We could make it a penal colony for foreign threats, dangerous criminals, and Brittanian dissidents....Then grant them noble titles, a hug from Euphie, and membership in our new Lelouch for Emperor faction.
We could make it a penal colony for foreign threats, dangerous criminals, and Brittanian dissidents....Then grant them noble titles, a hug from Euphie, and membership in our new Lelouch for Emperor.
Lelouch's personal income was, at its base, many thousands of times greater than the average citizen. The 'currency' you're using isn't suppose to be analogous to actual income.
At this point, Lelouch is making an income similar to a large corporation... which is effectively what his organization is, really.
Lelouch's personal income was, at its base, many thousands of times greater than the average citizen. The 'currency' you're using isn't suppose to be analogous to actual income.
At this point, Lelouch is making an income similar to a large corporation... which is effectively what his organization is, really.
huh... oddly there could be a way the "currency" we use is actually a real thing in world. Most currency has special proof sets which are generally magnitudes more worth than the base currency even if printed with the same value. When nobles Have to handle cash (rarely) they exclusively use The Platinum Brittanian Royal One Pound or other proof banknotes, worth like 2500 Britannian Base Currency pounds. A noble leaving a shiny pound for a tip at a restaurant is actually worth thousands. The Pizza Hut Lelouch went to must have been confused when Lelouch handed them a 20 Royal Bank Note for pizza, it was probably worth 20,000 pounds
Similarly, "Royal Bank Notes" could be the equivalent of those large bills that were used for bank exchanges, only Royals/Nobles would be allowed to hold in their personal possession notes that were intended for bank transfers as private currency. One 'Royal Bank Note' is equal to a bank bearer bond of like 100,000 Britannian pounds.
I'm pretty sure the point of that whole exercise was to find out what it was like living as a commoner, which included learning how to make an order at Pizza Hut. So undoubtedly he would have managed to get the appropriate money for such a transaction. Otherwise it would have defeated thee purpose of finding out how commoners lived if he wasn't also using their money.
I am having fun reading the early thread. Especially when the "but you will only get it if the dice go mad" or something similiar gets thrown around by the QM to the playerbase. Oh the irony by the hindsight.
Anyway, moving on. I haven't managed to find an explanation about one topic I've been wondering about: Learning -actions like the Madman's Thesis, and their tiered -rewards. Specifically, does rolling lower than the highest marked DC (120 in the case of the MT) "hard lock-out" potential techs that we could have gotten with a high enough roll, or is it more of a "soft lock-out" with a chance to later to try expand our tech-tree options again? Or am I completely off the target with my speculations about how this part of the mechanics will work?
Anyway, moving on. I haven't managed to find an explanation about one topic I've been wondering about: Learning -actions like the Madman's Thesis, and their tiered -rewards. Specifically, does rolling lower than the highest marked DC (120 in the case of the MT) "hard lock-out" potential techs that we could have gotten with a high enough roll, or is it more of a "soft lock-out" with a chance to later to try expand our tech-tree options again? Or am I completely off the target with my speculations about how this part of the mechanics will work?
It depends on the actions specifically. In general, the learning options will be soft lock-outs. I plan on having 'Madman's Thesis' recur every now and then to expand options on what Jeagar develops. The 120 options will be the new low or medium bar for the next research action. Given that there's plenty of time to do attempt more research on the same subject and push things further... outside of a crit-fail, you won't find many research actions hard-locked.
Ret. Col. Richter Allsanttal, now Baron Allsanttal, is running his private fief like... well, a private fief. Contrary to initial information, you find that the man has apparently organized a series of quiet trade transports, mainly with cargo vessels which make their way towards New Zealand and Tasmania from the Philippines and Hawaii. Although there isn't any true dock or port structure, your men watch a small skip, probably a life boat, loaded down with supplies and unloaded in a shallow bay. From the shape, coloration, and marking on the boxes... it's an assortment of basic supplies.
Everything from medicine to guns and ammunition to building supplies to solar panels.
From there, using the high-magnification cameras, you can determine a great deal.
Allsanttal has armed a small squad of what appear to be Britannian retainers as well as a few select tribesmen and are using them to maintain some level of rule on the island at large, as well as defenses against anyone desperate enough to raid the lightly-inhabited and poor island.
Several nights' worth of drunken revelry per month also lead to the easy conclusion that the man is importing alcohol as well, or perhaps having the natives brew it themselves. To all appearances, the man has taken a number of wives, sired a great number of children, and has allowed his men to enjoy the same pleasures of 'rule' over their tiny land. The natives likely have a mixed view on the man, but the simple fact that going along with his commands means an influx of goods they can't hope to produce on their own as well as the threat of weapons they can't truthfully defend against keeps them passive.
