Semper Ad Meliora (Code Geass/Britannian Royalty Quest)

While aiming for the throne is all well and good I think it'd be better if we're Victor's successor and basically being head of the geass directorate and black ops. Though if we want to go for the throne I'd advice negotiating a patrilineal marriage with Empress Tianzi in the future if it happens. Because being emperor consort of china that has a patrilineal marriage would be a huge boost in the Britannian succession game for Lulu.
how about we wait to see what happens before making some of these plans since we have no idea what will happen for all we know schenizel might die and then who would be the next choice no one I think lelouch would even tolerate, also with china I think we have changed enough talzin wont go easily into the night
It is said that Marianne had to physically restrain CC from psionically eviscerating the mad fiend that invented that abomination of putting pineapple on pizza. In a bid to keep the peace and keep CC happy, Charles sent the inventor of Pineapple Pizza to Anchorage Prison and dispatched the OSI to erase traces of it from the earth.

This is why under lock and key the Praetorians have in their most secure vault one index card... that tells one how to make Pineapple Pizza.
Oh hi, a recent relevant Pizza Hut twitter post:

C.C.: Why are we still here? Just to suffer?

(A pity that it seems to have been posted at the April 1st...)
Actually given the culture of Britiannia it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if some oddities are still around. I mean, Mob ball is still a thing in a few places.

For those that don't know Mobball is Medieval Football where the goal is to get a ball from one end of a town to another by any means that don't result in manslaughter or murder.

There are no limits on how many people can play, and typically town pride is on the line so lots of people play, hence the name.
Actually given the culture of Britiannia it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if some oddities are still around. I mean, Mob ball is still a thing in a few places.

For those that don't know Mobball is Medieval Football where the goal is to get a ball from one end of a town to another by any means that don't result in manslaughter or murder.

There are no limits on how many people can play, and typically town pride is on the line so lots of people play, hence the name.
My guess is actually it isnt. Mostly because Mob ball intrinstically implies that if the masses team up, they can potentially beat the few. And uh, in case you havent noticed, we are a heavily aristocratic autocracy.

So you absolutely cant have thet sport be legal. They might get ideas.
My guess is actually it isnt. Mostly because Mob ball intrinstically implies that if the masses team up, they can potentially beat the few. And uh, in case you havent noticed, we are a heavily aristocratic autocracy.

So you absolutely cant have thet sport be legal. They might get ideas.

That would hold, except apparently it was play through the whole era of absolute monarchy, and there is no better way to piss people off than to ban something. Better to just ignore or put rules to it than ban it.
That would hold, except apparently it was play through the whole era of absolute monarchy, and there is no better way to piss people off than to ban something. Better to just ignore or put rules to it than ban it.
I'd agree. I'll say it exists as a part of the setting, though now has some general rules and boundaries within a 'playing field' of sorts. Said field can be a set of city streets, even, though you have to schedule the game beforehand and make down payments to insure businesses/homes can be repaired.

I envision the thing being like rugby, but with air soft, paintball guns, cricket bats, and the occasional actual military vets that show up to kick everyone's asses.

Basically, war with the safeties on. Or if being a soccer hooligan was an actual sport.

Omake bait for someone.
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I envision the thing being like rugby, but with air soft, paintball guns, cricket bats, and the occasional actual military vets that show up to kick everyone's asses.

Basically, war with the safeties on. Or is being a soccer hooligan was an actual sport.
Marianne's favourite pastime from before she was Empress, I hear :V
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I'd agree. I'll say it exists as a part of the setting, though now has some general rules and boundaries within a 'playing field' of sorts. Said field can be a set of city streets, even, though you have to schedule the game beforehand and make down payments to insure businesses/homes can be repaired.

I envision the thing being like rugby, but with air soft, paintball guns, cricket bats, and the occasional actual military vets that show up to kick everyone's asses.

Basically, war with the safeties on. Or is being a soccer hooligan was an actual sport.

Omake bait for someone.

Sounds about right, though from everything l could find it seems like weapons are not allowed. the streets seems to be prepped in advance and boarded up and there are hazard stripped refs watching. So Rugby seems to be about right. Here is a link to a place that still regularly plays it.

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Marianne's favourite pastime from before she was Empress, I hear :V

Ok, If thread wasn't still in hiatus I would totally write up an omake about how Marianne, who still is the patron of her commoner high school goes to extreme lengths to make sure her high old school WINS year after year, if not going herself under guise

"Who is this mysterious woman in a wide-brimmed hat leading our school to victory?"

