Semper Ad Meliora (Code Geass/Britannian Royalty Quest)

*Do Note: Massacring civilians is a crime against humanity IRL and, as always, an artifact of Brittanian imperial attitudes, not the QM's actual opinion
Britannia is goanna Britannia
if the child soldiers (granted by rl stantadeds but since milly is in school and she was 17/18 I assume your an adult at 18 in code geass world so yeah child soliders) did not tip of anyone that britannia barely has any rules of warfare I don't know if they are any thing Britannia does ban maybe chemcial weapons but I am not sure if in cannon that was banned or they just stole cc and chemical weapons
When it comes to the race for the throne, on whose camp are we anyway?
Cordelia went off to become Tzarina, so she is out.
Euphie could maybe ride on Cordelia´s support, still a bit unlikely.
Clovis who is trying for a cultural victory?

My own preference would be Schneizel if nothing else because the guy, while a sociopath is as competent as you get.
When it comes to the race for the throne, on whose camp are we anyway?
Cordelia went off to become Tzarina, so she is out.
Euphie could maybe ride on Cordelia´s support, still a bit unlikely.
Clovis who is trying for a cultural victory?

My own preference would be Schneizel if nothing else because the guy, while a sociopath is as competent as you get.
I thought we were our own camp, with Australia being a stepping stone to that goal.
eh... im happy if we get the entirety of Australia.
Im not that interested in the whole Emperorship, but i admit that that going to spaaaaceeeeeee would be neat.
My own preference would be Schneizel if nothing else because the guy, while a sociopath is as competent as you get.
I would rather know his end goal before since we don't know it and we cant use cannon since slayer has changed things like the emperor and v2 goals(also cause his goal in that is almost as bad as Shinn's the only difference being one isn't trying to wipe out humanity)
I thought we were our own camp, with Australia being a stepping stone to that goal.
Nominally your own camp, yes. It's just due to Euphie and Cornelia being very close a lot of people assume you're likely to side with the loose coalition between Schneizel and Cornelia if it came to blows.

Politics can get very complicated at times.

Edit: I'll post a bit more info tonight or later this week when I'm not on my phone and have a real keyboard. Suffice to say, this is a vast oversimplification.
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Yeah, I was under the impression that we were nominally in our own camp until such a time as we needed to make a final decision if we're pushing for the throne.

I'm pretty sure one of the key elements of that final decision is when we have to conclusively answer the question of "Do we want to fight Schneizel for it?"

Nominally your own camp, yes. It's just due to Euphie and Cornelia being very close a lot of people assume you're likely to side with the loose coalition between Schneizel and Cornelia if it came to blows.

Huh, what's that perception of them being likely to form a coalition supported by? It makes sense, but that's using a lot of OOC information so I'm wondering what in universe thoughts are behind that.
Huh, what's that perception of them being likely to form a coalition supported by? It makes sense, but that's using a lot of OOC information so I'm wondering what in universe thoughts are behind that.
So let's talk about royal camps...

First off, differentiating between camps and parties. Camps are not parties. There's no formal affiliation, membership, or meetings. Political camps in Britannia are much more fluid and chaotic than their political parties, usually owing to sudden yet inevitable betrayals. Political parties usually identify your voting patterns, such as voting for the labour party or the conservative party or the merchantilist party. These are what kind of policies you want to into place over a broad spectrum. Political camps are formed around successors to the throne and are about who in particular you want on the throne to put things into action.

As an example, things are very weird right now for the labour party given that Schneizel is the Prime Minister and technically the leader of their party.

Labour tends to emphasize domestic policy and not have a uniform opinion on military/foreign policy beyond 'Britannia Stronk' soundbites. So while someone might vote labour, they might favor Guinevere for the throne on the basis that Schneizel is too Euro-friendly from his time in the diplomatic service. Guinevere is on-record as being more of an 'Empire-first Isolationist,' FYI.

Which is one of the reasons that there's a general assumption that Cornelia and Schneizel might be working, not 'together,' but at the very least in parallel to each other.

Because, strangely, neither Schneizel nor Cornelia tend to contradict each other large political issues and, in fact, tend to let each other cover their weaknesses. Cornelia has a very impressive military record now and takes a position of military brinksmanship with the EU whenever something comes up. Schneizel never rules out using big stick tactics, but never expressly endorses them either. More anecdotally, ti's an open secret Cornelia was infatuated with Schneizel when they were young and the second prince never explicitly turned down her advances. To this day, they're very cordial with each other to the point that the lack of antagonism common between royal half-siblings (or even full siblings), makes a lot of people draw conclusions.
Actually getting either, especially Schneizel, to go on-record about commitments to each other is, of course, very difficult. Mainly because a formal arrangement between the two would likely cause a counter-coalition to form reflexively.

As it is, Clovis and his younger sister are a camp of their own (having somewhat followed your example with Nunnally), Carine is on her own but generally believed to associate with Guinevere, Odysseus is on his own, and you're publicly allied with Euphie. Castor & Pollux are there too in their own group... or, well, two groups that tend to intermingle. Which would make people nervous save for the fact that you're so close in the rankings and have a power base so far away from the homeland. Lelouch would be generally aware that the feeling at court was that he was going to drag Euphie down rather than her raising him up, especially given she's... not politically-mainstream, shall we say.

