Semper Ad Meliora (Code Geass/Britannian Royalty Quest)

Specifically, several of the surviving troop transports (split with the SIC), a large portion of the New Heaven's surviving troop and caster gear, and a few PoWs.
Interesting. I was hoping for some of the troop transports after this battle and that was one of the reasons I voted for hitting the battle fleet. Even if it made the land battle harder. Which might have been a mistake if not for our absurd luck. Now we just need troops to fill them. And figure out if their design is bad for usage with KMF or if the Gun-Ru are trash.
The troop and caster gear will be nice. I think our researchers are salivating for those. Aleister is most likely in a religious frenzy. Of course figuring all of them out will take time. As much as I want to grab them I think we should first expand our research staff. Of course in addition to analyzing the swords next turn since we will be loosing the OSI ones.
And now I think I know what our second Intrigue action will be. Was really hoping we could get the bodyguards or grab some offensive operation in addition to Shadow Administration but I think we will need to do some interrogations. Or build a long term holding facility. I think OSI will want some of those prisoners. I think Greta will be pointing out they are not PoWs but simple pirates caught so rules of war and treatment of PoWs don't apply here.

Looking forward to the update. And I'm really curious what shiny distractions will happen to interfere with our date with Milly. Mostly curious because during this conference we had a chance to push forward our relationship with Kaguya by meeting the Japanese delegation.
I am curious now. How is Lelouch have so much raw power with psionics? As far as I remember we rolled a measley 45 with psionic check role. I would have thought that would be pretty damn weak. What if we Got nat 1? Would we be a pariah or blank then?
And where do psionic power even comes from? İs it the Warp? Something else?
You forgot all the crits with the Crystalline Orb. While our base potential wasn't much we were still in the upper 20% of recorded modern psionics. Which came mostly from the fact the royal family has a boost to psionics. The Orb just smashed any mental barriers and implanted a ton of tricks an ancient psionic user learned over their life. Not to mention all the other knowledge. And with psionics knowledge is power as Jeager has shown since he gained a perk that increased his Piety even if he was born without much natural talent.
I am curious now. How is Lelouch have so much raw power with psionics? As far as I remember we rolled a measley 45 with psionic check role. I would have thought that would be pretty damn weak. What if we Got nat 1? Would we be a pariah or blank then? İn 40k psychic level what would be his level?
And where do psionic power even comes from? İs it the Warp? Something else?
It was the artifact that boosted Lelouch. So we either figure out ways to get additional artifacts or learning/piety solutions. We could also train using personal options but seeing as we only have three that would be a difficult vote.
One of the unfortunate truths regarding Lelouch and psionics is that, by traditional methods of learning and measurements of skill, he'll probably never reach parity with seasoned shinobi warriors or New Heaven casters. Why?

Ah yes. That was brought up in the "Weaving Silk Threads" IC wasn't it? So in most fields, Lelouch won't be reaching soon (or likely ever) true skill-parity with the most skilled casters, warriors and shinobi. But fortunately, we are already in the process of rapidly gaining on their psionic craftsmen. The skills that Lelouch inherited from the ancient memories and polished at a very early age (thank you good rolls) were about psionic alchemy and some degree of coherent memories about how to make those sweet psionic artifacts. Maybe even high-level theory and not just blindly copying schematics, that could allow for modifying those designs.

And now with psionic "power swords", psionic anti-psionic swords, as well as the caster gear we suddenly have access to? We can at the very least replicate those designs soon-ish, unless the dice decide to screw us over. Jaeger's designs however, are still what, at least six years away from reaching the "Psionic Amplifier" -tech. And that is assuming that each of the actions between is only one year project, we take actions moving along that tech-branch every single year, and of course that the dice do not decide to screw us over. On the other hand, training with Personal Actions has the problem that was already pointed out, competing with SL improvements. So unless those two go hand in hand (which they might), only slow progress from that front either.

So with those things in my mind, the best approach? First, we get some training done with at least a couple of Personal Actions, but lets not sink too much effort there unless the SL interests align. Continuing on Personal Actions, Jaeger would be a very good SL at this point for both narrative reasons and because his SL-bonuses will likely give us some psionics-related goodies, likely for the strategic layer which would be good enough already by itself. But I'm also hoping for a crit that would let us get a boost from Learning to Piety, like we already have some other traits. And this:
[ ] Psionic Engineering: The simple fact is that a great many of the conveniences of the ancient society you remember have been outmoded by modern industrialization and digital devices which can be more easily mass produced. That doesn't mean the lessons of the past can't offer you anything, though. Cost: 200; Upkeep: 50; DC: 70; Rewards: Hybrid Psionic-Industrial/Digital Tech Tree, ???
I think I've already said this way back before, but I'm hoping that if we have Jaeger in the inner circle and he can compare notes with Lelouch, then either this project will be easier, or that Lelouch's research will let him somehow accelerate his own research. Or maybe "just" improve his own products, or get a bonus to his rolls on certain projects. But I'm expecting some kind of benefit from the research cross-polination. Also, this tech tree seems to be worth it just by itself, as soon as we have gotten the more short-term stuff out of the way, alongside with getting more personel.

Next, make all the artifacts and hybrid-gear. Lelouch is a Prince, like we have been reminded off lately, so it would be wise to use his status and resources to get the personel and infrastructure up and running to research on how to make the best psionic gear, as well as how to make it in large enough batches to matter. That way we can afford to have both Lelouch and his agents to have some standard-level of psionic equipment, and maybe some unique or near-unique potent pieces here and there.

And finally, what we should do ASAP: Do the Mantle Activation -questline, and likely get a Code, or a Geass, or preferably both if that is possible. Like I said earlier, I'm not sure how they will work except for Code giving immortality, but they will most likely be very potent. And in long-term, with immortality Lelouch can slowly but surely surpass any mortal practicioners in most of the fields he spends at least some effort in. But yeah, immortality itself is pretty damn good for duels and other combat stuff obviously.

