Semper Ad Meliora (Code Geass/Britannian Royalty Quest)

[X][ISD] Keep the current deal until further notice with the addition of allowing him the remaining half of the sakuradite you will purchase from the IC. (Maintain the +1 Stewardship Action for 3 more years and Choose 3)
-[X] Business Deals (Opens up Special Diplomatic/Stewardship Actions)
-[X] Shadow Companies (Opens up Special Intrigue/Military Actions)
-[X] Political Backing (Bonus to Rolls Defending Territory Claims)
[X][XB] You will keep him at the base in New Caledonia and find a permanent minder for him at a later date.
Hmmm... The vote seems pretty one-sided currently. If the warfare-options win, we might be able to finally move in to the invasion-phase to Australia in the near-ish future, and bring into use all the toys we have currently in development.

Speaking of toys, Cyperpunk 2077 has gotten me thinking about cybernetics in this quest. Slayer Anderson, would you like to expand upon the current medical- and military-grade cybernetics, or those technologies that Lelouch is aware of, that is? I'm certain that the various conspiracies (and Rakshata) have made advances that they are keeping secret. Though I would also bet that the reveal about psionic supersoldiers has everyone scrambling for solutions to augment their militaries, which might include cybernetic supersoldiers to supplement things on the infantry level. Knightmares are still limited by their size on the battlefield, after all.
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Do we really have the time to invest 7 turns turning around his SL? There's no guarantee we will gain SL levels faster than 1 or 2 a turn with him. I don't think we have had ANY SL increase by more than 2 ever.
Putting Xiaobao with another person we're close to could lead to a similar situation as what we've had before with Euphemia and Nunnally a few times. Where boosting one's SL can potentially boost another's like having one person liking you more has another person they're close to liking you more kind of situation.

For reasons others have put forward Euphemia while on the surface seems like a good option but it could cost us action-wise which kind of defeats the point of handing him into the care of others. Plus I'm not sure she'd have good synergy for what we might have planned for Xiaobao(Which is really in the air right now. Do we want a Psionic test pilot for our future tech? Piety Advisor? High Priest of a new religion?). Maybe if we want him for administration it could be a good fit, I suppose but other than more subtle applications of Psionics she may not even be aware she's using that part of Xiaobao'a tutelage of is left hanging when that's the main reason to keep him around. Though that's where keeping him on island could be a boon, easy access to cultist / ninja tutors!

Sayoko is another option and one who actually uses her Psionics on a semi-regular basis to boot! Same potential issue as Euphemia and I'm not sure how huge Psionic capabilities mesh with the traditional ninja style of Psionic combat.Going by Lelouch's training session it doesn't seem to be a requirement but certainly doesn't hurt. She also has actual childcare experience/potential so that's another bonus though I do question if we need another Psionic ninja.

Outside of actual Advisory members we have the closest thing to a Psionics Advisor we have: One Mister Aleister Crowley...who I've written a whole Omake about towards this end. Going by the canonized status of which Crowley does have the actual desire, actual teaching experience, and possibly above average Psionic ability. With free time. Main downside being his status as an actual cult leader...but really when you're up against two extremely powerful secret cabals on opposite sides of the Psionic spectrum isn't fanatical devotion from your own most potent Psionics a good thing?

Then there's Kaguya Sumeragi who is well versed in Chinese culture...and she's more free than Euphemia? Given we've focused her towards the CF which is currently gone completely dark to her I'm doubtful she'd have as much time to raise/educate a kid at this time. So kind of all the same upsides/downsides as Euphemia.

And finally I come to the last most likely caretaker candidate on the island we call home! Something of a unexpected option but one I feel deserves proper consideration. Our dearest (male) friend, Gino Weinberg. Potentially as kind as Euphemia with not nearly the amount of distractions, if he can help Lelouch occasionally find joy in life why not a traumatized young boy? If we're going to focus our Psionics towards our military and Space race then specializing Xiaobao towards that end could certainly hold potential.Main downside would be a possible lack of discipline though Gino is a military man so that may not be too big an issue. He could certainly dedicate himself to being a better parental figure then he had growing up.

