I found this quest recently and started reading the discussions from Turn 5 Phase 2 so I might be missing some things. But I can't really understand why everyone is focused on conquering pirate factions on the far side of Australia from our main base. In my opinion in the near future the focus should be on:
Military - building up our forces so they won't suck when trying to take on the pirates. Right now we can't even deploy our Knightmares safely in a combat situation. If Dr Hashima has something like flotation devices in her tech tree we might close the gap in fleet power by using Knightmares at sea.
Diplomacy - Getting more income from countering piracy. Not to mention operations against pirates will give us bounties and a chance for our new recruits to gain experience before we send them against more experienced opponents. We will also need actions so the backers of the Crowns won't sabotage our power grab.
Stewardship - developing the islands economy. With Sakuradite deposits in Indonesia there is a possibility of our islands having some. Or any other resource we can use.
Intrigue - New Tortuga while it should be burned down and the land salted is right now our biggest potential gold mine. The amount of blackmail we could get could really help with getting us more resources or making our opponents back down. Not to mention we will need to get a lot more detailed info for our operations.
Learning - I think the next turn should be focused on getting better computers (for bonuses to rolls) and finding out what Dr Hashima has to offer. While the improved psionic detectors can make us more money they won't make us as much as getting our hands on better flight capability. And while I would like to get some of the goodies in the psionic research tree I want to see what is behind door number 2 for research options.
Piety - Anything really. Researching the Orb will have to be done but if we don't start psionic research right away we might focus them on something like teaching them alchemy to make sakuradite in the workshop for extra money. Or we might do some self study so Lelouch can learn to force choke his opponents. Or we might look for more psionic artifacts, get a crit and end up with Lelouch getting a
Vimana as a personal craft to combine the psionic talent with his love of flying.
The personal actions in phase 3 will be interesting to chose. Boot Camp will be a must so our exploration of psionics won't cause us to lose a rather decent Martial advisor. Not to mention there is a possible Martial trait there and the first SL bonus for her.
I'm also really interested in taking an Euphy action. Maybe with a high enough SL we can get her as a Diplomacy advisor. For some reason since I read the result of the crit on Translators I can't get an image of a triple "puppy eye" attack by Euphy, Nunnally and Kaguya as a valid diplomatic strategy.