Semper Ad Meliora (Code Geass/Britannian Royalty Quest)

We could always do both. Send Greta raiding and have the Admiral escort our troop and Knightmare transports to Xiamen.
Yeah… hmm, going a bit more in-depth we could leave Xingke here to muster an army along with a squad of 5 Knightmares and one of the more logistically oriented mercenary groups so he still has some fire power some additional help organizing his mustering.

Then load our forces back up and blitz Xiamen before the Eunuchs can reinforce the city escorted by the 3rd while our combat ships move north to harass, delay, and keep an eye on the Eunuchs fleets. Then, once Xiamen is taken we'll hold the city while our and the 3rds transport ships and a portion of their combat ships circle back to Guangzhou to pick up Xingke's gathered army to transport them to the now secured port of Xiamen.

Once our entire army is gathered at Xiamen, and maybe have Xingke do some additional mustering while we're there, we move north toward Shanghai along the coast while our fleet and the 3rd follow us along both for logistics and so as to provide constant air support and maybe even artillery if our army is particularly close to the ocean with their naval guns.
We could always do both. Send Greta raiding and have the Admiral escort our troop and Knightmare transports to Xiamen.
what do you mean with raiding? actually raiding the countryside? because while xingke and tianzi might turn a blind eye towards our actions it would be counted against us when it came to getting a reward

but if you mean harrasing the blockading fleets then jeannes fleet with the carrier would be far better for the job than greta with the battleship and her smaller flottilla
Those plans for a Blitzkrieg and all are interesting but I think we should wait for at least the next update to see what we have stepped in. For some reason I'm afraid it will be something to do with India and the deal that sold it to China. Maybe it had some not widely known clauses that we managed to trigger with our little invasion. Since deals like that can have some non aggression clauses.
Either way I doubt we will be able to finish the war during this turn. Unless everything went even more crazy that I thought.
Once our entire army is gathered at Xiamen, and maybe have Xingke do some additional mustering while we're there, we move north toward Shanghai along the coast while our fleet and the 3rd follow us along both for logistics and so as to provide constant air support and maybe even artillery if our army is particularly close to the ocean with their naval guns.
I like everything else but the last bit is too premature. We aren't sure how the Eunuch's respond to this. They could decide the coast isn't safe from assault from Lelouch and pull back to Wuhan, or they may bypass Lelouch by sea and reclaim Guangzhou once Xingke leaves. We'll have to wait for their response before we follow up on taking Xiamen.

what do you mean with raiding? actually raiding the countryside? because while xingke and tianzi might turn a blind eye towards our actions it would be counted against us when it came to getting a reward

but if you mean harrasing the blockading fleets then jeannes fleet with the carrier would be far better for the job than greta with the battleship and her smaller flottilla
] Deploy Covertly to...
-[ ] Qingdao
-[ ] Xiamen
-[ ] Quanzhou
-[ ] Shanghai
-[ ] Guangzhou

[ ] Deploy Militarily to...
-[ ] Raiding Actions (No Invasion)
-[ ] Blockade Fleet Action (Potential Qingdao Invasion)
-[ ] Xiamen
-[ ] Quanzhou
-[ ] Shanghai
-[ ] Guangzhou
It was labeled Raiding actions during the vote. Obviously I mean there fleets, why would I put Greta in charge of a land military action? Also Naturally I'm Assigning all lelouch's naval forces to the action, otherwise I wouldn't be relying on Admiral Wu to escort our troop transports to Xiamen.

While Jeanne is commanding while we are in transit, there is at least an even chance that we pull her away from our fleet elements to command lelouch's ground forces during Xiamen for her reroll, which would leave Greta in charge, which is really for the best.
Those plans for a Blitzkrieg and all are interesting but I think we should wait for at least the next update to see what we have stepped in. For some reason I'm afraid it will be something to do with India and the deal that sold it to China. Maybe it had some not widely known clauses that we managed to trigger with our little invasion. Since deals like that can have some non aggression clauses.
Either way I doubt we will be able to finish the war during this turn. Unless everything went even more crazy that I thought.
This has been labeled a possible action that could rap up the war in a single turn if we were successful enough. There might be lingering opposition but a victory in Guangzhou properly capitalized on would be a death sentence for the Eunuch's rebellion provided there emergency counter attack fails, or should we capitalize on the weakness of their southern assets further before they muster a response. This was possible without total success on the surprise attack, or the fantastic diplomacy roll. Whatever the super secret fun prize is, It's a source of political problems, not an obstacle to Lihua's swift victory and the wars conclusion.
I like everything else but the last bit is too premature. We aren't sure how the Eunuch's respond to this. They could decide the coast isn't safe from assault from Lelouch and pull back to Wuhan, or they may bypass Lelouch by sea and reclaim Guangzhou once Xingke leaves. We'll have to wait for their response before we follow up on taking Xiamen.

