Semper Ad Meliora (Code Geass/Britannian Royalty Quest)

Maybe you should be somewhat vague as to what we can do to meet CC, so the player base won't know precisely what choices will net them the desired result.
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Alright, that's three.

It'll take me a few hours to get answers written out. Both because I'd dead tired and need some sleep and because I want to think over what my answers will be and not make a mistake like last time.
@Slayer Anderson can we add some nuance to that question by taking it...
Can you give us a summary of the media coverage of Lelouch's invasion of china by the major polities, as well as Eunuch China, Tianzi China, indonesia, and india?
And combining it with this?

To be frank, you've answered hypotheticals like what whenyouseeyou is asking without OOC once in a 100 pages question status before, so making it somewhat worthwhile by including information on the actual media coverage of our invasion happening in universe right now would make it more of an OOC question than juat you answering another of whenyouseeyou hypotheticals.
Maybe you should be somewhat vague as to what we can do to meet CC, so the player base won't know precisely what choices will net them the desired result.
He's not planning to give out more guides...
What can we do to meet with CC?
Though frankly, given we have prior confirmation that Schneizel and Charles will be having a talk with Lelouch when everything is done, likely giving us an opportunity to ask Charles and learn how to do this in quest so Lelouch can actually follow up on it as a goal, it's kind of a waste.
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@Slayer Anderson can we add some nuance to that question by taking it...

And combining it with this?

To be frank, you've answered hypotheticals like what whenyouseeyou is asking without OOC once in a 100 pages question status before, so making it somewhat worthwhile by including information on the actual media coverage of our invasion happening in universe right now would make it more of an OOC question than juat you answering another of whenyouseeyou hypotheticals.

He's not planning to give out more guides...

Though frankly, given we have prior confirmation that Schneizel and Charles will be having a talk with Lelouch when everything is done, likely giving us an opportunity to ask Charles and learn how to do this in quest so Lelouch can actually follow up on it as a goal, it's kind of a waste.
I disagree on my question being a waste. More C.C . is the number one thing I feel that this quest is missing and we have no guarantee that we will be given an obvious route to her rather than it being obfuscated (as would be the norm given the QM's style and the secrecy C.C. operates in), so given how badly I want us to interact with C.C. it seems like a worthwhile use of a question to guarantee we know what we need to do.
I disagree on my question being a waste. More C.C . is the number one thing I feel that this quest is missing and we have no guarantee that we will be given an obvious route to her rather than it being obfuscated (as would be the norm given the QM's style and the secrecy C.C. operates in), so given how badly I want us to interact with C.C. it seems like a worthwhile use of a question to guarantee we know what we need to do.
We are going to get a meeting with Charles, after doing something truly impressive and game changing, while in possession of knowledge of a secret race of psionic trees that seemingly no one else knows about because the geass directorate doesn't maintain a strong presence in Asia. It would be strange for said meeting to not give us actions too open up an in quest route to meeting CC and the larger psionic community.

Though frankly I'm personally not all that interested. That single mocking comment and otherwise apathetic silence she showed in Pendragon interlude is pretty much the most we can expect for her. That and her general cryptic games she plays in canon are all things I'm happy to pass on. Canon Lelouch can keep his eternally youthful granny pizza fiend. We have actual Waifu's, including rare pairs. Why would we settle for rehashed 5000 times over joke of a relationship between CC and Lelouch?
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So we are limited on questions

Ah well, I only had minor ones, like what Zilikhstan has been doing during all of this, or which starting choice character besides Lelouch does Anderson think would have been the most interesting if selected instead.
I disagree on my question being a waste. More C.C . is the number one thing I feel that this quest is missing and we have no guarantee that we will be given an obvious route to her rather than it being obfuscated (as would be the norm given the QM's style and the secrecy C.C. operates in), so given how badly I want us to interact with C.C. it seems like a worthwhile use of a question to guarantee we know what we need to do.
Also, Slayer is trying to be careful with what he let's slip plot wise through these this time, so your probably not going to get something exact enough for a guarantee.
Maybe you should be somewhat vague as to what we can do to meet CC, so the player base won't know precisely what choices will net them the desired result.