Oh, and maybe go to the C's World and see if we can do some other shenanigans than getting the Code and/or Geass from there, if that is where the Mantle Activation -questline takes us. Maybe nible on some souls of ancient psionic warriors, casters, etc. I mean, what is the worst that can happen? :V
As for using our Personal Actions for training. I am rather firmly against outsourcing Xiǎobāo upbringing to others. First of all because I will find the interactions amusing taking this into account:
"Oh great demon god, prince of ghosts and phantoms who has stolen me from heaven, I beseech thee to make my demise speedy and without pain, that my soul may return to paradise after death. As you are terrifying and great, the very earth professes your abilities that your wights in human form can pierce even the light of heaven, there is nothing to be gained from the torture of one so pathetic as I who cannot even resist your grasp."
But more importantly by interacting closely with such psionic powerhouse (30 Piety) Lelouch will gain a lot of experience dealing with extremely strong psionics. If we outsource SL raising then we most likely will end up with the intel needed for a secret New Heaven victory condition but lose out on potential growth for Lelouch.
Honestly I am curious what impact will this battle have on him. Mostly because the "great demon god" managed to defeat the "holy" warriors of heaven and destroy them as they were undergoing the first crusade since the forming of the cult.

As for using our position for recruitment. We do have the Recruitment Piety action waiting. Unless something a lot more tasty than limited time sword analysis (since OSI wants their blades back) pops up I am for expanding our psionic research group over other options. I am also for taking the Refuge Diplomacy action next turn to hopefully get a bigger pool of recruits. I can't wait until we get to Jeager Psionic Teaching Standards to open our own school of mind magic. We need Milly in charge of it. Just imagine all the crazy events she will think of having access to psionic students. We will end up with magical girls on campus. Especially as the first shows featuring magical girls started showing up on the 1960s.

As to the Mantle Activation quest. With our crit on the Orb we most likely found the location of our next clue. And it is in Anatolia. But there I would wait for a year at least instead of rushing in. Unless the dice suddenly will start hating Cornelia then us opening the Indonesian supply routes should allow Britannia forces to further and make the area we are interested in more secure.
I suspect that the problem with C's World path would require either finding a fully intact thought elevator (which I suspect might be on the moon with the hints about ancient moon bases) or figure out how to repair the ones under Britannia control.
I am truly curious if the Gawain's Druid system combined with Jeager Psionic Computing isn't the way. In canon the Gawain was being used to analyze a thought elevator if I remember correctly.
You know I just realized something...if the Britainian calendar starts with the British throwing out the Romans from the can there have been a legend of King Arthur Pendragon and Camelot in the Code Geas Timeline given Arthur was probably a Romano-British person based in the Pennines (a mountain range in Northwest England bordering Northern Wales) according to modern historians? Heck Camelot is a corruption of a Roman name Camulodunum which served as the capital of a British Province.
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You honestly think a psionic raised for sacrificial purpose would be given education to utilize his psionic ability? There is no real value to dealing with Xiaobao given that his conditioning made him useless as combatant and completely opposed to Lelouch

but if Lelouch manage to beat the new heaven and show him that he's the god,not the demon, then maybe he'll get somewhere
Should we start looking at the Children of Ching Shih? they did participate in arming New Hevean and setting them on the IC.
You know I just realized something...if the Britainian calendar starts with the British throwing out the Romans from the can there have been a legend of King Arthur Pendragon and Camelot in the Code Geas Timeline given Arthur was probably a Romano-British person based in the Pennines (a mountain range in Northwest England bordering Northern Wales) according to modern historians? Heck Camelot is a corruption of a Roman name Camulodunum which served as the capital of a British Province.
It's propaganda. It never actually happened, IIRC. Besides, the Romans could have easily invaded again, like Caesar did IRL.
You know I just realized something...if the Britainian calendar starts with the British throwing out the Romans from the can there have been a legend of King Arthur Pendragon and Camelot in the Code Geas Timeline given Arthur was probably a Romano-British person based in the Pennines (a mountain range in Northwest England bordering Northern Wales) according to modern historians? Heck Camelot is a corruption of a roman name for the capital of a British Province Camulodunum.
I haven't strongly commented on this issue, but my personal headcanon is that 'kicking the Romans off the British Isles' is probably a popular historical exaggeration. Like Hitler creating the Autobahn, or that there were only 300 Spartan soldiers at the Battle of Thermopylae, or just about anything regarding Christopher Columbus being evil incarnate (which isn't to say he wasn't a bad guy, just kind of on-par with the time period in a lot of ways).

What's most likely is that there's some small grain of truth here, though. It's probably centered on the idea that what would eventually become Britannia was centered on Wales, not England, and Roman expeditions into the area might have been repulsed by a Celtic king in the region.

Edit: I had some video links here, but I think they're kind of off-topic and purged them.
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Should we start looking at the Children of Ching Shih? they did participate in arming New Hevean and setting them on the IC.
While I do want to get the Guren we don't have the military to pull it off. Plus I think their in India, so too far to deploy. It does bring up the question if our Ninjas are good enough to kidnap the created of the Guren and/or expose them to the federation.
Plus I think their in India, so too far to deploy.

You seem to be confusing the fact that the Children of Ching Shih have started infiltrating the Indian government (something that we are aware of, as per Turn 8 Phase II Results) with the fact that all their bases are in India, which isn't the same thing. The map from the Pirate Dossiers threadmark shows that they do have settlements in Australia.

Speaking of pirate groups... should we consider starting some intelligence gathering on the Calico Cats as one of our Intrigue action (provided that nothing more important pops up)? We do have one agent in there... (who, as of now, got us some blackmail on some minor officials from nearby Britannian Areas that we have yet had the time to use)
While I do want to get the Guren we don't have the military to pull it off. Plus I think their in India, so too far to deploy. It does bring up the question if our Ninjas are good enough to kidnap the created of the Guren and/or expose them to the federation.
The Children of Ching Shih are a pirate faction in Australia. They have infiltrated the higher ranks of the Indian government in preparation for a coup as a follow-up to the New Heaven attack, but this banked on the NH being successful enough to shake the Chinese yoke on their vassals.