It was labeled Raiding actions during the vote. Obviously I mean there fleets, why would I put Greta in charge of a land military action? Also Naturally I'm Assigning all lelouch's naval forces to the action, otherwise I wouldn't be relying on Admiral Wu to escort our troop transports to Xiamen.

While Jeanne is commanding while we are in transit, there is at least an even chance that we pull her away from our fleet elements to command lelouch's ground forces during Xiamen for her reroll, which would leave Greta in charge, which is really for the best.
I really don't see them leaving Shanghai. They've already moved all their important operations and command structure there and uprooting all of that simply isn't feasible.

And if they did they certainly wouldn't go to Guangzhou seeing as they'd have to bypass us to do so and we'd obviously not just let them past. Not to mention it's not like we'll just leave the city undefended, Xingke would obviously leave some kind of defense force behind to guard it. And what would they even accomplish by attempting to relocate to Guangzhou?

And if they move to Wuhan, I mean, ok? We just go there after taking Shanghai and meeting up with Tianzi and smash the last of their resistance together.

No, they're too entrenched in Shanghai to simply move elsewhere in a practical fashion, and if they did it wouldn't accomplish much of anything.
This has been labeled a possible action that could rap up the war in a single turn if we were successful enough.
Where was it mentioned that the war could end in a single turn? Since I only remember that taking Guangzhou would lead to opening a second front in the south (which implies a continuation of the war) and that it removes any chance of the southern Federation states to join the eunuchs from their neutrality. Basically it was sen as the biggest "splash" without being a decapitating strike as Lelouch didn't want to "steal the show". The only mention I could find was that if we did really well we might be able to send our fleet for a second target.

With the hints from Slayer I don't think us doing really good is what will cause the political problems. I think we triggered some political landmine that could be a great opportunity while also completely changing our game. Basically a change on the same level as Cornellia conquering Constantinople, converting to Eastern Orthodoxy and then becoming Tzarina.
For all we know we might have stumbled on some smuggled Japanese artifacts that are tied to the imperial tile and they activated for us and marked us as the Emperor of Japan. Stranger things have happened in this quest.

I know there are hints about the background rolls like the eunuch war effort catching on fire from the Part 1 of the rant. So there is a chance for the war to wrap up soonish but I don't think it was mentioned that anywhere that it could end this turn. I'm really curious if Slayer's Part 2 of the rant about this turn just got worse after our rolls.
I know there are hints about the background rolls like the eunuch war effort catching on fire from the Part 1 of the rant. So there is a chance for the war to wrap up soonish but I don't think it was mentioned that anywhere that it could end this turn. I'm really curious if Slayer's Part 2 of the rant about this turn just got worse after our rolls.
...Didn't China effectively use a puppet to justify an invasion of Japan in the show? Did they have any justification to back said invasion like, the Japanese Regalia?
...Didn't China effectively use a puppet to justify an invasion of Japan in the show? Did they have any justification to back said invasion like, the Japanese Regalia?
The puppet was technichally the legimate goverment in exile of japan. It was what was left of their civilian goverment from before britianias invasion.
Parts of the government, at least. It's very likely that some people fled to Europe, some went to China, and we know that some stayed in Area 11 to become the Sakuradite Trade Commission/Kyoto House. Whenever a country collapses like Japan did under Britannian occupation, wealthy people use their access to resources and their political connections to avoid the fate of the majority of their country and either flee or collaborate with the new government. Which Lelouch points out during the team up with Suzaku, and the fact that such a government 'in exile' owes the entirety of its political legitimacy to its hosting nation. Even if they had succeeded in freeing Japan from Britannian influence, Japan would have traded Britannia for China in terms of occupying foreign powers, because there's no vaugely realstic world in which that doesn't happen.