...This kinda got away from me and I'm just going to apologize to Firebringer for dragging him into my stream of thoughts right here...
X][ISD] Keep the current deal until further notice with the addition of allowing him the remaining half of the sakuradite you will purchase from the IC. (Maintain the +1 Stewardship Action for 3 more years and Choose 3)
-[X] Mercenaries (+Army Support, Automatically Enables Invasions)
-[X] Elite Mercenaries (+Strategic/Logistical Support, 1 Reroll on Land Combat Military actions per year.)
-[X] Merchant Marine (+Navy Support, 1 Reroll on Naval-related Military Actions per year.)
[X][XB] You will keep him at the base in New Caledonia and find a permanent minder for him at a later date.
[X][ISD] Keep the current deal until further notice with the addition of allowing him the remaining half of the sakuradite you will purchase from the IC. (Maintain the +1 Stewardship Action for 3 more years and Choose 3)
-[X] Mercenaries (+Army Support, Automatically Enables Invasions)
-[X] Elite Mercenaries (+Strategic/Logistical Support, 1 Reroll on Land Combat Military actions per year.)
-[X] Merchant Marine (+Navy Support, 1 Reroll on Naval-related Military Actions per year.)
[X][XB] You will keep him at the base in New Caledonia and find a permanent minder for him at a later date.
[X][ISD] Keep the current deal until further notice with the addition of allowing him the remaining half of the sakuradite you will purchase from the IC. (Maintain the +1 Stewardship Action for 3 more years and Choose 3)
-[X] Mercenaries (+Army Support, Automatically Enables Invasions)
-[X] Elite Mercenaries (+Strategic/Logistical Support, 1 Reroll on Land Combat Military actions per year.)
-[X] Merchant Marine (+Navy Support, 1 Reroll on Naval-related Military Actions per year.)
[X][XB] You will keep him at the base in New Caledonia and find a permanent minder for him at a later date.
[X][ISD] Keep the current deal until further notice with the addition of allowing him the remaining half of the sakuradite you will purchase from the IC. (Maintain the +1 Stewardship Action for 3 more years and Choose 3)
-[X] Mercenaries (+Army Support, Automatically Enables Invasions)
-[X] Elite Mercenaries (+Strategic/Logistical Support, 1 Reroll on Land Combat Military actions per year.)
-[X] Merchant Marine (+Navy Support, 1 Reroll on Naval-related Military Actions per year.)
[X][XB] You're simply too busy even with the new members of your entourage, however you could see if your mother would take him. You can trust her to be discreet.
The sole dark spot in an otherwise bright forecast for the nation are the hints of internal discontent following the suggested transition of the position of Prime Minister to a hereditary appointment. Rumor has it that in response to the suggestion factions nominally backing Kururugi Genbu have begun investigating other routes to power.
Now, this is interesting. Genbu is basically trying to declare a shogunate.

Considering their status as a corporate quasi-nobility, I doubt the Sumeragi are fighting for democracy. They could be simply aiming to preserve the status quo in which they hold an exalted position, but I'm kinda assuming what they are really objecting to is someone else grabbing the top spot for good.

Actually, if we marry Kaguya, helping her father to become Shogun hereditary Prime Minister would be a real coup.
Realistically is 1 stewardship action for 3 more years at this stage really worth more than any 3 of those favours? Especially since us getting any one of those perks ourselves would take at the very least several turns each, plus a LOT of resources. It's just not worth it imho, it's faster and more economical to get the full 6 perks.

