The plan is to conquer all of Australia, so yes.
What order we take over the factions in and what methods we use for each of them… was never conclusively decided as far as I can remember.
The plan is to conquer all of Australia, so yes.
More or less, though some may refer to fragmenting/crippling a group such that it can no longer resist your organization.It's been a while so can someone explain to me what are these 'conditions' please? Form what I got from the conversations they are the conditions needed for a faction to willingly submit to us but I would rather not base my knowledge on a pure guess.
Currently the Plan isThe plan is to conquer all of Australia, so yes.
What order we take over the factions in and what methods we use for each of them… was never conclusively decided as far as I can remember.
Currently the Plan is
1: something
2: Something
3:Become King of Australia
The underpants gnomes have a more established plan for profit right now.
We don't really have the time to become a psychic powerhouse. We'd probably rely on tech to make it up.
We have multiple women, leader stuff and knocking the ninja up which is a Euphie test. Don't see us training using our personal slots.
The Emperors of Mexico and Brazil are a widely different situation to us. The Emperors of Mexico and Brazil for one were recognized as legitimate Emperors in their own right before Britannian Conquest. The Emperor of Mexico is stated as basically being of the Spanish Bourbons and the Emperor of Brazil of the House of Bragnaza. And um....heres the thing: They kinda only accept this status as vassal emperors because we are all empires in Exile that have been smooshed into a single state. Australia has none of that and would be a MASSIVE insult to declare an Empire to the Bourbons and Bragnazas...who BTW, are likely cadet branches of the Britannian Royal Family in all but name. Chances are at least one of the major players supporting one of our rivals is going to be of their family. And well, theres also Cornelia whos seeking to become Tzarina of All Russia...but she is also a legal claimant to said throne and theres an entire treaty to govern that....Also I think end goal is "Emperor of Australia" since even if we don't go independent there are Emperors that pay fealty to the Britannian Throne
I thought C.C. is still running the Directorate? Didn't V.V. tell Charles that he would need to ask her about what help to send Lelouch for the Indonesian conference?Oh, and do remember that we are in all this in the being vetted by our only surviving Uncle for possibly taking over his job as head of the secret police if not straight up the Geass Directorate.
Emperor of Australia? No. Grand Duke of Australia though? Maybe, preferably with its civilian populace as actual citizens rather than numbers.Also I think end goal is "Emperor of Australia" since even if we don't go independent there are Emperors that pay fealty to the Britannian Throne
I could see it under either Intrigue or Piety. Basically using our research groups to devise effective tactics and training methods or even building high grade personal equipment to level the playing field like the anti psionic swords we plan to reverse engineer. Or even a Learning action where Jeager creates some toy for Lelouch to use.Psionic training might end up in a normal action if we eventually learn about the secret condition in character. A lot of the buffs Lelouch has picked up came from normal actions.
The promised (during the meeting with the Ethiopian ambassador in Indonesia) action to help refuges and dealing with the fallout from involving the Blood. There might be a new action to contact the monks to establish communication but it could as well be a Personal or Piety action. With Milly joining us we most likely lost the See a Girl About a Robot action.
Depending on how Milly presences affects the DC The Green Knight looks attractive. But if we are planning invasions we might need to do Environmental Hazards.
Madison is currently busy with her new engine idea. She will most likely give her next proposal after the prototype Ramjet is done. I really hope there will be a prototype plane to show off so Lelouch can take back his speed record as the Europeans are being stubborn about not acknowledging his breaking of a sound barrier.We also need to rush Madison's tech tree, as we are trying to be the first man in space. Not to mention Jaegar's Psionic tech will probably be useful against the psionic pirates.
Thanks! I really enjoy being told that I've been able to preserve the original flavor in quests and stories I write. I really appreciate it.This has been a blast to read. Really brings back memories of watching CG all those years ago.
In other news, I don't have anything to post right now, but I plan to upload at least one more sidestory post in the next week before hopefully making a continuation of the main plot/turn.
I won't give an absolute answer, but given what Lelouch knows...Why is Carine ne Brittania suddenly will to make nice with us?
Well that's unsurprisingly unhelpful.
Well that's unsurprisingly unhelpful.
Carine did fuck up pretty badly in Africa. I'm actually legitimately surprised she's still trying to aim for the throne.
I expect more like the Nu Gundam, just because of the big guns and the crazy laser like weaponsYou know, the Psionic Amplifier makes me think of a possible future KMF like the Belial from Ful Metal Panic.
last we saw carine I swear she was with the chaos seeking reporter deithard and being critized by her mother
Milly giggles. "Oh, she's been just a dear! Or, at least, useful enough for me to overlook her past insults. She's been building a simply massive hydroelectrics project in Oaxaca, you know, and she's been buying up old glasgow units to refit for construction work. I let her sell me on the idea of retooling some of our factories if she put down a generous preorder. It's helped me stabilize control of the board and give the conglomerate a new market to expand into once the war ends." Blue eyes twinkle devilishly. "Not that she knows that, of course, but as long as her credit is good I can ignore the fact that she's still a spoilt brat when she doesn't get her way."
You rub at your chin consideringly, something about the project Milly had outlined tickling a portion of your memory, but...
I aim to please, yes.Well that's unsurprisingly unhelpful.
Carine did fuck up pretty badly in Africa. I'm actually legitimately surprised she's still trying to aim for the throne.