Cornelia (who was Marianne's Royal Guard for a while): ..."It's.... Marianne.... How can you not see it? I mean it's so obvious!"

"There she is laughing maniacally paintball gunning down the rival school! Who is our school's masked savior?"

Cornelia: How are you this blind!?!

Marianne Masked Hero: You want my political support in fighting the war in North Africa? Put on the mask, and win the battle.

<Cornelia pauses>: <mutters profanities> <puts on Domino Mask> "This will never work. All right I want class 2-A on the central parade ground to train on suppression fire and flanking maneuvers, We will be victorious against St. Ignatius Prep!
I don't know if it was asked before, but with Nunnaly as our knight of honor, what is with her fief? Nunnaly was Countess of Bougainville island, is there something we can do with it? Could Nunnaly command forces from the island to help us if we invade one of the pirate factions?

And what is Euphemias fief? Or Kallens? Both of them should have a fief of their own with Kallen as a countess and Euphemia as a princess. Would it be possible to somehow strengthen our military through their fiefs?
I don't know if it was asked before, but with Nunnaly as our knight of honor, what is with her fief? Nunnaly was Countess of Bougainville island, is there something we can do with it? Could Nunnaly command forces from the island to help us if we invade one of the pirate factions?

And what is Euphemias fief? Or Kallens? Both of them should have a fief of their own with Kallen as a countess and Euphemia as a princess. Would it be possible to somehow strengthen our military through their fiefs?

If I had to guess

Kallen's is likely somewhere in Westhaven (aka West Washington State, Williamette Valley, BC Vancouver) where specifically in that is not that important. Maybe Vancouver Island if her stepmother wants to further ties to her. <shrug>. I'm pretty sure it was mentioned at some point there

Milly is just straight up the heir to a duchy

Euphie is a bit more... odd... since in a way I imagine the Romanov's title... their most important title would be Grand Duchess (presumed) IF Cornelia becomes Tsarina. As to what titles she has now? probably something or other in EB... or something in the Royal Domain of Pendragon. Technically she might be a Grand Duchess now, but Russian nobility never had to deal with kids of Tsars having kids of their own. She could be a Grand Duchess right now... of the nebulous and defunct Empire of Russia
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Hey Slayer, I got a question about the world politics that I'm not sure has been answered before: What is the current state of the British Isles politically? Especially on the whole EU/Britannia issue? I would assume that all the monarchist sentiment there has been tried to be squashed and rooted out over the years, but on the other hand, Britannia must have sunk considerable amounts of intel work and support to everything that might shake the EU's hold on the isles of their original homeland particularly.

Also somewhat relating to this, is there any difference in the amount of mentalists/psychics in the population there to the rest of the EU? Both before the royalty and nobility had to flee (known to public historical records) and in the current world situation.
The British Isles Informational Post:
Hey Slayer, I got a question about the world politics that I'm not sure has been answered before: What is the current state of the British Isles politically? Especially on the whole EU/Britannia issue? I would assume that all the monarchist sentiment there has been tried to be squashed and rooted out over the years, but on the other hand, Britannia must have sunk considerable amounts of intel work and support to everything that might shake the EU's hold on the isles of their original homeland particularly.

Also somewhat relating to this, is there any difference in the amount of mentalists/psychics in the population there to the rest of the EU? Both before the royalty and nobility had to flee (known to public historical records) and in the current world situation.
United States of the British Isles...

Okay, so Code Geass history is already weird, we've established that. Historically, the Britannian Nobility/Royalty, even and especially pre-Napoleon were what I'd term 'Authoritarian Liberals,' at least to some degree. Which I kind of have to digress in this digression to explain.

le sigh

IRL canon for England has the Tudor Dynasty ending with the death of Elizabeth the first. Now, this is rather significant because her successor, James the first of England and sixth of Scotland begat Charles the first. Charles' tendencies towards absolutist rule were problematic to the pro-parliamentarian faction of English nobility, landowners, and wealthy merchants who liked having some kind of say in government. This series of events led to the English Civil War which is... kind of important to the history of British Isles. I touched on this when the subject of the Coldstream Guards who have their origins in the war, so... do they exist?! CG history is... problematic because Elizabeth had a child.

Yet apparently Britannian forces retreat to Edinburgh after the fall of London to Napoleon and subsequently have to flee to the Americas. Known as the 'Humiliation of Edinburgh.' Which is significant because a retreat to the city strongly implies it is under some form of control by the English/Britannian crown. Which means the personal union between between England and Scotland apparently still happened?

