Semper Ad Meliora (Code Geass/Britannian Royalty Quest)

I doubt we are going to be ready to take Australia-any part of Australia in four turns. Assuming that we take an intrigue action next turn on a specific faction and it succeeds we get new information, which could or could not change our stance on any plan. Then we would need to raise troops. Now we can rely on Cornelia but she has no real obligation to help us. Meaning concessions. Now what we are willing to give up is up for a lot of debate there. Also the current plans being suggested puts a lot of trust in pirates. Also working on the assumption that Cornelia won't be busy with another war.

Of course it is all theory crafting and basing things on information we have...which is not a lot. We know the factions and their basic relations with one another. We don't know the number of ships they have or their suppliers. I would honestly recommend making the plans for any invasions after we have information on at least half the factions in the region. That way we aren't in the mindset to be stuck on any plan and so that we have the information to work with rather than an overview of the various factions.

Really now, we could literally take Freelance raiders and make our way into the continent.
Our fleet is still small. And we need to be on guard for any moves against us by the Illuminati. We have a pirate faction that took action against us, and they might do so again even ignoring any other factors which might be inclined to cause us problems.
I would rather not make that assumption just yet. We dont know what they have. For all we know they could outnumber us ship wise and could wreck us before we even reach land. Like we have 30 ships? At most?

Did you even read info we got? It literally says that anyone with decent intrigue could turn them against each other and make a conquest.

Our fleet is still small. And we need to be on guard for any moves against us by the Illuminati. We have a pirate faction that took action against us, and they might do so again even ignoring any other factors which might be inclined to cause us problems.

So we wait for miracle that will make us powerful enough to ignore all those problems fall from the sky?

Risks exist and that is the point, we won't become anymore powerful by hiding on our island, if we want to succeed we must take necessary first steps because world won't wait for us.
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Did you even read info we got? It literally says that anyone with decent intrigue could turn them against each other and make a conquest.

Oh I thought you meant militarily as we are now. Yeah we could do that but ripe for conquest also means for their immediate neighbours. They could also capitalize on the chaos. Meaning that we have to do it in such a way that we are only ones who can capitalize on it.

Though they might not be able to for the same fear of being invaded. They haven't made an alliance to get rid of them because they are afraid to leave their holdings unprotected for other opportunists correct?
Oh I thought you meant militarily as we are now. Yeah we could do that but ripe for conquest also means for their immediate neighbours. They could also capitalize on the chaos. Meaning that we have to do it in such a way that we are only ones who can capitalize on it.

Though they might not be able to for the same fear of being invaded. They haven't made an alliance to get rid of them because they are afraid to leave their holdings unprotected for other opportunists correct?

Their immediate neighbours are Blades of Saladin who are pretty much military weak at the moment to capitalise on anything, our best bet would be turn Freelancers against each other and then quickly move in to secure the area.


In terms of other powers, Crown probably isn't willing to attack us, maybe raid supply lines but not attack. That only leaves children , so we probably need to be powerful enough for them to not attack us without leaving their holdings unprotected.

Other option would be to invade Blades of Saladin while causing civil war among Freelancers, that way only threat for us would be children who wouldn't invade us out of the fear for their holding. If we coordinate with Crown we could secure for them to take Freelancers territory, maybe divide it among us.

No one says no to easy conquest.
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Let's shelve the pirate discussion for now, as we don't seem like we'll be able to do anything about them for quite some time. Nevertheless, the information we've got is useful to us, especially when it comes to trying to get one of the pirate groups on our side for something through our Walpurgis contacts.
They still have more conventional ground forces than we do ATM though.

We know we need to take risks, but we would like an army (or well armed forces) that can both win and hold any conquests we make. The dice be very fickle at times, so a relatively strong base will help. Also if it looks like we are overextended we will get swarmed by people trying to take advantage of the opportunity.
Another thought, If we route out any of these groups, we'll have to deal with their population centers. I don't think they have the means, but if they do, maybe the Islamists might go Zarqawi if we sink their fleet and occupy their base.
Another thought, If we route out any of these groups, we'll have to deal with their population centers. I don't think they have the means, but if they do, maybe the Islamists might go Zarqawi if we sink their fleet and occupy their base.

Their entire population isn't extremistic though, we just need to pull out intelligence swop and eliminate islamists.
Absent Japan deliberately selling the designs further afield, the actual risk of the EU or china getting more information on how to build Knightmares right is minimal, since they would need to infiltrate or subvert a top-level classified design and production project in Japan to get at it from that angle.
Hasn't that train passed years ago? I'm not entirely sure about the timeline, but to my understanding the EU should start manufacturing Alexanders within a year. And those things are presumably sixth generation knightmare frames.
Hasn't that train passed years ago? I'm not entirely sure about the timeline, but to my understanding the EU should start manufacturing Alexanders within a year. And those things are presumably sixth generation knightmare frames.
The timeline is subject to chaos dice now. Where we're going, there are no rails.
Theoretically, yes, but a great many plans being put forward are at this point.

