Semper Ad Meliora (Code Geass/Britannian Royalty Quest)

I am pretty sure the EU already actively is.

As I pointed out above, we know an anti-psionic conspiracy already exists. Furthermore, the EU seems to be ground zero for said conspiracy, given heavy persecution of psionics that originate from the nations. Next, we know that the psionic ninja clan was effectively kicked out of Japan, despite that being a monumentally stupid idea given the position Japan is in. Seriously, subterfuge is probably their best option at this point. Likely because of their massive Sakuradite deposits and the relation we have discovered that Sakuradite has with psionics, it seems incredibly likely that their policies and directions are already being heavily influenced by this same shadow organization that holds immense sway over the EU.

As to response? I honestly think we should start opening diplomatic channels to Japan. Short term it can possibly net us some Sakuradite to experiment on. We also know there are some factions in the country that are looking to get in on the good side of Britannia, which we can make inroads for a... if not annexation, then a vassalization for the country.

I expect such machinations to take quite awhile before they bare any notable fruit, but we don't have too much to do with our diplomacy as things currently stand.

Actually no one kicked psinionic ninja clan from Japan and I don't know where you got that. It was clearly said that Japan turned pacifist ower the years and decided that they don't need ninjas anymore, as for said nijas ,well they decided to leave Japan out of their own free will and work for Lelouch. Not to mention that EU isn't only power that has secret organisation, remember Brittania has one as well and they are probably taking actions against said organisation.

As for us needing to be good with Japan to get our hands on Sakuradite?Last time I checked it can be bought on market, heck we can even buy it from Indonesia, we don't need diplomacy action for it.
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Actually no one kicked psinionic ninja clan from Japan and I don't know where you got that. It was clearly said that Japan turned pacifist ower the years and decided that they don't need ninjas anymore, as for said nijas ,well they decided to leave Japan out of their own free will and work for Lelouch. Not to mention that EU isn't only power that has secret organisation, remember Brittania has one as well and they are probably taking actions against said organisation.

As for us needing to be good with Japan to get our hands on Sakuradite?Last time I checked it can be bought on market, heck we can even buy it from Indonesia, we don't need diplomacy action for it.
They were politically ousted. Meaning they were effectively kicked out.
You do have Japanese bodyguards, but they're old-school shinobi who have been politically ousted and are more than a little bitter about having to leave their homeland in the face of their clan's financial destruction as an entity.
Japan is currently in a situation where they are stuck between superpowers. Even if combat is not in their best interests, intrigue, sure as hell is. They literally can not make any overt plays for fear of getting war declared on them, yet they got rid of their most elite force in subvert actions.

I don't know if it's lingering loyalty for her home country or just her belief that Japan's current regime is one that is merely waiting to roll over and die rather than make any serious play at staying relevant that caused Sayoko to frame it that specific way, but they were purposefully removed as a tool that Japan would be able to use.

And we got 300 hundred income for simply learning to buy bulk. That wasn't some reduction in ongoing expenses, just a realization that the background ones we were spending were too much. Getting a solid deal from a country that has factions in it looking to get a good deal when Britannia inevitably invades them is likely to do things such as reduce the cost for various actions involving experimenting with Sakuradite and/or a straight income bonus.
And we got 300 hundred income for simply learning to buy bulk. That wasn't some reduction in ongoing expenses, just a realization that the background ones we were spending were too much. Getting a solid deal from a country that has factions in it looking to get a good deal when Britannia inevitably invades them is likely to do things such as reduce the cost for various actions involving experimenting with Sakuradite and/or a straight income bonus.

While i don't know about any secret society influencing Japan this argument appeals to me. Being neutral country and main exporter of Sakuradite economic ties with Japan can only be of use to us. Not to mention that Kallens dad has ins with both Japan and Chinese Federation so we will probably get some bonuses on business deals with it and Japan is quite close to our area of influence.

