Semper Ad Meliora (Code Geass/Britannian Royalty Quest)

Buried under silt and sand in what is today the South China Sea, north east of the Riau islands, are both the largest as yet undiscovered deposits, as well as the area most likely to have semi-intact ruins or relics. This is likely a larger cache of potential artifacts than you'll find on land anywhere locally, though Australia may have some small baubles that are far easier to retrieve.

I hope that's a thorough enough answer?

It is indeed enough of an answer, thank you.

Also... I find it very funny that the sum of the world's shipping going through the straits of Malacca is going RIGHT over some the richest Sakuradite deposits on earth, and are completely unaware of it.
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If you look very very closely the Chinese associates are actually in Grey. This is because I needed someway to show that they were associated but not in the CF proper, and that font I used didn't have a good italics or bold so I made it grey. Lighter greys didn't look good. Also as far as I know Indonesia is still a part of CF... whether they remain so is the question
Thanks for the answer. I honestly can't see the difference myself. Might be because my display is over 5 years old or just me starting to go color blind in addition to all the other problems with my sight (My glasses cause an almost instant headache if anyone else tries them on due to what they correct).
Soooo, I just read through the whole thing and found out that this is also an ME cross. The question I have is if the Protheans are still ruling, or if they are just a small bunch of remnants and the canon ME races are now on top.
I would advise looking at the information posts. Especially the one that compiles the 100&200 page count OOC question. In the 200 questions it was basically stated that the Protheans are still around and are a couple of hundred years ahead of current humanity but they were hit hard by an existential threat. We don't know if they managed to take out the Reapers or if just some of their "rebuild after the fall" plans succeeded.
And as it is far into the possible future I doubt it will be a focus for our 500 OOC questions.
Thanks for the answer. I honestly can't see the difference myself. Might be because my display is over 5 years old or just me starting to go color blind in addition to all the other problems with my sight (My glasses cause an almost instant headache if anyone else tries them on due to what they correct).

I would advise looking at the information posts. Especially the one that compiles the 100&200 page count OOC question. In the 200 questions it was basically stated that the Protheans are still around and are a couple of hundred years ahead of current humanity but they were hit hard by an existential threat. We don't know if they managed to take out the Reapers or if just some of their "rebuild after the fall" plans succeeded.
And as it is far into the possible future I doubt it will be a focus for our 500 OOC questions.

It was very subtle and I knew it was way too close but nothing else really looked good, so I was stuck with grey (I only know the difference because I have the PDN original file and can use the pixel dropper tool). I briefly made it Red labels for those instead but it just looked like a communist takeover was underway instead.
Great map @Firebringer2077, but why is Zilkhistan landlocked, wasn't the capital supposedly located next to a coastline? The wiki page suggests that it's somewhere between Gujarat, India and Sindh, Pakistan.
I have mentioned that Semper Ad Meliora is an AU, especially heavy in some places. Zilkhstan's placement is correct.

You can consider the palace (if it exists in this world), to be on one of the lakes near the country.
Y'know, I thought it was a coincidence, but given its relative location...

Is the Duchy of West Elizabeth a freakin' Red Dead reference?

Almost certainly has no real bearing on the larger plot, but if so, that's pretty cool!
Y'know, I thought it was a coincidence, but given its relative location...

Is the Duchy of West Elizabeth a freakin' Red Dead reference?

Almost certainly has no real bearing on the larger plot, but if so, that's pretty cool!

You have no idea the number of references that are on that map... Historical references mostly.

For example the Duchy of MacGregor is where the failed colony of Poyais was...

Grand Duchy of Arucania and Patagonia is another.
why is London an independent county?

Well my reasoning at least and I haven't run this by Slayer...

Thomas Jefferson, the Brittanian North American who ran to France after Washington's Rebellion was one of the foremost political thinkers of Europan Republicanism, and was an advisor of Napoleon. Jefferson became after some years the first President of the United States of the British Isles, a nation that included Scotland, Ireland and England. Suffice to say the USBI did NOT keep Ireland, did NOT keep Scotland, and in modern times there was such a disconnect between London and the rest of England, that the EU split the city off from the rest of the USBI.

