Semper Ad Meliora (Code Geass/Britannian Royalty Quest)

I Spy Pirates: 78+23=101 // Crit: 58+1=59
Island Observation: 31+23=54
Relic Hunting: 52+25=77
Madman's Thesis: 55+25=80
Chasing Shadows: 80+13+15 (Omake Bonus)= 108 // Crit: 87+8=95
Well we got the crits where it really counted. Hopefully next turn we'll have an option to do a little counter looting and pillaging aimed at the pirates.

MT just squeaked into the middle tier reward and the rest are in the 'good success' region.
Well Slayer it was nice knowing you, should we expect you in the next two days after writing up the pirate stuff? :p
You very well might not. I started writing up the full pirate briefing once it was obvious which plan would win, since you guys would need it eventually anyway. If you hadn't rolled this high I would have pared the briefing down to match the results. As it stands, you'll get the full text, knowledge of the pirate's hero units, and a quick assessment of what you should and shouldn't do to destroy each individual faction.

As it stands, I'm about a third of the way through with the write-up and I'm at about 1.2k words. For that one action alone.

The update could quite possibly take all weekend, especially since my weekends are kind of full.

I'll probably show up a few times here and there to ride herd on you all, but I'll be spending a lot of time writing in the coming days.
Well at the very least I am curious to see if we can turn pirates against one another. I am sure there are local rivalries and if we can turn them against one another then we can sweep in and take them both out at once. In theory.
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I think I've only ever seen Slayer burnout on a quest when he gets tired of the players shit. If we're active, well behaved, and actually thinking about what we're doing Slayer should last for a good while.
"As long as he doesn't leave the grounds of the base I don't have any desire to curtain his freedom of movement further."
Yes, wouldn't want to drape the burden of law onto Jaegar's shoulders more than necessary. :V
Chasing Shadows: 80+13+15 (Omake Bonus)= 108 // Crit: 87+8=95
Oh yes, the Cabal is detected. I might actually finish that omake about Jaegar reading the news.

I guess the pirate stuff is good too. Yawn :V We have a butcher for pirates, anyhoo.
Jaegar Reads the News by Plausitivity - Canon (+10 Bonus x2)
@Slayer Anderson some musings from Jaegar.
Jaegar Reads the News


You lean back in your newly-imported swivel chair.

"Ahhhh... this. Is. The. Life!" You exclaim, throwing both hands above your head, talking to no one in particular. "What do you say, Madison?"

"Oh right, you're getting the coffee." Realizing your folly, you stop talking to thin air so the Cabal can't isolate your location.

'Well, better make like a normal morning person and... read the news?'

You slide over to the keyboard, turning on the program for disabling tracking of your search history through a eleventh-party proxy, and booted up the browser.

A black screen with green text greeted you, with prompts of HOME and NEWS and LAB.

You chose NEWS, like any other person would.

'Right, let's see how the Prince has been doing. The Witch-Hunters haven't shown up on my radars, so I'm guessing he must be doing well.'

Of greatest news this year...
Tales of Lelouch's exploits!
A conspiracy! Destroyed utterly! Surgical precision!
'My, that is quite impressive. With his skills in the shadows... there could be hope of taking them down...!'

You keep reading,
Apparently driven by the revelation that Duke Isacc Stadtfeld's primary heir had been designated as his half-Japanese daughter, one Kallen Kozuki-Stadtfeld.
You know that feeling well. "It was a while ago... remember, Madison?"
You remember that she was still out.
"Right, well, I was bullied for being different... okay, go AWAY, bad thoughts!" You swing your arms around to intimidate the computer screen, aware that even if the Cabal had tapped your lab, they would already know the information about your childhood.

...or what if They were using emotional manipulation beacons to affect your mood? You quickly scribble down another totally legible note in an almost-forgotten ancient African script to check for unauthorized transmitters when you can.

Those bastards.
Britannian homeland ... high-level talks which have been occurring between the Chinese Federation's governing body of Eunuchs and representatives of the Empire.
"Good. Excellent. Brilliant!" You gesticulate each word, making sure that the shadow figures looking for you through the screen know who they are messing with.
'Maybe I can finally get that vacation to Shanghai that Madison keeps bringing up...'
Area 5 has been brought firmly under Britannian control
"Those thugs! At last! Justice prevails!"
You spin around in your chair reflexively.
Well, you never had anything to do with Area 5. In fact, you were only aware of its existence due to Lelouch offhandedly mentioning it during one of his conversations with Madison.
He always seemed to like talking to her over you.
You scribble an illegible note a perfectly legible note written in ancient Syrian, sticking it to the wall on your side.
'I will investigate this further.'
North Africa League... Cornelia li Britannia
'Hah! Just desserts for putting up a man-hunt for me!' You scoff. Those fools standing before Cornelia are done for! The Britannian army is just as strong as Lelouch says!

