Semper Ad Meliora (Code Geass/Britannian Royalty Quest)

Honestly, I want to love KMFs but I hate how R2 had ridiculously escalating power levels and how the "battles" ultimately came to revolve around duels between super prototypes.
What is the role of future Flying Knightmares in canon? Do they act more like a fighter or more like a heavy gunship? I hope fighter jet won't be obsolete.

It has been a long time since I watched the show and I forgot some details

Honestly, I want to love KMFs but I hate how R2 had ridiculously escalating power levels and how the "battles" ultimately came to revolve around duels between super prototypes.
They have to to expand their merchandises that available for sale somehow.
"New special Mechs for every side-caharacters!!"

Just look at *cough* *cough* Pacific Rim 2 *cough* *cough*
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Turn 3 (Phase I) Results
Year 3 (Phase I) Results:

Royal Flight: 89+19=108 // Crit: 85+9=94
"I suppose I understand how my sister feels." You idly comment as the car drives on.

"It does seem that way, sire." Jeanne comments with a tiny smile. "Though I'm not much enamored with this latest... idea of yours."

You shrug. "I want to see how far I can take my training in the time I have left for it."

"Honestly, this year has been a rather enlightening experience for myself as well." Jeanne comments, her smile tending towards a smirk. You entertained her pleasure with good humor. After all, it was her right to be proud of the fact that she had improved her skills by leaps and bounds in the understanding of both naval and aerial warfare. Given the fact that she had joined the army and worked her way up to piloting a knightmare on sheer merit, Jeanne likely held an insight into warfare rivaled by only a very few at this point.

You had certainly chosen well.

"We're here, sire." Jeanne stated, interrupting your ruminations as a shinobi in a suit opened the door to the armored limousine for you.

"Excellent." You replied, stepping out and feeling a wave of intense satisfaction as the assembled troops snapped salutes.

"All Hail Britannia!" The cry went out, loud enough to startle birds roosting on buildings and you snapped your own salute, fingers not quite meeting your temple as your heels clicked together. Your right as a royal, it was already known that your heart belonged unquestionably to the empire.

"At ease!" The bases commanding officer, a general by his regalia, called as he stepped forward. "Your Highness, it's my personal honor to host you here today. Would you prefer a tour of the grounds or should we proceed straight to the hanger?"

For a moment, you thought to avoid yet another tour of yet another installation, but... there was a chance the man would feel slighted if you didn't.

"Lay on, General." You replied in your best attempt at good humor.

"Of course, Your Highness." The man saluted again and waved you onward into the primary building.

It was interesting, all told, if but a review of what you already understood. Like knightmares and naval vessels, a great deal of work went on 'behind the scenes' so to speak in order to keep planes in the air. Although pilots received the lion's share of glory, dozens of technicians and specialists were required to maintain a jet fighter's combat capabilities, nevermind the personnel required to aide in proper navigation and coordination of the vehicles.

You once again resolve to ensure your knightmare frame's support staff know they are properly valued.

"...and this will be your copilot, Your Highness."

Another snap of heels, another heart-pounding salute.

The blonde mop of hair rose and sparkling blue eyes glinted as the young man, surprisingly-young really, smiled at you.

"Sir Gino Weinburg, Your Highness. An honor and a pleasure to be flying with you today." He stated proudly.

"The same." You reply with a professional smile. "Although, I'm somewhat surprised to find a knight in the air instead of in a glasgow."

Gino chuckles. "Ah, my old man, the Duke of Hereford, wanted me on the field but what can I say? I'm just a little too flighty."

Against your better judgment and the general's mild glare, you felt amused. "Indeed, I have to confess that I'm finding myself in much the same position in life."

"There's just something about being in the seat of one of these babies..." He grins fondly and you look appraisingly at the slightly-experimental craft you'd be flying on today. It was a solid piece of Britannian construction, definitely. Large, over-sized intakes and exhaust ports, with the newest variable architecture in the fins. Your eyes fixed on a specific pair of orbs covered by clear super-strong glass. "So it's true. I wasn't sure whether to believe it or not."

"Yep." Gino nods, smiling again. "Factspheres. First real attempt at incorporating frame tech into a jet."

"Indeed." The general coughs, clearing his throat. "Your Highness, it is my pleasure to introduce you to the EX-5578 Dagonet. Now, I'll leave Sir Weinburg to show you where you can change into your flight suit and excuse myself to monitor things from the control tower." He paused as he turned, and gave a quick bow. "Dame Rowe."

Your advisor saluted and pleasantries were dispatched.

After changing into your flight suit and climbing into the plane as it was being towed to the runway, you couldn't resist asking a few questions. "Sir Weinburg, if you don't mind me saying so, you are perhaps the only person outside of the royal family I've met who is absolutely at ease in my presence."