In some ways, it's a microcosm of Britannian culture. In other ways, though, it leaves a bad taste in your mouth. The man will sire a number of progeny, true, and continue his bloodline, but none of his offspring will enjoy proper schooling, the proper standard of behavior, or the social advancement that their position really deserves. It's... irresponsible of the man, though... sadly, you admit that there is likely a class of noble ready and willing to lower themselves to such debauchery at the first chance.
…on the other island, however, is a very different story.
Dr. Dolores Murrow has set herself up quite the little colony.
A proper series of prefab housing, what looks to be a formal electrical grid, and all the trappings of a modern civilization in microcosm. Notably, without a constant flow of resources inward from any observable source. Your men tell you this, and other observations, point towards her attempting to create a fully self-sufficient society from the ground up.
To her own exacting specifications.
The islanders are wearing uniforms, they go about their daily activities without a breath of change in their schedules, and all meals appear to be communal. Some of your researchers attach documentation regarding systematic deprivation of personal time to the reports, as well as indoctrination studies and dossiers on cults.
Intellectually, you can see the value of what she's doing.
The ability to strip away a culture's previous identity and develop them quickly into a modern society as you teach valuable trades... it will, in the long run, save lives as well as contribute valuable sources of labor to the empire. Still, though, it rubs you the wrong way.
Whatever the case may be, though, your neighbors are keeping their fiefs under control in their own ways. Without sufficient cause, you have no reason to act.
Rewards: Observation stations established towards Loyalty Islands, early warning if problems threaten your base or organization.
"That is quite unfortunate." Jeanne states quietly, looking at the map in front of you.
"Of course, when the expedition retrieved the orb, almost one hundred years ago, the region was stable under local rulers." You lament, rubbing at your forehead. "Unfortunately, the political and economic pressures of the forming Federation sent the region into a revolutionary tailspin shortly afterward."
"It is... under one of its most stable periods at the moment." Jeanne interjects, looking over the files you'd requested.
"A ten-year stalemate in a multi-faction civil war with sporadic low-level conflicts isn't exactly the kind of setting I want to send a team of archaeologists into." You reply.
You shake your head as you tap the icon on the map, your thoughts circling...
"This isn't the place I see when I close my eyes." You admit quietly, looking towards the golden, crystalline orb sitting nearby.
Jeanne frowns slightly in distaste. "Your Highness... perhaps it is better if you drop this line of inquiry? I did not wish to interfere, but..."
You frown and look at her fully.
Jeanne sighs and turns to leave. "When you're contemplating that relic, sire... you often cry when your eyes are closed."
Then you're left alone, staring at the map and wondering.
You... may need to talk to Jeanne about all of this.
Rewards: Awareness of the immediate origins of the orb, understanding that you will need to seek out the ruins of Cambodia in order to find the next clue.
"An increase in the efficiency of the psionic detector isn't all that revolutionary." You state with a frown, thinking aloud to yourself. "Widening it to an area-of-effect..."
That would be valuable.
Very, very much so.
The empire would be extremely interested in purchasing the plans for a device like that. They could easily install them within government buildings and areas with important functions to increase security. The empire didn't like to admit it, but there was a small subset of the psionic community prone towards criminal behavior. Even fewer still were inclined towards violence, but in an empire with a population in the hundreds of millions... There were a few significant acts of terrorism each year performed by psionic individuals that the empire dutifully suppressed.
After all, removing awareness of the idea of violence against the state was the first step towards preventing it, and psionics could do a great deal of damage if they were so inclined.
"Improved psionic detector, psionic shielding, psionic amplifier and inhibitor..." You read off... all inventions which, if they panned out, could make Jeagar very wealthy... and, you, as his patron would benefit as well.
You drummed your fingers on the desk as you considered matters further.
It all sounded very impressive, but these would be the end-products. What Jaegar truly needed to explore his new technologies to the furthest extent was a number of foundational elements...
"Psionic Computing." You read off, your eyes skimming down the pages with impressive speed. The precis appeared to focus on the man-machine interface in order to better quantify and affect psionic energy. Which... yes, it would require testing. Either animal first or directly to human. The latter would be faster, and you could certainly recruit from prisons or the slums within the poorer Areas...
"Psionic Energy Studies." Jeagar... or perhaps Madison's, notes, described this as a two or three year study of mental energy and its general effects which would need to be undertaken first, before anything else. Or, at the very least, in tandem with psionic computing disciplines.
You rubbed at your chin thoughtfully, this would be a large investment, but you were developing an entirely new branch of science.
