What can we do to meet with CC?
Okay, in the spirit of, 'no guides,' I'm going to limit this answer to some observations, some advice, and point out a few upcoming things in the near-future.
The first is that Euphemia has now met CC. She will be reporting the existence of both the Head of OSI and the Head of the 'Directorate' to you. So, in the quest to meet her, I'll point out that knowing IC she exists is probably a huge boon. I'll also say that, had Pendragon been chosen, Lelouch and CC would have met. It was one of the opportunity costs to 'ultimate win' in terms of the Chinese situation. I
did say there would be things you'd miss out on if you stuck to that plan, as well as things you'd do that might not be in your best interests otherwise.
The second thing I'll remind everyone of is CC's personality. She's a giant cat. She prefers being pampered. Meeting her becomes more and more likely the closer you are geographically to gourmet pizza, luxuries like high-end spas, and the like. There have been... I'm not going to say 'a lot,' but definitely 'a few' opportunities that were missed by selecting the option to base out of an island in the middle of bumfuck nowhere. Especially when her existence is something of a state secret and she's known to be good friends with your mom.
So, outside of locating a Thought Elevator (possible, but unlikely) the greatest likelihood of meeting her would be in a major imperial city like Pendragon, New York, San Fransisco and the like. Hilariously, there was a
very small chance of meeting her if you'd chosen to crash some of Guinevere's parties. Say what you will about the bitch, but she knows her catering services.
I, uh... haven't been secretly chuckling to myself over people asking about CC like a rich person looking for designer clothing in the bargain bin of a Goodwill and wondering why they can't find any.
What would have happened if Lelouch had killed Lihua's cousin?
Lihua wouldn't have tried to order your execution or anything, but it would have definitely begun your relationship with her on a sour note.
The biggest change to the course of events would actually have been damaging her relationship with Kaguya. Not
irreparably so, but badly, particularly since Kaguya's sense of honor wouldn't have let anyone else take the blame for her demand/recommendation to kill the body double. This could have proved beneficial depending on how you'd taken advantage of it, especially if you'd donated the time to repair their friendship.
That said, the biggest change is that the position of Lihua's 'First Husband' would be firmly out of your reach along with a few of the most significant rewards like the possibility of asking to keep Guangzhou or the surrounding province as a personal domain.
...and, uh, spoilers. Depending on if certain options get chosen next turn.
How will the media react if they find out how our invasion of China went and how it puts our siblings to shame?
Can you give us a summary of the media coverage of Lelouch's invasion of china by the major polities, as well as Eunuch China, Tianzi China, indonesia, and india?
So not going
too deep into this rabbit hole, since it could be an omake all on its own, but...
The Eunuch-controlled region of China and the state-owned media is using your invasion in an attempt to delegitimize Lihua's reign by painting her as the puppet of foreign powers. Hypocrisy is
not something they indulge in, no. Lihua's counter-argument for her supporters is that the involvement of the Japanese fleet makes the Eunuchs just as culpable of accepting foreign aid as she is and that Lelouch is acting without sanction from his government, so this isn't really
Britannia helping her. Beyond that, Lihua is spinning Lelouch's involvement as evidence that the righteousness of her cause is so plainly apparent that even those from distant lands can see her virtue.
Indonesia is very pro-Lelouch. The government and the people are also not unaware that Xingke was sent by the Empress to help out with the invaison and there's speculation that some kind of agreement was forged between you and Lihua back then through Xingke as an intermediary.
India... well, even with the state controls on the media, there's a certain sly amount of laughter at China finally getting a taste of its own behavior. That said, India is at least
vaguely pro-Empress on the basis that it'd be fairly difficult to be worse than the Eunuchs. So it's more out of a sense of cynical hope than anything else.
The rest of the CF is nominally okay with Lelouch helping Lihua, since it gives them a ready-made excuse to stay even further away from the conflict than they already are/were. The big asterisk here, though, is that they'd really prefer that Britannia not have a long-term foothold on this side of the continent.
@Whenyouseeyou - As to your original question, the media will eventually find out, but the downside of such a one-sided victory is that it streches belief immensely. There's a very real possibility that even the people who want to believe it will say that a great deal of it was exaggerated for good PR, because that's a thing nobles and royals do frequently. So Lelouch's siblings (the ones that care) will probably resond to the effect of, "yes, it's very impressive, but he should have kept it believable. After all, I would never feel the need to self-aggrandize like that."