[X][ISD] No, you would rather negotiate for other favors, a large number given that you'll also be allowing him rights to the remaining half of the sakuradite you will purchase from the IC. (Lose the +1 Stewardship Action and Choose 6)
-[X] Mercenaries (+Army Support, Automatically Enables Invasions)
-[X] Elite Mercenaries (+Strategic/Logistical Support, 1 Reroll on Land Combat Military actions per year.)
-[X] Merchant Marine (+Navy Support, 1 Reroll on Naval-related Military Actions per year.)
-[X] Business Deals (Opens up Special Diplomatic/Stewardship Actions)
-[X] Shadow Companies (Opens up Special Intrigue/Military Actions)
-[X] Political Backing (Bonus to Rolls Defending Territory Claims)
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[X][ISD] Keep the current deal until further notice with the addition of allowing him the remaining half of the sakuradite you will purchase from the IC. (Maintain the +1 Stewardship Action for 3 more years and Choose 3)
-[X] Mercenaries (+Army Support, Automatically Enables Invasions)
-[X] Elite Mercenaries (+Strategic/Logistical Support, 1 Reroll on Land Combat Military actions per year.)
-[X] Merchant Marine (+Navy Support, 1 Reroll on Naval-related Military Actions per year.)
[X][XB] You will keep him at the base in New Caledonia and find a permanent minder for him at a later date.

X][ISD] Keep the current deal until further notice with the addition of allowing him the remaining half of the sakuradite you will purchase from the IC. (Maintain the +1 Stewardship Action for 3 more years and Choose 3)
You're missing a [.
This looks pretty solid as a preliminary tally. I need to go run and do a few things, but I'll be calling the vote when I get back.

Expect another three to four hours to vote on the clock as of this post's timestamp.

Adhoc vote count started by Slayer Anderson on Dec 11, 2020 at 4:17 PM, finished with 87 posts and 57 votes.

  • [X][ISD] Keep the current deal until further notice with the addition of allowing him the remaining half of the sakuradite you will purchase from the IC. (Maintain the +1 Stewardship Action for 3 more years and Choose 3)
    -[X] Mercenaries (+Army Support, Automatically Enables Invasions)
    -[X] Elite Mercenaries (+Strategic/Logistical Support, 1 Reroll on Land Combat Military actions per year.)
    -[X] Merchant Marine (+Navy Support, 1 Reroll on Naval-related Military Actions per year.)
    [X][XB] You will keep him at the base in New Caledonia and find a permanent minder for him at a later date.
    -[X] Mercenaries (+Army Support, Automatically Enables Invasions)
    -[X] Elite Mercenaries (+Strategic/Logistical Support, 1 Reroll on Land Combat Military actions per year.)
    -[X] Merchant Marine (+Navy Support, 1 Reroll on Naval-related Military Actions per year.)
    [X][ISD] Keep the current deal until further notice with the addition of allowing him the remaining half of the sakuradite you will purchase from the IC. (Maintain the +1 Stewardship Action for 3 more years and Choose 3)
    -[X] Business Deals (Opens up Special Diplomatic/Stewardship Actions)
    -[X] Shadow Companies (Opens up Special Intrigue/Military Actions)
    -[X] Political Backing (Bonus to Rolls Defending Territory Claims)
    [X][ISD] Keep the current deal until further notice with the addition of allowing him the remaining half of the sakuradite you will purchase from the IC. (Maintain the +1 Stewardship Action for 3 more years and Choose 3)
    -[X] Mercenaries (+Army Support, Automatically Enables Invasions)
    -[X] Shadow Companies (Opens up Special Intrigue/Military Actions)
    -[X] Political Backing (Bonus to Rolls Defending Territory Claims)
    [X][ISD] Keep the current deal until further notice with the addition of allowing him the remaining half of the sakuradite you will purchase from the IC. (Maintain the +1 Stewardship Action for 3 more years and Choose 3)
    -[X] Merchant Marine (+Navy Support, 1 Reroll on Naval-related Military Actions per year.)
    -[X] Shadow Companies (Opens up Special Intrigue/Military Actions)
    -[X] Political Backing (Bonus to Rolls Defending Territory Claims)
    [X][ISD] Keep the current deal until further notice with the addition of allowing him the remaining half of the sakuradite you will purchase from the IC. (Maintain the +1 Stewardship Action for 3 more years and Choose 3)
    -[X] Business Deals (Opens up Special Diplomatic/Stewardship Actions)
    -[X] Shadow Companies (Opens up Special Intrigue/Military Actions)
    -[X] Merchant Marine (+Navy Support, 1 Reroll on Naval-related Military Actions per year.)
    -[X][ISD] Keep the current deal until further notice with the addition of allowing him the remaining half of the sakuradite you will purchase from the IC. (Maintain the +1 Stewardship Action for 3 more years and Choose 3)
    -[X] Mercenaries (+Army Support, Automatically Enables Invasions)
    -[X] Elite Mercenaries (+Strategic/Logistical Support, 1 Reroll on Land Combat Military actions per year.)
    -[X] Merchant Marine (+Navy Support, 1 Reroll on Naval-related Military Actions per year.)
    [X][ISD] No, instead you'll be holding onto the sakuradite for the open market, but you still wish to maintain the current deal. (Maintain the +1 Stewardship Action for 3 more years, keep sakuradite privileges for later use, no surplus favors)
    [X][ISD] Keep the current deal until further notice with the addition of allowing him the remaining half of the sakuradite you will purchase from the IC. (Maintain the +1 Stewardship Action for 3 more years and Choose 3)
    -[X] Shadow Companies (Opens up Special Intrigue/Military Actions)
    -[X] Merchant Marine (+Navy Support, 1 Reroll on Naval-related Military Actions per year.)
    -[X] Elite Mercenaries (+Strategic/Logistical Support, 1 Reroll on Land Combat Military actions per year.)
    [X][ISD] Keep the current deal until further notice with the addition of allowing him the remaining half of the sakuradite you will purchase from the IC. (Maintain the +1 Stewardship Action for 3 more years and Choose 3)
    -[X] Air Support (Bonus Modifiers to Combat Rolls.)
    -[X] Business Deals (Opens up Special Diplomatic/Stewardship Actions)
    -[X] Shadow Companies (Opens up Special Intrigue/Military Actions)
    [X][ISD] No, you would rather negotiate for other favors, a large number given that you'll also be allowing him rights to the remaining half of the sakuradite you will purchase from the IC. (Lose the +1 Stewardship Action and Choose 6)
    -[X] Mercenaries (+Army Support, Automatically Enables Invasions)
    -[X] Elite Mercenaries (+Strategic/Logistical Support, 1 Reroll on Land Combat Military actions per year.)
    -[X] Merchant Marine (+Navy Support, 1 Reroll on Naval-related Military Actions per year.)
    -[X] Business Deals (Opens up Special Diplomatic/Stewardship Actions)
    -[X] Shadow Companies (Opens up Special Intrigue/Military Actions)
    -[X] Political Backing (Bonus to Rolls Defending Territory Claims)
    [X][XB] You're simply too busy even with the new members of your entourage, however you could see if your mother would take him. You can trust her to be discreet.
    [X][XB] The OSI has extensive resources and experience dealing with powerful psionics, you will bargain with them for his worth (subsequent vote follows).