If this follows canon in some way, Rakshata should be known to the Federation, because she built the KMF that Li Xingke would later operate. They were developed at the same time. It was given to the Federation by the Maharadscha.
I am rather firmly against outsourcing Xiǎobāo upbringing to others.
He is at -5 for Social Link, and we are already always quarreling about which of the personal actions to take. I cannot see a way for us to get the information from him that way in a way that they would still be useful.

Furthermore, we were told he has no training and is actually completely unskilled. Meaning Lelouch would need to train him up and then could train with him to better his own skill. Considering his low SL, early training is off the table. We don't want him trying to kill the demon lord. So we would need to make a significant investment of time to get to where you would want to be. To even start with training. Then there is no guarantee, that he would even want to pursue martial training, making it not a certainty that Xiaobao would help Lelouch in developing his own skill in fighting.

I honestly don't see the thread consecutively voting for one option to always raise his SL instead of putting other options first. I would not.
You honestly think a psionic raised for sacrificial purpose would be given education to utilize his psionic ability? There is no real value to dealing with Xiaobao given that his conditioning made him useless as combatant and completely opposed to Lelouch

but if Lelouch manage to beat the new heaven and show him that he's the god,not the demon, then maybe he'll get somewhere
He is at -5 for Social Link, and we are already always quarreling about which of the personal actions to take. I cannot see a way for us to get the information from him that way in a way that they would still be useful.

Furthermore, we were told he has no training and is actually completely unskilled. Meaning Lelouch would need to train him up and then could train with him to better his own skill. Considering his low SL, early training is off the table. We don't want him trying to kill the demon lord. So we would need to make a significant investment of time to get to where you would want to be. To even start with training. Then there is no guarantee, that he would even want to pursue martial training, making it not a certainty that Xiaobao would help Lelouch in developing his own skill in fighting.

I honestly don't see the thread consecutively voting for one option to always raise his SL instead of putting other options first. I would not.
I was less thinking in terms of any knowledge he might have and more the experience dealing with him on a semi regular basis will give us.
As meianmaru pointed out most of the goodies in Jeager tech tree that I (and some others) think are essential to get us to an equal level are at least 6 years away like Psionic Amplifier. So I don't think we will concentrate year after year on raising the SL. So we have time before our other arrows make it into our quiver for dealing with New Heaven.

There is also the fact that SL raising rewards happen in other actions. Just this turn there were actions that had the side effect of raising SL for Greta, Euphie and Milly in Martial and Diplomacy. So if we will be keeping Xiaobao close then there is a chance that his SL could raise with actions not dedicated to him. Just because he will be close and observing our actions and choices. There might be a small chance of raising his SL on other personal actions as he would be our ward so we might take him with us on good rolls.

As for training for Lelouch. First of all if Xiaobao will be close then the psionic aura of power will be something that Lelouch will read as a base level. Right now he can be comfortable because of his own power. But that is against an untrained high level psionic. Going up against a trained psionic on that level who has a technique to project a "battle aura" could be distracting in combat. Until he felt him approaching Lelouch didn't even realize how powerful psionic auras could affect others.

There is another learning experience ahead. Xiaobao is around 7 years old. Puberty is coming. Puberty for a very powerful psionic. Combined with learning how to deal with not being a sacrifice. Just dealing with emotional very high powered outbursts will be a learning experience and should give Lelouch experience with that level of power. If we just outsource his upbringing then instead of dealing with such outbursts up close when they happen we might at best be stuck dealing with their effects. Super psionic teenager tantrums can be a learning experience.

Also who would we chose to do the raising in our place. The only people who might have experience with psionics are Jeager, Aleister or our shinobi. The joke about having Euphie raise him wasn't really funny. Especially as there will most likely be a risk of loosing Diplomacy actions if something happens. Remember that we had to wait a year for her to finish her studies which was somewhat personal. Raising a high maintenance kid might cause background rolls to happen. And if they are low we might end up with a distracted Euphie (a penalty to rolls or even loosing an action for some time). While Slayer won't be killing characters of screen there was nothing said about them being indisposed by background rolls.
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He is at -5 for Social Link, and we are already always quarreling about which of the personal actions to take. I cannot see a way for us to get the information from him that way in a way that they would still be useful.
Well, there are at least one reason to use our Personal Actions for his SL. That being this trait:
Heart to Heart: +1 Diplomacy. You have begun to understand the intricacies of the human condition and, thusly, have grown more able to find common ground between yourself and others.
Through our good rolls in several key moments, Lelouch has reached pretty good ability to connect with people. And while I do agree that we wouldn't likely get anything out of Xiaobao in the short- or even medium-term for the reasons you said, long-term I think it is absolutely vital that we have his personal loyalty. Depending on how he grows, he might end up being one of our advisors or combat personel, depends on his personality and own choices. Or the opposite, if things go worse enough. Like him ending up leaving our faction by running away, leaving on mutual agreement (if Lelouch thinks its both beneficial and safe enough for himself, which I kind of doubt will happen) or some other form "bad ends" for the SL.

Also, I think you are underestimating the power of SL bonuses. There is sure to be some form of rewards there relating to psionics, explained by Lelouch learning while teaching or something like that. Though again, these will likely be a long term thing with that admitedly intimading -5 SL. Not sure though if it will be strickly roll-based and single +1 SL point per time. We could see conversational choices that can better/worse results, and we could see more rapid gains while he is still a child. Not sure Slayer Anderson will model it, but being a child and surrounded by people who are solely on Lelouch's side might grind down even the kind of strongly enforced cultural norms he was grown inside of.