Other thing being that if Brittania do decides to invade Japan it will probably be useful for us to have ins in Japan itself, because there might be good possibility of Lelouch participating in said invasion.
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Maps by Firebringer2077 - Canon (+15 Bonus x2)
Talking about this, it makes me wonder if there are any Karolingian-inspired custom Knightmares or Knightmare-series from Euro-Britannia. @Slayer Anderson , does Euro-Britannia even have their own Knightmare R&D or are they completely reliant upon Britannia to support them?
Yes, they have their own, but it's always considered the lesser of the two. They make a few contributions to the military-industrial complex here and there, but are mostly overshadowed by 'proper' Britannian researchers.
@Slayer Anderson, I know you are not a big fan of CG: Akito the Exiled but I'm curious.

How is Lelia Macal (/Lelia Breisgau) doing?
Lelouch: "Who?"

More seriously, he'd have no idea who you're talking about and as he's the POV character...

In other news, I'd like to direct everyone's attention to @Firebringer2077 - He recently contacted me and offered to renovate the world map. As my efforts were admittedly somewhat slap-dash. So, a big thank you for both the new world map and the New Caledonia map on the front page.

Media Bonus (+15)x2

Oh that is a beautiful map and New Caledonia looks amazing.

Thanks everyone, the New Caledonia map was sorta hard to find a good base image but eventually I got lucky and conversion wasn't that hard. There wasn't a good way to show the types of foliage so I just stuck with a five shade elevation. I'm also willing to do this again, if/when the time comes for Australia or what not, since well... we are the prince with high martial and intrigue bonuses next to a lawless, material rich continent, and eventually aspire to the throne.
Turn 3 Rumor Mill:

Britannian Empire: In the HBE this year, fortunes have been running high. In particular, a great advance in Knightmare Frame technology has brought out the next generation of mobile war-frames. Although in limited and experimental deployment at this point, the development has proven very promising. With the advancements, too, Britannia has become less restrictive in the number and frequency with which they are deploying the third-generation glasgow machines. Overall this has led to a decrease in violence and civil unrest as the more maneuverable war machines take down dug-in pockets of terrorists and root out long-term problems the empire has face. Although certain areas remain problematic, such as Paraguay, in large part the Empire has seen a year of stable growth. Currently, the largest portions of the news cover the twin stories of which group will receive licenses for the unnamed next-generation knightmare frame and Prince Schniezel's formal bid for Prime Minister. As the year closes out, despite early setbacks, the labor party is set to achieve an easy majority which is set to put the second prince in office early next year barring a disaster.

Europa United: As Britannia's star rises this year, the EU's star sinks low on the horizon. Last year's reorganization of the military has prompted the firing of appointments filled by cronyism and nepotism. While a superficially good step forward, the resulting firings have left a swath of vocally dissatisfied former employees of the state, many of whom have blown the whistle on gray-legal and black projects the EU has been undertaking in recent years. Specifically, a number of shell corporations have been revealed that verify the Ethiopian Empire's accusations of an attempted EU manipulation of their economy and political schema. Defended as an application of 'soft power' in the face of Britania's military expansionism, the public has nonetheless taken to the streets in the face of their government's seeming overreach of its mandate. General elections are expected to occur in short order, especially in the face of vocal Rus complaints of a lack of substantiated support against the Euro-Britannians. Although it is unsure of this time, the newly elected radical government's President has stated, unequivocally, that if the EU still refuses to support a concerted effort to "Finish the last battle of the Great War," then the Rus Republic will do so without any support.

Chinese Federation: The Chinese Federation is, sadly, in turmoil over fluctuating food prices which have resulted from their new trade deals setting in and is performing an overhaul of their internal economic structure as a result. Riots over food in many major cities occur throughout the year, halting a number of projects and distracting the government from whatever they had been planning on dedicating time towards. While things have not escalated to the degree where rebellion is in question, the High Eunuchs have been struggling without the guidance of an adult Empress to advise them. Britannia has been extending a helping hand, though it is unknown whether the situation will resolve itself in a timely manner yet.

