Semper Ad Meliora (Code Geass/Britannian Royalty Quest)

If Jules is anything like his version from Knights and Magic then he will be thinking so far outside the box with designing KMF that I doubt any group he is working for will be willing to let him go. If you remember then last time he was on the same level as Bertrand who was in OSI clutches and that opportunity was due to 200+ crit:
Good point, but I think that we still might have a chance with some further good rolls in relevant categories that might open up that action again, while hopefully not requiring that level of crazy crits. Also, I did some searching and found out that the answer I asked about where Jules was, well, it was already answered:
As far as you know, Bertrand should still be working for an Intelligence Agency, yes. Jules, on the other hand, is working for a government-sponsored KMF think tank.
...Actually, Slayer Anderson, does Lelouch know at least roughly what Jules is currently doing, considering they knew each other briefly in the passing? Has he followed how Jules is doing currently, and what kind of research he is involved in (and if any of it is public in the first place)?
Lelouch has been busy and that kind of thing is low priority, sadly. So he doesn't know.
Lelouch has been busy and that kind of thing is low priority, sadly. So he doesn't know.
Oh? So he isn't anymore at a government-sponsored KMF think thank, which I found out in one of your older posts after making that question? (Sorry about that btw, should have done that the other way around). Okay, that makes trying to recruit him at least somewhat less likely to succeed, depending on what he is doing. Here is hoping a crazy crit to Gawain at least opening the possibility up, or something.

Hmm. Might actually burn up an OOC question to this when the chance comes up again. Or maybe not, there are other more concerning issues like Schneizel's plans...
Oh? So he isn't anymore at a government-sponsored KMF think thank, which I found out in one of your older posts after making that question? (Sorry about that btw, should have done that the other way around). Okay, that makes trying to recruit him at least somewhat less likely to succeed, depending on what he is doing. Here is hoping a crazy crit to Gawain at least opening the possibility up, or something.

Hmm. Might actually burn up an OOC question to this when the chance comes up again. Or maybe not, there are other more concerning issues like Schneizel's plans...
Lelouch doesn't know, he hasn't kept up with Jules and it was Schneizel's report that clued him into that initially. So he isn't aware if anything's changed. Assuming nothing has, though, Jules is still in the think tank.
Any ideas how we can integrate psychic individuals into society, without compromising laws, social norms or creating a new hierarchy?

I have the feeling that space will be the beginning of a lot of rebellions, insurrections, civil wars and terrorism.

We need something to cut down on travel time and increase force projection, before we can even think of building colonies on Mars...

Iron blooded orphans and Halo come to mind, when it comes to rebelling planets. We will have the added difficulty of trying to find a way to unite humanity under one governing body or represent them with one international organization.

Those Europeans would break away the moment they get the chance...
Any ideas how we can integrate psychic individuals into society, without compromising laws, social norms or creating a new hierarchy?

I have the feeling that space will be the beginning of a lot of rebellions, insurrections, civil wars and terrorism.

We need something to cut down on travel time and increase force projection, before we can even think of building colonies on Mars...

Iron blooded orphans and Halo come to mind, when it comes to rebelling planets. We will have the added difficulty of trying to find a way to unite humanity under one governing body or represent them with one international organization.

Those Europeans would break away the moment they get the chance...
pysonics are already accepted in britannia and once they conquer land it becomes more accept the problem is the protians and whatever the cult of Ludd (cant spell it now I cant recall if they are two different groups or one in the same but one of these are the ones who trained the terrorists in Taiwan and is hunting our sciencest if I recall) since they are probably behind the social unrest (unless it was confirmed it was them) in Africa that lead to the deal we made with Ethiopia they also hunt code bearers
We will have the added difficulty of trying to find a way to unite humanity under one governing body or represent them with one international organization.

Those Europeans would break away the moment they get the chance...
Have Lelouch take the Britannian throne as a bloody-minded tyrant and start internal purges and a world war that kills millions of people. Then, when the rest of the world has united as one against the Demon Emperor, kill him off in the most over-dramatic way possible. Done.
Slayer Anderson, Lelouch know what Marrybell Mel Britannia is doing.
Something, something, peace-keeping operations in Area 7.

The Area is famous for endemic and systemic social problems that need a Velvet Glove/Iron Fist approach and if it weren't for being one of the Empire's major military and shipping hubs, as well as of strategic geographic importance, it honestly wouldn't be worth the hassle of keeping under rule. It's very much not an enviable job, but it's the kind of thing that desperately needs to be done and earns both a great deal of political credit as well as a level of usefulness that can be problematic to replace.
Something, something, peace-keeping operations in Area 7.