"That's a nice space pyramid you got there. I sure hope that it doesn't reach a certain level of research that would cause it to release a pulse only detectable by specific attuned individuals."
Not Just Bloodthirsty by FalloutCow - Canon (+10 Omake Bonus)
Not Just Bloodthirsty

Those familiar Admiral Greta Romano would to man describe her as zealous in her pursuit and execution of battle. Even by the standards of conquest favoring Britannia, the extremes of total warfare in which she engages are as extensive as they are effective "She is," they would say, "a ravenous creature of the deep, eager to turn the sea red, and undaunted by death.

Admiral Romano would never deny such claims. The more focus on Greta's brutality, the less there was on her naval victories. Though she may clarify that her bloodlust was a later development, albeit an inevitable one.

Unfortunately, opportunities to sate her battle lust were few, in terms of major engagements. Ever since her Prince promoted her, Greta found little in the way of large battles. Even in situations where they should be all but guaranteed.

It is in one such situation our admiral finds herself.

By all accounts, invading China should by no means be this peaceful. Doubly so during a civil war. Triply when making landfall on enemy territory.

Yet, her Prince found a way.

So, here she was, standing by while Kaguya conducted diplomacy with her own people.

While watching the Japanese princess confront betrayal from family and fiance, Greta found her mind wandering. 'Hmm…' she thought, 'Something has changed with lady Kaguya. Since her fiance's appearance, she's been…' Greta searched for the words, 'holding something back. I've heard that lady Kaguya had issues with her fiance, well former fiance. He must be a truly exhausting individual for his mere appearance to make lady Kaguya this tired.'

Having reached this conclusion, Greta immediately returned to being bored. For lack of anything else to do, other than listen to a diplomatic talk she held little interest in, her mind wandered once more. Now to the irony of her current situation. Not the peaceful invasion, though it is ironic, but her lot in life.

She left her homeland for many reasons, not the least of which was a lack of ties whether familial or otherwise. She left for Britannia specifically because of the brutal, conquest-driven reputation the Empire held, believing, somewhat foolishly, that she might find kindered spirits among them.

In hindsight, an immigrant from Europa United heading for the Empire was unlikely to advance in even civilian careers, much less a military one.

Yet, after some years struggling on the bottom rung, she was promoted to admiral underneath a prince of the royal family.

If Admiral Romano were anyone else, this would be a miracle, a gift from on high. The kind of event a natural-born Britannian citizen would commit unspeakable acts to achieve. Something found only in the endings of particularly fantastic penny dreadfuls.

Admiral Romano was simply happy, and, later, mildly annoyed about this miracle.

Simply put, her Prince's agenda did not leave much in the way of major naval encounters. Oh, there were plenty of pirates to match steel with, and Greta was content with the current arrangement. But pirate armadas were few and far between. Worse still, her frustrating, yet wonderful, Prince seemed reluctant to take the fight to the pirates' home ports, for one reason or another.

For New Heaven, this caution was understandable. Though called such by many, pirates was a misnomer for New Heaven. Cultists was a more appropriate term. And a war on cultists meant only one thing, brutal, costly slugfests great even by the already horrific standards of war.

'As for the remaining factions, my Prince has allied with one, the Blood of L'Olonnais, the rest…' Greta was shaken from her thoughts. The conversation was winding down and with each passing moment, lady Kaguya seemed more anxious to end it. When the screen at last turned off, the foreign noble bolted desperately from the room. At this, the admiral could not help but sigh. "Remain vigilant men! Their willingness to stand down may prove a ruse!" Greta hopefully said.

