Semper Ad Meliora (Code Geass/Britannian Royalty Quest)

Didn't recognize the abbreviations for New Testament, I was never active in the Index fandom of anything like that.
Well...the abbreviation these days is NTR #, which is a whole new brand of misunderstandings XD
...since I was using male pronouns? Although some of the female pics are cut the right way for a face-only shot to present as a male character.
Both Male and Female Aleister could easily pass as either gender(and IC wise Aleister had largely expressed no interest in any sexual identity beyond ascending to a higher form or something).
The Male one looks more like he's about to fall asleep though.
The first is largely irrelevant. The symptom of a problem best solved by the Emperor.
The second might be of minor political import at some point but little more. Such suppression methods are overly complicated and under-effective. You need the population to not be actively resisting to use them. If you have that you might as well just go big on education for your indoctrination and have done with it. An empire can afford to wait a generation or two.

More and more I am convinced this isn't worth the effort. It matters little were the orb came from, only what it does.
Even if it leads to an armoury of psionic weapons this isn't worth the actions expended on it.

Extra action, yay.

Madman's Thesis
simplified tech tree
Some very good building blocks here. We will probably want Psionic Detector (Improved) first as it will provide money. The other steps on that branch can wait while we get the fundamentals researched.
I am very interested in the good doctor's research. A method to quickly(in terms of scale of times) convert and indoctrinate a group of people to our side would be very useful to us in the future. As for the first lord...well he isn't doing anything illegal so I am not sure if we can intervene. If we can, then we can tear his assets to the ground and give it to a loyal person later.

As for the orb...going to Cambodia seems risky. It is stable, sure, but it looks like a place where it probably won't be for much longer. Also Jeanne seems to be displeased with our fascination with the damm thing. I want to continue and go to Cambodia but probably after the remember action and after a lot more is done.

The tech tree is nice. The Psionic Detector seems ridiculously useful. I am hoping his assistant has cool stuff in a thesis also.
Flipping the tiny piece of paper open, you raised an eyebrow. "Aleister Crowley?"
Psionic Teaching Standards (Requires Dedicated Campus, ???)
I'm calling this Academy City and you can't stop me. Just an FYI.
Rewards: Awareness of the immediate origins of the orb, understanding that you will need to seek out the ruins of Cambodia in order to find the next clue.
Well, it's going to be awhile before we take a followup to that. Or we get an Indiana Jones expi. one or the other.
Psionic Energy Studies
-Psionic Computing
--Animal Testing (Optional)
--Human Testing
---Psionic Teaching Standards (Requires Dedicated Campus, ???)

Psionic Detector (Improved)
-Psionic Shielding
--Psionic Inhibitor
---Psionic Amplifier
So out of the options, what do people think we should research first? Psionic Energies sounds like the proper basis for making a proper psionic research center, but Psionic Detector sounds like we will get a notable return on funds and we're rather short on those at the moment.
So out of the options, what do people think we should research first? Psionic Energies sounds like the proper basis for making a proper psionic research center, but Psionic Detector sounds like we will get a notable return on funds and we're rather short on those at the moment.
Psionic Detector first, mostly cause that will drastically boost income, however after that make a beeline for Psionic Computing, imagine the advantages having a man-machine interface on Knightmares would be, not to mention a myriad of other fields from Medical bionic programs, to Drone Control systems, to oddly enough, polygraphs. If the machine is directly interfaced it would be nearly impossible to lie. After that not sure... who knows where we will be in Turn 8
So out of the options, what do people think we should research first? Psionic Energies sounds like the proper basis for making a proper psionic research center, but Psionic Detector sounds like we will get a notable return on funds and we're rather short on those at the moment.
I agree with your assessments of both. But I also feel that the Psionic Amplifier at the end of the Detector tree is potentially more valuable given that from what I gather most Psychic's lack of raw power is one of the major limitation on the discipline as a whole, and the amplifier could be a way around that problem.

Beyond that I feel that the ability to recruit, vet, and then empower a relatively small number of psychics (I want psychic ninjas)is more useful to our goals in the short to medium turn, as it gives us a potentially major advantage that we alone control.

Furthermore the detector tree allows us to keep the truly valuable advances quite while selling the less useful ones for profit (the detector for example) as needed with minimal risk of one of our better resourced siblings trying to poach our discoveries from us. So the detector tree could get us both more money and more useful assets.