Japan: In contrast to China, Japan sees a mostly uneventful year wherein the largest piece of news is the release of a new series of computer processors onto the civilian market, dramatically increasing the power data-processing capabilities of various sectors of society. Britannia, in particular, has reached out with interest in purchasing some of the new devices. Of minor note to the populace is the rumor that an individual of part-Japanese heritage has been selected as a knight in one of the royal's forces. As yet, no concrete details are available, but gossip in the highest circles of Japanese society has seized upon the news as potentially valuable and exploitable.

East/West African Union: A number of protests spark throughout both African super-states after the formalization of an arbitrated peace treaty between the forces of Count Luciano Bradley and the government of Namibia. With assistance from the greater government of Britannia, the treaty has solidified control of occupied former-Namibian territory and reparations for the damage done by 'bandits and brigands' who sparked the war as they attacked from Namibia's territory. Luciano Bradley has been called back to North America for official creation as a Knight of the Rounds. Many African politicians describe the move as 'characteristically Britannian' in its rewarding of 'unprovoked violence and butchery.' The populous of the greater nations on the continent are openly critical of the handling of the armistice and the eventual final agreement.

Ethiopian Empire: Following the reveal of European underhandedness in their dealings, the Empress has enacted new finance laws to better defend her country's economic system. Of greater controversy, internationally, is the seizing of certain companies and assets belonging to European shell companies and subsequent nationalization of their resources and capital. While defended by Britania, the Chinese Federation had noted a token protest and veiled threats if their own interests should be targeted. The isolationists have received a boost from the latest international scandals, though the pro-Britannian and pro-Chinese factions at the foreign court have as well. It is unknown which clique will rise to dominance after the arrest of numerous officials who have fallen out of favor.

North Africa League: With a surge of volunteerism from the Europeans and a last desperate effort, the Libyan front has been stabilized, halting the Britannian advance as supply lines are stretched beyond their expectations. The NAL claims several 'victories' while the Britannian forces announce their successful 'bleeding' of the defensive forces. The truth of the matter is lost in the fog of war, but at this stage it seems a foregone conclusion that without a miracle, superior Britannian numbers and technology will carry the day. Already, too, Britannian efforts to recruit from minorities and the poor, disenfranchised by the previous regime, have bourne fruit in the establishment of the First Area Ten Honorary Units, consisting of volunteers from the native population willing to commit to a five year term of military service for Britannian Citizenship within the Area.

Middle Eastern Federation: As an anti-Britannian political party rises to power within the Federation, a vote passes to embargo Britannian business and goods unless and until the submit to an arbitration of international nations resolves the North African conflict peacefully. Prince Schneizel's successor in the Foreign Office has been quoted as breaking into uproarious laughter over the move, eventually stating that should a nation wish to destroy its own economy through 'intense foolishness' then they are welcome to do so. Unfortunately for the MEF, it seems as though the official's prediction has come true, as a serious recession seems to be dawning for the constituent nations. Only time will tell if astute action can fend off such.

Indian Military Zone: The Chinese-backed Raj of a Southern administrative zone has arrested a number of individuals associated with the Indian Independence Movement. Partly crewed by peaceful demonstrators and partly by violent terrorists, the group came under fire this year for attacking Chinese Federation collaborators in residential neighborhoods. The attacks have undercut previous support for the group and its future is now in jeopardy.

Indonesian Confederation: In another stroke of great fortune, the Confederation has seen a massive economic boom as the previous Sakuradite find has proven much larger than initially believed. With an increased effort in mining providing more jobs and processing employment, the economy of the islands has greatly benefited. Shipping has also picked up as the trade lanes become more profitable. The Chinese Federation, though, has made moves towards increasing taxes on its protectorate as a result of these finds, which has discontented local politicians and increased tensions in the area, especially as Britannia has made a show of both consolidating its holdings in the east and hard-ball negotiating for the newer Sakuradite finds and priority purchasing rights.
I'm new here and just recently started following the story but why would the MEF destroy its economy by blocking off Britannia. Don't they have trade agreements with other parties?
You know, we've overlooked the most important aspect of having our fief being a tropical paradise.