I like the discussion, should have phase three up in... twelve hours? On the outside, at least.
I found this quest recently and started reading the discussions from Turn 5 Phase 2 so I might be missing some things. But I can't really understand why everyone is focused on conquering pirate factions on the far side of Australia from our main base. In my opinion in the near future the focus should be on:
Military - building up our forces so they won't suck when trying to take on the pirates. Right now we can't even deploy our Knightmares safely in a combat situation. If Dr Hashima has something like flotation devices in her tech tree we might close the gap in fleet power by using Knightmares at sea.
Diplomacy - Getting more income from countering piracy. Not to mention operations against pirates will give us bounties and a chance for our new recruits to gain experience before we send them against more experienced opponents. We will also need actions so the backers of the Crowns won't sabotage our power grab.
Stewardship - developing the islands economy. With Sakuradite deposits in Indonesia there is a possibility of our islands having some. Or any other resource we can use.
Intrigue - New Tortuga while it should be burned down and the land salted is right now our biggest potential gold mine. The amount of blackmail we could get could really help with getting us more resources or making our opponents back down. Not to mention we will need to get a lot more detailed info for our operations.
Learning - I think the next turn should be focused on getting better computers (for bonuses to rolls) and finding out what Dr Hashima has to offer. While the improved psionic detectors can make us more money they won't make us as much as getting our hands on better flight capability. And while I would like to get some of the goodies in the psionic research tree I want to see what is behind door number 2 for research options.
Piety - Anything really. Researching the Orb will have to be done but if we don't start psionic research right away we might focus them on something like teaching them alchemy to make sakuradite in the workshop for extra money. Or we might do some self study so Lelouch can learn to force choke his opponents. Or we might look for more psionic artifacts, get a crit and end up with Lelouch getting a Vimana as a personal craft to combine the psionic talent with his love of flying.

The personal actions in phase 3 will be interesting to chose. Boot Camp will be a must so our exploration of psionics won't cause us to lose a rather decent Martial advisor. Not to mention there is a possible Martial trait there and the first SL bonus for her.
I'm also really interested in taking an Euphy action. Maybe with a high enough SL we can get her as a Diplomacy advisor. For some reason since I read the result of the crit on Translators I can't get an image of a triple "puppy eye" attack by Euphy, Nunnally and Kaguya as a valid diplomatic strategy.
I found this quest recently and started reading the discussions from Turn 5 Phase 2 so I might be missing some things. But I can't really understand why everyone is focused on conquering pirate factions on the far side of Australia from our main base.
It's mostly just theoretical planning, a base to build off of. And while distance is a factor, it isn't as big a deal as it could be. It'd be more worrisome if there were fewer, larger factions or if any of them actually did more than tolerate each other.
Or we might look for more psionic artifacts, get a crit and end up with Lelouch getting a Vimana as a personal craft to combine the psionic talent with his love of flying.
...And now you having me look at Hinduism through the lens of this Quest. Great.
Okay, now that I'm not feeling half dead... I get to analyze!

I will not be putting this forward in a step by step plan on how to take down the pirates, but summarizing each factions strengths, weakness, and threat level.

Basically the local Britannian Nobility's answer to the pirates. They exist to protect said nobility's interests which means that they very much will harass us once we start making moves.

If we don't buy them out, that is. That's not something we can likely immediately afford, but they are supposedly a PMC. Acquiring their services to help take out the more acceptable and easier targets early on, or even to act as protection for our convoys latter on both ingratiates them to us and shows them we are actually willing to work with them. If we start this relatively early, there is a good chance that they'll understand which way the winds are blowing and throw in their lot with us as a major patron to them.

Ultimately, we'll need money and decent diplomacy to deal with them. They are a minor strategic threat to us.

Also known as Smugglers Inc. The important thing here is that they're willing to pay anyone to attack us when we finally do move on them. Thus, the suggestion of the Alpha Strike on both harbors simultaneously.

For the moment, we can probably make some serious intelligence gains by infiltrating their group with intrigue units. This, in turn, could serve as a jumping off point to screw over their allies. That means blackmailing the Crowns into compliance or as a way to infiltrate the Calico Cats.

They aren't a major strategic or tactical threat, but they likely make a large portion of the backbone of the economy. Attacking them should be seen as our declaration of war on all of the pirates of the area. So best to have the pieces set up before we do so.