As long as the Prince holds up his side of the bargain, you're more than glad to go along with whatever political webs are spun. It goes to show how Brittania has been more accepting of you than those purported... 'free' places.
Middle Eastern Federation that they have moved to a wartime footing. Citing reasons of common cultural heritage, trade ties, and a common self-interest in fighting the invading power, the MEF was shocked by the fall of Cairo so rapidly, cementing their final vote to declare war on the Holy Empire of Britannia.
'Oh, that was a mistake.' With a chuckle, you take a stress ball from the table.
'Squishy. I like that. This lab really does have it all...'
MEF troops pushed across the Egyptian border and retook the city of Cairo in a surprise attack only hours after a formal state of war was announced.
MEF forces could not make gains far outside of the industrialized heart of Egypt.
The ball makes a loud *SQUEEEE* noise as you grip goes closed.

"COWARDS! The unjust and dishonorable are held back by their own ambition!" You slam the ball against your table. "I have no idea why I am so mad... no wait, I do. Extinguish the MEF! Show them a REAL surprise attack!"
At this point, with Britannian naval dominance in the Mediterranean Sea, it is unknown whether the MEF will move their Indian Ocean assets around the horn of Britannian-controlled Africa or if they will chance breaking the Red Sea Disarmament Pact and move capital ships through the channel, opening Britannia and Ethiopia to do the same.
"A good old... Area 1 standoff, if I sa-- am I using that term correctly? That's the place where they shot those Old Western movies, right?" You make finger guns and pretend to shoot at the screen.
artists and celebrities contribute
"PFFFFT! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA...!" Seeing this, you fall onto the ground and start laughing, and laughing. And laughing.

After a short period of two minutes, you finally get back up and recompose yourself before letting out another chuckle at the statement above.
You scroll down so that the offending line is no longer in your sight. You have self-discipline, no matter what others imply.

"Blah blah, politics, blah nations, oh!"
The EU military premiered their new, domestically-produced Knightmare Frame
"Ohhhh, someone must have leaked those schematics!" There's a knock on your door.
"Come iiiin~" You already know who it is, since no one else knocks on your door. You shake your head lightly.

Madison held in her hands a tray with a cup of coffee and a cup of tea, with various snacks.

"So, how has your morning been?" She asks you, making her way towards you.
"I..." You stand up as she reflexively turns and lowers her head. "Am WON~DER~FUL~" In between each syllable, you strike a different pose, lab coat thrusting out behind you as it flutters briefly in the stagnant air, swiftly floating down.

"Great to hear." Madison sets down the tray on your table, and takes the cup of tea, ignoring you as she passes by your statuesque posing with your right elbow covering your face as your other arm flies out in a straight line to your left.

She must be mad.
Like Mad-ison! "HAH!" You let out, before closing your lips, not allowing the pun to come out.

With Madison ignoring you, you return to your musings in the news.
Partway through protests, what is later determined to be a gas explosion destroys much the Marie Curie Institute for Radiological Science, spreading a sickening cloud of hazardous substances and chemicals over much of the city of Paris. In the wake of the disaster, clean up efforts and and the political repercussions have lead the EU to institute a series of bans and harsh restrictions on all radiological research going forward to ensure such a tragedy does not occur again. In general, this year has seen wide-scale backlash against many forms of scientific development. stare at the screen. The words start to take shape in your mind, forming words and phrases that shouldn't be there. You know this was the work of the Cabal.

They were sending a message.

You go down, reading the rest without a word.
The Republic, too, has suffered a grievous year of political demonstrations against the newly-elected president.
...violent and angry...
...breaking with the EU...
...political turmoil...
"Democratic citizens revolting against their democratically-elected head of state? What has this world come to? Surely this is... no..." The demonstrations, also a machination of the Cabal. Their influence is just too much.

You hear a loud slurping noise behind you, which you ignore.
...Euro-Britannia spends the year stumbling backwards...
refusal to accept the loan of any army groups or air support from Britannia
overdraw of their economy
a year of stagnation for Euro-Britannia.
Economic manipulation... passive politicians... subtle changes... this was all the signature work of the Organizations.
You were too smart to not notice the links. Lowering your head to brood, you steeple your fingers. "Organization or not, there is someone after me... they've been unable to find me and thus use the opportunity to destroy my possible hiding spots in a macro scale." You voice your thoughts loudly. "Madison, we must be vigilant, and NOT allow the Prince to fall. He may be the only one capable of helping us right now."
No sound.