Lelouch might actually develop a skin tone other then 'anemic vampire'.:tongue:
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I'm new here and just recently started following the story but why would the MEF destroy its economy by blocking off Britannia. Don't they have trade agreements with other parties?
Because they expect to invaded sometime soon by Britannia, and by doing this early, they can brace for the Economic Crash, try and set their economy to work without Britannian imports, and not suffer a sudden shock when Britannia cuts them off and then invades them right after.
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I'm new here and just recently started following the story but why would the MEF destroy its economy by blocking off Britannia. Don't they have trade agreements with other parties?
Assuming you mean why would this happen as opposed to why they would do this, it is incredibly unlikely the rest of the world could pick up the slack in terms of economy. Destruction of the economy is also likely an exaggeration meant to mock them.
I'm new here and just recently started following the story but why would the MEF destroy its economy by blocking off Britannia. Don't they have trade agreements with other parties?
They tried to use the economy as a political tool to score points domestically with nationalist interests.
*Eyes IRL stupid shit going on now with trade(China/USA and Japan/South Korea)*

It happens.
Playing chicken with the economy usually means everyone gets fucked and the nationalists take it as "we should have gone isolationist to begin with you fools!"
Interlude: Lodge Membership
Lodge Membership:

The premiere political influence-trading body would always be the imperial court. The series of balls, parties, extended government functions, and other gatherings of the most wealthy, most elite, and most politically favored was and would always be the heart of the Britannian social, political, and governmental scene. The people who attended even a fraction of the hosted events were the highest tier of celebrities in the empire. Individuals who wrote acclaimed plays, performed masterpieces of music, created the highest demonstrations of skill and art.

All of that is not to say, of course, that the imperial court was the only arena available to bargain and trade in favors and money.

For the upper crust of Britannia's elite, a lodge membership was a readily available fallback option. If an individual wasn't in favor at court, couldn't dispense with the funding to keep up to date with fashions and technology of the season, or simply had some unsightly habit that they couldn't break, then seeking out a membership in a lodge would be an acceptable alternative to both avoid making an ass of oneself as well as still remain connected politically and socially.

And it wasn't as if anyone was short of options to join.

There were lodges for hunting any specific type of game, lodges for every given sport, lodges for hobbyists and students of the arts. All truly required to create a lodge was to secure the backing of a sufficiently wealthy and influential patron and subsequent registry with a government agency. Precisely what that registry entailed, though, would be a matter of who a group's patron was and what the lodge's activities were. Luckily, no matter what an individual wished to pursue, if they possessed a modicum of wealth it was likely that someone in some position of power had sympathies with them.

If you were a surprisingly effeminate man who wanted some privacy with other surprisingly effeminate men? There was a lodge for that, guaranteeing the privacy of all involved.

If you preferred pastimes with whips, chains, and excessive amounts of leather, then there was a lodge for that with similarly sealed and private membership lists.

"At least, that was how mother explained it to me." You finished with a shrug.

Jeanne sighed and rubbed at the bridge of her nose. "Very well, your highness. I will insist that a branch of your protection detail remain on call-"

"-and I will not deny you that, but the invitation was very specific. Two bodyguards who will be remanded to private quarters on-site if needed. Outside of that, I will be mingling with a great number of people who have a vested interest in keeping their faces and names hidden from public view. The kidnapping or murder of a royal is not something that could possibly happen without a great deal of acclaim."

Jeanne gave a grudging nod as your attendant put the finishing touches on your outfit for the evening. It was a little modern for most Britannian tastes, a tuxedo without the frills or cuffs traditionally affixed, but you weren't exactly going to court and the frills were irritating to deal with.

After another round of intense questions and answering about security plans with Jeanne, the young woman finally consented to your departure. Leaving surreptitiously, an unmarked and low-profile armored car drove you to the manicured wilderness surrounding Pendragon, a cultivated countryside created as a playground for the city's elite.

The car stopped and, exiting into an enclosed wooden structure trying its hand at pretending to be tastefully-rustic, three men in robes nodded at both you and your attendants.

"Sire." Your driver whispered, the word both an objection and a plea.