Also known as Evil Disneyland.

Of little strategic or tactical value, they are none the less morally repugnant. While we could certainly gain some amount of fame for being as the one that took down the cesspool that is New Tortuga, it would also earn us no small amount of political enemies.

As such, judicious application of Ninja to harass the tourists and pick off the leaders is definitely the safest bet. We don't need to do this asap, but I can't find it in myself to not push for screwing them over at the first reasonable opportunity.

Their specialty is being too unimportant to be bothered to strike down. Honestly, we should play to that and leave them as one of the latter groups to take down. At that point, many of their members would likely be jumping ship or they might try striking a deal with us to get less damaging charges pressed against them.

Ultimately, this is a fight we can avoid or make dramatically easier by waiting.

The EU's catspaw of the area. This will likely be one of the hardest forces to take down due almost solely to their large civilian population.

Because of this, invasion and occupation is almost guaranteed to be hell and not worth it. It's basically required that we get either Kaguya or Euphemia to talk them into joining Britannia. Both would likely be willing to grant them some level of independence to work with, which is ultimately what they want.

Their tactical and strategic threat come solely from handling them improperly. Provoking them or trying military aggression against them will give us a hell of a fight and end in the most headache inducing occupation we can muster.

A group of radicals who are convinced everyone is evil and have three fleets. They have also shown that they can be bought by the Organization.

New Heaven presents a serious opportunity in that they give us an excuse to work with other pirate factions, fostering good relations with them. It's even noted that this may be a way to convince the Blood of L'Olonnais to work with us.

The nightmare comes from occupation, as these are millions of zealots and not even Euphie is likely able to shut down that level of mentality. I... honestly have no idea how we'd handle that.

They are also the most present and clear threat to us at the moment, having already sent an entire fleet against us.

Honestly? These guys are political pawns in the making.

How we deal with them should greatly depend on our relationship with Tianzi. If we can set things up so defeating them allows for her to make a serious power move in the Chinese Federation and start taking power back from the Eunuchs... Well, that's certainly an option. In the end, we need to gain and exploit ties to Tianzi before we determine how to handle them.

At the moment they are of no threat to us.

Ethiopia and the MEF's catspaw. Except Ethiopia just publicly disavowed them because Euphie doesn't understand the consequences of making friends and now they are overextended and desperately looking for support.

This makes them exceptionally weak now, but they will get back on their feet eventually. As such, they are a massive target of opportunity that the Empress of Ethiopia almost certainly set up to allow a measure of friendship with Britannia.

An actual pirate town, complete with divisive politics. They aren't a serious threat, and honestly present something of an opportunity.

They're relatively easy to deal with also, both from a military and espionage standpoint. We'll have to see what happens when we actually get into the nitty gritty of dealing with them, but if we open up with an intrigue plot, there is a chance we may find someone acceptable to recruit to our side. Depends on a lot of things, though.

Right, so a few things I want to do in regards to the Pirates.
  • SL Sayoko. Getting her SL high gives us access to other services of the Shinozaki. This means that we get a group of super skilled ninja at our service. Doing so will make dealing with many of the pirates substantially easier.
  • Attack the Blades of Saladin. They are exceptionally weak at the moment, and remember that we can take whatever we want from them by right of conquest. This means that we can substantially increase the size of our Navy if we can take them by getting their city as suggested. We really should do this within two turns.
  • Start pacifying The Crowns. We don't have the funds to actually buy their services for anything serious at the moment, but even just opening up talks with them would go a long ways towards future plans.
  • Work on recruiting either Kaguya or Euphemia as a DIplo adviser. For the biggest diplomatic challenge, the Blood of L'Olonnais, I feel that both have similar odds of success. Euphemia has a silver tongue, but she's also Britannian Royalty. Kaguya isn't Britanian and knows how to strike a deal that is incredibly hard to refuse, but doesn't have Euphemia's silver tongue. Other Diplomacy actions outside of them would probably favor Kaguya, but they are unlikely to be so difficult as to necessitate her assistance. Though depending on how we handle New Heaven, we may want contacts with the CF's Empress.
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I'm a little concerned about how much independence we'd need to give the Blood to get them on side, if it's just making one of them the governor of that area, giving him a decent degree of autonomy so long as he listens to the Viceroy (in the future when there is a Viceroy) then that's fine but if it's total self rule that seems like it'd be a big nono for the Empire, especially given that they're EU loyalists are all these pirates staying fed? There is no way that they can meet all of their food needs locally, so they're definitely importing a good chunk if it.

If we can crack down on their food imports, we might be able to get them to tear each other apart.

