Semper Ad Meliora (Code Geass/Britannian Royalty Quest)

How much should distance factor into our reasoning? Blades of Saladin may look easy, but either we keep the supply train going right by the EU territory, or around the Southern part of Australia. Either way I am not liking the look of that supply train and it would easily be cut by EU ambitions, Freelancers, or Brittanian nobility looking to get some potshots behind plausible deniability.

Whereas a target like Cosa Nostra would be almost a straight shot, also we can't underestimate Roanapur. The reason is that we do have to some extent have deniable assets, and they are the most... independent of the lot, and their boss may be amenable to taking on clients to harass EU shipping.
So I just wanted to add an observation regarding the Calico Cats, while numerous people have brought up how much potential blackmail we can obtain from the nobles that visit. I don't think anyone has mentioned the possibility that the amount of traffic that they will receive will drastically decrease as we commit to military actions in the area. Our actions will affect the balance of power in the region and one wants to vacation in an active warzone even if it has all the drugs you can consume.
the amount of traffic that they will receive will drastically decrease as we commit to military actions in the area. Our actions will affect the balance of power in the region and one wants to vacation in an active warzone even if it has all the drugs you can consume.
...sending them running right into the arms of our pals at Walpurgis. I wonder if they could owe us a few favors?

But as far as pirates...I think the sooner we start this offensive, the better, what with how much we're going to need to subjugate. The best candidates for that are either Saladin, which is easier, or Nosta, which is more useful but riskier, and I don't have much of a preference either way (except that the Raiders might be the best people to expand into afterwards).

But we'll need to be just as aggressive about getting money and whatnot as well.
There are some actions you can look to taking pretty much immediately, without needing to jump into hasty military action. Dispatching diplomatic or espionage parties to start laying the groundwork would be some of these, as would be committing the existing fleet to something akin to extended shakedown cruises coupled to aggressive anti-piracy patrols aimed vaguely at the general area of one or more factions. There is, obviously, a pretty clear short list of potential targets for such efforts. The Crowns and Raiders for diplomacy, for example, or the Blades, Cats, Raiders, or Nostra for targeted subterfuge.

However, those would need to be balanced with the need to raise a force capable of actually occupying even one port city, bribe or recruit various Brittanian or other factions into supporting you in one fashion or another, and continuing to pursue the pre-existing goals that aren't related to piracy or the South Pacific at all.
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@Kwakado Exactly.

In fact, I just thought of another idea that might just solve our long term money problems. Now I know that this might not be very popular with some of you but hear me out, I suggest we effectively take over New Tortuga and continue to operate it as a mixture of Holland and Las Vegas. Assuming Lelouch has the legal authority to do so.

We can accomplish this by absorbing the Calico Cats through leveraging our connections with Walpurgis, now we would have to purge some of the leadership (ones that control the slave and pedophilia trade) but their leader Claudio focuses on diplomacy and stewardship so I would expect him to see the benefits of remaining in the good books of a prince of the Empire (and his private army). Worst case scenario we take the port by force of arms and purge the existing leadership.

After we take control, we keep New Tortuga open and continue to operate it after "removing" or blackmailing the more degenerate clientele and removing some of the more distasteful attractions. After this, we can rebrand New Tortuga as more of a Las Vegas type destination and target the merely rich middle and upper class rather than the ultra-rich nobility (as the market is much larger due to there being more of them) by building casinos and legalizing recreational drugs and prostitution as well as playing up its reputation as a "authentic pirate haven". This will provide a continuous source of income for us as tourists flood in (with cruise ships protected by our flotilla) and will also provide tax revenue from the drugs and prostitution (which will be treated as a legitimate occupation with health care and pensions). You aren't going to be able to feasibly eliminate drugs and prostitution from a large tourist attraction so might as well regulate and tax it.

Basically, instead of going to New Tortuga to sample the latest in human flesh and pedophilia people would now go to have wild orgies, gamble and get as high as they want, but uncle Lelouch will be taking his cut in taxes every step of the way.
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@Kwakado Exactly.

In fact, I just thought of another idea that might just solve our long term money problems. Now I know that this might not be very popular with some of you but hear me out, I suggest we effectively take over New Tortuga and continue to operate it as a mixture of Holland and Las Vegas. Assuming Lelouch has the legal authority to do so.