You empathized, truly, and usually strove to ascribe to all of their paranoia and doctrine, but...

"I will be fine." You state as firmly as possible, and the man sags just a bit.

"This way please, Your Highness." The artificially-deep voice of the man wearing the robe motioned, his face in dark shadow as he bowed.

"Of course."

Following them into the next room, the three individuals beckoned you onward still, through an arched doorway which you barely caught a glimpse of the carved inscription over it before a black bag came down on your head.

Descensus Averno Facilis Est

Easy Indeed.

Keeping the thought private, you were lead down a few halls towards your destination as you caught the strain of music through padded walls as a door opened and closed. You recognized it as one of the current European trends, 'rock and roll' music. Hardly the most patriotic thing, but you supposed the forbidden fruit tasted the sweetest to some.

Finally arriving at your destination or, apparently so at least, you heard a door open and were gently moved into the room with a hand on your back.

Then, the bag was removed.

Another masked man, wearing a dark cloak. You were at once both unsurprised and unimpressed. Even if the man (or well-disguised woman) did loom particularly well.

"Welcome, Lelouch vi Britannia, to the Walpurgis Club. It has been long since such an august personage as a royal has graced our humble organization." He stated grandly, bowing slightly in introduction. "You may call me Polaris. I am the current most senior member as well as the primary financial backer for the club."

"Indeed." You nod, getting your legs underneath you. "Given the melodrama, I suppose identities truly will remain secret if everyone is wearing masks and cloaks. If that is the case, am I to choose a pseudonym?"

A single nod. "Quite. The individuals who escorted you here are staff, not club members. They've been with us for longer than I have and know a number of faces and names, but seldom even leave the property. You needn't worry about them."

"I see." You take a deep breath. "So, where do we go from here?"

Polaris motioned to a brown cloak with a small black mask reminiscent of a bird's beak arching over the full top half of the wearer's face. "These are initiate robes. Most club members also wear masks which allow them to eat and drink during activities. This one is suitably low-cut as to distort your voice with a bit of an echo. Should you feel the need, you may reveal your identity to any member at any time, though I encourage you to do so on a one-on-one basis. Beyond that, the only information that will be disseminated during your initiation process is that you currently have interests in the South Pacific, possess military connections, and are looking to expand a limited financial base. These fact will allow members with common interests to approach you while you present within the club. Normally, all of this would be explained to you in front of an assemblage, and I will reiterate it to camouflage our conversation here."

You thought quickly, considering the ultimatum of what would be revealed. There were a large number of mid-ranked nobility setting up fiefs in the Pacific given the relatively recent conquests of New Guinea and the Philippines, so you wouldn't stand out much, if any. Military connections, too, were a plenty in nobility, especially given that so many of the newly-risen nobles were cut from military achievements. Lastly, of course, everyone wanted more money. It was simply good sense. All in all, each descriptor was technically true, but ultimately misleading. It would do, and you could always add further layers to the deception; shell companies, straw purchasers, etc...

"So then to what do I owe the personal attention?" You ask with a mild tone.

Polaris pauses. "To the same reasons your introduction was... postponed to this late in the year. I and the most senior members felt we needed to reevaluate our vetting process after one Hogarth Stadtfeld slipped through the cracks. While I won't go into details, a friend in a certain three-letter imperial agency passed on a few interesting tidbits. As such, I felt it would be better to start things off... differently."

You nod slowly. "It truly is a shame when a lesser member of a noble house feels the need to assassinate their paterfamilias. Given my position as the oath-sworn commander of his daughter, it was only naturally I extend some aid to the man."

Polaris chuckles darkly. "Just so, just so. Still, even without intending to, you have offered a great deal of assistance to the club already in keeping our membership list free of... rats. As such, I felt I should pass along a piece of information which would aid you as well."

You cocked your head slightly, struck by curiosity despite yourself.

Polaris breathed deep, the sound echoing against his mask. "Your patronage of the scientist Jaegar has not gone unnoticed by a group founded on ideals antithetical to his own passions. Given your position, you should expect to see unusually well-developed threats by the south pacific pirates."