The Area is famous for endemic and systemic social problems that need a Velvet Glove/Iron Fist approach and if it weren't for being one of the Empire's major military and shipping hubs, as well as of strategic geographic importance, it honestly wouldn't be worth the hassle of keeping under rule. It's very much not an enviable job, but it's the kind of thing that desperately needs to be done and earns both a great deal of political credit as well as a level of usefulness that can be problematic to replace.
so she replaced the vampire down their (area 7 is the southern parts of Africa if I recall)
Speaking of potential OOC questions to ask (for when the time comes, provided QM will be still willing to answer OOC questions once we reach the 500 pages milestone)... here are a few topics that could be of interest to us:
  • Schneizel's plans;
  • Weber's plans\the secret victory condition with regards to the Blood\SIC;
  • The secret victory condition regarding La Cosa Nostra;
  • The secret victory condition regarding Calico Cats;
Something, something, peace-keeping operations in Area 7.

The Area is famous for endemic and systemic social problems that need a Velvet Glove/Iron Fist approach and if it weren't for being one of the Empire's major military and shipping hubs, as well as of strategic geographic importance, it honestly wouldn't be worth the hassle of keeping under rule. It's very much not an enviable job, but it's the kind of thing that desperately needs to be done and earns both a great deal of political credit as well as a level of usefulness that can be problematic to replace.

Thanks for the information.
  • The secret victory condition regarding La Cosa Nostra;
  • The secret victory condition regarding Calico Cats;
If we go for Intrigue actions then tangling with the La Cosa Nostra will be interesting. Mostly because they are a hub for international crime in addition to their smuggling. And taking into account that the dossiers were created before we gained our ninja clans (clans were in turn 6 and pirate dossiers in turn 5). That means we can fight a shadow war against them at least in Asia and Australia with our forces until we are ready to give them an offer they can't refuse.

As to the Calico Cats the massive expansion of our Intrigue assets since then will make destroying their business even easier. We might even be able to take over their business after cleansing the worst offenders with fire. Unless we will have to make some compromises to keep our Lodge from turning hostile.

The problem with secret victory conditions is that we would get the group mostly intact and in the case of Calico Cats I don't think we want to become associated with some of their business. To be honest the only groups I am really curious about when it comes to secret victory conditions are the Blood and Children. In part because their size will make conventional conquest very resource intensive and could cause political problems (SIC due to their ties with China/Indonesia and EU, Children due to them being seen as non hostile by Britannia intelligence which might have changed after the stunt they helped New Heaven to pull). On the other hand I want to know them to decide if they are worth pursuing in terms of effort and results. Because some groups will be exclusive when it comes to peaceful paths. Even taking New Heaven intact which would give us a great boon from psionic workforce will cost us from relationship standpoint as no one likes them and we will be tainted by taking them over peacefully.
So... three and a half weeks, huh? God it doesn't seem that long.

Friend was sick, ended up having to fill in for him at my part time gig for a week and a half. That ate some serious time out of my day.

Then had to start a new project: converting a shed into what's effectively a tiny-home for an acquaintance.

Winter storms hit after that. The last week's been... not fun. Haven't had a proper shower in three days, nearly. My home town, if you can believe it, decided to use baked clay valves on all the water mains. Got down to about 3 degrees F (negative 16 C for everyone else) on Monday night and everything just turned so brittle they shattered. Power's stayed on, though, so that's been nice. Still have heat, too, unlike a lot of people next door in Texas like my brother. He just got his power back on yesterday night, so that's been less-bad than it could have been.

Good news for you guys is that I haven't stopped writing in the interim or anything. Just kind of felt like writing horror for a while. Gee, wonder why? So I started this new MHA quest over on QQ. That's been keeping me busy when I'm not kind of listlessly staring at the frozen winter wasteland that's eaten basically everything outdoors.

I still don't know about when I'm going to have an update out for this quest. I'm hoping sometime in the next week. Have to see what happens, though.
Oof, that does sound like a rough time. As always, please feel free to take as much time needed to take care of yourself Slayer. I think I can speak for most readers here that we're all patient enough to wait for whenever you're ready to write again; the quality of your writing deserves that much. And going by the number of Thread Watchers, it does seem like enthusiasm for your work doesn't wane easily, although many do prefer to lurk it seems.

Also, you tend to end updates on a good place and provide upfront roll results, so I personally find it easy to remember where things left off without feeling blue-balled by a cliffhanger.
You're also pretty good with giving status update posts which I really appreciate since whenever a writer gets busy it's oftentimes a lack of news instead. I hope things lighten up for you soon Slayer, but in the meantime, here's something that'll hopefully lighten the mood. :)
Oof, that does sound like a rough time. As always, please feel free to take as much time needed to take care of yourself Slayer. I think I can speak for most readers here that we're all patient enough to wait for whenever you're ready to write again; the quality of your writing deserves that much. And going by the number of Thread Watchers, it does seem like enthusiasm for your work doesn't wane easily, although many do prefer to lurk it seems.

