Tunguska Conference: Part I
With years of practice and the secret training regimes of an ancient sect of shadow warriors at your beck and call, you easily catch the flying blonde projectile masquerading as a refined lady of Britannian culture. Still, as Millicent Ashford's arms clench around your body tightly, you can't help the smile which touches your lips.
...all of which instantly vanishes when she pulls back and slugs you in the shoulder.
You blink, "Milly, wha-?"
"You jerk!" The Ashford heiress cries, her fists clenched at her waist. "Do you have any idea how much I had to pretend I knew what was going on when the news broke?! You've been one of the hottest topics in Pendragon for the past
two weeks and I've been running out of mysterious deflections for the girls at my book club!"
Your mouth opens and closes, momentarily at a loss for words.
"You have a book club?" You ask eventually.
Milly starts in surprise, then begins to laugh, the sound suspiciously wet as she closes her eyes and leans into your chest. "You ask about
that first, of course. You really haven't changed at all, Lelouch."
You sigh as understanding grips you, allowing your arms to encircle the girl again and hold her close. "I'm sorry I worried you."
Milly shakes her head, "I should have known you wouldn't have allowed a little something like a force of ten thousand pirates to get the better of you, Your Highness."
You chuckle and allow the blonde to pull away, slowly and regretfully, from your grasp. "It does sound a bit intimidating when you put it like that, doesn't it? I'm afraid I didn't stop to count at the time, though."
Milly rolls her eyes as she steps further into your private plane; the
Henge Air Model 766 was a favored conveyance of the Britannian elite for a reason, as well as an extravagance you'd never really afforded yourself. The people you associated with simply weren't the kind to be impressed by enjoying a soak in a hot tub while thousands of feet in the air.
"Of course not," Milly waves you off, scanning the interior eagerly. "You know, I'm not sure if I should be impressed or appalled at how overboard your mother went in rewarding you two. These aircraft are entirely bespoke, you know? Carine has been trying to lure me onto hers for the last few months and entice me to make some deals, but I'd rather hoped my first time would be with you."
You sigh, crushing the rising blush in your cheeks with an iron will. "Honestly, I think it's more of a matter of impressing the
other royals for once. Nunnally will vastly enjoy the new custom knightmare frame, and indeed
use it more, than her own plane." Of course, the battleship and pair of cruisers your father had given you weren't
new, but refurbished last-generation warships were still extremely powerful, especially from a former powerhouse of the second fleet such as the
Victor zi Britannia.
"Hmm... do you think she'd be averse to me borrowing it?" Milly asked, making her way over to the marble bar and trailing a finger along the gold and silver inlays to where the Vi Britannia coat of arms was cut and pressed with pure platinum. "This is a bit out of range of even
my allowance and while I could expense it as a promotional item for company functions, flying around with royal crests and callsigns would be even better, don't you think?"
"You'll have to ask Nunnally." You replied, dropping into the plush leather seating and heaving a sigh of exhaustion. "She's on the lower deck at the moment, entangled with a personal liaison."
"Oh, ho!" Milly crowed, her eyes gleaming. "I'll have to have her show me around later. If she's taken the master suite, I really would like to know if the rumors about the glass floor are true." Without further ado, the blonde slid down on the couch so that her hair was fanned along your lap, her blue eyes staring into your violet.
You can't help but wonder exactly how often she practiced that maneuver to perform it so perfectly.
"So, have you arranged things with Euphie yet?" She asks curiously, causing you to blink.
"How did you
know..." You begin, when your childhood friend gives you
the look.
It was a glance of simple and utter
disappointment that you had, over time, grown used to when she felt you'd said something particularly stupid or thick-headed.
"Lelouch, the dashing maverick black prince
always ends up with the bright-eyed doe of a princess," Milly replied matter-of-factly, then snorted, "even if she is secretly a political schemer of the highest caliber."
You felt your cheeks heat a bit. "I've been busy."
tsk'd and sighed. "Well, I suppose you have at that. Still, if for
some reason you decide not to make a move, let me know. After the dust settles, I'll expect a ring on my finger. If you survive at least."