For just a second, you froze, your mind awhir.

"Their setback at the hands of your butcher has bought you time and wariness after their failure to kill Jaegar on New Caledonia." Polaris went on. "But do not confuse this for a lack of will on their part. You will definitely see challenges in the coming years and it is my hope that the Walpurgis Club will be able to help see you through them."

He pulls the brown cloak off the hanger and hefts the mask-like helm in the other hand. "Now come, Rigel. It is time for you to cross the desert to demonstrate your dedication."

Rewards: Walpurgis Club Initiation Passed. Extremely Sore Hindquarters. Oh, and you know someone has decided to fuck with you using the pirates as a proxy. That's probably important too. Walpurgis Club Activities now added as Intrigue & Personal Action next year.

*A/N: Because, no matter what, most secret societies devolve into initiation hazing. The big advantage of the Walpurgis Club will be that you'll be able to use Intrigue instead of Diplomacy to build ties and make contacts. Enjoy.
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Lodge Membership:

The premiere political influence-trading body would always be the imperial court. The series of balls, parties, extended government functions, and other gatherings of the most wealthy, most elite, and most politically favored was and would always be the heart of the Britannian social, political, and governmental scene. The people who attended even a fraction of the hosted events were the highest tier of celebrities in the empire. Individuals who wrote acclaimed plays, performed masterpieces of music, created the highest demonstrations of skill and art.

All of that is not to say, of course, that the imperial court was the only arena available to bargain and trade in favors and money.

For the upper crust of Britannia's elite, a lodge membership was a readily available fallback option. If an individual wasn't in favor at court, couldn't dispense with the funding to keep up to date with fashions and technology of the season, or simply had some unsightly habit that they couldn't break, then seeking out a membership in a lodge would be an acceptable alternative to both avoid making an ass of oneself as well as still remain connected politically and socially.

And it wasn't as if anyone was short of options to join.

There were lodges for hunting any specific type of game, lodges for every given sport, lodges for hobbyists and students of the arts. All truly required to create a lodge was to secure the backing of a sufficiently wealthy and influential patron and subsequent registry with a government agency. Precisely what that registry entailed, though, would be a matter of who a group's patron was and what the lodge's activities were. Luckily, no matter what an individual wished to pursue, if they possessed a modicum of wealth it was likely that someone in some position of power had sympathies with them.

If you were a surprisingly effeminate man who wanted some privacy with other surprisingly effeminate men? There was a lodge for that, guaranteeing the privacy of all involved.

If you preferred pastimes with whips, chains, and excessive amounts of leather, then there was a lodge for that with similarly sealed and private membership lists.

"At least, that was how mother explained it to me." You finished with a shrug.

Jeanne sighed and rubbed at the bridge of her nose. "Very well, your highness. I will insist that a branch of your protection detail remain on call-"

"-and I will not deny you that, but the invitation was very specific. Two bodyguards who will be remanded to private quarters on-site if needed. Outside of that, I will be mingling with a great number of people who have a vested interest in keeping their faces and names hidden from public view. The kidnapping or murder of a royal is not something that could possibly happen without a great deal of acclaim."

Jeanne gave a grudging nod as your attendant put the finishing touches on your outfit for the evening. It was a little modern for most Britannian tastes, a tuxedo without the frills or cuffs traditionally affixed, but you weren't exactly going to court and the frills were irritating to deal with.

After another round of intense questions and answering about security plans with Jeanne, the young woman finally consented to your departure. Leaving surreptitiously, an unmarked and low-profile armored car drove you to the manicured wilderness surrounding Pendragon, a cultivated countryside created as a playground for the city's elite.

The car stopped and, exiting into an enclosed wooden structure trying its hand at pretending to be tastefully-rustic, three men in robes nodded at both you and your attendants.

"Sire." Your driver whispered, the word both an objection and a plea.

You empathized, truly, and usually strove to ascribe to all of their paranoia and doctrine, but...

"I will be fine." You state as firmly as possible, and the man sags just a bit.