Rome is independent due to complications related to the Vatican and a LACK of a Lateran Treaty
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why is London an independent county?
I allowed it because of this:

TL;DR: The city of London (to be distinguished from the city called London formerly known as Westminster) actually functions something like a semi-independent country OTL, weirdly enough. It's more like a member state of the UK rather than a city within England itself and has it's own very very weird system of government that gives votes to companies which totally aren't actually medieval guilds, for real, promise. There's even this guy in the UK's parliament called the 'Remembrancer' who's job it is to remind everyone that the City of London (to be distinguished from the city called London formerly known as Westminster) is a special snowflake where some laws and some rules don't apply.

The lesson here is that history is just a fount of madness if you look too close at it.

Also, Merry Christmas people! Or Happy Hanukkah! Joyful Kwanzaa!

Tianzi update is in progress. Might have it out tomorrow, might take until Saturday.
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@Slayer Anderson I was wondering if the Gilgamesh flood myth might hide another Ancient city(up to the Straits of hormuz used to be land before it all got flooded in what spawned the original flood myth). There is a couple other places that could be one like doggerland, Gulf of Mexico or w/e they call it their, As well as Beringia.
@Slayer Anderson I was wondering if the Gilgamesh flood myth might hide another Ancient city(up to the Straits of hormuz used to be land before it all got flooded in what spawned the original flood myth). There is a couple other places that could be one like doggerland, Gulf of Mexico or w/e they call it their, As well as Beringia.
I'm not going to confirm or deny whether or not any cities might exist in these places, but I will say that there's no real 'original' flood myth.

Or, if there was one, it's likely been amalgamated and appropriated so many times that it's been lost to history.

There are so many places around the world that were inundated just during the end of the last ice age that any one of them could have spawned something like what we think of today as Gilgamesh's epic flood or Noah's flood or any others. For that matter, there are plenty of places where historians or paleogeography researchers think the opposite happened and cities were consumed by desertification as climate shifted and regions began to dry out to the point that most of the plant life died, allowing the soil to be eroded away.

These are good ideas, though, and potentially useful routes of exploration if Lelouch gets to the point where he can either do them himself or get others to pursue them with a promise of access for his own goals.
I was wondering if the Gilgamesh flood myth might hide another Ancient city(up to the Straits of hormuz used to be land before it all got flooded in what spawned the original flood myth).
And fun fact there— the newly-formed Persian Gulf went up even further, up to about halfway between Basra and Baghdad.
I would not be surprised if there is actually an entire branch of the Brittanian family that is explicitly the descendants of the House of Braganza. Why?

Because the Kingdom of Brazil is
1: A kingdom: The Braganza dyansty never returned to Portugal due to Napoleon winning and so made it a Kingdom. Granted, he actually preferred Brazil, which is why he made it a kingdom historically.

2: Was left as an existing entity in the Empire. This heavily implies it wasnt conquered. The HBE would have little reason to do so as King is a mighty big title to let any vassal have and to let all of Area 5 continue to be technically one single title?

There is very few reasons why any such honors. But a Personal Union? Absolutely would. Especially a personal union with Brittania's oldest ally and fellow exile.

Hell...this might even be why we have the whole scheme with branch names: The branch took the name of "do Braganza-Brittania" Other branches did it because they wanted to look more prestigious than having a mere common "of" since this purely royal branch that was the do Brittania's had a special version of "of"...and it stuck.
Lihua, Why are you Weeping? - Canon QM Omake
Lihua, Why are you Weeping?

Jiang Lihua wondered if the walls of the Vermillion Palace had ever seemed more like a cage than they did in these last few weeks.