We can accomplish this by absorbing the Calico Cats through leveraging our connections with Walpurgis, now we would have to purge some of the leadership (ones that control the slave and pedophilia trade) but their leader Claudio focuses on diplomacy and stewardship so I would expect him to see the benefits of remaining in the good books of a prince of the Empire (and his private army). Worst case scenario we take the port by force of arms and purge the existing leadership.

After we take control, we keep New Tortuga open and continue to operate it after "removing" or blackmailing the more degenerate clientele and removing some of the more distasteful attractions. After this, we can rebrand New Tortuga as more of a Las Vegas type destination and target the merely rich middle and upper class rather than the ultra-rich nobility (as the market is much larger due to there being more of them) by building casinos and legalizing recreational drugs and prostitution as well as playing up its reputation as a "authentic pirate haven". This will provide a continuous source of income for us as tourists flood in (with cruise ships protected by our flotilla) and will also provide tax revenue from the drugs and prostitution (which will be treated as a legitimate occupation with health care and pensions). You aren't going to be able to feasibly eliminate drugs and prostitution from a large tourist attraction so might as well regulate and tax it.

Basically, instead of going to New Tortuga to sample the latest in human flesh and pedophilia people would now go to have wild orgies, gamble and get as high as they want, but uncle Lelouch will be taking his cut in taxes every step of the way.

While that is a possible viable strategy, it will take quite a lot to pull off. Most importantly we would need to identify and replace the Brittanian nobles who allow it to prosper. The instant we use the Prince card the game is up and we'll be fought tooth and nail subverting the place for us. It's possible but it will take some insane luck.

Personally I think we should stick with East Australia, given the proximity to our base of operations and friendly... er... friendlier locals. Knock out Cosa nostra, subvert Tortugas and make Roanapur our cat's paw against either the Europeans or Chinese, is probably our best bet, if ambitious. As weak as the Blades of Saladin are... I don't think we are in a good position to take them
Turn 5 (Phase III)
Year 5 (Phase III)

You rub the bridge of your nose, sighing as Nunnally's jaw drops.

"She said what to whom?" Nunnally asks, appalled.

Your mother shakes her head. "Thankfully, it was just a Count's third son who was in from the Philippines. He was complaining about the resistance movements to the draft that's being instituted in the region as the war with the MEF intensifies. Admittedly, his comments were crass and unbecoming of his station, but the verbal flaying Euphie handed him was equally undeserved."

"Euphie..." You sigh, frowning.

"Of course, the fact that she went on to complete her humanitarian project without any support from the group she was courting has done a lot to help her position." Marianne explains further as she cuts into her meal. "Honestly, that girl... who would have thought of asking people on the internet of all things for donations?"

"It's actually a very interesting idea. Crowdfunding, they're calling it?" You reply, considering the matter as your mother nods in affirmation. If you could get everyone in Britannia to donate but a single pound to a given cause that would still mean millions in support. Even for a royal, that isn't a number to scoff at.

"Doesn't that put Euphie in the public eye more, though, mother?" Nunnally asks, seeming to get over her shock and think more clearly.

She nods. "Indeed it does. It's a bit of a mixed blessing in that regard. Even as her initiatives succeed, she draws more attention to herself, but her message does resonate with a certain section of the population. I believe Anastasia and Cornelia are pressuring her to seek an economic degree to further her education in the matter, since she's shown such promise."

You consider the matter thoughtfully, wondering if now would be the time to approach Euphie about accepting a place in your retinue. You loved your sister, of course, and removing her from the political situation here in the homeland might be best... but at the moment that would mean convincing her sister and mother of the matter as well. If you waited a year or two...

"Oh, but Euphie's little mistake is perhaps the least of the news around Pendragon this year." Marianne giggles. "Little Carine, that horrid girl, has managed to bungle things in Oaxaca and inflame the dissidents in the jungles after so many years of them being quiet. It's quite the black mark on her record."

Nunnally sniffs in disdain, evidently not having forgotten a certain incident during their respective childhoods.

"The biggest news, though, is that your brother Clovis has announced that he has finished his opera!" Marianne gushes with a smile and Nunnally claps her hands in delight.

You blink, cocking your head. "He was working on an opera?"

Your mother and sister give you deadpan looks.