Winning Vote:

[X][ISD] Keep the current deal until further notice with the addition of allowing him the remaining half of the sakuradite you will purchase from the IC. (Maintain the +1 Stewardship Action for 3 more years and Choose 3)
-[X] Mercenaries (+Army Support, Automatically Enables Invasions)
-[X] Elite Mercenaries (+Strategic/Logistical Support, 1 Reroll on Land Combat Military actions per year.)
-[X] Merchant Marine (+Navy Support, 1 Reroll on Naval-related Military Actions per year.)

[X][XB] You will keep him at the base in New Caledonia and find a permanent minder for him at a later date.

...and, with that, I formally declare Year 9 to be finally, finally, over.
Yeah true but still only 9 years have passed and we haven't even started on taking Australia! What I'm saying is we've done a lot in so that time frame.
You're not wrong by any stretch of the imagination but I think it's more a symptom of just how much is put in the average turn. Like turn 1 (not counting character generation), which I believe is the shortest turn this quest has ever had, is something like 11K words, 8 threadmarks long and took about a week to be completed.

To put things in perspective the absolute shortest turn is approximately the same length as a very simple "chapter book" like The Magic Treehouse (which supposedly averages 12K words). The quest in total (not counting informational, apocryphal or sidestory posts) is longer than Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (the quest apparently totals to 180K words, the Half-Blood Prince is about 169K words).

