Year 5 (Phase III)
You rub the bridge of your nose, sighing as Nunnally's jaw drops.
"She said
what to
whom?" Nunnally asks, appalled.
Your mother shakes her head. "Thankfully, it was just a Count's third son who was in from the Philippines. He was complaining about the resistance movements to the draft that's being instituted in the region as the war with the MEF intensifies. Admittedly, his comments were crass and unbecoming of his station, but the verbal flaying Euphie handed him was equally undeserved."
"Euphie..." You sigh, frowning.
"Of course, the fact that she went on to complete her humanitarian project
without any support from the group she was courting has done a lot to help her position." Marianne explains further as she cuts into her meal. "Honestly, that girl... who would have thought of asking people on the internet of all things for donations?"
"It's actually a very interesting idea. Crowdfunding, they're calling it?" You reply, considering the matter as your mother nods in affirmation. If you could get everyone in Britannia to donate but a single pound to a given cause that would still mean millions in support. Even for a royal, that isn't a number to scoff at.
"Doesn't that put Euphie in the public eye more, though, mother?" Nunnally asks, seeming to get over her shock and think more clearly.
She nods. "Indeed it does. It's a bit of a mixed blessing in that regard. Even as her initiatives succeed, she draws more attention to herself, but her message
does resonate with a certain section of the population. I believe Anastasia and Cornelia are pressuring her to seek an economic degree to further her education in the matter, since she's shown such promise."
You consider the matter thoughtfully, wondering if now would be the time to approach Euphie about accepting a place in your retinue. You loved your sister, of course, and removing her from the political situation here in the homeland might be best... but at the moment that would mean convincing her sister and mother of the matter as well. If you waited a year or two...
"Oh, but Euphie's little mistake is perhaps the least of the news around Pendragon this year." Marianne giggles. "Little Carine, that horrid girl, has managed to bungle things in Oaxaca and inflame the dissidents in the jungles after so many years of them being quiet. It's quite the black mark on her record."
Nunnally sniffs in disdain, evidently not having forgotten a certain incident during their respective childhoods.
"The biggest news, though, is that your brother Clovis has announced that he has finished his opera!" Marianne gushes with a smile and Nunnally claps her hands in delight.
You blink, cocking your head. "He was working on an opera?"
Your mother and sister give you deadpan looks.
Personal (Choose TWO)
[ ] Heart to Heart: Jeanne has come a long way in the last few years. She'll never speak to you as an equal, that's simply asking too much. However the looming specter of your mental talents limits how comfortable she is with some of your endeavors. You'll take some time this year to fix that, by explaining what your aims and objectives are. Cost: 50; Upkeep: 50; DC: 40; Rewards: Jeane SL Progresses.
[ ] Dutch Studies: Kallen goes home to visit her mother every year, requesting a few weeks of leave which you're happy to grant. Now that you and she are involved, though, you could make the journey with her. A large part of your retinue has connections with the neutral nation, after all. Cost: 150; Upkeep: 0; DC: 20/60; Rewards: Kallen's SL Progresses, Chance for Sayoko's SL to progress.
[ ] SCIENCE!: Aside from his rather convoluted and...
insane records, you honestly know little about Dr. Kenshin Jaegar and less about his assistant. You should perhaps fix that. After all, if it turns out you can trust the man, you might be able to broach the topic of certain secrets with him later. Cost: 50; Upkeep: 0; DC: 20; Rewards: Kenshin's SL Progresses, low chance of Learning or Piety trait.
[ ] Airheads: As you learned last year, you have a robust talent for flying and it's something you personally find enjoyable. Perhaps you can make time in your schedule to meet up with Gino Weinberg a few times and take a plane out for a spin. Cost: 100; Upkeep: 0; DC: 20; Rewards: Gino's SL Progresses, Relax a little.
[ ] The Opera: Clovis la Britannia has crafted his magnum opus and owing to his acquaintance with your family, has sent tickets to the debut night. You shall attend in support of his endeavors Cost: 100; Upkeep: 0; DC: 10/60/90; Rewards: Clovis la Britannia's SL, Chance of Nunnally vi Britannia's SL Progressing, Slight chance of Milly's SL Progressing.
[ ] The Ashford Heiress: It's been quite some time since you really spoke to Reuben Ashford at length. Perhaps you should make some effort this year, especially if you intend to 'borrow' Milly for an extended period at some point in the future. Cost: 50; Upkeep: 0; DC: 30/90; Rewards: Milly's SL Progresses, Slight chance of Kallen's SL Progressing.
[ ] Hannes: You have been very busy indeed, but you can make time to meet your somewhat-distant sibling. You've heard good things about him and his developing interest in manufacturing sectors. Perhaps you should cultivate the relationship you sparked? Cost: 100; Upkeep: 0; DC: 10/60; Rewards: Hannes' SL Progresses.
[ ] Rebel Princess: Apparently, Euphemia has committed a bit of a...
faux pas this year. Thankfully, it was with a group of minor nobility she was negotiating with to fund humanitarian efforts instead of someone higher up the food chain. Cornelia and her mother have decided that she would, perhaps, be better suited for an academic environment. This... does present an opportunity for you, though maybe it would be better to let the entire thing blow over for a year before acting. Cost: 100; Upkeep: 0; DC: 60/90; Rewards: Euphemia's SL Progresses, Slight chance of Cornelia's SL Progressing, Mini-turn to resolve events., turns out Euphie can fail diplomacy actions when she gets two consecutive rolls in the single-digits, who knew? Seriously, some of these background rolls... and Euphie responded to that by critting on her Stewardship
and Piety actions. I haven't fleshed out her trait list yet, but she's got at least one now to commemorate the occasion.