AN: Thank you Randino Treviani for betaing this and rewriting the opening paragraph. This is my first serious omake. Hope you like it!
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If you guys wanted to meet CC, you should have sent Lelouch to Pendragon. Charles would have likely clued us in about the Geass Order if we had gone personally to visit him in the wake of the attack, as doing so would have demonstrated that we are worthy of being trusted with that knowledge by proving our Loyalty to Britannia in a time of crisis and putting the Empire ahead of our needs and desires. As of now, I don't think that is possible.
If you guys wanted to meet CC, you should have sent Lelouch to Pendragon. Charles would have likely clued us in about the Geass Order if we had gone personally to visit him in the wake of the attack, as doing so would have demonstrated that we are worthy of being trusted with that knowledge by proving our Loyalty to Britannia in a time of crisis and putting the Empire ahead of our needs and desires. As of now, I don't think that is possible.
It 100% is still an option. It was confirmed long ago, before the invasion even started, that once the civil war in China was resolved, we would be having a conversation with Schneizel and Charles. I take there mention in the turn ten rumors as confirmation that there still withholding judgement and planning to talk to us later. While CC likely won't be present for that meeting, it's still probably an avenue of connecting to the underground psionic community and eventually meeting it's leadership, of which CC is a member.
Honestly, I agree that at least two questions were kind of wasted. I mean Lelouch would partly find out about C.C and the Geass order from Euphy, who just meet her in Pendragon, and from there he could probably done something, or after the meeting with Charles.
Also the question about the publics reaction to our invasion, honestly I agree that we would probably found out about it during our talk with either Charles or Schneizel.
Honestly, I agree that at least two questions were kind of wasted. I mean Lelouch would partly find out about C.C and the Geass order from Euphy, who just meet her in Pendragon, and from there he could probably done something, or after the meeting with Charles.
Also the question about the publics reaction to our invasion, honestly I agree that we would probably found out about it during our talk with either Charles or Schneizel.
I actually question if the C.C. question isn't bordering the giving us too much info as players are likely to beeline her once they know how.

Other than that, I think neat and interesting information of no real importance is kinda the point so it's hard to accept the idea that these questions can be 'wasted'.
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Honestly, I agree that at least two questions were kind of wasted. I mean Lelouch would partly find out about C.C and the Geass order from Euphy, who just meet her in Pendragon, and from there he could probably done something, or after the meeting with Charles.
Also the question about the publics reaction to our invasion, honestly I agree that we would probably found out about it during our talk with either Charles or Schneizel.
Media question would be valid. It's not the kind of thing they would go into detail about since there are more important things to talk about. The problem is how it's worded. The way it's worded is asking about a hypothetical scenario where the media know more than they ever possibly could and understand just how amazing of a success this is and have proof backing it up.

It's asking about media coverage that isn't actually happening in quest, so it's worthless. It tells us nothing about what the various polities are hearing about what's known or suspected in other nations or how political factions are attempting to influencing things. Worst of all, Slayer will sometimes answer questions about hypotheticals that don't have any impact on the plot on his own after an update, so it absolutely didn't need an OC question. Hopefully slayer will indulge my request and we can information on the actual news coverage of lelouch occurring in quest in the the super polities.
Other than that, I think neat and interesting information of no real importance is kinda the point so it's hard to accept the idea that these questions can be 'wasted'.
Slayer answers hypothetical questions without OOC, so it is kind of a waste to ask about a hypothetical media scenario with them.
I actually question if the C.C. question isn't bordering the giving us too much info as players are likely to beeline her once they know how.
Uhh. God I hope not. She's such a booring character. It's not like there aren't a few dozen CC focused fanworks still updating every month. It'd be annoying to miss out on interacting with an actual grown women Lihua for tried and tired CC is an apathetic but mysterious layabout routine.
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Page 700 Q&A
What can we do to meet with CC?
Okay, in the spirit of, 'no guides,' I'm going to limit this answer to some observations, some advice, and point out a few upcoming things in the near-future.

