're doing, but it will get you mucho cred+ with Lihua if you follow it. Not without repercussions, of course, as there are consequences for every course of action, but... Lihua will give you what amounts to nearly a blank check.

Do you want the answer? Or do you want my advice?
My take is, answer probably gets you what you want just by being clever about it, but advise is a sure path to victory, but with all the major fallout of say, interfering in a matter of high treason. I have to wonder if the advise isn't directly at odds with some of our other goals, while the answer might let us seek balance. Your call @Resonant . I'm honestly fine either way.

This sounds like what we managed with Kallen during the mess with her family. We made basically the optimal choices and accelerated our relationship with her by several orders of magnitude.

Semper Ad Meliora (Code Geass/Britannian Royalty Quest) Sci-Fi

We should be getting that naturally to some just by participating in the civil war on her side. Seriously, between invading, taking guangzhou bloodlessly, in a manner that strongly favors her legitimacy, and send all our naval assets to break the blockade so she can make for the capital and end her peoples suffering, we should be at least 3/5th to 7/10th of the way there.
Still typing up the answers, but I feel compelled to ask this:

@Resonant - So... instead of answering your question word-for-word, I kind of want to give some very specific advice because there's this... thing that could happen if certain choices get made and I want to enjoy reactions to it. Basically, I'm offering something of a Path to Victory for Lihua. You won't know why you're doing what you're doing, but it will get you mucho cred+ with Lihua if you follow it. Not without repercussions, of course, as there are consequences for every course of action, but... Lihua will give you what amounts to nearly a blank check.

Do you want the answer? Or do you want my advice?
I'll definitely take the QM advice if it's as beneficial and amusing as portrayed. Only realizing the implications of what we've done after the fact is already Lelouch's M.O. so I'm all for seeing what you've got in store for Lihua ^^
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Page 600 Q&A
What are all of Schneizel's darker secrets and plots such as his Heart of Ice trait or his attempted infiltration of OSI/Geass Directorate?
What are all of Schneizel's darker secrets and plots such as his Heart of Ice trait or his attempted infiltration of OSI/Geass Directorate? (Charles implied he accidentally scarred his heir in the Victor bromance omake)
Schneizel's [Heart of Ice] Trait is the result of him seeing the accident that took his sister from him at a young age. It's also the reason why Odysseus is as broken as he is. Oh, and it's why the Artificial Code Project got shut down... officially, at least, because VV is a sneaky boi.

Schneizel has exhausted his official and unofficial routes of access to OSI (which he does not know the other half of is the Geass Directorate) information on psionics and has been extending tentative feelers to a shadowy European Organization (which he does not know the identity or the intentions of) to get more information about how to contain or remove psionic abilities so that he can fix what happened to Cellina. His sister is under strict containment protocols set in place by CC in the Britannian White Site in Centralia, in the Duchy of Pennsylvannia on the east coast of the Homeland.

Why such strict containment?

Point at the pissant little demi-god in charge of New Heaven and laugh with me at how pathetic he truly is in comparison to what Cellina has become.

Getting Cellina back is all Schneizel wants, in the end. The world can burn if that's what it takes. He certainly doesn't actually care about the throne.
1. Please provide a deep dive into Lihua's character, personality, agenda, ideals, etc. insofar as we players can use such info to plot the best relationship with her (marriage, etc).

  • Keep at least half the Britannian Fleets at Guangzhou.
  • Preferably, the half with Jeanne because she's level-headed and less likely to shoot first.
  • If you do send half the fleets north to aid the Empress, do not let Kaguya go.
  • Do not let the Eunuchs escape.
  • Do not kill the body-double.
  • Do not, under any circumstances, make a deal.
  • Do not let anyone else kill the body-double.
  • When the time comes, let Nunnally speak with Lihua and honor your promise to Euphemia.
  • Let Xingke take the top spot.
What are all of Carine's agenda/plans, with emphasis on the ones related to Lelouch or her siblings? (Especially in regards to Lelouch)
What are Carine's plans?
What are all of Carine's agenda/plans, with emphasis on the ones related to Lelouch and her siblings?
Carine is currently in talks to marry the heir to the Emperor of New Spain, a boy about a decade younger than herself. She and her mother have had a bit of a falling out over it given that Carine is taking steps away from going directly for the throne this generation. At least, as long as nothing huge changes with the current status quo.

Carine's plans are to construct a new and larger canal between the Gulf of Mexico and the Pacific Ocean. It's why she's been buying up last-gen KMF units the way she has (mentioned by Milly last turn), to use them as retrofitted construction vehicles and earth movers.