You look back, and she's resting her head on her desk, staring into you.

You turn back around.
With the increased shipping of valuable Sakuradite and other materials, pirate activity is on the upswing in and around the islands. Several large cargo vessels are seized and their contents sold on the black market over the year. Cries for the Chinese Federation to take action apparently fall on deaf ears even as Britannia increases escort duties to compensate it's own naval trade. The ultimate response to the pirate threat has been undecided at this point.
Your face pales. These were the mercenaries!
"Undecided? UNDECIDED? Madison, it's already decided for us, and we're in trouble if those bastards reach us, I tell you!" You begin to hyperventilate, the memories of the past and visions of the plausible, unfortunate future flash through your brain. "I'll have to not only increase my research pace, but also the scrutiny! I see EXACTLY why Lelouch did not allow me out of the lab! Yes, he is most wise. The mercenaries cannot find me if I am to be inside my lab for the majority of the time. The walls are embedded with wavelength-interrupting material, stopping radio waves from travelling in or out! The connections are secure and isolated from the rest of the world, so infiltration will have to go through the rest of the base's security, both physical and digital, to get to ME and YOU!" It is at this point that Madison starts snoring.

You turn around, seeing Madison sleeping, now. She looks so peaceful.
Taking off your lab coat and putting it over her, you whisper to yourself and no one in particular, "well, a trusty assistant is more than a mad scientist like me could ask for. Thank you for sticking with me, Madison. Really."
You take the coffee and sip. Two sugars and one milk.

I enjoyed it. Canon. I can't write too much Jeagar simply because he's so far out there that he messes with narrative flow so, outside of a dedicated chapter on him, he'll be dancing around the periphery a lot.
Yeah, I mostly mixed in his lunacy being his baseline, with some conspiratorial voices telling him that obviously the Organization is after him. I mean, he might be right or wrong, but those thoughts are there, man.

Also, I made him really appreciative of Madison (why the hell does she even follow him?) and Madison is just really tired from all his antics, despite him becoming really serious when it comes to their safety and research.
Get to know them and find out, although a good part of it is kind of Stockholm Syndrome.
Well, I know what at least I will be voting for in the personal actions, besides what I assume will be the almost mandatory "officer crash course for Kallen and Greta".

Also, have to ask after those latest rolls... What kind of sacrifices does the playerbase regularly offer to the Dice Gods? Because the amount and the intensity of crits in this quest...
Got a post Australian conquest idea that might be a bit ethically dubious: exotic animal exports.

How many zoos in the world have kangaroos or koalas, do you think? Or platypus, or wallaby, or any of Australia's unique wildlife. It'd be new, rare, and there'd be next to nothing known about them. The nobles would go crazy.
@Slayer Anderson I don't assume it really matters considering the roll it got this turn but is there a reason the +10 from this wasn't noted in addition to the normal intrigue bonus?
Yes, the bonus should have been added and, yes, given the roll it doesn't matter all that much. However I should get in the habit of remembering that stuff. So... I'll fix it.

In other news, I've gotten the 4k worth of info on the pirates written up. I still need to do the hero units and the results for the rest of the turn, though. We'll see how that goes given my time constraints.
Yes, the bonus should have been added and, yes, given the roll it doesn't matter all that much. However I should get in the habit of remembering that stuff. So... I'll fix it.

In other news, I've gotten the 4k worth of info on the pirates written up. I still need to do the hero units and the results for the rest of the turn, though. We'll see how that goes given my time constraints.
You could probably post the Pirate write up separate. Having it thread marked in it's own post might even be useful for referring back to it later.
Got a post Australian conquest idea that might be a bit ethically dubious: exotic animal exports.

How many zoos in the world have kangaroos or koalas, do you think? Or platypus, or wallaby, or any of Australia's unique wildlife. It'd be new, rare, and there'd be next to nothing known about them. The nobles would go crazy.
Technically viable, but ultimately very low profit. There just isn't a very large market, and even if you're selling each one for thousands (or tens of thousands), you'd need to sell an immense volume (and then sustain sales of that volume) to make useful amounts of money when you're dealing with things on the scale of a feudal land grant and house troops. And, of course, you have to pay money out to get specimens for sale, safely house and ship them, and so forth which reduces your profit margin again.

Like, if each specimen is worth $10k, you have fifty buyers, and each buyer wants five specimens (for some reason), you're looking at a one-off profit of maybe $2.5M. And then the market is tapped out, and you have...about a tenth of the cost of one military naval multirole aircraft (1977 F-14 acquisition price used for comparison). And you're out whatever time and money you spent setting things up, advertising, and paying people to catch the specimens for sale.
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