Personal (Choose TWO)
[ ] Heart to Heart: Jeanne has come a long way in the last few years. She'll never speak to you as an equal, that's simply asking too much. However the looming specter of your mental talents limits how comfortable she is with some of your endeavors. You'll take some time this year to fix that, by explaining what your aims and objectives are. Cost: 50; Upkeep: 50; DC: 40; Rewards: Jeane SL Progresses.
[ ] Dutch Studies: Kallen goes home to visit her mother every year, requesting a few weeks of leave which you're happy to grant. Now that you and she are involved, though, you could make the journey with her. A large part of your retinue has connections with the neutral nation, after all. Cost: 150; Upkeep: 0; DC: 20/60; Rewards: Kallen's SL Progresses, Chance for Sayoko's SL to progress.
[ ] SCIENCE!: Aside from his rather convoluted and... insane records, you honestly know little about Dr. Kenshin Jaegar and less about his assistant. You should perhaps fix that. After all, if it turns out you can trust the man, you might be able to broach the topic of certain secrets with him later. Cost: 50; Upkeep: 0; DC: 20; Rewards: Kenshin's SL Progresses, low chance of Learning or Piety trait.
[ ] Airheads: As you learned last year, you have a robust talent for flying and it's something you personally find enjoyable. Perhaps you can make time in your schedule to meet up with Gino Weinberg a few times and take a plane out for a spin. Cost: 100; Upkeep: 0; DC: 20; Rewards: Gino's SL Progresses, Relax a little.
[ ] The Opera: Clovis la Britannia has crafted his magnum opus and owing to his acquaintance with your family, has sent tickets to the debut night. You shall attend in support of his endeavors Cost: 100; Upkeep: 0; DC: 10/60/90; Rewards: Clovis la Britannia's SL, Chance of Nunnally vi Britannia's SL Progressing, Slight chance of Milly's SL Progressing.
[ ] The Ashford Heiress: It's been quite some time since you really spoke to Reuben Ashford at length. Perhaps you should make some effort this year, especially if you intend to 'borrow' Milly for an extended period at some point in the future. Cost: 50; Upkeep: 0; DC: 30/90; Rewards: Milly's SL Progresses, Slight chance of Kallen's SL Progressing.
[ ] Hannes: You have been very busy indeed, but you can make time to meet your somewhat-distant sibling. You've heard good things about him and his developing interest in manufacturing sectors. Perhaps you should cultivate the relationship you sparked? Cost: 100; Upkeep: 0; DC: 10/60; Rewards: Hannes' SL Progresses.
[ ] Rebel Princess: Apparently, Euphemia has committed a bit of a... faux pas this year. Thankfully, it was with a group of minor nobility she was negotiating with to fund humanitarian efforts instead of someone higher up the food chain. Cornelia and her mother have decided that she would, perhaps, be better suited for an academic environment. This... does present an opportunity for you, though maybe it would be better to let the entire thing blow over for a year before acting. Cost: 100; Upkeep: 0; DC: 60/90; Rewards: Euphemia's SL Progresses, Slight chance of Cornelia's SL Progressing, Mini-turn to resolve events., turns out Euphie can fail diplomacy actions when she gets two consecutive rolls in the single-digits, who knew? Seriously, some of these background rolls... and Euphie responded to that by critting on her Stewardship and Piety actions. I haven't fleshed out her trait list yet, but she's got at least one now to commemorate the occasion.

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[] Plan Securing Loyalty
-[] Heart to Heart: Jeanne has come a long way in the last few years. She'll never speak to you as an equal, that's simply asking too much. However the looming specter of your mental talents limits how comfortable she is with some of your endeavors. You'll take some time this year to fix that, by explaining what your aims and objectives are. Cost: 50; Upkeep: 50; DC: 40; Rewards: Jeane SL Progresses.
-[] SCIENCE!: Aside from his rather convoluted and... insane records, you honestly know little about Dr. Kenshin Jaegar and less about his assistant. You should perhaps fix that. After all, if it turns out you can trust the man, you might be able to broach the topic of certain secrets with him later. Cost: 50; Upkeep: 0; DC: 20; Rewards: Kenshin's SL Progresses, low chance of Learning or Piety trait.

We've neglected socializing with our advisors for quite a long time, and we really should fix that, as we need to be sure that they will stick with us no matter what., turns out Euphie can fail diplomacy actions when she gets two consecutive rolls in the single-digits, who knew? Seriously, some of these background rolls... and Euphie responded to that by critting on her Stewardship and Piety actions. I haven't fleshed out her trait list yet, but she's got at least one now to commemorate the occasion.
Well, if you won't take nice...economics suffice?
SCIENCE! does seem obvious. We need a good rapport with the one person in our retinue who is the most unpredictable, and chance of more traits is always good.