As the young empress made her way through the labyrinthine passages of the immense palace-city which served as the administrative and legislative capital of her own nation, she reflected on how naive it was to truly believe in such madness. Her nation? Her capital? Perhaps the small coterie of attendants trailing her were loyal to her, personally, but even then so many of the young girls and eunuchs had family who were effectively hostages to the more powerful influencers within the capital. Putting aside those who could simply be bought with a few taels of silver.

"I will always be with you, Lihua, never doubt that."

The tracery of warm fingers along her cheek lit up like fire, seeming to sear her flesh at the same time it brought her comfort. Absently, she raised a hand to mimic the parting touch of the man she loved.

"Xingke..." The word left her lips softer than a breeze on the wind, but still one of her attendants heard. Perhaps not the word itself, but it was enough that she had spoken at all.

"Lady Tianzi, Your Imminence, how may this lowly one be of assistance?" Min asked, nearly prostrating herself as etiquette dictated.

Lihua paused, considering what she was allowed to do in these trying times. "I will take in the mustering of my troops in the center courtyard."

"At once, My Lady."

More bowing and scraping, from both her followers as well as the guards who happened to be stationed along her path. Even the mincing bureaucrats lowered their eyes respectfully, though Lihua had to resist the urge to recriminate them on the spot. It was likely many of them did not even know of their treason. After all, the High Eunuchs were the servants and advisors to the Empress. Ostensibly, they held no true power. The fact that they insulated her from any contact with the functionaries of the court was only to be expected.

After all, she was the glorious Child of Heaven, to be shielded from view by unworthy and base eyes.

She missed Kaguya.

It was an errant thought, brought to the fore by the random depressive contemplation she had been suffering from since the last letter from her friend had arrived. That letter, the thing which had started all of this insanity.

As her contemplation darkened, guards opened the door to the massive western wing's observation room. Turning to her attendants, she waved them off. "I wish to be alone. Wait until I summon you."

The door slid shut behind her without another word.

Lihua herself hadn't touched it, of course, it would be unseemly for the empress to do even so much physical labor.

Even now, though, she wasn't truly alone.

Guards were ensconced within the shadows, having been forewarned of her appearance by one or more of her attendants signaling the eyes and ears of the High Eunuchs...

For a lack of anything else to do, Lihua approached the grand overlook built onto the side of the room. Silk curtains that would remain drawn until the procession in a few hours tinted nearly the entire view of what was going on, though Lihua could see outlines lacking detail through the thin screen. Likewise, she knew individuals looking up would be able to only see the outline of her own form.

A shadow, lacking color, definition, personality...

Carefully, one eye trailed down the crack in the silks and spotted Zhou Xianglin standing as she directed the troops. With Xingke... not here, the other woman was likely her closest ally within the forbidden city, along with the small cabal of lesser eunuchs and military administrators they'd been working hard to align. It wasn't enough to run the country, not by a 'long shot,' as Kaguya would say, but such was her powerbase within the Federation. Little by little, she'd whittled out a small niche for herself.

Then this had to happen.

It was too soon, too early.

"Announcing the Lord High Eunuch Xia Wang, Administrator of the Korean Peninsula, to seek audience with Her Imperial Imminence, the Child of Heaven."

Lihua didn't bother to turn, it wouldn't change anything.

Sure enough, the door slid open without her permission. A gross breach of etiquette that, in her father's time, would have and had seen the hand which did so amputated.

Was it wrong for her to wish she could go back to those years? Was tyranny the only way to fight tyranny?

"Ohoho! Tianzi, it is a pleasure to once again be in your presence from beyond known lands. Returned to civilization as I am, it is doubly a pleasure to see you attending to your duties so studiously." The pale-faced man laughed again at his own wit, even as Lihua kept her red eyes locked on the field below.

On the woman below, who held her favor, which was the only reason she'd been given command in Xingke's absence.

Because with Xianglin gone to the Indonesian Confederation to take command of the replacement troops they've raised here, I will be down one more ally. It's a masterful move by the Eunuchs, both allowing me to be seen still dictating appointments, but also crippling my own powerbase.

