Semper Ad Meliora (Code Geass/Britannian Royalty Quest)

But a story of "and we just replaced the local bureaucracy and it worked better than ever" doesn't really buy you drinks from listeners at the bar.
It also doesn't help their future prospect when they write "and our employer didn't really need us".
We needed them to enforce and police. We just didn't need them for a big bloody battle.

The brag would be how little in the way of casualties we had taking over a city and occupying it. Also with how minimal the forces we had to pull it off it should be a military achievement.

I wouldn't be surprised if this becomes an exercise in school.
A job going absolutely perfectly, such that there wasn't a great deal of bloodshed necessary, would absolutely boost the rep of any merc involved. The crazy story is in the pre-invasion manuevering.

We should sign all the mercenaries on permanent contract after this, while they're delirious with success and susceptible to accepting discount rates. Sell it as securing easy jobs and guaranteed funding forever with all the bling Lihua heaps on us. Get started on forming a personal army who's experienced firsthand the benefits of working for the soon to be Emperor-(Consort) of China :p

Given the current chaos in the world and fresh from their first Lelouch* tier war, the Mercs could be a very good source of recruits. I don't know if I'd recommend full on recruitment given that a mercenary's loyalty is sus in the best of circumstances, but Pip Bernadotte and his group remained loyal in some fairly insane circumstances. The Debauchary Tea Party is small enough and insane enough that finding out the truth would catch their long term interest. I can't recall the other groups but maybe there's a shot at loyalty there too. Even in the worst case most of these groups would help Lelouch conquer Australia and maybe help with the Russian thing.

Infosec still has to be one of our top priorities though. New Caladonia would have taken a lot of damage from a PA drop, and it'll be as high of a priority as Pendragon once the word gets to the EU.
The brag would be how little in the way of casualties we had taking over a city and occupying it. Also with how minimal the forces we had to pull it off it should be a military achievement.

I wouldn't be surprised if this becomes an exercise in school.
...Lelouch, pointedly, took very little actual military action.

The success in taking the city was diplomatic victory after diplomatic victory primarily. The military's main purpose ended up being posturing and policing.

Must of been a wild ride for the mercenaries.
Given the current chaos in the world and fresh from their first Lelouch* tier war, the Mercs could be a very good source of recruits. I don't know if I'd recommend full on recruitment given that a mercenary's loyalty is sus in the best of circumstances,
Key difference here is that these merc's would be signing on with the (co-)leader of a superpower, and it will absolutely destroy their reputation and future if these merc's attempt any shenanigans against the leverage we have available to retaliate.
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Key difference here is that these merc's would be signing on with the (co-)leader of a superpower, and it will absolutely destroy their reputation and future if these merc's try to backstab us.
I don't believe any of them are going to backstab as a group, but as individuals. Spies have been trying to make it onto New Caledonia from the start and if there's a chance to finally succeed by offering an obscene amount of money to a merc, they'll try it. And unlike the rest of our misfits the mercenaries haven't received an incredible gesture of loyalty from Lulu yet.

If some guy has to change his identity for the opportunity of a lifetime, than maybe they'll take it. It's not like the rest of the world is aware Lelouch has a ninja army ready to punish that sort of thing.
Less than three days following the 'Battle of Pendragon,' a full offensive by MEF troops pushed the Britannians back to the banks of the Tigris river in the most successful counter-offensive of the war since the retaking of Cairo many years previously. Although Imperial forces managed to hold on the opposite shores, it remains a serious blow to morale in the region, especially as the attacks were facilitated by divisions of Chinese Gun-Ru KMF units, sparking outrage from the Empire that is largely overshadowed by other events.
@Slayer Anderson Which side of the Tigris river bank did Britannia get pushed back to? I'm reading this as a MEF assault from Persia rather than from Turkey? Also am I getting the implication that Chinese Eunuchs sent some Gun-rus to them in an effort to find any allies?
There's no way they can't believe Lelouch won so easily when there are witnesses. The merc companies have no reason to lie and they're trusted sources. So anyone that didn't do their own research is understandable but the royals that view him as an enemy and decides to dig out the truth should know.
Never doubt the ability of people to do everything they can to try and ignore reality. Case in point, pre-WW2, American and British Intelligence Agencies would do absolutely everything they could to find some excuse to declare every single Japanese Plane a copy of some Western plane, since it was "of course the national charitaristic of the Japanese that they can not innovate, only copy from their betters". Even when the plane was one that had just literally set the air speed record. Hell, they were so intent on decrying every japanese plane as a copy or knock-off that on said record setting plane, they outright declared that it must have used the landing wheels of one plane...only for the Japanese to outright state that they used a completely different plane's landing wheels because they liked their performance.

Keep in mind this was the intelligence community. People who should know better.

If they were ignoring reality that much...Nobles who arent involved in the OSI, who hate Lelouch for being the son of a commoner empress, and have zero agents over in the Pearl Delta should be expected to not believe we are this successful.
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first time reading this in a while, things have gotten better.
Can we please see marianne and charles reation to lelouch having a child?

edit: heads are going to roll in both the osi and britania
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@Slayer Anderson Which side of the Tigris river bank did Britannia get pushed back to? I'm reading this as a MEF assault from Persia rather than from Turkey? Also am I getting the implication that Chinese Eunuchs sent some Gun-rus to them in an effort to find any allies?
From Persia going West towards IRL Iraq.