If we get subs, we can engage in unrestricted submarine warfare on Australia. Maybe offer La Cosa Nostra the opportunity to be the only way to get to Australia without being attacked. There will always be smugglers, so it's best to have a hand on the reins rather than have them run rampant. are all these pirates staying fed? There is no way that they can meet all of their food needs locally, so they're definitely importing a good chunk if it.
Your spies report that part of it is subsistence farming by the pirates' families, using personal skiffs for fishing to supplement income, trading with smugglers for food, and raiding larger cargo vessels.

There's also the fact that some factions don't particularly care about making sure everyone is actually fed. So part of the answer is 'they aren't.'

The specifics vary pretty wildly between any given faction. The Crowns and the Blood, with the connections they have, for instance, have pretty good supply lines and can buy from legitimate companies to supplement. The Raiders, on the other end of the spectrum, have no formal procedure for making sure anyone has any food at all, but given that it's usually one sub-group's people dying of starvation, there's always another faction within the Raiders that are kind of glad to see them go.
I'm a little concerned about how much independence we'd need to give the Blood to get them on side, if it's just making one of them the governor of that area, giving him a decent degree of autonomy so long as he listens to the Viceroy (in the future when there is a Viceroy) then that's fine but if it's total self rule that seems like it'd be a big nono for the Empire, especially given that they're EU loyalists
I am sure that if we can come to some sort of arrangement by that point. I am assuming that we would hit them last. So by that point we have inertia on our side.
Hmmm... here's a crazy thought.

@Slayer Anderson Could we get Euphemia as a Stewardship adviser? I ask, because while I don't think she has the stomach or awareness to take part in serious politicking, I do believe she has the drive to seek out the needs of the common citizen to create large public works projects that would benefit them.

Considering that we are planing on subjugating several small nations of pirates, we're going to seriously need that kind of thinking when it comes to figuring out what sort of stewardship projects we create involving Austrailia. It might not be her best stat, but that sort of thing sounds like Euphie in her element.
This is probably our best bet. Intrigue them to hell and back, pick them apart and keep/stomp on who we want.


@Slayer Anderson ooc who is the one in charge of the Britannian Pacific Fleet?
High Admiral, His Lordship John Pemberton III, Marquis of Indianapolis.

Keep in mind that you also need to be aware of the Britannian Asiatic Fleet and the Indian Ocean Fleet, the former being based out of the Philippines and will likely be playing a significant role in escorting supplies to the war effort with the MEF. The Indian Ocean Fleet based out of Durban in Area 7 will be getting in on that action as well.
Hmmm... here's a crazy thought.

@Slayer Anderson Could we get Euphemia as a Stewardship adviser? I ask, because while I don't think she has the stomach or awareness to take part in serious politicking, I do believe she has the drive to seek out the needs of the common citizen to create large public works projects that would benefit them.

Considering that we are planing on subjugating several small nations of pirates, we're going to seriously need that kind of thinking when it comes to figuring out what sort of stewardship projects we create involving Austrailia. It might not be her best stat, but that sort of thing sounds like Euphie in her element.
There's theoretically nothing stopping you from asking her at least. At a 19, she's not exactly bad at managing things.
Kaguya isn't Britanian and knows how to strike a deal that is incredibly hard to refuse, but doesn't have Euphemia's silver tongue.
I agree with your almost every other point, but Euphie and Kaguya have Diplo at 23 and 21 repectively. Two point difference isn't that big of a difference in the end, unless you were more talking about the way they accomplish their goals. Also, I would like to point out that Kaguya does have a silver tongue. As an actual trait, that is:
Tongue of Silver: +5 to Diplomacy.
I agree with your almost every other point, but Euphie and Kaguya have Diplo at 23 and 21 repectively. Two point difference isn't that big of a difference in the end, unless you were more talking about the way they accomplish their goals. Also, I would like to point out that Kaguya does have a silver tongue. As an actual trait, that is:
I was more referring to how they would interact with other people. The entire reason Euphie's diplo score is so high, despite her being so bad at actually playing politics is that she basically brute forces her views onto people through immense levels of charisma.

Kaguya, on the other hand, readily uses every tool available to her and doesn't rely nearly so much on her charisma to get what she wants.

It's much the same sort of background noise that makes me think Euphemia being Britannian Royalty would raise such a check than it would be if you took someone with her Charisma and put them in the same sort of situation when talking with that group of pirates. Context plays an important role in determining a lot of what's happening here.

In other words, the simplified stats of a CKII quest style are a bad reflection of nuances that could easily appear in a game. But such is the way with simplified systems.

However, that is a good catch to note that Kaguya has a similar level of charisma as Euphemia, even if it's not quite up to the same level. Kaguya's certainly no slouch when it comes to charming people.