The first is that Euphemia has now met CC. She will be reporting the existence of both the Head of OSI and the Head of the 'Directorate' to you. So, in the quest to meet her, I'll point out that knowing IC she exists is probably a huge boon. I'll also say that, had Pendragon been chosen, Lelouch and CC would have met. It was one of the opportunity costs to 'ultimate win' in terms of the Chinese situation. I did say there would be things you'd miss out on if you stuck to that plan, as well as things you'd do that might not be in your best interests otherwise.

The second thing I'll remind everyone of is CC's personality. She's a giant cat. She prefers being pampered. Meeting her becomes more and more likely the closer you are geographically to gourmet pizza, luxuries like high-end spas, and the like. There have been... I'm not going to say 'a lot,' but definitely 'a few' opportunities that were missed by selecting the option to base out of an island in the middle of bumfuck nowhere. Especially when her existence is something of a state secret and she's known to be good friends with your mom.

So, outside of locating a Thought Elevator (possible, but unlikely) the greatest likelihood of meeting her would be in a major imperial city like Pendragon, New York, San Fransisco and the like. Hilariously, there was a very small chance of meeting her if you'd chosen to crash some of Guinevere's parties. Say what you will about the bitch, but she knows her catering services.

I, uh... haven't been secretly chuckling to myself over people asking about CC like a rich person looking for designer clothing in the bargain bin of a Goodwill and wondering why they can't find any.
What would have happened if Lelouch had killed Lihua's cousin?
Lihua wouldn't have tried to order your execution or anything, but it would have definitely begun your relationship with her on a sour note.

The biggest change to the course of events would actually have been damaging her relationship with Kaguya. Not irreparably so, but badly, particularly since Kaguya's sense of honor wouldn't have let anyone else take the blame for her demand/recommendation to kill the body double. This could have proved beneficial depending on how you'd taken advantage of it, especially if you'd donated the time to repair their friendship.

That said, the biggest change is that the position of Lihua's 'First Husband' would be firmly out of your reach along with a few of the most significant rewards like the possibility of asking to keep Guangzhou or the surrounding province as a personal domain.

...and, uh, spoilers. Depending on if certain options get chosen next turn.
How will the media react if they find out how our invasion of China went and how it puts our siblings to shame?
Can you give us a summary of the media coverage of Lelouch's invasion of china by the major polities, as well as Eunuch China, Tianzi China, indonesia, and india?
So not going too deep into this rabbit hole, since it could be an omake all on its own, but...

The Eunuch-controlled region of China and the state-owned media is using your invasion in an attempt to delegitimize Lihua's reign by painting her as the puppet of foreign powers. Hypocrisy is not something they indulge in, no. Lihua's counter-argument for her supporters is that the involvement of the Japanese fleet makes the Eunuchs just as culpable of accepting foreign aid as she is and that Lelouch is acting without sanction from his government, so this isn't really Britannia helping her. Beyond that, Lihua is spinning Lelouch's involvement as evidence that the righteousness of her cause is so plainly apparent that even those from distant lands can see her virtue.

Indonesia is very pro-Lelouch. The government and the people are also not unaware that Xingke was sent by the Empress to help out with the invaison and there's speculation that some kind of agreement was forged between you and Lihua back then through Xingke as an intermediary.

India... well, even with the state controls on the media, there's a certain sly amount of laughter at China finally getting a taste of its own behavior. That said, India is at least vaguely pro-Empress on the basis that it'd be fairly difficult to be worse than the Eunuchs. So it's more out of a sense of cynical hope than anything else.

The rest of the CF is nominally okay with Lelouch helping Lihua, since it gives them a ready-made excuse to stay even further away from the conflict than they already are/were. The big asterisk here, though, is that they'd really prefer that Britannia not have a long-term foothold on this side of the continent.