"This way please, Your Highness." The artificially-deep voice of the man wearing the robe motioned, his face in dark shadow as he bowed.

"Of course."

Following them into the next room, the three individuals beckoned you onward still, through an arched doorway which you barely caught a glimpse of the carved inscription over it before a black bag came down on your head.

Descensus Averno Facilis Est

Easy Indeed.

Keeping the thought private, you were lead down a few halls towards your destination as you caught the strain of music through padded walls as a door opened and closed. You recognized it as one of the current European trends, 'rock and roll' music. Hardly the most patriotic thing, but you supposed the forbidden fruit tasted the sweetest to some.

Finally arriving at your destination or, apparently so at least, you heard a door open and were gently moved into the room with a hand on your back.

Then, the bag was removed.

Another masked man, wearing a dark cloak. You were at once both unsurprised and unimpressed. Even if the man (or well-disguised woman) did loom particularly well.

"Welcome, Lelouch vi Britannia, to the Walpurgis Club. It has been long since such an august personage as a royal has graced our humble organization." He stated grandly, bowing slightly in introduction. "You may call me Polaris. I am the current most senior member as well as the primary financial backer for the club."

"Indeed." You nod, getting your legs underneath you. "Given the melodrama, I suppose identities truly will remain secret if everyone is wearing masks and cloaks. If that is the case, am I to choose a pseudonym?"

A single nod. "Quite. The individuals who escorted you here are staff, not club members. They've been with us for longer than I have and know a number of faces and names, but seldom even leave the property. You needn't worry about them."

"I see." You take a deep breath. "So, where do we go from here?"

Polaris motioned to a brown cloak with a small black mask reminiscent of a bird's beak arching over the full top half of the wearer's face. "These are initiate robes. Most club members also wear masks which allow them to eat and drink during activities. This one is suitably low-cut as to distort your voice with a bit of an echo. Should you feel the need, you may reveal your identity to any member at any time, though I encourage you to do so on a one-on-one basis. Beyond that, the only information that will be disseminated during your initiation process is that you currently have interests in the South Pacific, possess military connections, and are looking to expand a limited financial base. These fact will allow members with common interests to approach you while you present within the club. Normally, all of this would be explained to you in front of an assemblage, and I will reiterate it to camouflage our conversation here."

You thought quickly, considering the ultimatum of what would be revealed. There were a large number of mid-ranked nobility setting up fiefs in the Pacific given the relatively recent conquests of New Guinea and the Philippines, so you wouldn't stand out much, if any. Military connections, too, were a plenty in nobility, especially given that so many of the newly-risen nobles were cut from military achievements. Lastly, of course, everyone wanted more money. It was simply good sense. All in all, each descriptor was technically true, but ultimately misleading. It would do, and you could always add further layers to the deception; shell companies, straw purchasers, etc...

"So then to what do I owe the personal attention?" You ask with a mild tone.

Polaris pauses. "To the same reasons your introduction was... postponed to this late in the year. I and the most senior members felt we needed to reevaluate our vetting process after one Hogarth Stadtfeld slipped through the cracks. While I won't go into details, a friend in a certain three-letter imperial agency passed on a few interesting tidbits. As such, I felt it would be better to start things off... differently."

You nod slowly. "It truly is a shame when a lesser member of a noble house feels the need to assassinate their paterfamilias. Given my position as the oath-sworn commander of his daughter, it was only naturally I extend some aid to the man."

Polaris chuckles darkly. "Just so, just so. Still, even without intending to, you have offered a great deal of assistance to the club already in keeping our membership list free of... rats. As such, I felt I should pass along a piece of information which would aid you as well."

You cocked your head slightly, struck by curiosity despite yourself.

Polaris breathed deep, the sound echoing against his mask. "Your patronage of the scientist Jaegar has not gone unnoticed by a group founded on ideals antithetical to his own passions. Given your position, you should expect to see unusually well-developed threats by the south pacific pirates."

For just a second, you froze, your mind awhir.