So, as the Bard would say, therein lies the rub. Since I have to virtually whole-cloth this thing and haven't really made a determination on what the hell happened during this time period...

Mary, Queen of Scots avoids an abdication after the death of her husband, dodging the forced Protestant marriage ceremony to Lord Bothwell. Even with this, though, her infant son James dies due to a childhood illness. Salvation of her line of succession, though, is found in the twin girls whom she births in 1567 (miscarried OTL). Shaken by her attempted kidnapping, Mary moves towards reconciliation with her sister Elizabeth, who is now with child herself. Once Elizabeth's son, Henry IX, is born, a betrothal is crafted to create a personal union between Scotland and England under the Tudor dynasty. Henry IX marries one of the twins, Anne, while the other, Mary II, resists plans for another arranged marriage while secretly conducting an affair with her sister's husband.

Ultimately, once their mothers have died, Henry IX marries Mary II in addition to Anne. Henry puts down several revolts which rise up in the name of propriety and morality once it is made public that he has violated the custom of monogamy.

The English Civil War is not fought between Parliamentarians and Royalists, but instead between the eldest sons of the two wives of Henry IX.

More specifically, The English Civil War is not a conflict between absolutism and shared governmental power, but two different brands of absolutist rule when the royal half-brothers crush the proto-parliamentarian faction between themselves. One dies, and the other inherits.

All of this sets the scene for a hundred and fifty years of the 'Tudor Golden Age' where parliament is kept weak, the people are granted rights by the high nobility and royalty, and laws and courts adjudicated by the upper echelons of a society that pushes forward ever-more social change, modernization, and reform. Ireland is brought into the fold, not by Oliver Cromwell's bloody conquest, but by a slow melding of Irish nobility with English. The guilds are pushed to adapt and apprenticeships are restructured. Education takes children out of the fields and puts them into schools. Hygiene practices, formalized medical treatments (even if primitive by modern standards), abolition of cruel and unusual punishments, and even more 'radical' laws are passed throughout the whole of the British Isles.

Every generation, yet more changes are forced on a people who grow more and more tired of the constant upheavals in their way of life. Even as most of the changes improve their quality of life, a notable few are burned into memory for their failure, such as the sanitation reform which employs a toxic metal to join the iron pipes carrying drinking water.

Less and less are these impositions into the commoner's daily lives received kindly.

Gradually, the wealthy merchants, landed gentry, and the political backroom dealers of the the empire begin to plot and plan. A rebellion fails, and another one, and then Napoleon arrives in an orgy of violence and liberation. that the stage is set, the populous of Great Britain seldom remembers the good the nobles did, merely that their actions were done without consent or approval. The desire to see their realm prosper and their own wealth increase, admittedly selfish in nature, is remembered as simple tyranny. The violence of oppression, a very real and semi-frequent occurrence to put down rebellions, is emphasized to the point of rank villainy and despotism. Noble and Royal excesses through their lavish lifestyles is more than what it really was, instead a monument to their own egos at the expense of thousands of bound serfs. Likewise, poor commoners are tortured slaves.

The pre-Napoleon imperial regime was not perfect by any means, but the schools of Great Britain paint the era as a much darker time.

The schools of Great Britain, at least.

Ireland remembers the armies of Napoleon coming unwanted and uninvited to purge the island of royalist sentiment and the last vestiges of Imperial rule on the islands. Napoleon is this timeline's Cromwell. Ireland, although officially part of the USBI is and always has been something of a hotbed of resistance. The majority of royalist ships carried those fleeing Edinburgh, including ships on loan from Irish nobles. When Napoleon came for them, they had little recourse to flee and, instead, went to ground. Even the ships which managed to break the French Navy's blockade many months late, couldn't carry many. The lessons they teach their children that the Imperial age was a golden one, in contrast to those on Great Britain, remembering it as far more perfect than it was.

Ireland is the slowly-bleeding sore of Europa United, discontented and festering in unrest. Some things never change, as it turns out.

The mentalists? In Great Britain, the populace still remembers their favored status in the courts of the empire and reinforce fond memories of protection from 'witch hunts' and oppression. In ireland, the feeling is even more fervent, funded by secure donations through untraceable accounts. A Britannian invasion of Ireland would likely be welcomed with open arms by most of the working class and was dearly hoped for during the Great War, but coldly and cruelly, the Empire prefers the current state of affairs. Supporting Irish rebels is a great way to absorb Europa's attention.
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Irish never can catch a break.