It's a valid assumption that Gun-Rus were either smuggled or sold to MEF forces by some authority in the CF. How legitimate these actions were will be a subject of debate.
But a story of "and we just replaced the local bureaucracy and it worked better than ever" doesn't really buy you drinks from listeners at the bar.
It also doesn't help their future prospect when they write "and our employer didn't really need us".
Your not spicing it up enough. They made the old administration do there job at gun point. A relatively stupid merc can turn that into a pretty decent story about making a corrupt fuck piss himself while finally doing his job to the cheers of hundreds in guangzhou's automotive registry. Pip can write a best selling novel from the shit he is tangentially aware of.
A job going absolutely perfectly, such that there wasn't a great deal of bloodshed necessary, would absolutely boost the rep of any merc involved. The crazy story is in the pre-invasion manuevering.
The Wild Geese in particular have golden PR opportunity in coordinating so many mercenaries from so many different companies and keeping incidents with the locals to a minimum.

...Lelouch, pointedly, took very little actual military action.

The success in taking the city was diplomatic victory after diplomatic victory primarily. The military's main purpose ended up being posturing and policing.

Must of been a wild ride for the mercenaries.
And Intrigue. If there is one thing no one can deny, it's that Lelouch tricked the eunuchs into hiring him to repair and transport Knightmares into their city, which he then used to seize an airport. You have any idea how much the commitee for Continental defenses workload just shot up now that they have to quadruple check every salvage team selling to Europe for Britannia aligned infiltrators?
Speaking of which, while the Q&A is over, could you indulge me in telling how the fricking mercenaries are reacting to the amount of bullshit Lelouch pulled off? Because I imagine them having at this point having a thousand-yard-stare after accepting and finding out what the job would be from Lelouch, wondering how the fuck they are still alive. And with their client victorious. Who is paying them in full. With extra.
Abject paranoia, because nothing should go this smooth.
@Slayer Anderson, are there more than 8 thought elevators in this quest or just the canon ones?

Also, does the Directorate only control those that are in Britannian territory or does it have access to others like the one in siberia or Africa?
No comment. OOC information.
Abject paranoia, because nothing should go this smooth.
Well it's understandable. There just mercs. Of course the other boot has to drop. It's not like Lelouch can just-
"My 'pride as a Britannian?'" You ask with deceptive calmness as your heart races in your chest. "Do you really have any right to criticize such a thing, here and now?"

Suzaku scowled openly. "What do you mean?"

"Pretend for a moment that I know why you're actually here. Pretend that I have, through whatever means, understood the complexities of your plans and your aims and goals." The Kururugi heir does not quite freeze, but the implied accusation definitely catches him off-guard. You hold out your hands as if they were a set of scales. "Now look at our respective positions. I have, through luck and guile, cut off every path of advance you have before you, my forces arrayed to shatter your own should it come to an open contest, and seized that which you require to further your own goals."

You allow that to sink in for a moment, watching with dispassionate pleasure as his hands tighten into fists.

"Now tell me again, as I sit atop a mound of treasure, that I shame my pride as a royal of Britannia for not stooping to pick up a penny," you order coolly. "Tell me that while you skulk about in the shadows attempting to steal what should be won in battle. Tell me that while you think of your own pride as a samurai and speak to me again of why you think I should accept an invitation to validate a claim you have not earned on a land that is not yours using traditions foreign to you. Explain these things and I will honor your request, Kururugi Suzaku."

Before he could respond, you cut the transmission.
-deflect it back at Japan with the unmitigated heft of the embodiment of his pride as a Britannian Royal. Such is completely beyond there perspective. :V
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@Slayer Anderson, are there more than 8 thought elevators in this quest or just the canon ones?

Also, does the Directorate only control those that are in Britannian territory or does it have access to others like the one in siberia or Africa?
Since the Tokushi-La razed the ancient civilization not just to the ground but below sea level, all existing Thought Elevators must necessarily exist within Britannian territory on account of Victor having directed their construction. As to how many, that we don't know.
I will never get tired of reading this exchange.

"Lulu used Parry. It's super effective!"
It's really good. Maybe the second best exchange in the whole Chinese invasion event.
High Eunuchs: "Yes! Finally we unambiguously succeed at something!" // Kaguya: "Oh, that looks fun! Let me try!" // High Eunuchs: "Nooooo!"​
But let us not forget the very best one. Knowing what we do now, it's only natural that Kaguya was the one to foil the Eunuch's plans at every turn. Involving her nation and ex fiance in their schemes. The nerve. :V
It would depend on various things, but one of the most likely avenues for his advancement would be as an international man of mystery.
Secret, agent man! Secret, agent man! Probably not a number, but certainly not the 11th prince.
National Significance Scores 1-100:
Still hoping these will be updated before the New Year, for discussion purposes, but understand if your busy.
Hello! I happened to be commissioning art of a mechanical character for DND and it's based on a knightmare frame from Code Geass. It's a mix of a few different ones from later in the show's timeline. Would it be alright to maybe post it here when it's done? Because it would potentially fit into the setting.

Edit: Here's an in progress pic of it. It's based on the Quinn Roses knightmare from the R3 movie with some of the Gareth mixed in in parts like the cockpit and missiles on the midsection.
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