Still, I will also admit that a lot of depends for me on what the next Personal Action -vote will contain. There is the opportunity for finally advancing that Jaeger SL to get him moved towards our inner circle, the need for Lelouch to interact with Kallen and Jeanne to keep their relationships from turning sour, potential time-sensitive one-turn events, etc. So in the end, I guess I will keep my options open until we reach the next turn's Phase III again. But I still think that letting Lelouch raise the kid is a stronger option than you say it is.
Since shinobi techniques seem to freak him out, perhaps Aleister should raise him, I mean the Cult of Lelouch will probably feel just like home and there is nothing to stop us taking a role in raising him while someone else does most of the work.
I agree with giving him to Aleister, he is loyal to us and has skills needed for it, plus we don't really have much time given that we are to stretched when it comes to SL anyway.
Letting Aleister being the most influential parental/mentor figure for the child feels a bit unwise. While there is no doubt that Aleister is loyal, and that he would strive towards to seeing that the child grows up with relatively happy childhood and direct his development towards something that would be useful for Lelouch, well. The problem with that is that he would see that the development would be beneficial for Lelouch first, the child second. Add to that how he would likely not even try to erode his brainwashing, but instead flip it to being aimed towards seeing Lelouch as divinity and all the headaches it brings, especially if we want to nudge the child towards becoming a member of Lelouch's inner circle...

Yeah, I'd want to Lelouch to be the most influental figure of his childhood in that case, not Crowley. Also, their interactions would most likely be quite interesting to read.
Another reason I am interested in training the kid personally is that Lelouch could train him as a future Piety Advisor. We got our second Piety action thanks to Lelouch being a psionic god, building a temple/lab and recruiting a team of experts to work under Lelouch. During that it was mentioned that Aleister might have been Piety Advisor material but with how Lelouch is right now he would need more work. That path to the second Piety action was opened because Slayer couldn't just give us a Piety Advisor that could match Lelouch without some extreme crits. There just wasn't anyone available.

As we are going for a third Intrigue action it was mentioned that Sayoko would take over as our Intrigue advisor. She already is reading and sorting our spy reports.
"I took the liberty of reading the reports before submitting them to you, my prince." Sayoko states as she serves you a cup of tea. "The decisions involved at this level are of too great importance to be fielded by anyone save yourself."
From that I think we will need an advisor to take over the section with their own stat rolls before we can expand to our third action. For everything except Intrigue and Piety that was not a problem. Since the second action required an Advisor already. The problem I see is that Lelouch won't be capable to manage the expanded section and at the same time perform all the duties needed of him as a leader.
In Intrigue we are lucky (due to a lot of crits) that Sayoko is moving into the position naturally. In part due to her training as clan heiress.

With Piety we have a problem. While Aleister holds an assistant position he still needs more work to upgrade him into Advisor material. Which will mean Personal or Piety Actions. And if Lelouch grows in Piety then when Aleister takes over it will almost for sure will be downgrade since Aleister lacks the raw power. Similar how Milly has lower Stewardship stat right now but we still want her as our Stewardship Advisor.
I suspect Xiaobao is a candidate for a future Piety Advisor. At least as one of potential future paths. Will he need a lot of training and work? For sure. But unless he is trained as an apprentice by Lelouch I don't see him being able to take over for Lelouch. If we for example give him to Aleister to train then putting him later over Aleister will be difficult. Mostly because he will have less knowledge and experience than Aleister. While being trained and raised by Lelouch he will gain a lot more knowledge and experience.

I noticed that Slayer tends to give us paths that all have good and bad points. But they are also pretty well balanced. More work or risk means more of a reward. The option to give Xiaobao to someone else will be the same.
If we send him away to some Britannia group (like the Geass Order or OSI) then we get a reward from them most likely. The cost here will be in lost potential.
If we get one of our court members to raise him then the reward will depend on what they teach him. There also might be some costs due to the strain on their own time. For example an advisor would either need to sacrifice their work or raisin the kid. There will be costs inside our group but the rewards will also be inside our group. They just will be limited depending on who will be made responsible. Similar in how we will be able to give cities to allies in the future for a lower income but they won't cost us actions to develop.
The last option of raising the kid ourself will give us the most control on the kid's development and the rewards will focus on Lelouch more. The cost here will be Lelouch actions.

The chance to train up Xiaobao as our apprentice and future Piety Advisor with 30 Piety (which is the natural cap for any stat) is something I see worth spending actions on. Will it take a decade of work? Most likely. But I don't see anyone managing to to train up a Piety Advisor.
I see this as a potential of much work for a great reward.

If we don't take the path of training a 30 Piety Advisor then we will have actions for other projects. That is true. But will we get another chance of training someone so talented into taking over the Piety department?
Admittedly being biased in regards to Aleister and our dear meat bun I would at least argue that we could let the two work together enough to possibly remove the -5 modifier to Xiabao's SL on Lelouch's behalf. If possible.

Then we can start building a relationship between him and Lelouch personally.

Something Crowley can do that other child-rearing options can't is actually instruct xiaobao on psionics, or at least the basics. That way when we start interacting properly it can be done through the lens of a mentor/student for advanced tutelage instead of a God/disciple one.

If that's your thing at least.
Admittedly being biased in regards to Aleister and our dear meat bun I would at least argue that we could let the two work together enough to possibly remove the -5 modifier to Xiabao's SL on Lelouch's behalf. If possible.

Then we can start building a relationship between him and Lelouch personally.

Something Crowley can do that other child-rearing options can't is actually instruct xiaobao on psionics, or at least the basics. That way when we start interacting properly it can be done through the lens of a mentor/student for advanced tutelage instead of a God/disciple one.

If that's your thing at least.
The problem with Aleister is that Lelouch doesn't trust him fully. He knows Aleister has some strange "Lelouch is the chosen one" fetish. And it is in part because Aleister doesn't understand Lelouch's source of power fully. But if you remember a certain interaction from this turn.
"With a miracle such as this, you could store even a person's memories..." Aleister whispers, overcome, "...for an unlimited amount of time. Eons, perhaps."