Her attempts to cozy up to Milly and, through her, Lelouch for a number of reasons. She wants to keep Guinevere on-guard and make sure her older sister knows that Carine won't just sit back and take it easy without constant attention and kick-backs for her efforts, lest she find another patron/partner. So Lelouch/Euphie's faction is a veiled threat to Guinevere that there are other groups she could ally with. Lelouch has also become something of a name to conjure with in East Asia and the South Pacific, so making nice with him could net her a great deal of shipping contracts for her new canal and/or financial support while she's still building it.

Also, as a side note, Carine's got a few psionic relics she accidentally stumbled upon when she confiscated land for 'archaeological digs' so that she could force some people to give up their deeds when they didn't want to sell. Actually finding shit was a complete stroke of luck and she's fiddling around with them while trying to evaluate both their worth and how much she could get for them on the open market/trading them to the OSI (who low-key love that shit)/trading to you because scuttlebutt and rumors have Lelouch interested in some of that as well.

Long term, it's possible that Carine wants to marry a child she has to the next generation of Britannian royalty and have her child become emperor/empress of Britannia.
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  • Keep at least half the Britannian Fleets at Guangzhou.
  • Preferably, the half with Jeanne because she's level-headed and less likely to fire first.
  • If you do send half the fleets north to aid the Empress, do not let Kaguya go.
  • Do not let the Eunuchs escape.
  • Do not kill the body-double.
  • Do not, under any circumstances, make a deal.
  • Do not let anyone else kill the body-double.
  • When the time comes, let Nunnally speak with Lihua and honor your promise to Euphemia.
  • Let Xingke take the top spot.
Ooookay... So I guess a new plan needs to be reworked quickly to follow the laid out Path to Lihua... Still trying to grasp the implications/hints behind this lol. Glad to know my question managed to spark your sadistic QM side Slayer ;)
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Well huh. So @Slayer Anderson from his inherited memories through the Relic does Lelouch know of any ways to remove psychic powers while leaving the subject alive?

Also that list of advice is good and honestly given how Slayer said 'atleast half the fleet' I'd much rather keep the whole damn fleet to be safe because it does sound like theres trouble coming.
[ ] Plan Lihua's Path to Victory
-[ ][TO] Land All Mercenaries
-[ ][BF] Split the Britannian Fleets
-[ ][CFF] Chinese Federation Fleet Sails to Aide the Empress
-[ ][LX] General Li Xingke will Embark for:
--[ ] Nanning

Anyone interested in going for the suggested plan of action that Slayer provided? Took the previously popular plan and tweaked it to split our fleet. We'll get another vote after this for where to send them and with whom.

After some consideration, I decided to play it safe and keep the whole fleet with us since it's clear whatever's going to happen in Guangzhou is the main priority and worth more than whatever military credit we gain from helping break the Empress' blockade in the north.

[X] Plan: Cash In
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Ooookay... So I guess a new plan needs to be reworked quickly to follow the laid out Path to Lihua... Still trying to grasp the implications/hints behind this lol. Glad to know my question managed to spark your sadistic QM side Slayer ;)
He said at least half the fleet. So it's not that we specifically need just half of our fleet to stay, just that at least some of it needs to stay for it to happen, preferably Jeanne's half as Greta is liable to shoot.

Presumably someone is either going to try and enter Guangzhou or leave via ship.

So Plan: Cash In works fine for this.
When the time comes, let Nunnally speak with Lihua and honor your promise to Euphemia.
By honor our promise to Euphemia you mean-
I simply ask that you not leave your personal life as a secondary concern, as the Emperor does and as Brother Schneizel seems intent to do."
You mean this right?
X] Plan Lihua's Path to Victory
-[X][TO] Land All Mercenaries
-[X][BF] Split the Britannian Fleets
-[X][CFF] Chinese Federation Fleet Sails to Aide the Empress
-[X][LX] General Li Xingke will Embark for:
--[X] Nanning
[X] Plan Lihua's Path to Victory

I think we can afford to send at least greta with the battleship and cruisers.
[X] Plan Lihua's Path to Victory
-[X][TO] Land All Mercenaries
-[X][BF] Split the Britannian Fleets
-[X][CFF] Chinese Federation Fleet Sails to Aide the Empress
-[X][LX] General Li Xingke will Embark for:
--[X] Nanning
  • When the time comes, let Nunnally speak with Lihua and honor your promise to Euphemia.
  • Let Xingke take the top spot.
What promise did we make to Euphie again, the one to be a decent parent? Xingke taking the top spot means he gets most of the credit when this is all over?

For those switching their votes, can you also consider approval voting "Plan Lihua's Path to Victory" which splits our fleet? We'll be able to pick how much to send and I want to at least throw Greta a bone so she can have fun shooting the Eunuch fleets with a small contingent.
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