For the other I'm torn between Dutch Studies (Lelouch is a polyglot now, vising foreign nations is mandatory) and Rebel Princess. On the one hand, completely new opportunities and possible connections to hitherto unintroduced canon characters. On the other, best girl (fitemeirl).

Also, we need to get closer to Cornelia sooner rather than later. Old Military types are one of the few that won't scoff at our parentage, and we already have an in via our mother.
Last edited:, turns out Euphie can fail diplomacy actions when she gets two consecutive rolls in the single-digits, who knew? Seriously, some of these background rolls... and Euphie responded to that by critting on her Stewardship and Piety actions. I haven't fleshed out her trait list yet, but she's got at least one now to commemorate the occasion.
I feel very vindicated for asking her to be a stewardship adviser now.

Also, are we doing plan votes for this?
Some of these will be kind of hard to pass, we've only got +10 on rolls here so both Heart to Heart and Rebel Princess have a decent chance of failure. The Mini-turn does sound like it could be fun though, I enjoyed the last one.
[ ] Heart to Heart: Jeanne has come a long way in the last few years. She'll never speak to you as an equal, that's simply asking too much. However the looming specter of your mental talents limits how comfortable she is with some of your endeavors. You'll take some time this year to fix that, by explaining what your aims and objectives are. Cost: 50; Upkeep: 50; DC: 40; Rewards: Jeane SL Progresses.
[ ] Dutch Studies: Kallen goes home to visit her mother every year, requesting a few weeks of leave which you're happy to grant. Now that you and she are involved, though, you could make the journey with her. A large part of your retinue has connections with the neutral nation, after all. Cost: 150; Upkeep: 0; DC: 20/60; Rewards: Kallen's SL Progresses, Chance for Sayoko's SL to progress.
[ ] SCIENCE!: Aside from his rather convoluted and... insane records, you honestly know little about Dr. Kenshin Jaegar and less about his assistant. You should perhaps fix that. After all, if it turns out you can trust the man, you might be able to broach the topic of certain secrets with him later. Cost: 50; Upkeep: 0; DC: 20; Rewards: Kenshin's SL Progresses, low chance of Learning or Piety trait.
So these are the three I consider the most important. Unfortunately, that number is greater than two.

Each one of these gives us good odds of SLing with one of our advisers (or very close in Sayoko's case) and each adviser really needs SLing. Jeanne, because she's worried about us. Kenshin, because we really need to build a rapport with him. And Sayoko who isn't actually an adviser, but can offer us serious boons in intrigue, and we have a very large need for intrigue to help us screw over the pirates.

I also really want to SL Euphie, but we can honestly wait until she gets some education.

Keeping in mind that this means there is a very real chance that next year will be a good year to SL Euphie, and also keeping in mind that I want to SL Kaguya a lot when we get the opportunity too... I don't think I should count on being able to 'get the one we missed' next year for the actions we want to take.

So the question for me, at least, has to be who I think is most important and why... Will need to think on this.
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[] Plan Keeping connected
-[] Heart to Heart: Jeanne has come a long way in the last few years. She'll never speak to you as an equal, that's simply asking too much. However the looming specter of your mental talents limits how comfortable she is with some of your endeavors. You'll take some time this year to fix that, by explaining what your aims and objectives are. Cost: 50; Upkeep: 50; DC: 40; Rewards: Jeane SL Progresses.
-[] The Ashford Heiress: It's been quite some time since you really spoke to Reuben Ashford at length. Perhaps you should make some effort this year, especially if you intend to 'borrow' Milly for an extended period at some point in the future. Cost: 50; Upkeep: 0; DC: 30/90; Rewards: Milly's SL Progresses, Slight chance of Kallen's SL Progressing.

First of all we really need to get Jeanne onboard with our psionics or we risk losing our Martial advisor as with an extra Piety action next turn we will progress along that path rather fast.
On the other hand we have Milly. Unless it was decided that we ignore our connection to the Ashfords. The Ashfords that gave us our cutting edge Knightmares due to a crit combined with good relations. The Ashfords that are allied to our family. The Ashfords that have Knightmare frame designers that can incorporate the potential mind machine interface we might develop in the future. The Ashfords that are curently working on ties with Japan while our focus seems to be on improving relations in that direction on the political side. The heiress that might work as a liaison with Kaguya on our island and if we upgrade our infrastructure might be a nice place for joint projects. Not to mention the action has an explicit warning of it being phased out in the very near future.
Not to mention the craziness of having Milly around:). Imagine her getting along with Kaguya or better yet with our resident mad scientist.

