Year 4 (Phase III) Results:
Euphemia is, quite honestly, thrilled to have both you and Nunnally over at various points during the year.
"Really, it's perfectly fine." She assures both of you as servants set out tea and pastries. "Brother Lelouch, Nunnally, with Cornelia gone the house seems so much emptier than it ever has. I very much look forward to when she comes back from campaign. Even though that may be some time with her successes."
"Oh, Ive heard!" Nunnally claps her hands excitedly. "Landing forces in the Duchy of Aden and invading Eritrea was inspired! Word is she should be in Cairo itself by mid-year!"
"Yes." Euphemia's smile turns somewhat brittle. "Big sister has always been quite talented at the art of war." She sighs briefly. "Mother and I are to visit the Duchy of Aden at some point this year in order to see her. I very much wish the two of you could come, but..."
You shrug slightly as you lift a cup of tea to your lips. "I would as well, but I believe we're going to all be terribly busy this year. Nunnally especially, as she has accepted tutelage under our mother in preparation for going south with me."
Nunnally frowned unhappily. "With Cornelia in North Africa, Euphie here in the homeland, and Big Brother and I on New Caledonia or Australia... we really will be on opposite sides of the world."
Euphia giggled suddenly. "Oh, don't look so glum, Nunna! You finally get Lulu all to yourself!"
Nunnally sagged at the teasing. "I would be heartened if not for the fact that Big Brother has taken a lover already."
Euphie's eyes shot wide. "Really?! Oh, do tell!"
You sighed as the two looked to you. You should have known this would happen. "Her name is Kallen Stadtfeld and she-"
"-but Milly told me there was nothing happening between you two!" Euphie cried, both alarmed and dismayed.
You rolled your eyes. "It
was fairly recent, Euphie. She stated her intentions merely last week."
Euphemia's eyebrow rose and her mouth made an 'oh' of realization. "I see. After that kerfuffle with her family, then. Those horrible people, I can't believe they would plot to kill the poor girl and her father simply over an issue of inheritance."
You cleared your throat awkwardly. "Well, yes, that
is what Isacc has told both myself and Father, to the best of my knowledge. Having seen the proof of the matter, I felt driven to act."
Euphie steeled herself visibly for a moment, then nodded. "And it is good that you did, Big Brother. A traitor to one's own family like they should be dealt with most harshly." She paused a moment, then clasped her hands together and bent over the table with wide eyes. "Now tell me, did sweet Kallen swoon into your arms after the entire affair? Or did your royal status finally drive the girl to distraction?"
You froze for a long moment, hardly daring to breathe.
Then you began laughing. Both of your sisters looked as if they thought you mad, but really... if they had met Kallen, they would more than understand your amusement.
Rewards: Euphemia SL Progresses (+1), Nunnally SL Progresses (+1)
Red Queen: 91+5+15 (Omake Bonus)=111 // Crit: 79+11=90
The latter half of the year proves you correct.
At least, in your supposition as regards Nunnally 'finding the humor' of Euphie's questions.
Beyond that, though, you suffer the belated realization that, just perhaps, introducing Kallen to your mother and sister might have been a slight miscalculation on your part. At least, in the abstract sense, because it forces you to consider some deep and meaningful questions as regards the women in your life.
Marianne, your mother, would not
be your mother were it not for her skill on the battlefield.
Nunnally had obviously inherited that raw talent.
Jeanne, you sought out for her prowess at command and was pleasantly surprised by the fact that her abilities in the cockpit were great as well.
Kallen too, you had extended a hand to only on the grounds that she best you in a simulation of combat.
that way, it is entirely excusable that seemingly every woman in your life possesses the wherewithall to destroy you utterly in the field of combat... save for Euphemia. Sweet, sweet, Euphie. How you miss her at the moment.
"Oh, son, don't be so put out. You should be proud to have gathered so many talented pilots under your aegis." Marianne stated, patting you on the knee fondly as she refused to look away from the spectacle in the arena below. You had to admit, it
was quite an amazing sight given the fact that you honestly didn't believe
jumping was within the sutherland's specifications. Sure enough, though, the three women dueling it out below you were proving it possible time and again.
"Your Majesty." A servant stepped up to your mother, bowing, and leaning close to say something. The few words caused your mother's eyebrows to raise nearly to her hairline as she turned to look at the man.
"You're certain?" Your mother asked, still the picture of surprise.
The man nodded gravely.
"Very well then." Your mother looks at you. "Lelouch, come with me. Your father is here."
...and just like that, the bottom drops out of your stomach. Rising from your seat with a lightheadedness you couldn't remember ever feeling before, you followed your mother.
As your feet carried you on autopilot, your mind scrabbled for what this could be about. Obviously, the Stadtfeld Incident came to mind first, but that had been resolved, for the most part, months ago. The Emperor wasn't the type of person to wait to bring up business like this. Perhaps it was just a chance meeting and he was here on other affairs? You dismissed the thought almost as fast as it occurred to you. This was the Ashford Conglomerate's private proving ground for testing knightmare frames.
Outside of some possible emergency which would mean reactivating the Knight of Six...
It was as though you were walking to your own execution.
Intellectually, you understood that the Emperor was a busy man. Running a nation which spread across four continents was busy work, even with all of the doubtless talented and worthy subordinates who helped the complex process. However, this manifested in the fact that you hardly ever saw your father. He visited Aries Villa perhaps a few times a year, and you saw him in a domestic setting with your mother perhaps one of those half-dozen times annually. This meant that the largest interactions you'd had with him were in court.
...which largely consisted of seeing the man, not speaking to him.