Attached to the large mass was another file you cracked open. "Psionic Teaching Standards." This, though, was less a detailed explanation of a project and more of a rant about the lack of standardization or, really, any formal education at all in regards to developing psionic talent. Contrary to the widespread belief regarding psionic talent, your 'mad scientist' contended that most techniques could be taught and learned. The program was an optional extra addition to all of your existing material, and would require a dedicated building back in the homeland, but it would be the first and only of its kind. A true breakthrough.
Since you're paying club dues now, a fee which is honestly negligible at your status, you considered that you might as well make use of the organization. Which, ultimately, led you back to your mask and cloak, sipping wine, and playing a game of high-stakes chess.
Make that winning a game of high-stakes chess.
The man across from you chuckled, his voice nearly as young as your own. "Ah, almost had you that time. What's it make, four to one, your favor?"
"Indeed." You stated, deciding not to reveal that you'd thrown the first game as a handicap. It was a good habit to get into, losing a game now and then, if only to keep your own ego from swelling overmuch. Of course, it also kept the other players believing you could be beaten. Tactical loss for strategic gain and all that rot.
As you reach out to seize the chips you'd each wagered, the man held up a hand and you paused.
"Now, before you walk out of here, Rigel... I'd hoped to entice you into one last round, winner take all." He offered with a smile that was half cheerful and half begging.
"I would... save for the fact that I've already won it all." You reply with some amount of glib, smirking as you lowered your hand away from the chips. "Although, I'll admit interest in seeing if you can make a wager interesting enough for me."
The figure you only knew as 'Canopus' paused for a moment, obviously considering the matter as he looked at the pile of chips he'd lost.
"You... ah, had mentioned that you had been looking for information on psionics?" Canopus asked tentatively, nervously.
You nodded slowly. "Indeed, specifically a group which might enjoy being offered a research grant."
"I know someone who might, he has something like two dozen followers, mostly outcasts of high society, but looking to make new connections. I was going to offer this later in trade, but..." Canopus admitted, pulling out a book of contacts from within his robe and flipping though them briefly before tearing free a page. "The contact information for another game?"
You folded your hands and made a show of considering the matter.
"I accept." You replied eventually, and the man sagged in relief as you both settled back in to play another game.
At the very least, it was good practice at hiding your skill.
You let the man harry you for a good hour, before turning the tables on him in the final moves. Graciously, you reached out to snag the folded sheet of paper.
"Consider the coin payment for a challenging game." You lied. "As well as the contact information, of course."
Canopus chuckled in relief as you shook hands.
There was no point in making needless enemies after all, and it wasn't really that much money.
Flipping the tiny piece of paper open, you raised an eyebrow. "Aleister Crowley?"
Rewards: Piety Workshop Successfully Crewed, Alchemist Trait Increased to +1/3 Piety to Stewardhip , Increased quality of piety workshop team increases options, research, and potential synergy with special Learning actions.
Expy. Potentially, later on, I might level him up to an advisor position when you guys get your third action. If Lelouch hadn't found the orb way back when, Crowley would have been advisor-quality right now. However... Lelouch knows more about psionics at this point than all but a very very few.
Consider this Aleister a younger, less skilled version of himself who's just starting out.
Expy. Potentially, later on, I might level him up to an advisor position when you guys get your third action. If Lelouch hadn't found the orb way back when, Crowley would have been advisor-quality right now. However... Lelouch knows more about psionics at this point than all but a very very few.
Consider this Aleister a younger, less skilled version of himself who's just starting out.
The man will sire a number of prodigy, true, and continue his bloodline, but none of his offspring will enjoy proper schooling, the proper standard of behavior, or the social advancement that their position really deserves.
Expy. Potentially, later on, I might level him up to an advisor position when you guys get your third action. If Lelouch hadn't found the orb way back when, Crowley would have been advisor-quality right now. However... Lelouch knows more about psionics at this point than all but a very very few.
Consider this Aleister a younger, less skilled version of himself who's just starting out.
Expy. Potentially, later on, I might level him up to an advisor position when you guys get your third action. If Lelouch hadn't found the orb way back when, Crowley would have been advisor-quality right now. However... Lelouch knows more about psionics at this point than all but a very very few.
Consider this Aleister a younger, less skilled version of himself who's just starting out.
...since I was using male pronouns? Although some of the female pics are cut the right way for a face-only shot to present as a male character.
Didn't recognize the abbreviations for New Testament, I was never active in the Index fandom of anything like that.
Edit: Also, I partially blame the fact that it's now stopped being 'late' and moved into being 'early,' and way past the time I should have gone to sleep. So that's me signing off for the night.