"Certainly at least seventy millennia." You reply grimly, meeting Aleister's stare evenly before sighing. "After we finish here, Dr. Crowley, I will explain in full. Now, I asked your team to source ancient metal deposits which could have been used to create this. Do you have any information for me?"
While not trying to bias the other researcher is a thing. There is also the fact that Aleister didn't know about the Orb function and how it tied to Lelouch's power. That is a rather important fact when researching an object.
Did Lelouch bring Aleister fully into his confidence after this? Or did he just share another small slice of psionic knowledge?
From what I can see Aleister is acting more as a chief research assistant instead of fellow equal in research. Basically doing the tasks you would give to subordinates while Lelouch is doing all the important groundbreaking research.

While Aleister is an interesting character I don't think as he is now that he would be able to impart the base values needed for nation level Piety advisor. He could raise someone loyal. But he would not be able to raise a leader. Jeanne has the training and education combined with her upbringing to be a military leader. Euphy has the royal upbringing and education for diplomacy. Milly also has the upbringing for a Stewardship advisor as she was raised as a heir to the Ashford Conglomerate. Sayoko was always the heiress of the Shinozaki so she was trained how to lead a group of spies. Jeager and Hashima are scientists. How to lead a research team is something every scientist is taught either by experience due to working under others or during higher education due to group research projects that prepare them for future job requirements of working with others.

Aleister gathered a small group of occult researchers but it was stated that he lacked the qualities to become an advisor.
Lelouch on the other hand had a royal upbringing and is a fountain of psionic knowledge. He knows how to delegate and if he uses his experiences growing up then he will have a chance to give Xiaobao the upbringing required of a leader. Just by observing him work or interact with others Xiaobao would learn how to lead others.
The risk with observing Aleister's behavior combined with previous upbringing would be that Xiaobao will lack the qualities to become an advisor and require heavy retraining. The problem is that by the point Lelouch would start training to much damage would have already been done and the Advisor path could be locked. We might get a powerful psionic hero unit but not an advisor.
Extraordinary people need extraordinary upbringing.

I am always worried that Aleister will learn something or find some artifact and go of the rails by trying to become a psionic god.
Aleister gathered a small group of occult researchers but it was stated that he lacked the qualities to become an advisor.
On this point, I have to contest you. The problem isn't in that Aleister isn't competent. He is pretty damn good at what he does, and would have been an useful Advisor in any other scenario. His problem is just that he lacks the psionic mojo and didn't have truly game-changing knowledge about psionic techniques, when compared to Lelouch. That, and being basically an extremist cult leader who zealously buys into his own made-up mythology. Which is quite significant minus, even if the one he sees as divine is Lelouch and not himself.
I was less thinking in terms of any knowledge he might have and more the experience dealing with him on a semi regular basis will give us.
As meianmaru pointed out most of the goodies in Jeager tech tree that I (and some others) think are essential to get us to an equal level are at least 6 years away like Psionic Amplifier. So I don't think we will concentrate year after year on raising the SL. So we have time before our other arrows make it into our quiver for dealing with New Heaven.

There is also the fact that SL raising rewards happen in other actions. Just this turn there were actions that had the side effect of raising SL for Greta, Euphie and Milly in Martial and Diplomacy. So if we will be keeping Xiaobao close then there is a chance that his SL could raise with actions not dedicated to him. Just because he will be close and observing our actions and choices. There might be a small chance of raising his SL on other personal actions as he would be our ward so we might take him with us on good rolls.

As for training for Lelouch. First of all if Xiaobao will be close then the psionic aura of power will be something that Lelouch will read as a base level. Right now he can be comfortable because of his own power. But that is against an untrained high level psionic. Going up against a trained psionic on that level who has a technique to project a "battle aura" could be distracting in combat. Until he felt him approaching Lelouch didn't even realize how powerful psionic auras could affect others.

There is another learning experience ahead. Xiaobao is around 7 years old. Puberty is coming. Puberty for a very powerful psionic. Combined with learning how to deal with not being a sacrifice. Just dealing with emotional very high powered outbursts will be a learning experience and should give Lelouch experience with that level of power. If we just outsource his upbringing then instead of dealing with such outbursts up close when they happen we might at best be stuck dealing with their effects. Super psionic teenager tantrums can be a learning experience.

Also who would we chose to do the raising in our place. The only people who might have experience with psionics are Jeager, Aleister or our shinobi. The joke about having Euphie raise him wasn't really funny. Especially as there will most likely be a risk of loosing Diplomacy actions if something happens. Remember that we had to wait a year for her to finish her studies which was somewhat personal. Raising a high maintenance kid might cause background rolls to happen. And if they are low we might end up with a distracted Euphie (a penalty to rolls or even loosing an action for some time). While Slayer won't be killing characters of screen there was nothing said about them being indisposed by background rolls.
Yes, we have some time if we wait for all the psionic tech to be build going by the timetable we were given. Going by our normal rolls and the activity of the factions involved I am not sure we will have so much time or everything will go exactly as envisioned. Who did foresee the attack of NH on the Conference? I think such curve-balls will come again and again.
Furthermore, without this knowledge about the duel Lelouch would approach the NH differently. When he knows he needs to prepare for a duel, we will most likely get options to do just that. Meaning the later we get the knowledge, the less time we have for direct preparation compared to us trying to use metagaming in hope to succeed.

Xiaobao is a kid, with no knowledge or skill in anything. Look at the action which allow for an increase in SL, all of them involve actors doing something important. What can a seven-year-old do that matters on the scale of our actions? Can he help in research? Would Lelouch want to have a child that fears his presence be involved in such things? After he has been cultivated as an asset and trained he can certainly help, but at the start? No way! Sayoko is our bodyguard and head of the shinobi under our control, and we do not just irregularly get a bonus to her SL, because she is looking over our shoulder. We get that for no one. Every increase in SL is shown through the rewards, only exception were extreme triple crits and using something like that as a basis for an argument is weak. First there is no guarantee of it happening, then there is no guarantee for it including him and lastly we would not choose our general actions with a look towards that. Making such a point worthless, because no one votes for something hoping a secret triple crit reward will bring what they want.