The man hums cheerily. "That a problem, Your Highness?"

You pause running through the preflight check, then resume. "Not necessarily. Merely... odd. I don't find it disagreeable, I was just curious as to your daring."

Gino barks a laugh. "Guess it looks like that, huh?" He's quiet for a moment, the sound of switches snapping and buttons clicking loud in the cockpit. "Just figured, and no offense meant, Your Highness, but... royals just don't fly jets. Figured, if you were the kind of guy who'd buck tradition and not mind the small stuff."

"'Small stuff' as in three centuries of imperial courtesy doctrine?" You jab with a smirk.

"Well if ya' want I can be all simpering and kowtowing..." Gino states leadingly, looking back at you with a smirk of his own.

You snort. Perhaps it isn't quite proper, but it is refreshing. "I think that ship has sailed, Sir Weinburg."

"You know, you can call me Gino, right?" He shrugs.

"...I suppose, and you may address me as... Lelouch, in private of course." You reply after a moment.

"Gotcha' Lulu." He grins

"If you persist in using the same name my younger sister of two years uses, I shall endeavor to ensure your fashions become similar as well." You state with just a bit of bite.

Gino laughs. "Well that's one off the bucket list! Just had a prince threaten to force me into a dress!"

You simply shook your head and turned on the mic to speak to the tower.

"Gino... I noticed something when I saw the specifications of the Dragonet." You comment innocently.

"Oh?" An undeniable tone of mischief is contained within that one syllable.

"Yes... is there a particular reason the EU still holds the aircraft speed record when this craft is capable of breaking the sound barrier?" You asked.

Gino laughs nervously as the engines begin to wind up. "Well, in theory, yeah... but, the last one kinda... shook itself to pieces when we tried."

"...ejection seats come standard, correct?" You probe further.

Gino laughs again, more heartily. "Eh, what the hell. Worst happens we probably both die and my old man's an asshole, so who cares if he pays the piper?"

You raise your eyebrows, but don't respond to that.

An hour later, after being fished out of the pacific ocean by a noble's passing yacht and enjoying his most expensive bottle of brandy, an extraordinarily angry Jeanne accompanied by a fuming general finally manage to find you after landing a helicopter on the boat in question.

Rewards: Gino Weinburg SL opens at (2). +4 Martial Trait gain. Record Holder: First to Break the Sound Barrier. General knowledge of aeronautic warfare. Increased military options and flexibility.
Sailor, Soldier: 33+19=52

Although much less... eventful than your adventures in aeronautics, and Jeanne ensures this is the case, your naval training is very informative.

The largest portion of your education is spent familiarizing yourself with the different classes of ships and exactly how they work in concert with each other.

At the moment, you'll likely be limited to recruiting and manning lesser classes, though these are more agile and arguably better for hunting pirates.

Regrettably, you likely won't need any aircraft carriers, battleships, or anything larger than a few cruisers unless the pirates near Australia really are far better equipped than you'd been lead to believe. Even if that should be the case, it's likely that you can 'borrow' a flotilla of larger vessels from a friendly command if the need becomes really pressing.

Rewards: General knowledge of naval warfare, realistic expectations about what ships you will need. Increased military options and flexibility.
Far East Approachment: 88+6=94

You spend the year in an interesting combination of quiet repose and strict training under Sayoko's watchful gaze.

...albeit, you do so with the clan's youngest actively training children between ages seven and ten.

Which is a bit of a disappointment, yes, but...

"I'm honestly quite impressed, Lelouch-sama." Sayoko comments at the end of your training.

You wipe your forehead of sweat. "Really? This hasn't honestly seemed all that difficult."

"Which is why I am impressed." Sayoko repeats, a gleam in her eye. "There was substantially more to the exercises you've completed than would first appear."

You frown, looking at her fully. "What precisely do you mean?"

"What the modern world knows as the power of the mind has long been coveted by the shinobi clans of Japan." Sayoko states plainly, her gaze intent. "You have learned but a sliver of our knowledge, but that you did such so easily... it speaks of a great talent indeed. If Your Highness should have time in the coming years, I will ensure that one of our trainers will be available to instruct you further."

You can only nod, wondering at the compliments you'd just gotten.

Rewards: Trait Gain: Clear, Like Water. Sayoko Shinozaki's SL increases to 3. Yes, your ninjas are psionic, does this actually surprise anyone?
Keep or Castle: 85+15=100 // Crit: 69

Two months through the year, your constructions runs into a rather large problem.

Which, rather rapidly, you and Jeanne turn into an immensely powerful strategic boon.

Specifically, the fact that the construction crews break ground and fall into a rather... extensive cave limestone cave system that, as it turns out, runs throughout much of the island.

