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Something that was always bugging me since we got New Caledonia and never versions of the maps were being made. During turn 2 phase 1 New Caledonia was classified as an Earl domain. Since it was on the border of Area 8 and 9 I was never sure where it goes for administrative reasons. Does Lelouch's land nominally answer to Area 8? Or is it some special crown land answering directly to the Emperor and only administered by Lelouch?
Also the New Caledonia information post mentions that the Loyalty Islands northeast of New Caledonia are also fiefs of Earls. Where do they fit from an administrative point?
The pause combined with our sources in the CF going silence is really worrying. I'm waiting for the Tianzi POV interlude with bated breath and dreading what madness the background rolls managed to conjure in combination with recent events.
Given my understanding, there are the following noble ranks: Dukes, Marquis, Earls, Counts, Barons. While the Loyalty Islands are lower than us in title rank they do not swear fealty to us, and I suspect swear fealty to the Governor of Area 8 who in turn swore fealty to the Emperor. How Lelouch fits in is a bit more complicated. See Lulu swore fealty to the Emperor directly, and thus doesn't need to answer to the Governor. Some time it's good to be the Prince. No one else in Area 8 in particular the nobles doubtlessly supporting the Crowns or Las Tortugas could get away with the stuff we try.
I suppose that TECHNICALLY the Area 8 governor could try ordering us around but it would be horribly improper and political suicide. Governor's authority is far from absolute after all. Carbez in Area 9 is only a countess but Area 9 does have Duchies. Also governors can sell titles, whether or not we could buy our promotion to Marquis from Area 8's governor... no idea.
EDIT: With this in mind Carine's in a weird position, she a Marchioness... under the King of New Spain, but technically she never swore fealty to the King but the Emperor himself.
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