I am not quite sure if I understand the next point right. Lelouch needs someone powerful to give him a wake-up call? Lelouch recognizes the power of Xiaobao and I am not sure he is that arrogant about it.
I already said Xiaobao could help him if he is trained, so if that is what you meant. D'accord. My point against that is not the usefulness of it, but the massive time investment to get there and then take advantage of it.

I am not sure how dealing with such things could be a learning experience, on anything else than a personal level. It is not like psionics just destroy things around them when they get angry. That is X-Men. To use psionics, we were shown, that it needs training and then focus to accomplish such things. That is not something an emotional teenager would just fabricate on the by. If strong emotions would lead to something like that, I would think Xiaobao's trepidation before meeting Lelouch would have resulted in something. It did not. Therefore, I see no basis for this line of thought.

For your last point you make several mistakes. First you confuse raising someone with teaching one specific skill-set. These things are not the same. Parents raise their children all the time without teaching them everything. Piano teachers, private tutors, arms instructors, such a list can go on forever. Lelouch learned things from different people, without having to be raised by them. He learned from the Shinobi not because he grew up among them, but because he went through their training regimen. Same thing can be done with him. He is a child and wll need teachers either way.
Then the notion that somehow Lelouch would not lose actions, but Euphemia would. If bad rolls can happen to her, they can also happen to him. Making it a moot point. It would actually be even worse for us, because Lelouch modifiers and actions influence far more things. Additionally, Euphemia is not only doing diplomatic work, but also does other things. Good example is Nunally. She got a girlfriend without any input from us. Euphemia would then not be hindered or troubled in her own work, but have reduced personal time. And if she would face problems, I see no reason why she would not go to us. The big troubles Xiaobao faces are emotional and not psionic in nature. He is indoctrinated and has no idea of the outside world. With him being unskilled in psionic skills, there is no reason to fear him doing anything with it. He was taught to not use his inherent skills. Remember he was just a sacrifice, nothing else. A sacrifice does not need to be stubborn or skilled.
Due to the nature of his upbringing, he has little strength of will or desire for himself. Is approximately seven years of age.

Well, there are at least one reason to use our Personal Actions for his SL. That being this trait:

Through our good rolls in several key moments, Lelouch has reached pretty good ability to connect with people. And while I do agree that we wouldn't likely get anything out of Xiaobao in the short- or even medium-term for the reasons you said, long-term I think it is absolutely vital that we have his personal loyalty. Depending on how he grows, he might end up being one of our advisors or combat personel, depends on his personality and own choices. Or the opposite, if things go worse enough. Like him ending up leaving our faction by running away, leaving on mutual agreement (if Lelouch thinks its both beneficial and safe enough for himself, which I kind of doubt will happen) or some other form "bad ends" for the SL.

Also, I think you are underestimating the power of SL bonuses. There is sure to be some form of rewards there relating to psionics, explained by Lelouch learning while teaching or something like that. Though again, these will likely be a long term thing with that admitedly intimading -5 SL. Not sure though if it will be strickly roll-based and single +1 SL point per time. We could see conversational choices that can better/worse results, and we could see more rapid gains while he is still a child. Not sure Slayer Anderson will model it, but being a child and surrounded by people who are solely on Lelouch's side might grind down even the kind of strongly enforced cultural norms he was grown inside of.

Still, I will also admit that a lot of depends for me on what the next Personal Action -vote will contain. There is the opportunity for finally advancing that Jaeger SL to get him moved towards our inner circle, the need for Lelouch to interact with Kallen and Jeanne to keep their relationships from turning sour, potential time-sensitive one-turn events, etc. So in the end, I guess I will keep my options open until we reach the next turn's Phase III again. But I still think that letting Lelouch raise the kid is a stronger option than you say it is.
The trait was given as a goodie to signify the good rolls Lelouch got and does not provide any further increase in rolls for interaction except the +1 for diplomacy. Compare that to Euphemia, our Diplomacy Advisor. Sweet, caring, empathetic, beautiful Euphemia. Are you seriously suggesting Lelouch starting out as -5 SL could compare to that? The trait is fluff and I doubt it outweighs in any capacity Euphemia. Who can easier bond with a scared indoctrinated child? There is no contest.

I have not disputed that getting his SL would bring rewards, just that the time invested will not be worth it. Any SL-Bonus only comes into play from rank 4 onwards. That's nine levels! We have currently one person with such a high rank, indicating a similar commitment, our sister. I do not think the thread would dedicate the attention needed towards it. You yourself acknowledge how many other options are out there in the personal category. I don't want to reiterate you, but you get it. If someone, that seriously considers this a good option, has troubles committing on such a path, how will the rest of silent questers feel.
With it turning out so bad, that the QM has considered changing things and giving us another personal action every so-and-so turns. Personal actions is always a massivel contested vote. Therefore, thinking that we can dedicate to a long-term SL project is madness in mind.

Every vote is about weighing the alternatives against each other. Thinking about cost and benefits. You want to dedicate or essentially lock in one of our action for a long-time. Going by simple math we would need him up towards 4/5 in ranks. Means roughly ten actions (-5 - 5) if we get him to raise his rank every time. Take a step away from this argument and think about it. Do you really think the thread would vote consecutively for this? If you are honest, I don't think you can answer that with a clear yes.

I am not saying it would not be worth it, I mean his high stat alone shows how useful he could be and SL-Bonuses are always nice. But stats are not the only thing that matters. There are two posts for which he could prove useful in the future. One as an agent and the other piety adviser. I don't see the loyalty problem either way, because Euphemia can inspire loyalty on a similar level as Lelouch. If we have her loyalty, we would get his. Delegation is not something bad.
His use as an agent would be his enormous stat granting a high bonus and therefore allowing him to tackle tasks others could not. Kind of obvious.