There is a rather large fracas as you and Jeanne need to personally fly out to your little slice of island paradise... or at least, to the nearest island with an airstrip and then commandeer a naval patrol boat in order to finally get to New Caledonia. You spend the month rewriting the entire structural plans for your base and relocate the entirety of the vital systems underground as you retrofit the caverns and dig out new rooms where necessary.

Then, surprisingly, you run into a second boon.

Your suppliers had shipped too much material.

After a rather arduous string of communication later, your suppliers state that the materials will be too costly to ship back and the space on the ships has already been spoken for once they reach New Zealand for refueling. In other words, they decide to gift you the material in the name of keeping a royal on good terms and offloading costs.

The end result is that, during the last two months of the year after you return to the islands again, you direct the crews still under contract to construct both a basic modern airfield and a basic deep-water dock for frigates, destroyers, and cruisers. Anything larger, you simply wouldn't be able to accommodate, but this will make resupply much, much easier.

Ultimately, you end up with a series of low-rise steel-reinforced bunkers hardened against tropical storms that feed into a labyrinth of corridors and underground rooms capable of holding your forces and a generous stockpile of food. Your airfield and docks, also, are connected to that same labyrinth.

Also, you and Jeanne may have taken a few days here and there to sit quietly on lounge chairs and sip fruity alcohol.

But no one will ever be able to prove that.

Rewards: Base constructed underground, enhanced security modifiers. Basic airfield and modern dock added free of charge.
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now we must create a tool to surpass the knightmare frame! We already have a army of super-ninja spies...we just need more actions so we can do ALL the SL ranks...and then unleash merry hell as we take the throne of Britannia and model it even further to our agenda of world domination!

All In the name of sufficient velocity! (and of course getting the golden ending!)
Right o, we got our fortress island and psionic ninja clan alright. Now we just need a perky hero to complete the rerun of cobra commander. And a bigger budget.
surprised we didn't get an architectural trait for that last crit, not that what we got isn't great but we completely redesigned an underground base within a small time-frame which for a kid is pretty damn impressive.
surprised we didn't get an architectural trait for that last crit, not that what we got isn't great but we completely redesigned an underground base within a small time-frame which for a kid is pretty damn impressive.
Yeah but when it's to be expected of you, since ya know, Genius? Not so impressive.
Come back when you've moved on from yawner architecture :V
There is a rather large fracas as you and Jeanne need to personally fly out to your little slice of island paradise... or at least, to the nearest island with an airstrip and then commandeer a naval patrol boat in order to finally get to New Caledonia. You spend the month rewriting the entire structural plans for your base and relocate the entirety of the vital systems underground as you retrofit the caverns and dig out new rooms where necessary.

surprised we didn't get an architectural trait for that last crit, not that what we got isn't great but we completely redesigned an underground base within a small time-frame which for a kid is pretty damn impressive.

???: +??? Beyond your grasp, stretching back to before the beginning and forwards beyond the horizon. It compels you to learn, create, and build.
Hmm... I wonder if this is related in any way.

Rewards: Gino Weinburg SL opens at (2). +4 Martial Trait gain. Record Holder: First to Break the Sound Barrier. General knowledge of aeronautic warfare. Increased military options and flexibility.
We must recruit him at first oportunity, Rounds-level knightmare pilots don't grow on trees.
Psionic Ninjas, Underground Bases, Experimental Jet, Brandy on a Yacht, and Tropical Island . . .

A great setting for an action spy movie with Lelouch as the main villain
"Yes... is there a particular reason the EU still holds the aircraft speed record when this craft is capable of breaking the sound barrier?" You asked.

Gino laughs nervously as the engines begin to wind up. "Well, in theory, yeah... but, the last one kinda... shook itself to pieces when we tried."

Huh, so we forced the jet to break the sound barrier when it didn't have the very important changes to it's design required to not break when you go that fast.

Looks like we have a great research project
Gino looks like a fun guy, can't wait to see his stats to see what he can do.

The Keep is awesome of course, as expected.

I wonder if our brother is going to bring up our record when we meet him. He was the one who was working on aircraft KMF wasn't he?
experimental plane`s likely fairly costly even for a royal prince pretty sure someone with military budget will not be happy.
aside from that they did go supersonic to others might be somewhat happy about that.

also major rep boost.
This has added Gino to the list of people, we will probably try to recruit.

Which I really don't mind as long as we recruit Kallen, Villeta and if possible C.C.
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This has added Gino to the list of people, we will probably try to recruit.

Which I really don't mind as long as we recruit Kallen, Villeta and if possible C.C.
Why Villeta? I mean, Kallen is aridiculously tallented knightmare pilot and C.C is a centuries old immortal but I don't see what Villeta brings to the table.