Anyway, I'm working on the next update, I should have it up sometime later this week on Patreon. Look for it over the weekend publicly.

...small chance I might decide instead to work on the next part of A Republican in a Strange Land.
Behold! I found a thing that gives some insight into how Chinese Eunuchs work…in fact this guys whole channel is about Chinese history:


I didn't know Eunuchs could have surrogate families through adoption…explains how Cao Cao in Romance of the Three kingdoms could have a Eunuch grandfather. I always just assumed he was a phony eunuch…it certainly have been the first time that happened.
Knife, spigot, chilli sauce: the making of a Forbidden City eunuch
Top 5 Despised Chinese Eunuchs in Imperial Chinese History
This one phone Eunuch named Lao Ai even knocked up the mother of the first emperor of China. Needless to say when Qin Emperor found out he was…displeased and the Eunuch ended up coming down with a severe case of death.
This one phone Eunuch named Lao Ai even knocked up the mother of the first emperor of China. Needless to say when Qin Emperor found out he was…displeased and the Eunuch ended up coming down with a severe case of death.
How did an eunuch even manage that. Legitimately curious, medically speaking


Winning Vote:

[X][ISD] Keep the current deal until further notice with the addition of allowing him the remaining half of the sakuradite you will purchase from the IC. (Maintain the +1 Stewardship Action for 3 more years and Choose 3)
-[X] Mercenaries (+Army Support, Automatically Enables Invasions)
-[X] Elite Mercenaries (+Strategic/Logistical Support, 1 Reroll on Land Combat Military actions per year.)
-[X] Merchant Marine (+Navy Support, 1 Reroll on Naval-related Military Actions per year.)

[X][XB] You will keep him at the base in New Caledonia and find a permanent minder for him at a later date.

...and, with that, I formally declare Year 9 to be finally, finally, over.
@Slayer Anderson you forgot to delete this one
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How did an eunuch even manage that. Legitimately curious, medically speaking
Basically all three of the famous false Eunuchs had a friend in power who arranged for them to skip the usual medical exam. In the case of the one who knocked up the Empress, he was buddies with Qin prime Minister Lu Buwei, who felt pity for the guy since he was handsome but useless and couldn't get a normal job. So the Prime minister used his power to bypass the usual medical exam to make sure the guy was actually castrated and had him sent to the Qin state's harem under the pseudonym of Yan Man which gave the jackass power roughly equal to a marquis. At the time the first Emperor Qin Shihuang had not fully unified China yet and was busy fighting on the battlefield, therefore all other national affairs were controlled by Lu Buwei. So if the man said a medical exam was unnecessary everyone would just shrug and let it slide.
I've got the next part of the Republican in a Strange Land omake up on patreon right now, I'll have it posted in a day or two publicly.

After that, I'll start working on the next part of the war update. Expect that by the middle or end of next week.

Just as a general status update.
A Republican In a Strange Land (Part 2) by Slayer Anderson - (Canon):
A Republican In a Strange Land: Part 2

Erin's first questions had been very general. Baseline information about how Britannia's classes worked, what was considered rude, what was considered polite, tips and tricks on how to function in the country in general. This had turned out to be a very good tack to take, since she'd inadvertently been offending several members of the staff by asking them personal and probing questions. Guests of the lord or lady, as it turned out, simply didn't do that, for various reasons. It was a protective custom for the servants, to ensure it would be more difficult for visiting nobility to target them for some slight, insult, or... well... if someone wanted to ask for 'private service' from a specific individual at the estate.

Maids, butlers, field hands, technicians... they didn't have names, they had occupations.

After the interview with Orion Hathfield, the lord of the manor had offered her accommodations within Hathfield Hall itself, but after learning that associating too much with the man might put off some of the 'commoners' from answering her questions honestly, she'd simply asked for a room at a local hotel.

Which is how she'd found herself here, she reminded herself, because it was crucial that she understood this was a choice made of her own volition.

Because she was standing in front of a tavern.