Now piety adviser would be another thing. I can see two ways. First is the groundwork path for the "religion" we would need for another action. Through winning the duel we would have a divine mandate for the commoners of the NH faction. I could see things going similar with him. With enough time investment, he could become our first apostle. Especially, with Aleister spouting such things all the time. His focus would be more on the side of growing the cult around us and taking the doctrine from NH and applying it towards us. Such things.
Other is he takes to alchemy and our skills like a fish to water and becomes Lelouch skillwise. Therefore allows us to double down on our current path.
Personally, I don't see him walking some new paths that we have not already walked upon. With us teaching him, how could he. Therefore he would just be an upgrade for getting some more stat bonus towards our options. Another action would not be coming from him becoming adviser, because we don't technically need one according to the QM. Else we would not have gotten the third personal actions for filling all adivsor posts.

But here is the important thing, I don't see such a path automatically blocked through giving him to Euphemia. The religion angle would most likely be gone, but I could still see her asking Lelouch for training in psionics for him. Her peaceful focus would most likely stop him from becoming a bloodlusty agent, but not like we have a dire need of them.

TL:DR: Strongly doubtful towards utterly disbelieving that the thread will dedicate 8 actions upwards(generous estimate!!) to get the rewards on which we roughly agree.
TL:DR: Strongly doubtful towards utterly disbelieving that the thread will dedicate 8 actions upwards(generous estimate!!) to get the rewards on which we roughly agree.
You make a lot of good points, as usual. However, I think a lot will depend also on how attached the thread becomes about Xiaobao before the choice about how he will be raised is made. If Slayer Anderson throws one good enough character interaction, that might swing the voters enough. And on commitment... I think it would maybe best be handled as that: a commitment.

This depends of course on how Slayer Anderson decides to handle it, but my suggestion would be to make it so that if we do end up choosing letting Lelouch raise him, or at least spend a significant amount of time doing so, it locks down the Personal Action like other multi-turn actions for the set amount of turns that represent Xiaobao's childhood. That way, people can't say they didn't know what they were committing into, and there is no danger of interest dropping out mid-way through. This will likely make the choice less appealing, but that is good in my mind. Such option would either win by its true merits or fail, but either way there won't be wasteful and awkward dropping the option just after we started with it.

And if we get past the initial hurlde of the -5 SL and to some +1 to +3 range, occasional Personal Actions here and there would likely be much palatable. Also, that +1 to +3 is already at range where we could likely have him as an advisor, so getting him to to the range where we start to get SL bonuses isn't even required for us to start benefiting from our investment.
How Ana met Chuck by Firebringer2077 - Canon (+10 Omake Bonus x2)
How Ana met Chuck

July 17, 1973 ATB
July 4, 1918 Julian Calendar

"что?!" her father exclaimed as the Rus Republicans opened fire killing him in that basement of a farmhouse outside Yekaterinburg. She saw her mother fall a second later to the machine gun fire, and if it wasn't for the jewels of crown, and Imperial Crown hidden within her bodice she would have died too. Yet, something that the Revolutionaries weren't expecting was for their to be enough jewels to actually cause the bullets to ricochet killing some of those that wished to kill her. In the hail of gunfire she ran out of the room as some loyal servants gave their lives to tackle the remaining killers. She had thought that Maria her sister was right behind her, but as soon as she got out and ducked behind some crates in the snowdrift… she realized no one else had made it. She saw the driver of one of the trucks run in to the house, and took the chance she was presented with. Her father had never known she took driving lessons but now they were key to survival. Traveling down the road as fast as the dirt roads could take but once she got to a crossroad she pulled off to the side.

That was when the shock finally wore off after her family's execution, and she cried. Her Papa was dead, little Alexei too. Besides her grandmother who took refuge in Britannia, her family was dead. Three centuries of Romanov rule ended to the mad revolutionaries of Europe. The legacy of Peter the Great, Catherine the Great, Papa… was now up to her. Her father didn't like that she took those martial arts courses or learned how to shoot, but right now the crown rested on her head and those skills might be the only thing that will allow her to live and pass the crown to her own children some day. She took stock of what she had which wasn't much… A truck van with some tools in a box, some rifle cartridges had potential… if she had a rifle. Hidden in her bodice were the crown jewels of Russia, while extremely valuable, they were quite useless now in the present. She couldn't stay here… and then was faced with a choice… East or West. To the West was the likely scattered remnants of White Russian Forces… forces that let her family be captured… To the east… lay the Brittanian backed but fragmenting Imperial Russian forces at the Urals. As she weighed her options she heard the passenger side door open.

In walked the regally large frame of the rightful heir to the Throne, Charles zi Brittania, and regarded as the Dark Horse of the Emblem of Blood conflict wrecking Brittania, but one he still sought to win. He threw back his powdered wig and smiled, "Good Morning Princess Anastasia. I wish our meeting was under much better circumstances, but I promise you I will help you deliver vengeance on your family's murderers, and place you on the throne of Russia. May I?" he said asking for her hand to kiss, and reluctantly the Princess extended her hand, to have Charles kiss it. This is usually where the plays and dramas of the courtship of Anastasia li Britannia end, the dashing tale of the Emperor sweeping the wayward princess off her feet, and the tragedy that Anastasia could not be crowned Empress of all of Russia. Anastasia li Brittania was known as strict and severe, but a master of many skills and disciplines. She sat on the board of many PMCs and defense contractors but also several prestigious government societies, like the Imperial Heraldry Society, Imperial Automotive Racing League, and Imperial Brittanian Language Institute which is a bit of a private joke that Empress Marianne chuckles at since she knew the true history of that meeting. It would embarrass too many parties if the actual story came out. The romantic version of the tale left out one crucial detail, and Constantine flubbed badly on this piece of Intel gathering, that despite Anastasia's knowledge of French, German, Italian, Spanish, Norwegian, and even Greek and Latin, she did not know English/Brittanian until AFTER she began courtship with Charles... this detail changes the entire tale... and what happened afterwards.