"The men seem ready, I do hope they will be able to protect our subjects within the Confederation against the piratical threat which has so imperiled the area without necessitating to foreign intervention." Lihua replied, her tone even and cool.

It only caused Xia Wang to laugh again, as if she had told a particularly humorous joke. "Ah, to think that even after the loss of your precious Xingke, you have such bite left to scheme and plan against those who only wish the best for you."

The best which serves yourselves.

In her mind's eye, she visualized the complex intricacies of the eunuch's structure as a great series of interconnected leaches, feeding off the already-sickly body of the Federation. They were supposed to provide oversight for the bureaucracy of the super-state and instead demanded tribute and bribes merely to conduct the most basic of affairs. After all, nothing could be 'official' without a functionaries' seal of approval.

Then the eunuchs who favored Ethiopia had blocked any attempt to send reinforcements to the garrison in Indonesia. A line had been crossed when they decided her soldiers, her people were worth throwing away to satisfy empty pride. Even with all of the political capital she had expended to push through farming reform with the clique of Eunuchs who had favored Britannia, that victory paled in comparison to what would have been needed to move their obstinate hearts this time. It had taken Xingke, behind their backs, to save her friend Kaguya and the nation of Indonesia. It had taken Prince Lelouch to save Xingke from the eunuchs' wrath in return. She could do nothing, and had to depend on others, again, to halt the voracious appetites of those who ruled her country.

It will never be enough, they will take everything they can.

In exchange for what? A preferential trade treaty? Labor from the prisons to work the new territories they've conquered? A new scheme to launder money? A chance to marry me off to the highest bidder?

Xianglin, down in the square where the troops were forming back up in parade formation, looked up at the Empress' box for a scant moment, and their eyes connected. Or, at least to Lihua, it felt as though they did.

She would have to trust Xianglin to carry her weight in the days and weeks ahead.

"I wish to give the speech now and have this affair be over and done with." Lihua stated bluntly, crossing her arms defensively and taking reassurance from the weight imparted by the gesture. "I will give them my blessing and then retire. There are matters of state, inconsequential ones I am sure, which have been given to me to complete."

Xia Wang chuckled again, his laugh high-pitched and 'courtly' in a way she found anything but flattering. "Do not be in such a hurry your highness, I am sure your destiny will await you no matter the time it takes."

Lihua took a deep breath, banishing her nerves and forcing her face to remain placid. Doubtless, the man would interpret any nervousness on her part to irritation or anger, but she couldn't take the chance.

The High Eunuch to her side was right about one thing.

Her destiny did await.

One way or another.
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Ah good to see she's no wallflower or fool I really hope she can grasp the chains of power in her nation without us having to interfere directly. Mostly because I love a good underdog success story and because we'll have enough on our plate with the conquest of Australia and us working for the Britannian Throne.
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Looks like our decision to shelter Xingke is going to come to a head pretty quickly one way or another, whether positively or negatively depending on who comes out on top here. Unless I'm misreading things and she isn't actually about to try to start a mass execution.
She close AF to snapping and attempting to go full tyrant

I got the impression she already made the call, her only window is until the troops Xianglin was put in charge in are sent from the capital to Indonesia. So if it's happening (Which seems likely based on her thoughts of destiny and the brief eye contact with Xianglin) it should presumably be very soon. Perhaps even the speech she's about to give will be the orders.
Good thing we have an army of ninjas that have been infiltrating their way across the breadth of Asia. It's looking like a good time for some assassinating to go down within the ranks of the ball less wonders.
Hey, who else would be on board with the idea of supporting Tianzi in going full Wu Zetian on the Eunuchs?
If an coup d'etat breaks out that is attempting to usurp a rightful "allied" autocrat's power, and a call for assistance is smuggled out it would only be right for a Britannian prince to respond and assist in such matters when the populace is unable to respond due to the machinations of bad actors usurping power.

Lelouch can fabricate any number of reasons to become involved or stay apart from the issue,considering all that he can be told by Li Xingke about the situation with the Eunuchs.