You snort and shake your head. "You know, I could just as easily ask Kallen or Jeanne. It isn't as though you're my
only option, Milly. I am a prince, after all."
She gave you
the look.
Raising a finger to poke you in the chest, she trailed it down slowly as she spoke. "Really, Lulu, we both know what would happen if you mentioned marriage to Kallen. She'd be on the opposite side of the world before you could finish the question. I swear that girl will settle down when someone
ties her down, and the less said about Jeanne the better. That girl is a devoted retainer, but she simply isn't the kind of spouse a man of your stature needs, and she knows it. And
because you like her, you aren't being serious about asking her to marry you, are you?"
You twitched and let the matter pass without comment.
was right, after all, and both of you knew it.
Jeanne was too subordinate to those above her station to make a proper wife for a prince. She'd bow and scrape before individuals that should be her equal, or worse, her lessers. It wouldn't simply be blood in the water should a prince's wife subjugate herself to a Marquis...
The likeliest result would be Jeanne suffering a complete nervous breakdown.
Well, either that, or finally having enough and deciding to show up to a rival's brunch in a knightmare frame.
The thought sent a shiver of fear down your spine.
"We both know the only
real competition I have for your wife outside of Euphie is that Sumeragi girl." Milly paused in thought. "We're both of
roughly equal status... but I think we might be able to work something out if she weds you in Japan and I get a ceremony in the homeland. You know how the traditionalists are. I'd be going first, of course."
"You know, I feel as though our people's culture has somewhat
misrepresented what it means to be surrounded by beautiful and capable women," you stated, quirking your lips slightly despite your deadpan tone.
Milly laughed, the sound like chimes in the wind, both beautiful and heralding the storm to come. "But, yes, enough fun Lulu, tell me
everything about the conference! All of my friends are going to expect details when I get back, so don't skimp!"
You smiled and allowed yourself to relax further, weaving a hand into Milly's blonde tresses and combing them through gently and slowly as you told your story. You omitted certain details, of course. You planned to
eventually tell Milly, you were sure, but it would make things simpler if your friend didn't have to keep the details straight. It was not really a lengthy tale, winding down sometime shortly after the crew had finished loading Milly's luggage and the plane took off.
"The real problem is Xingke," you state candidly as you take a sip of the wine you'd been served before you'd dismissed the servants. "Given the fact that we discovered he'd rather absconded with the fleet..."
"Do you think that will impact what he's promised you and the empire?" Milly asked, concerned as she leaned back against the lush cushions, her bare feet dangling into the hot tub and her dress pulled up and aside to reveal bits of her thighs.
You waved off her concerns. "The empress gave him the imperial seal. While the Federation government might not particularly enjoy it, they won't call a treaty or decree with imperial assent into question. No, it's likely that Xingke himself will be the subject of political infighting."
"Which is why he asked to stay on New Caledonia." Milly responded with understanding as she took a sip of her own drink.
"In point of fact, he
didn't actually ask." You reply. "Given that he still felt he owed me for what happened with his delegation a few years back, and that he'd
just repaid me by showing up..." You consider the matter for a moment quietly. "There's also the fact that depending on who comes out on top as the new most powerful clique in their government, there could be repercussions if someone safeguards him. The faction of the eunuchs which favors domestic rule and isolationism, in particular, sees him as a jumped-up commoner, not unlike my mother, and would invariably use any excuse to see him imprisoned or exiled."
Milly hummed thoughtfully. "And you think they'll target you?"
"It's not outside the realm of possibility," you admit. "The EU faction and the Ethiopian factions, for their own reasons, will likely approach Xingke with similar attitudes." After all, the clique which favored closer ties with Ethiopia had been in power and the one to
block the empress' attempts to send a more official and legitimate response. With the Ethiopians as the official mediating party, sending an armed expedition to the negotiation table
they'd helped put together would have been shooting their own political ambitions in the foot.