@Whenyouseeyou - As to your original question, the media will eventually find out, but the downside of such a one-sided victory is that it streches belief immensely. There's a very real possibility that even the people who want to believe it will say that a great deal of it was exaggerated for good PR, because that's a thing nobles and royals do frequently. So Lelouch's siblings (the ones that care) will probably resond to the effect of, "yes, it's very impressive, but he should have kept it believable. After all, I would never feel the need to self-aggrandize like that."
of course, any one digging into the meat of the invasion would find that the truth is exactly as weird as fiction

cause it so goddamn unbelievable how many domino Lelouch have to stack to get his result
Okay, in the spirit of, 'no guides,' I'm going to limit this answer to some observations, some advice, and point out a few upcoming things in the near-future.

The first is that Euphemia has now met CC. She will be reporting the existence of both the Head of OSI and the Head of the 'Directorate' to you. So, in the quest to meet her, I'll point out that knowing IC she exists is probably a huge boon. I'll also say that, had Pendragon been chosen, Lelouch and CC would have met. It was one of the opportunity costs to 'ultimate win' in terms of the Chinese situation. I did say there would be things you'd miss out on if you stuck to that plan, as well as things you'd do that might not be in your best interests otherwise.

The second thing I'll remind everyone of is CC's personality. She's a giant cat. She prefers being pampered. Meeting her becomes more and more likely the closer you are geographically to gourmet pizza, luxuries like high-end spas, and the like. There have been... I'm not going to say 'a lot,' but definitely 'a few' opportunities that were missed by selecting the option to base out of an island in the middle of bumfuck nowhere. Especially when her existence is something of a state secret and she's known to be good friends with your mom.

So, outside of locating a Thought Elevator (possible, but unlikely) the greatest likelihood of meeting her would be in a major imperial city like Pendragon, New York, San Fransisco and the like. Hilariously, there was a very small chance of meeting her if you'd chosen to crash some of Guinevere's parties. Say what you will about the bitch, but she knows her catering services.

I, uh... haven't been secretly chuckling to myself over people asking about CC like a rich person looking for designer clothing in the bargain bin of a Goodwill and wondering why they can't find any.
So since Milly has her staff fully online and Euphy is working on our Diplomacy what are the chances of them proposing a very exclusive tropical resort to help with housing VIPs? It could also help with some meetings if we had a high quality tropical resort for some of our guests to have an excuse of vacation to meet us.
Not to mention having a spa close by would really help make our girls happy.

And as to VIPs visiting. I now can't get the image of Charles sunbathing on our beach as an excuse to see our psionic projects.
So since Milly has her staff fully online and Euphy is working on our Diplomacy what are the chances of them proposing a very exclusive tropical resort to help with housing VIPs? It could also help with some meetings if we had a high quality tropical resort for some of our guests to have an excuse of vacation to meet us.
Not to mention having a spa close by would really help make our girls happy.

And as to VIPs visiting. I now can't get the image of Charles sunbathing on our beach as an excuse to see our psionic projects.
We don't even have basic civilian infrastucture.
[ ] Civilian Networks: You don't have enough time, money, and energy to truly build up New Caledonia considering your ambitions, but you can accomplish some minimalist accomodations for the native peoples of the island. Cost: 1000; Upkeep: 300; DC: 40; Results: Build basic civilian schools, clinics, and sanitation areas for locals.
We are a long way off from having some elite beach resort that CC would just show up to. Then there is the fact that we would have to open new Caledonia to civilian traffic, which would impact security. Just not likely to happen. If we want to get her attention, it's going to have to be something special, or wait until we get the capital city of Australia up to snuff.
So, outside of locating a Thought Elevator (possible, but unlikely) the greatest likelihood of meeting her would be in a major imperial city like Pendragon, New York, San Fransisco and the like. Hilariously, there was a very small chance of meeting her if you'd chosen to crash some of Guinevere's parties. Say what you will about the bitch, but she knows her catering services.
Discovering a race of Psionic floating trees isn't good enough?