Yeah we've done a lot in a small timeframe but that's more because of how SlayerAnderson has paced the quest. In terms of actual content written compared to events that have happened in story it's a lot more reasonable looking than if we simply looked at the turn number.
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Oh yeah there has been a lot of content to this quest I guess I see it short and whatnot because I follow Dynamic Alcoholism which averages 20k+ updates it kind of skews my perception of what is short and long after a while.

But yeah SlayerAnderson has done a great job pacing the quest and the actual content is amazing well done so I look forward to turn 10 and what it'll bring us!
So now that the turn is finally settled and the invasion is becoming more and more imminent I have to ask, which pirate band is first on our hit list? Personally I think we should go for the Children as revenge for them setting Indonesia into motion and so we can attempt to capture the mind behind the Guren before it is completed and gets used on us.
So now that the turn is finally settled and the invasion is becoming more and more imminent I have to ask, which pirate band is first on our hit list? Personally I think we should go for the Children as revenge for them setting Indonesia into motion and so we can attempt to capture the mind behind the Guren before it is completed and gets used on us.
If the Children are your target I would first go for the Blades of Saladin. Using Port Sindbad as a forward operating base for our air force we can get more air support. Not to mention the Blades seem as a good try run due to their actions against Britannia shipping. There is another factor when dealing with them.
Regardless of the lack of funding coming through Ethiopia or the MEF at this point, though, the Blades of Saladin have expanded to field a second flotilla in addition to their main battle fleet. It is likely that some other faction, possibly India or even the East African Union, has used this opportunity to gain a foothold in the complex political situation of the Australian piracy problem. Militarily speaking, the Blades of Saladin are vulnerable at this point, having stretched their operations rather thin in their expansion. If one could mount a dedicated assault while the majority of their ships are out at sea, it's likely they would be able to overcome the defenses and conquer the port-city without any major problems. While the vocal minority of true Islamic extremists within the faction could be a problem in long-term administration, it is likely that they could be culled by a dedicated intelligence sweep without much issue.
As the Pirate Dosier said someone is funding them enough to expand even with funding from Ethiopia and MEF cut off. The MEF might have started funding them again to raid Britannia shipping with the war but the mystery party could be a problem in our future plans. Mostly due to the fact they can pour impressive amounts of money in this operation.
And unless something changed drastically we will have the manpower for a dedicated intelligence sweep after a military conquest.

But while Rakshata and the Guren are shiny the Children are a tough nut to crack due to their ideology. On the other hand the conquest of Port Sindbad would also open the Freelance Raiders as a target. By the time Port Sindbad is under our control our spies should be ready to take advantage of their lack of stability. Not to mention we might be able to get the Crowns to join in our operations against them as they are natural enemies.

If we are lucky we can get a majority control share of the Crowns before we start operations against the Freelancers which will mean that shipping going around the south of Australia could be secured.

As to the Children of Ching Shih. We were moving our plans for them from diplomatic acquisition to military due to our improving relations with the CF. Unfortunately for us it seems the CF situation has gone belly up. We might be interested in looking into them as an ally in the future.
So now that the turn is finally settled and the invasion is becoming more and more imminent I have to ask, which pirate band is first on our hit list? Personally I think we should go for the Children as revenge for them setting Indonesia into motion and so we can attempt to capture the mind behind the Guren before it is completed and gets used on us.
Maybe the low-hanging fruit would be a better option. I mean going against three full fleets, with KMFs, tech standard on par with the CF and well-trained marines. Good luck. I don't see us winning as of now. Especially on their home turf.

Realistically going for one of the big three with a scrapped together army and hoping we can keep whatever we would be able to claim, if any city state will even fall, will only end up with us getting beaten. Sons of Teach, Blades of Saladin or Callico Cats are easier targets and will already put a strain on our current resources.

If I am honest, we have so many irons in the fire, it would be best to first take as many as possible out before we start the next thing. Apart from all the shit we need to do, because we promised or need to because it will hurt us otherwise.

I am just thankful that the vote for even more options did not win. As if we are in need of that.