"Their setback at the hands of your butcher has bought you time and wariness after their failure to kill Jaegar on New Caledonia." Polaris went on. "But do not confuse this for a lack of will on their part. You will definitely see challenges in the coming years and it is my hope that the Walpurgis Club will be able to help see you through them."

He pulls the brown cloak off the hanger and hefts the mask-like helm in the other hand. "Now come, Rigel. It is time for you to cross the desert to demonstrate your dedication."

Rewards: Walpurgis Club Initiation Passed. Extremely Sore Hindquarters. Oh, and you know someone has decided to fuck with you using the pirates as a proxy. That's probably important too. Walpurgis Club Activities now added as Intrigue & Personal Action next year.

*A/N: Because, no matter what, most secret societies devolve into initiation hazing. The big advantage of the Walpurgis Club will be that you'll be able to use Intrigue instead of Diplomacy to build ties and make contacts. Enjoy.
I see, so we're definitely spying on the pirates first, but yeah this is great for us. Nice to see the knock on effects of The Purge already.

Also, I didn't say it before, but thank you so much for this Slayer Anderson.

Lelouch: "Instead of talking about the larger political complexities of this affair, I'm focusing on the fact that I've given my word to act as your protector, but only when you can't protect yourself. What you and your family are going through matters to me on a personal level, because it's personal to you. I am going to help not because I need to, but because I want to."
Lelouch: "I'm going to ignore profiting off this as much as I could. I'm going to dedicate some of my time and resources to helping resolve this issue. I'm going to put my own standing on the line to protect your social status and your father's place in society. I have expressed the least I can do, now I will show you the most I can do. I will help your father root out this treason and set this catastrophe to rights even risking the consequences for failure because you are my knight and this is what I should do."
This is EXACTLY the kind of person I was hoping to make Lelouch when I voted for focusing on our Oaths to Kallen during that miniturn and I'm really glad you did so.
I would love to see a scene or omake that shows how Lelouch's inner council reacts to the knowledge that their really is a sinister conspiracy working to oppose Jaegar and his research.
I see, so we're definitely spying on the pirates first, but yeah this is great for us.
There is another factor we need to consider in this. We know via the meta-questions that we got that Rakshata Chawla is supporting/supplying the pirates. If the anti-psychic secret society is also supporting/using them, we'll probably start seeing anti-psyhic weapons showing up soon.

Not unless he stayed indoors.
Actually he has apparently lounged around (presumably in the sun) at least once:
The end result is that, during the last two months of the year after you return to the islands again, you direct the crews still under contract to construct both a basic modern airfield and a basic deep-water dock for frigates, destroyers, and cruisers. Anything larger, you simply wouldn't be able to accommodate, but this will make resupply much, much easier.

Ultimately, you end up with a series of low-rise steel-reinforced bunkers hardened against tropical storms that feed into a labyrinth of corridors and underground rooms capable of holding your forces and a generous stockpile of food. Your airfield and docks, also, are connected to that same labyrinth.

Also, you and Jeanne may have taken a few days here and there to sit quietly on lounge chairs and sip fruity alcohol.

But no one will ever be able to prove that.
There will be hell to pay for this. I am just gonna mark this grudge down here.
I'm not sure if you mean the paddling or the pirates. But why not both, I suppose?
Also, I didn't say it before, but thank you so much for this Slayer Anderson.
I'm glad your hopes dovetailed with the effects of the vote this time, I'm always happy to hear when someone enjoys my writing.
Not too sure if we want to have another intrigue option to contest limited intrigue ap, not that i would turn away blackmail.
I'm going to guess that interacting with the Club would be limited to 1 Free Intrigue action until we get more influence?
Given that you guys are burning through Intrigue actions quickly, I'd planned this to be kind of an extra action that hangs around semi-permanently just in case other things aren't appealing to you in a given turn. I shouldn't push other options out. I've been managing 5 options each turn pretty well, we'll see if adding a sixth to one category changes that, but I should be okay.

It will also be available as a Personal Action to spend time gambling/drinking/etc... but I don't see that getting much attention. Even if it somewhat relaxing for Lulu to get away from everything for a little while and carouse in a mask with a bunch of suspicious types...