Anastasia didn't know what to make of this garish Brittanian man, but apparently he was stupid enough to ask to kiss her hand. She extended it and waited for the man to lower himself to kiss her hand when she curled her hand into a fist and punched him right the jaw causing him to tumble out of the van, but his longcoat caught on one of the handles. Charles barely had time to look up as he saw his coat caught, as the now rightful sovereign of Russia began to drive off dragging along the rightful Sovereign of Brittania.

A quarter of a mile away Bismarck Waldstein, the man who would be a knight of the Emperor triple checked his trusty revolver, while his companion the Major Constantine from OSI, whether or not officially was always a question, sat behind the wheel of the Royal Coach of his majesty.

The "Royal Coach" in this case was a Tesla Dynamic LX luxury coach modified to Constantine's specifications, with two seats at the front for the driver and guard while the rear cabin was for the VIP. Waldstein settled into the passenger side seat of the Royal Coach parked discretely behind a billboard on the Russian steppe. The Major sat in the driver seat smoking a cigarette, earning a grunt from Waldstein

"Put that out."

Constantine gave that damnable lopsided smirk, "My car, My rules."

"This is his majesty's coach." he replied

Constantine blew smoke "...and if the Rightful Emperor was here, he wouldn't care." chortling to herself, "Besides, we are only here if things go south. Chuck has insane luck at times, he got the Rothschilds and Bismarcks to back him."

Waldstein grunted, "It's too soon, yet he managed to charm Evelyn and Agatha to start courtship proceedings..." but then grinned, "Must bother you that you aren't on the list, daughter of the Duke of the Bahamas?"

Constantine frowned and snuffed out her cigarette, "Stuff it Mr. wannabe knight, Chucky promised me I'll be in the top 5 and..."

Constantine was interrupted as a ramshackle old Russian truck came barrelling down the road with the large form of Charles zi Brittania, rightful heir of the Holy Brittanian Empire holding desperately onto the side of the truck, screaming "BLAST YOU WOMAN I AM TRYING TO SAVE YOU!"

The woman driver yelled back trying to throw him off the truck, "Республиканский прихвостень! Дом Романовых не погубить! "

Waldstein and Constantine could only look dumbly on as the truck shot past their own parked vehicle driving further east.

"Well guess his luck finally ran out" chuckled Constantine, before shifting her car into gear as Waldstein and Constantine chased after the would be Emperor.

"GET ME CLOSER TO THAT VAN WOMAN!" ordered Bismarck as Constantine pushed the car to be alongside the van. "Oh and what are you gonna do!?" Constantine said as she got closer, "Hit it with your sword?"

Bismarck glared at the woman as he climbed out onto the roof of the coach, "YOUR MAJESTY ARE YOU ALL RIGHT?!"

"WHAT DO YOU THINK WALDSTEIN?" yelled the rightful Emperor as he clung to the side of the van.

Constantine switched gears, "Waldstein, Get Ready!" and pulled along the other side of the car.

Meanwhile in the car, Charles was still grabbing the side of the van, dodging the crowbar that was thrown out by the van driver when he felt a giant of a man land on top of the van, and deftly grab his collar lifting him up. "Your Majesty are you well?"

"TREE!" he screamed as they both ducked to avoid the passing branch. Charles was starting to wish he sent VV on this instead.

"Thank you your Majesty..." said Waldstein as he took in their situation on top of a speeding van on an abandoned stretch of road on the Russian Steppe... "How... should we proceed?" as both men knew their options were limited but were both nearly rocked off the roof of the van as Constantine rammed the coach into the side the van and crashed it off the road into a snowbank, and all occupants of the van were similarly thrown into the snowbank.

Smiling Constantine pulled the slightly dented royal coach to the side of the road, and calmly got out of the coach, "Gotta do everything myself around here" muttering to herself, and proceeded to approach one of the holes near the crashed van.

"Waldstein... get his majesty and..." she said as a woman erupted from the snow with a blade in her hand. Constantine quickly moved to counter and ready her own dagger, but this melee would last for a while. Soon Waldstein and Charles soon emerged from the snow. The Rightful Sovereign of Brittania Charles zi Brittania straightened himself, dusting off his coat while the two women brawled in the middle of the road, and spoke "Princess Anastasia, I am not trying to deceive you. We are here to rescue you." To his surprise the women did not stop fighting.

Waldstein cleared his throat, "I don't believe she speaks Brittanian your majesty."

"Ah." Charles said and paused, "Would you please speak Russian then Waldstein?"

Those that learn the true history of how Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna of Russia became Third Empress Anastasia li Britannia usually prefer to recount the romantic tale. Sometimes fiction is better than history after all. At the end of it all the rightful Emperor of Brittania, Charles zi Brittania would secure his third marriage, with Anastasia taking the slot for Third Empress, between Evelyn Rothschild, soon to be Second Empress Evelyn de Brittania, and Fourth Empress Agatha el Brittania. Constantine... who had been promised a spot in the top 5... and for bringing OSI to support Charles in the Emblem of Blood... would be Fifth Empress... at least until it was announced to the world that Charles married one of his knights in secret, a French Acadian from Louisiana that she, Marianne vi Brittania was rightfully the Fifth Empress... and thus Constantine became the Sixth Empress, and the previously Sixth Empress became the Seventh, and the Seventh became the Eighth. The Imperial Household surprised the court of Pendragon by announcing that the next royal wedding would be for the Tenth Empress, sparking suspicions that there was another secret wife of Charles out there, or that the mysterious "Ninth Empress" was merely skipped to sooth tensions with the wives that found their number changed.
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