Beyond that I think focusing on tech that only we understand and in which only a few people will be involved in is less vulnerable to industrial espionage then trying to expand the number of psychics (which is what the energy tree seems to be about) as we can keep it quieter and fewer people will be involved than in setting up a campus.

Additionally as I imagine large scale human/animal testing and a psychic campus would require more resources than the R&D costs from the detector tree I think the Energy tree would have more expensive start up and maintenance costs due to the scale that a dedicated campus implies. Which given the tight funds you already mentioned makes me feel that the Energy tree is best saved for later. This also ties into the point about my fears about industrial espionage as I worry that if a sibling were able to get their hands on the Energy Tree they could use their superior resources to steal a march on us by setting up their own larger rival campuses, so the advantage of the energy tree in getting us more psychics could be voided as other people could have it as well.
Well, looks like the +4 Piety became an upgrade to the Alchemist Trait (from 1/6 of our Piety added to Stewardship to 1/3 of our Piety added to Stewardship, bringing our Stewardship from 21 to 23 and making Kaguya not be as good of a Stewardship advisor candidate because we preferably want our advisors to have better stats than us) and " Increased quality of piety workshop team increases options, research, and potential synergy with special Learning actions. " If we can somehow prioritize which traits we should try and upgrade (which I doubt), then I feel like it would be a good idea to make sure we upgrade the Financial Sleuth , Backroom Dealer and Outmatched traits (though as I've said I suspect upgrading traits is mostly going to be left up to luck, so we won't know how long it will take for the Intrigue traits that boost other stats based on Intrigue to be upgraded).
Furthermore the detector tree allows us to keep the truly valuable advances quite while selling the less useful ones for profit (the detector for example) as needed with minimal risk of one of our better resourced siblings trying to poach our discoveries from us. So the detector tree could get us both more money and more useful assets.
That's actually fairly unlikely in the long term, and probably medium term as well.

If we develop a campus and known research facility that produces results, we start getting people throwing lots and lots of money at us. It would take a bit to start up, sure, but it would increase the accuracy and scope of which we can perform research and attract a lot more investors.

It's also definitely how we get our third learning action.
Perfect way to force them into the open so we can bomb the shit out of them.

I imagine that by the time we're able to take it, we'll be ready for that kind of battle.

Anyway, the tech tree's aren't mutually exclusive. I'm kinda wondering what it would take to weaponize psionics on the scale of knightmares?

Empowered infantry are a bit limited on a battlefield where machines do most of the heavy fighting. Psy amps might change that, but given the general weakness of psionics, it'd have to be a very powerful amp.
Anyway, the tech tree's aren't mutually exclusive. I'm kinda wondering what it would take to weaponize psionics on the scale of knightmares?
The most obvious I can think of is what the Geass institute and the Code R Project did in canon : Man-Machine interfaces, only non-invasive, so you don't have to turn your pilots into cyborgs. "Technomancy" can be a real bitch to deal with in modern settings.
...Is it just me, or is Jeanne kind of slowly and quietly freaking out about Lelouch's continually increasing interest in psionics? Should we maybe take a personal action focused mainly on her in the next phase to snip out a bud of a potential long-term problem and potential weakspot for our enemies to exploit before it gets worse? Getting a higher SL with her at this juncture would seem like a proper thematic thing to do to pre-emptively calm her doubts.
...Is it just me, or is Jeanne kind of slowly and quietly freaking out about Lelouch's continually increasing interest in psionics? Should we maybe take a personal action focused mainly on her in the next phase to snip out a bud of a potential long-term problem and potential weakspot for our enemies to exploit before it gets worse? Getting a higher SL with her at this juncture would seem like a proper thematic thing to do to pre-emptively calm her doubts.
I would be all for this.
In addition to mind-machine interfaces improving reaction times we may be able to develop an inertial dampener. Some combination of Psi Shield and Psi Telekinesis which would counteract g-forces within the cockpit. This would allow KMFs (and fighters, rockets, etc) to operate at greater speeds without endangering the pilot.
on the one hand, Psionic Detector gives $$$ and amplifier could have some notable military applications, but the other tree might allow a Psycommu System or other Psionic man-machine interface for a Knightmare Frame
on the one hand, Psionic Detector gives $$$ and amplifier could have some notable military applications, but the other tree might allow a Psycommu System or other Psionic man-machine interface for a Knightmare Frame

We need the money at present but there's nothing stopping us from getting the Mind Machine Interface after the detector. Also remember these are Jaeger's theories, his companion might have other tech tree options once they get a chance, like oh... flight units for our Knightmares maybe?.