Also! I finished my reread. I had forgotten how freakishly improbable Lulu's luck has been. The Conference battle in particular makes Boney's boxcars pale in comparison.
Also rather amusing to see all the plans and expectations we had early on shatter are the crits kept coming.
Thanks, that clarifies things nicely.

I asked this for very long-term goals, as I'm pretty sure that the seat of Britannia's power, with its connections to mentalists and at least one secret conspiracy who seems to have Code(/Mantle?) Bearers and knowledge about ancient history... There even might be a Thought Elevator or something similiar on the isles. Though something lesser like a collections of psionic artifacts or a other form of ancient ruins seems more likely.

Of course, if its something that can be moved, the Praetorians will probably have taken them to their custody elsewhere. And probably destroyed everything that they cannot take, because I can see them as hypocrites who still use psionics to control and destroy anything relating to psionics not yet under their control.

Hell, I'm pretty sure that the Orihalcum that they use is made by psionic alchemy by mentalist slaves, who are either forced to do so via threats, brainwashed (by "traditional" means) zealots, or willing recruits who see mentalists like themselves as evil that must be controlled and purged. Thus explaining the limited amounts of it they have currently available. Could be that they use these (purely hypothetical) mentalists for some other stuff too, even if in only highly controlled circumstances.

As a side note, maybe Stonehenge here is known even publically to be linked to psionics, and was potentially some kind of attempt to use and preserve detoriating psionic knowledge. Not sure how useful it would be to us, if at all, but might have some historical/PR relevance.
As a side note, maybe Stonehenge here is known even publically to be linked to psionics, and was potentially some kind of attempt to use and preserve detoriating psionic knowledge. Not sure how useful it would be to us, if at all, but might have some historical/PR relevance.
Basically anything 'magical' gets linked to psionics/mentalists. Old Irish lore has psionics as changeling children or part-fae, one reason that the island tends to tread lightly around their kind instead of oppression, and subsequently one reason why Imperial rule was remembered more fondly.

Edit: Even if modern historians have long-debunked those rumors. It's a bit like the Ancient Aliens conspiracy theories OTL, so much so that any actual evidence of powerful or significant psionics tends to get drowned out.
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This is unfortunately one of those things that happen with the relative slapdash nature of canonical CG history. Unfortunately pretty much the only things we know about CG history are this

1. Brittania was once ruled by an Emperor Aluin I who was considered the first Emperor of Brittania and resisted at least the first Roman conquest under Julius Caesar.
2. Elizabeth I had a kid that went by Henry IX and had a golden age
3. Elizabeth III fled the British Isles in the humiliation of Edinburgh with Ricardo von Brittania

A Beginning, middle, and end that make no freaking historical sense!

Why? Because of the level of contrivances to get a Tudor ruling dynasty in the 15th century... which means there likely had to be a War of the Roses in order for the Tudors to even have a shot... which means every king named Henry before VII has to exist in some sense.

British Isle history has to be on rails relatively similar to our own... despite resisting Julius Caesar's invasion... and keeps trucking along until Elizabeth I has a kid which finally derails our timeline history and sends us careening into the alternate history of Code Geass
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I mean if in doubt just say geass or an immortal did it, why did rome fail, geass did it, why did tudors get in early geass.
British Isle history has to be on rails relatively similar to our own... despite resisting Julius Caesar's invasion... and keeps trucking along until Elizabeth I has a kid which finally derails our timeline history and sends us careening into the alternate history of Code Geass
I mean... Caesar did fail his invasion of Great Britain. England and Wales were conquered by Emperor Klaudius in 43 A.D. so something like over 100 years later.
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I mean... Caesar did fail his invasion of Great Britain. England and Wales were conquered by Emperor Klaudius in 43 A.D. so something like over 100 years later.

Keep in mind the reference to ALuin I is really small and implies that the British Isles were never conquered either under Julius or Claudius, hence an uninterrupted line of Emperors... that somehow stars the Tudors too... leading to 98th Emperor Charles. Personally, I think CG's writers forgot that there were multiple Roman Conquests, or more likely didn't think any deeper on the subject. To say nothing of the Viking Era... or Dark Ages... or English Civil War... or War of the Roses... or Norman Conquest

The point is that completely avoiding the Roman Conquest of the British Isles is nonsense.
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