Actually, come to think of it, Lelouch and Euphemia come across as something of an off-brand Schneizel-Cornelia power couple, with a bunch of their political positions swapped between themselves. Which is funny in its own right.
So let's talk about royal camps...

First off, differentiating between camps and parties. Camps are not parties. There's no formal affiliation, membership, or meetings. Political camps in Britannia are much more fluid and chaotic than their political parties, usually owing to sudden yet inevitable betrayals. Political parties usually identify your voting patterns, such as voting for the labour party or the conservative party or the merchantilist party. These are what kind of policies you want to into place over a broad spectrum. Political camps are formed around successors to the throne and are about who in particular you want on the throne to put things into action.

As an example, things are very weird right now for the labour party given that Schneizel is the Prime Minister and technically the leader of their party.

Labour tends to emphasize domestic policy and not have a uniform opinion on military/foreign policy beyond 'Britannia Stronk' soundbites. So while someone might vote labour, they might favor Guinevere for the throne on the basis that Schneizel is too Euro-friendly from his time in the diplomatic service. Guinevere is on-record as being more of an 'Empire-first Isolationist,' FYI.

Which is one of the reasons that there's a general assumption that Cornelia and Schneizel might be working, not 'together,' but at the very least in parallel to each other.

Because, strangely, neither Schneizel nor Cornelia tend to contradict each other large political issues and, in fact, tend to let each other cover their weaknesses. Cornelia has a very impressive military record now and takes a position of military brinksmanship with the EU whenever something comes up. Schneizel never rules out using big stick tactics, but never expressly endorses them either. More anecdotally, ti's an open secret Cornelia was infatuated with Schneizel when they were young and the second prince never explicitly turned down her advances. To this day, they're very cordial with each other to the point that the lack of antagonism common between royal half-siblings (or even full siblings), makes a lot of people draw conclusions.
Actually getting either, especially Schneizel, to go on-record about commitments to each other is, of course, very difficult. Mainly because a formal arrangement between the two would likely cause a counter-coalition to form reflexively.

As it is, Clovis and his younger sister are a camp of their own (having somewhat followed your example with Nunnally), Carine is on her own but generally believed to associate with Guinevere, Odysseus is on his own, and you're publicly allied with Euphie. Castor & Pollux are there too in their own group... or, well, two groups that tend to intermingle. Which would make people nervous save for the fact that you're so close in the rankings and have a power base so far away from the homeland. Lelouch would be generally aware that the feeling at court was that he was going to drag Euphie down rather than her raising him up, especially given she's... not politically-mainstream, shall we say.

Actually, come to think of it, Lelouch and Euphemia come across as something of an off-brand Schneizel-Cornelia power couple, with a bunch of their political positions swapped between themselves. Which is funny in its own right.

You have mentioned a Mercantile Party, how does this party feel about Euphemia? I ask because I recall you describing Euphie's theories on economics as "Neo-mercantilist" when she got her degree. Given that... is she seen as establishment mercantilist, kooky radical, or rising star? It seems like it would factor into our geo-political calculus.
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I still think we could get Cornelia in our "camp" if we made it clear we're going for the throne. Right now she thinks we, and by extension Euphie, are just going for Australia after that conversation with her and her mother so she doesn't consider us roadblocks and is supremely thankful for it.

As it stands Euphie is firmly a part our camp, hell, she's basically a co-owner of it, and god knows Cornelia would never willingly be at genuine, might have to kill you, odds with Euphie like what's between those competing for the throne by default.

I genuinely think that if we pointed Euphie at Cornelia with instructions to tell her to either get on board or get out of the way Cornelia would be the one to back down. It's not like she can't pivot her plan from marrying Schnizel to Lelouch.
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I still think we could get Cornelia in our "camp" if we made it clear we're going for the throne. Right now she thinks we, and by extension Euphie, are just going for Australia after that conversation with her and her mother so she doesn't consider us roadblocks and is supremely thankful for it.

As it stands Euphie is firmly a part our camp, hell, she's basically a co-owner of it, and god knows Cornelia would never willingly be at genuine, might have to kill you, odds with Euphie like what's between those competing for the throne by default.

I genuinely think that if we pointed Euphie at Cornelia with instructions to tell her to either get on board or get out of the way Cornelia would be the one to back down. It's not like she can't pivot her plan from marrying Schnizel to Lelouch.
That is a good point, despite her being the elder sister with more influence and charisma, if shes anything like canon, her biggest weakness would be Euphemia.
You have mentioned a Mercantile Party, how does this party feel about Euphemia? I ask because I recall you describing Euphie's theories on economics as "Neo-mercantilist" when she got her degree. Given that... is she seen as establishment mercantilist, kooky radical, or rising star? It seems like it would factor into our geo-political calculus.
There's an economic-side liberal and conservative split on whether she's remarkably insightful or wrong-headed and kooky, but the party likes to tout her as an example of a royal who actually cares and has opinions about international trade at all.