It was something that one might, in Europa, visit as a part of a historical tour. The majority of the building was made of thick wooden timbers that facilitated a sprawling two-story structure within easy walking distance of the manor's outer wall. The dark wood of the building rose on either side to taller towers with slotted grates over large openings she couldn't divine the purpose of. Atop the roof were, jarringly enough, rows of solar panels over white roofing tiles, which hopefully meant she'd have somewhere to plug her electronics in at the very least. Looking longingly at the retreating carriage that had dropped her off, complete with horses, she pushed away fond thoughts of air conditioning and flush toilets. It looked like she'd be roughing it.

Passing by the horses tied up outside the building, she wrinkled her nose at the smell of the animals and the small pile of excrement binned off to one side.

The large covered awning had perhaps twenty people milling about tables with various food dishes stacked about. Her rolling suitcase trailing her, Erin noted the looks of curious interest sent her way by nearly everyone as card games and conversations momentarily dulled with her passing so that any given group could eye her.

"Let me get the door for you, miss." One of the men in worn clothing smiled at her, tipping his hat in a way she'd never seen outside of a period film.

Erin forced herself to smile back. "Thank you." Absently, she tried not to take offense at what was almost certainly politeness and not the EU-stigmatized chauvinism. In a moment of clarity, she wondered if this was how the head butler at the manor had felt, mentally attempting to hold onto that mindset as she entered the tavern.

The first thing that hit her was the music.

The second was the unexpectedly cool air.

A live band stood in a clear corner of the building, playing on their various instruments an upbeat tune that surprised her with how catchy it was. No guitars, keyboards, or drums were among the setup, though. It was very classically Britannian folk music, though with a twist that had only come about more recently in the country's cultural history. More and more, the traditional ballads were yielding to songs that, bar the instruments, wouldn't be out of place in Europa.

"Here for a room, lass?"

Erin started, blinking as she turned towards a woman in a long apron with a weathered face. Her hair was mostly silver, but her short sleeved dress revealed arms that obviously hadn't lost their strength. The European schooled her face into a smile and nodded.

"Ah, yes. I was told to give the owner this?" She pulled a slightly-ruffled note from her pocket, folded and stamped with pressed wax.

The tavern maid's eyebrows rose as she looked at it, then nodded as she turned away towards the bar. "Tom! Got a weary lass here, needs a room!"

Tom turned out to be the much-younger man standing behind the bar serving drinks and laughing with a group of men who seemed even younger than himself. Likely, Erin believed, they wouldn't have been allowed to drink back in Europa given that they looked barely out of secondary school, if that.

"Oh, look tha' new bird!" One of the flushed boys grinned, running a hand through his hair as Erin fought the urge to sigh. His friends perked up and blatantly looked her up and down. "What's your name, pretty bird?"

Some things, it seemed, were constant despite the cultural divide.

"Not interested." Erin stated very clearly, then passed her message to Tom. "My name is Erin Sabeour. I was told to give this to you."

The man's eyebrows rose and the noisy teens nearby devolved into hushed muttering as they looked between each other. The one who'd hit on her shot her a dark look before being dragged off by his compatriots. The barkeep of the tavern cracked the wax seal with an air of long practice, looking over the note with a careful and narrowed gaze underneath one of the low-hanging lights strung throughout the building.

"Looks like Lord Hathfield will be covering any expenses, miss." Tom stated with a polite smile as he waved her note. "I'm Tom Bansen, owner of the Kullard Tavern and Inn." He grinned suddenly, tapping his temple. "And, yeah, I know what you're thinking, I'm awful young to be owning an establishment like this. Well, I'm just the minder. My mum and pa are off gallivanting around the empire for their fiftieth anniversary, but needn't you worry, I've been seeing to the business since I was eight, so I know the ropes."

Erin nodded slowly, leaning on the bar. "I thought it was difficult to travel around the empire without the right papers and permissions?"

Tom snorted, adopting a knowing expression. "Ah, a Euro-b-pean." The young man cleared his throat, covering his verbal flub. "Well, miss, that's a common misunderstanding. You need papers, yeah, but they're pretty easy to get. You either have to go to one of the local offices or plead your case with either your local lord or the appointed magistrate. They can sign off on things like that way easier than filing all the stuff with the proper departments."