The EU, on the other hand, would simply want to frame the new agreements he'd signed to allow Britannian fleets to pass through Indonesian ports in the worst light possible. Xingke would be painted as a Britannian lapdog who catered to colonial exploitation of Chinese interests.
The Britannian-favoring clique would praise him, it was likely. The Euro-Britannian clique... was less certain, but
likely at least neutral, and who knew what the African cliques would do? A worst case scenario would be the MEF's waning supporters making a last powergrab. You wouldn't go so far as to believe shots would be fired, but... you
might see an armed force show up to demand Xingke show up at your doorstep.
best case scenario, of course, was the empress' own admittedly small faction rising to prominence. Unlikely as it was, giving one of her few close allies safe harbor would endear yourself substantially to her.
All of this meant that you had chosen to...
[ ][LX] Stay out of it, your reach should not exceed your grasp.
[ ][LX] Take him in, regardless of risk, Xingke is a valuable piece on his own.
"So what's all this about Carine attempting to sweet-talk you?" You ask as you slip your jacket off and loosen a few buttons on your shirt, the plane now comfortably at cruising altitude.
Milly giggles. "Oh, she's been just a dear! Or, at least, useful enough for me to overlook her past insults. She's been building a simply massive hydroelectrics project in Oaxaca, you know, and she's been buying up old glasgow units to refit for construction work. I let her sell me on the idea of retooling some of our factories if she put down a generous preorder. It's helped me stabilize control of the board and give the conglomerate a new market to expand into once the war ends." Blue eyes twinkle devilishly. "Not that she
knows that, of course, but as long as her credit is good I can ignore the fact that she's still a spoilt brat when she doesn't get her way."
You rub at your chin consideringly, something about the project Milly had outlined tickling a portion of your memory, but...
"I might be able to open up a market in Indonesia if your grandfather can get mother's support to sell outdated military surplus internationally," you offered.
"Not that that
doesn't sound interesting," Milly replied, "because it does, but I think we should really focus on the conference. Especially if you want to relax for a few hours after we finish our preparations?"
You sigh, reaching for another glass of wine and ensuring it was going to be your
only other glass. It wouldn't do to get drunk with the blonde harridan in close quarters.
"Especially after all the work I did dredging up information you asked for," she states, rising from the hot tub to reach for a tablet and bundle of papers in her bag.
"And I'm very appreciative," you state, accepting the offering as you begin to look through the dossier she'd prepared for you on the...
[ ][AL] Euro-Britannian Hosts
[ ][AL] Japanese Delegation
[ ][AL] EU Ambassadors
[ ][AL] Rus Republic Envoy
[ ][AL] Joint African Union Representative
[ ][AL] Ethiopian Delegation
You were
somewhat surprised that the Chinese Federation hadn't sent at least one person given the relative nearness to their border, but even their most friendly and open cliques were often terribly isolationist. The various member states, though, had sent participants... no one group, though, was really large or important enough to warrant extra consideration.
The MEF had simply boycotted the entire affair, as if that meant anything to anyone.
Skimming over the information, Milly picked up the phone and began to order a small meal from the kitchen, ordering for you as well when you gave a quick nod. Given several hours until your destination, you'd have plenty of time to decide how to handle the group you felt most important as well as what remarks you'd like to make in the introductory speeches.
Given your performance in Indonesia, you in particular would find your words being given greater weight than they otherwise would have. It would be best, too, to consider signaling exactly why you were attending a conference which was to focus on an extraterrestrial impact. It would certainly make things easier for you to make allies and attain your goals,
whatever they were.
To that end, you had decided months ago to speak on...
[ ][PS] Downplay the importance of space as a whole, your aims will benefit from it.
[ ][PS] The Final Frontier and the value of extraterrestrial exploration.
[ ][PS] The value of scientific research specifically.
[ ][PS] The military necessity of the ultimate highground.
[ ][PS] National prestige and the political realities of space.
[ ][PS] The business of space and the profit to be had.
[ ][PS] Potential benefits for international cooperation.