You were, after all, a half-commoner 'near-bastard' in the eyes of many. Those murmurs had quieted in the wake of the arrest, detainment, and consignment of more than half of the prominent members of the Stadtfeld family to the Anchorage Oubliette Noble Detention Center.
All of which happened without a single objection from Charles zi Britannia.
'Getting away with' such a provocative action,
de facto, meant you were in the emperor's favor.
After all, if he
hadn't approved of such an inflammatory action, there would have been consequences. Given the scale of what you'd participated in, those consequences would have been serious indeed.
Something which might now, be coming home to roost.
Ave Imperator." You mother and yourself both intoned as you entered his presence, a sphere of roughly ten feet into which a subject must announce themselves or face suspicion of an assassination attempt or other untoward action.
You took a knee.
Your mother curtsies deeply.
Even for a match made in true love, some things are sacrosanct.
Charles zi Britannia in his full regal glory, hums thoughtfully as he stands at a window overlooking the arena. "Rise." He spoke, turning his gaze towards yourself and your mother for a long silent moment. "Marianne, I would speak with our son."
Your mother paused, frowning slightly, then curtsied. "As His Majesty wishes. I will see to our daughter and our son's friends then."
For a moment, a look passed between the two when-
blinked, and almost missed it, but... did your father just
roll his eyes?
Marianne's shoulders dipped and she exhaled with a sound that was almost a disdainful
only your mother. Only her among four billion people, could get away with doing that.
Then your father made a motion and only he, you, and the Knight of One were left in the room. The one-eyed Bismarck Waldstein stands adroitly on the other side of the hall, but makes no move to draw either his gun or sword, merely maintaining a silent vigil.
"Lelouch." The older man gravely intones.
Your attention almost audibly snaps back to your father, and you swallow.
"Truthfully, when the head of OSI informed me of the truth of the Stadtfeld matter, I had a mind to rebuke you." Charles states bluntly. "I believed you to be merely the pawn of Stadtfeld, ensnared by his daughter or he, himself, to cooperate with his desperate attempt to save his own house from damnation at my hands."
You can't help yourself as you prickle in indignation.
"Your Majesty, I-" You begin, only to silence yourself as one of Charles' hands rises.
"Fool I was for believing the mutters of vultures beneath me." He finished with a sigh and a slight smirk as he looks at you with another assessing gaze. "You have dared greatly in this endeavor, my son, and through your victory proven your course of action correct. Still, I suspected some...
coercion on the part of the young Stadtfeld heiress despite the benefit you stand to reap from her father's connections. Now that I see her astride a frame, I find myself much less mystified by the entire matter."
You swallow again. "Dame Stadtfeld is very talented, yes, sire. That is what brought her to my notice originally."
"...and little Nunnally bears out your mother's praises as well." Charles states, rubbing a hand at his beard. "Then I am to take it that the third machine is piloted by Jeanne Rowe." It isn't really a question, but you nod in confirmation anyway. "...perhaps if you were to be in a plane, my son, you might challenge them, but I can see now why you are not on the field training with them. You would be outmatched, easily."
You clear your throat awkwardly and receive a raised eyebrow.
"Not to contradict you, father, for you are correct that I would lose in a fair fight, but I have relegated myself to the sidelines at their insistence that I do not 'fight fair' and thus, am not welcome in their contests of skill." You explain shortly, looking to where one of the mechs harpoons a piece of debris in order to pull a gut-clenchingly sharp turn.
"Oh?" Charles asks, either curious for the story or feigning it well.
You flush slightly. "In a previous match, I may have loaded out my machine with smoke bombs, flak grenades, and paint rounds. Upon the commencement of hostilities, I deployed the devices, sprayed their sensors with the rounds, and left the battlefield."
You almost mistake the rumbling sound for an angry bear, but instead are treated to the rare sound of Charles' booming laughter.
Your father claps you on the shoulder as he laughs, almost knocking you over in your surprise.
"You are a clever boy, Lelouch. It is no wonder... the head of the OSI is vexed so by your meddling." Charles take a deep breath, then sighs as he casts a glance back at the three-way-duel where the combat is winding down. "I believe you clever enough, too, to know exactly the wages of failure should you have fallen short in corralling this fiasco."
You nod once. "Should I have bungled the affair and the story gotten out, the empire would be compelled to make war on Europe."
"While the North African conflict is finishing up thanks to your sister Cornelia, it looks as though the Federation may belatedly come to their aid. Should that happen, you would have set us to two major wars on the tail end of a third." The emperor sets his heavy gaze on you again. "But you did not, and we are not. Thus, this is a very different conversation. You hold much promise, Lelouch, but do not overstep yourself again in this manner. Should you discover such a conspiracy of that scope in the homeland, you will turn it over to the OSI and my agents will handle it."
You bow, your hand at your chest. "Absolutely, my Emperor, I hear and obey."
Charles grunts and turns as the machines leave the field. "Good, your mother would have words with me were I compelled to punish you for such a transgression despite my pride in your achievement. What you do on your island and with those pirates is your own business, my son, but the Empire is mine and you do not sit on the throne yet."
You state your assent clearly.
"Very well then. Now, I would meet with these young dames. It is rare indeed to see such talent." The emperor states, spinning on his heel and throwing his cape out behind hi with a flourish.
It is only later, your mind replaying the impossible scene, that you catch the poorly-disguised compliment within your father's words.
'...despite my pride in your achievements...'
Rewards: Nunnally vi Britannia, Kallen Stadtfeld, and Jeanne Rowe gain (+2) Martial. All three SL Progress by (+1). Lelouch vi Britannia gains trait: Outmatched - (+1/6) of Base Intrigue added to Martial. Praise of the Emperor. Kallen, Jeanne, and Nunnally are fast friends, no issues.