Honestly I'm really looking forward to Euphy as our stewardship advisor rigt now and Kaguya as our diplomatic advisor.
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[] Plan Moratorium
-[] The Opera: Clovis la Britannia has crafted his magnum opus and owing to his acquaintance with your family, has sent tickets to the debut night. You shall attend in support of his endeavors Cost: 100; Upkeep: 0; DC: 10/60/90; Rewards: Clovis la Britannia's SL, Chance of Nunnally vi Britannia's SL Progressing, Slight chance of Milly's SL Progressing.
-[] SCIENCE!: Aside from his rather convoluted and... insane records, you honestly know little about Dr. Kenshin Jaegar and less about his assistant. You should perhaps fix that. After all, if it turns out you can trust the man, you might be able to broach the topic of certain secrets with him later. Cost: 50; Upkeep: 0; DC: 20; Rewards: Kenshin's SL Progresses, low chance of Learning or Piety trait.

I mean, I kinda feel bad for Clovis for not paying much attention to him. And this does have several chances on increasing Nunnaly and Milly's SL, both of which was left in the dust for a while.

As for Kenshin, well, it just seems obvious that his work is going to be a priority.
I really think that we're in no more rush of trying to make Euphemia an advisor. Our Stewardship is better than hers (and better than Kaguya's) so for Stewardship, it would be a better idea to use our connections to look for an Stewardship advisor, as looking for an advisor through making use of our connections should net us at least someone who has better Stewardship than us (maybe even someone who opens up advanced Stewardship options and has a Special Feature of some sort, like the Learning advisor we've got from Schneizel). For Diplomacy, I'd say that 17 Diplomacy is decent enough for us to make a gamble and look for a better Diplomacy advisor than Euphie, as while she has 23 Diplomacy, she doesn't seem to unlock advanced Diplomacy actions nor does she seem to have a Special Feature.
[] Plan Keeping connected
this sounds good to me?

having said that i wouldn`t mind having a chat with hanse at some point in time.
For Diplomacy, I'd say that 17 Diplomacy is decent enough for us to make a gamble and look for a better Diplomacy advisor than Euphie, as while she has 23 Diplomacy, she doesn't seem to unlock advanced Diplomacy actions nor does she seem to have a Special Feature.
...hmmm... Want to say things, but I can't. Ah, here's what I can say! Euphie's importance depends on exactly how her sister's long-term plans go! There, I can say that without getting into...

I want to get opera and heart to heart, Clovis action has a lot of SL increase chance and we've been pushing off Jeanne for too long. Euphie can wait for her schooling to finish
[X] Heart to Heart: Jeanne has come a long way in the last few years. She'll never speak to you as an equal, that's simply asking too much. However the looming specter of your mental talents limits how comfortable she is with some of your endeavors. You'll take some time this year to fix that, by explaining what your aims and objectives are. Cost: 50; Upkeep: 50; DC: 40; Rewards: Jeane SL Progresses.

[X] The Ashford Heiress: It's been quite some time since you really spoke to Reuben Ashford at length. Perhaps you should make some effort this year, especially if you intend to 'borrow' Milly for an extended period at some point in the future. Cost: 50; Upkeep: 0; DC: 30/90; Rewards: Milly's SL Progresses, Slight chance of Kallen's SL Progressing.

Been waiting for a chance to advance Jeanne's SL. It makes me nervous that one of our core advisers doesn't have the same closeness. My second choice I might end up switching it to Euphie. Arguably she's a more powerful ally, but I don't feel right ignoring Milly either. Not sure how to take Slayer's hints about Euphie's situation. Euphie's DCs are higher so I wonder if waiting will lower them.
[X] Plan Securing Loyalty
-[X] Heart to Heart: Jeanne has come a long way in the last few years. She'll never speak to you as an equal, that's simply asking too much. However the looming specter of your mental talents limits how comfortable she is with some of your endeavors. You'll take some time this year to fix that, by explaining what your aims and objectives are. Cost: 50; Upkeep: 50; DC: 40; Rewards: Jeane SL Progresses.
-[X] SCIENCE!: Aside from his rather convoluted and... insane records, you honestly know little about Dr. Kenshin Jaegar and less about his assistant. You should perhaps fix that. After all, if it turns out you can trust the man, you might be able to broach the topic of certain secrets with him later. Cost: 50; Upkeep: 0; DC: 20; Rewards: Kenshin's SL Progresses, low chance of Learning or Piety trait.