Erin nodded slowly. "I'd assume you'd need to tell them where you're going and why and give them an explanation for your travel."

Tom waggled one hand as he filled a beer with another. "Depends? If the lord or lady ain't familiar with you, you might have to, but even with my parents on being residents and not having citizenship, Lord Hathfield's known them since he was young and used to sneak out to play with some neighborhood kids." Tom gave a shrug. "At least, to hear them tell it, but this town's full of old windbags."

"And that doesn't bother you?" Erin pressed curiously, taking a seat at the bar now. "That the... um, lord or lady or whoever can just tell you yes or no and you'll have to accept it?"

Tom sighed and shook his head as he waved over one of the waiters and pointed at the bar. "How about you get a table and I'll grab you a bowl of stew and some fresh bread, if you're really that interested in all this."

Erin hesitated, but the aromas from the kitchen and the mention of food reminded her that her hunger had only been temporarily quelled by the light lunch that Orion had offered her hours ago. A grumbling within her stomach that was felt more than heard made her sigh and nod. "Alright. I'll just take a seat over there." She nodded at an empty table.

A few minutes later, Erin was devouring what was probably the richest stew she'd ever had as Tom sat opposite to her with his own bowl and tall glass of wine.

"First of all, I should warn you off asking just anyone about self-representation and stuff like that." Tom drawled with a cautionary smile. "That type of stuff doesn't bother me too much, but other people it'll really stick in their craw."

Erin swallowed. "Why is that?" She pressed, then frowned at herself. "I mean, in your own words. I've read a lot of school textbooks and academic papers, but..."

"Straight from the horse's mouth." Tom nodded, gazing off into space for a moment as he ate. "Well, I can't speak for everyone, mind you, but it's probably because we have plenty of representation at low levels. There's a bunch of people you can talk to if you want to get help with something." He held up a hand and started counting off. "We've got a council of aldermen, then there's the people who have Lord Hathfield's ear. They've got their fingers in pies all over the town." Tom nodded with a conspiratorial wink. "You can talk to the mayor, too, of course, and the duke's law says even residents can vote in mayoral election, though I think that varies depending on where you are in the empire."

Erin sighed as she bit into a hard-shelled loaf of bread that was still warm and soft on the inside. Why didn't the bread they sold at the store feel like this? "And that doesn't bother you?" Erin paused at the frown on his face and amended her statement. "I'm sorry if I'm repeating myself, but I just want to get a thorough answer so I can understand things for the paper I'm writing. So, why doesn't it bother you that beyond local representation, you don't have a say in what happens in the higher levels of the empire?"

Tom leaned back and shrugged. "I mean, do you in Europa?" It was Erin's turn to frown as Tom elaborated. "Sure, you lot have the vote for everything under creation, but it ain't like the people you elect actually do the stuff you want, right? You might get lucky every now and then and something you want will happen, but most of the time they just stand around jawing at each other and drawing a paycheck, right?"

Erin grimaced, knowing that was more true than she wanted to believe. "But we can vote those people out if they don't do anything. You're stuck with the nobility that's in charge."

Tom snorted and shook his head. "You say that like it's a bad thing, miss." He gestured at the room with his spoon. "Lord Hathfield hisself helped a lot of people rebuild after a flood came through a few years ago. Real nasty one, too. He lives here, as much as he's a noble, he's also one of us. As far as I know, none of the Hathfields have ever settled for things being a mess. He gave this big speech back then, actually, about it being a stain on his honor that people should be out of their homes under his watch, then begged, borrowed, and stole until we got things up and running again."

Erin sighed, this was going nowhere fast. "I think we'll just have to agree to disagree on that." Tom nodded, filling his mouth with stew. "Instead, do you mind if I ask about the business?"

Tom blinked, following her gesture to the building around them, then shrugged. "Sure. I can't imagine what you'd like to know, but I'm an open book if you like."

"Do you run it on the ducal fiat script or one of the metal-backed currencies?" Erin asked curiously.

Tom almost choked on his mouthful of stew, grabbing at his wine and taking a deep swing. "Hah! That trash! I wouldn't wipe my bum with that!" He chuckled and shook his head. "We do have a bit of a store of silver pound notes, but we usually keep those for emergencies or savings."