Notably, the merchantilists aren't actually believers in the merchantile theory of economics, they're just the party that's mostly focused on economics as a whole. They tend to have vested interests in anything that moves trade goods around, low-level commercial enterprises, and a lot of economic theorists who like to fiddle with currency exchange rates and specie validation and things like that. Instead of letting political policy decisions determine economic policy, they set economic policy and let that determine foreign and domestic policy.
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Honestly it's looking like if we want the easiest option, stick with Schneizel and Cornelia. They would be the ones that would be the Emperor and Empress, which would leave us to remain as Black Prince and masters of Australia. If we stick with Schneizel we could become King of Australia, with little effort politically, and the Empire would dominate the globe (Assuming Cornelia makes it to St. Petersburg). Only hard part for us will be taking the continent.

Stepping aside and trying to go for Emperor ourselves would be more difficult. We don't have that much support at home and it would put us at conflict with our best supporter in the empire (Scheizel and Cornelia). The only politically expedient way I could see us become Emperor is if Schneizel AND Cornelia become untenable candidates, or we are a compromise candidate to either of them and Guinevere.

My preference would be towards the first. Our action economy would go into the toilet if we became Emperor. :D
Maybe this is paranoia speaking, but it might be good to know what Schneizel is planning before getting completely behind his push for the throne.

Cornelia's plan would have her going into Schneizel's bid in a pretty high position, being the ruler of Russia and all. Not sure Lelouch would have quite the same say, and the Heart of Ice trait is still a thing, even if it's partially lessened.
But that means we'll be stuck on the throne. Unless we fake our death. That's always possible too, lol
I mean not like being on throne would be all that bad, and we can abdicate without faking our death if we wanted, but we'd still be in control with our intrigue super organization we would inevitably have.
Honestly it's looking like if we want the easiest option, stick with Schneizel and Cornelia. They would be the ones that would be the Emperor and Empress, which would leave us to remain as Black Prince and masters of Australia. If we stick with Schneizel we could become King of Australia, with little effort politically, and the Empire would dominate the globe (Assuming Cornelia makes it to St. Petersburg). Only hard part for us will be taking the continent.

Stepping aside and trying to go for Emperor ourselves would be more difficult. We don't have that much support at home and it would put us at conflict with our best supporter in the empire (Scheizel and Cornelia). The only politically expedient way I could see us become Emperor is if Schneizel AND Cornelia become untenable candidates, or we are a compromise candidate to either of them and Guinevere.

My preference would be towards the first. Our action economy would go into the toilet if we became Emperor. :D
I generally disagree. While yes we don't have a ton of support at the moment we're still early into the game and have yet to truly begin making waves. We've only begun to step into the spotlight proper with the Indonesia incident and the Tunguska conference but once we start our conquest of Australia I think our support base will increase dramatically.

What we've been doing so far is just building up our base before we strikeout properly.

We also have a metric shit ton of things going for us right now that others simply aren't aware of yet and thus can't react to. Our massive burgeoning spy agency of psychic ninjas, our ability in the near future to manufacture Sakuradite and our psionic shit in general, the Gawain and the strong possibility of getting Rakshata on board in the future, our in with Tianzi and China.

There's also what I mentioned with getting Cornelia on board which would boost our favorability through the god damn roof.

There's also the possibility of gaining Charles's favor directly if we end up revealing to him what we know of the ancient, alien caused, calamity and end up working with him and VV directly.

I generally think we should aim for the throne and only stop if it looks like we don't have an actual shot at it. Cause I think we're in a great position. One akin to being in a rocketship we've designed and built that has yet to actually launch and in the midst of the final countdown.
I generally think we should aim for the throne and only stop if it looks like we don't have an actual shot at it.

Basically agree, I do think our position is good, though I also think considering Charles could live for potentially another two decades it's way to early to basically decide anything, so we should just play to win for the time being.

There's also the fact that if we do end up having to tap out at some point, all else being equal it's generally going to be in our interests to make that point as late as possible, as the earlier we give up the worse our position under the next leader is likely to be. There's a significant difference between ending things as the credible third bloc whose final decision on who to support ended up being the kingmaking play, and someone who knuckled under and acted as a subordinate for most of the campaign.
last we saw carine I swear she was with the chaos seeking reporter deithard and being critized by her mother

Last time there was a canon omake scene featuring her yes. Milly however did mention running into her during the Tunguska conference and that Carine was trying to sweet-talk her into starting up a production line of construction Knightmares of the obsolete Glasgows, and that something about that piqued Lelouch's interest but he couldn't put his finger on what.

Actually Slayer Anderson, did mention how Carine has been heaping authentic praise onto our speech at the Tunguska Conference. In fact of those mentioned, she was the most Pro-Lelouch.

Carine, though, was a surprise.

She'd sent you a personal communication by way of Milly in addition to the seemingly-authentic praise she'd heaped on you in the papers. There's definitely something going on there, especially given the way Milly mentioned Carine to you so recently.

...could Carine, who tended to be grouped in with Guinevere's camp, be using the occasion to leverage greater assistance from your mutual sister by way of a threat to join up with Schneizel or Cornelia's camp through yourself?

You shake your head, you'll have time to puzzle out that problem later.