Also, you tend to end updates on a good place and provide upfront roll results, so I personally find it easy to remember where things left off without feeling blue-balled by a cliffhanger.
You're also pretty good with giving status update posts which I really appreciate since whenever a writer gets busy it's oftentimes a lack of news instead. I hope things lighten up for you soon Slayer, but in the meantime, here's something that'll hopefully lighten the mood. :)
I can't believe it took this long for someone to finally get me with that
Good news for you guys is that I haven't stopped writing in the interim or anything. Just kind of felt like writing horror for a while. Gee, wonder why? So I started this new MHA quest over on QQ. That's been keeping me busy when I'm not kind of listlessly staring at the frozen winter wasteland that's eaten basically everything outdoors.
The story on QQ has been good too, so I have no complaints. It has also been surprisingly light-hearted and genuinely funny for a horror-themed story at some points. But even those bright spots just make for a better constrast for the darker moments and the general sense of dread and the fear that everything will end with tears and screaming. Would recommend, with the usual NSFW warning and no direct links because QQ.
So... three and a half weeks, huh? God it doesn't seem that long.

Friend was sick, ended up having to fill in for him at my part time gig for a week and a half. That ate some serious time out of my day.

Then had to start a new project: converting a shed into what's effectively a tiny-home for an acquaintance.

Winter storms hit after that. The last week's been... not fun. Haven't had a proper shower in three days, nearly. My home town, if you can believe it, decided to use baked clay valves on all the water mains. Got down to about 3 degrees F (negative 16 C for everyone else) on Monday night and everything just turned so brittle they shattered. Power's stayed on, though, so that's been nice. Still have heat, too, unlike a lot of people next door in Texas like my brother. He just got his power back on yesterday night, so that's been less-bad than it could have been.

Good news for you guys is that I haven't stopped writing in the interim or anything. Just kind of felt like writing horror for a while. Gee, wonder why? So I started this new MHA quest over on QQ. That's been keeping me busy when I'm not kind of listlessly staring at the frozen winter wasteland that's eaten basically everything outdoors.

I still don't know about when I'm going to have an update out for this quest. I'm hoping sometime in the next week. Have to see what happens, though.
...ah, you poor naive fool, past-me. You stupid, stupid son of a bitch.

So, yeah. Originally this went on hiatus because I was trying to get used to working two jobs. I've mentioned the card and games store here a few times, I think, and that's still going. Me filling in for my sick friend all those months ago turned into something more permanent as our online footprint increased in size and we started shipping more orders. With Covid getting less awful, generally, we also had the opportunity to open up the shop for customers on weekends.

Still, it's a small business. Three employees, counting the owner/manager. So if one of us were to get seriously ill or have an accident, the workload would substantially increase on the other two.

Like if my friend got hit by a bus. Just... as an example.

(Not just an example. He had a concussion and dislocated his shoulder, spent some time in the hospital, still has awful vertigo. It was completely the bus' fault and litigation is ongoing.)

This, in turn, would mean that I'd have to work six out of seven days of the week and be exhausted on my seventh day of rest. So, again, hypothetically I wouldn't have the kind of energy or focus needed for a very detailed CKII quest like this.

Anyway, on the good news front, my friend's recovered enough that he's coming in for short shifts again and helping out. Which he can do as long as he doesn't stand for long intervals. It is my fervent hope that by the new year he'll have gotten to the point where he can take a shift or two back and I can return to having enough time off that I can pursue my writing hobby like I used to.

I'm still fairly active on QQ and my patreon, though, so check me either of those places if you want to see what I've been working on. These are mostly low effort easy self-insert things I can pick up and put down when I get a spare second or two.

...all of this isn't meant to come off as an excuse or anything, just an explanation for the extremely long wait time for continuation. I still fully intend to return to the quest and give it some kind of conclusion in the future.

PS: To his wife, who I know follows and reads this quest and will see this alert... it isn't urgent he returns to work full time. I'm happy that he's recovering and don't want to endanger that progress, so please make sure he knows to pace himself.

PPS: For that matter, you need to take it easier too. Those long shifts you've been pulling are a killer. I know this is pot-kettle-color-concerns, but chill time is important. See you and your husband Sunday for dinner.
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I'm just glad you're not dead, life takes precedence over quests.
Aside from the intense working schedule my life is pretty good. My family has moved in the past few months to a new house and I'm enjoying a broad standard-of-living increase. The paychecks have been handy in decorating my new living space as well as buying some luxury items... and paying off a few unexpected car repair bills, which weren't pleasant. That's another story, though.

Didn't mean to make the initial post all gloom-and-doom, I'm just very very busy these days with all sorts of things.

Edit: I might try to work up some one-shots for this quest in the near future. Some world-building stuff or maybe some 'glimpse into important historical moments' pieces. Something like that to refresh my grasp of the setting and give you guys something to tide you over.
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Huh, I just thought you lost all inspiration for this quest and decided to drop it. For a given definition of "good" it's good to hear that you're "just" busy being worked like a dog