Erin frowned. "But if you don't use either of the common currencies, then how do you operate?"

Tom sipped his wine. "I mean, electricity is pretty much free unless you're overdrawing, and we sell a bit of juice back to the duchy through Lord Hathfield after we paid him off for setting up the solar panels up top." Tom jabbed a thumb upwards. "Most of our water is well-drawn or comes from filtered rainwater. There's a garden out back for some of the fruits and vegetables and there's a farmer who brings over flour made from grain we grow locally. Anything beyond that we can usually barter for locally or we ask for a grant from either the lord, the mayor, or if it's really important, you can take a train a few towns over and file a request with the Imperial Financing Office. They handle all sorts of funding for businesses and stuff if you can prove it helps hold the community together and stuff."

Erin chewed on the last of her bread thoughtfully. "So... you don't make a profit, really? Why do you do it, then? Why run this tavern or inn?"

Tom shrugged. "Well, everyone's gotta' do something with their life, and the place has been in the family for generations, so why wouldn't I?" He seemed puzzled by Erin's disbelief. "It's just not about money. There are a few people in the town who come in and help out every now and then so that they can watch some stuff on the television or play a game of pool or cards or whatever, but... I dunno what to tell you, Miss Sabeour. If I was the type to covet gold, I'd have signed up for the military or asked his lordship for a recommendation in the big city."

Erin nodded, still not comprehending the point he was trying to make, but feeling that she'd at least come to the crux of her inability to understand.

Perhaps a good night's sleep would help.
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People working for the joy of it instead of money? This land is crazy and she doesn't approve.

It's looking like the lord is quite literally one of the good ones, so I'm thinking that's the reason she was able to write her paper here.
Well, that's pretty reasonable. For life, people do not need money, they just need to have the satisfaction of their needs and confidence in the future. I don't know if the picture we've seen is commonplace in the Empire or if it's closer to the idealized side of things, but it does show quite clearly how Britannia is able to govern such a vast territory.
People working for the joy of it instead of money? This land is crazy and she doesn't approve.

It's looking like the lord is quite literally one of the good ones, so I'm thinking that's the reason she was able to write her paper here.
Next chapter, or the one after it, will be Erin realizing that talking to the people who run businesses, have jobs and money, or generally have good quality of life and a stable social circle isn't the best way to critique a society.

You've got to find the people who aren't functioning well to really highlight the problems.
Well, that's pretty reasonable. For life, people do not need money, they just need to have the satisfaction of their needs and confidence in the future. I don't know if the picture we've seen is commonplace in the Empire or if it's closer to the idealized side of things, but it does show quite clearly how Britannia is able to govern such a vast territory.
It varies quite a bit, basically to the extent that America does IRL. Depending on how long this omake series goes on for, Erin will be visiting some of the worse regions/counties of Britannia as well.

Edit: This is also a generally rural area. Life in urban environments is very different.
Imperial Britain is a true communist utopia

...and with that, I think I'm heading to bed.
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In society, there are always good and back actors across the strata of hierarchy. Likely we are seeing those that are more or less content in their position in Britannia especially since there is no crisis ongoing that would negatively affect their way of life.
It's idyllic, it's wholesome, it's inoffensive… its also a complete dumpster fire of economic productivity that likely relies on exploitation and looting elsewhere to function. I'm no particular fan of capitalism, but this is pretty much trying to isolate small local 'businesses' from any actual economic activity.

Neat for a small local village economy where you want everyone to chip in, and the goal is mostly just filling a shared niche. Concerning when you consider the implications in a empire that conquered half the world.
I'm curious what their agricultural looks like. Modern industrial farming isn't incompatible with the noble system Britannia has, so I don't think it'll look too unusual. The limiting factor is the manufacturing capacity to sustain it which is a big unknown. So a larger portion of the population is probably still tied down in agriculture jobs.

I bet you'd get something similar in mining locations, although those might have more unrest.

She'll need to see the cities to probably see some of the limitations/failures, with special focus given to the industrial parts. This kind of way of living doesn't fit city life, from pure concentration of people alone if nothing else.