Year 9 (Phase II)
Villetta Nu snaps to attention in a parade-perfect salute. Her uniform isn't the precisely-tailored silks and high-count cotton of a noble, but it's definitely a few cuts above a commoner's. It's to be expected after all, given that she's a third-generation non-hereditary knight. Her family is a perfect example of the "backbone of Britannian military" as it's so commonly referred to. Mixed-race, relatively recent ascension to the upper class, multiple branches of ancestors from both the homeland and an Area... Dame Nu is a blend of traditional imperial values and those of the new nobility.
"At ease, Dame Nu." You order, exchanging a short salute with the woman, your hand coming to your temple as hers relaxes from her heart. "If you'll follow me, we're busy at the moment so I'd prefer to walk and talk."
"Of course, sire." Nu stated, following in your wake with a crisp stride.
You led her out of the hanger and into the base proper, swiping a key-card to open the elevator. "Your security clearance is still in the works. We've recently restructured a few protocols after a breach occurred."
"A breach, Your Highness?" The woman asked, cocking her head as she stepped into the elevator. "Even as one of your mother's guards, I was unaware of such."
You snort casually, a sound that looks like it both shocks Villetta and makes her regret that it does not shock her
more. Probably another relic of her service under your mother. "There are a great number of things which go on here which I do my best to ensure no one is aware of. I disdain the idea that I am, somehow,
more innately special than many of my half-siblings in that regard, but the assertion is likely more true than not."
The question is obvious in Villetta's eyes as the elevator finishes dropping you to the fifth basement level, the bottom floor of the original base and the most secure area. A quick walk down a hallway, motion scanners remotely
pinging your identification tag block by block, and you arrive at your destination.
Sayoko is already standing to assume a deep bow, along with the rest of the staff within the room. Quite honestly, the entire space looks more like the bridge of a ship than the control room of a military base.
"Dame Nu, Shinozaki Sayoko. Sayoko, Villetta Nu. She's the first of Kallen's squadron to arrive. Shinozaki-
san, or Ms. Shinozaki if you prefer, is taking on an increasing measure of our security arrangements in addition to being personally in charge of the VIP details." You pause for a moment, locking eyes with Sayoko. "I'll ask that you give Dame Nu Briefing C to acquaint her with the base and its environs."
"Of course, Lelouch-
sama." Sayoko bows again, then turns to the knight. "Dame Nu, Briefing C will cover all non-classified subjects as well as the first tier of classified ones. In the future, Prince Lelouch will order a conduct review after you have properly settled in and demonstrated your value. Should it be found in keeping with your station, you will be moved to Briefing B, in which you will be informed of more sensitive subjects."
Villetta gave a sharp nod. "I understand, my lord. Ms. Shinozaki, if it would not inconvenience you to begin as soon as possible?"
Sayoko nods, looking to you. "With your leave, sire?"
"In a moment." You hold up a hand to stall proceedings. "Dame Nu, do understand that I...
care for Kallen a great deal. As much as my station allows me to, for that matter. I expect you to treat your position under her with the utmost seriousness. Am I understood?"
Under your gaze, Villetta snaps another salute, hitting her chest hard enough that you almost believe she might have a bruise over her heart tomorrow. "Crystal Clear, Your Highness! The Countess' welfare shall be my primary concern."
You nod, then turn to the door. "I'll leave you to Sayoko. I have a meeting to oversee Jaeger's proposal regarding the Gawain."
Current Banked Income: 23010 BRN
Current Annual Income: 7850 Britannian Royal Notes
Current Annual Upkeep: 3800 BRN
Intrigue: CHOOSE ONE
[ ] Bodyguard Plus: It has occurred to you, more than once in the past years, that you have a great number of VIPs which you must organize security around. This is not necessarily a strain on your resources, nor is it to expected to become one for some years given the security of your island base, but you do need to be mindful for the future. Cost: 300; Upkeep: 150; DC: 40; Rewards: More thorough coverage of Hero Units when off-base.
[ ] The New Heaven: So far, your only information as regards this potential attack comes from Minister Weber. You, however, have a number of resources at your disposal he does not even have an inkling of. You'll do your best to ferret out where the attack will target. Cost: 500; Upkeep: 0; DC: ???; Rewards: Knowledge of where the New Heaven Pirate Faction will attack, confirmation of attack plans.
[ ] Side Quest: With agents spread out across south-east Asia, Australia, and Indonesia, you have an immense head-start at building a new secret service to rival the OSI itself. Still, there are things going on in the world which require your attention
now, not
later. You'll just have to pick a suitable target. Cost: 300; Upkeep: 0; DC: Varies; Rewards: Select an espionage target to gain information and open further options, DC varies by target.
[X] Agent Activation: Finishes This Year.
[ ] Shadow Administration: Now that you're hiring a bunch of people to camouflage the fact that you're hiring a bunch of ninja-spies, you should actually get around to hiring those ninja-spies. Or, at least,
officially hiring the ones who are going to be telling the
unofficial ones what to do and process their reports. Cost: 400; Upkeep: 200; DC: 40; Rewards: 'Staff' hired to manage covert affairs.
Learning: CHOOSE TWO
[ ] Animal Testing: A purely psionic man-machine interface is an impressive and potentially ground-breaking technological advance. It's also dangerous. You've decided to move forward with animal testing to ensure nothing goes horribly wrong. Cost: 200; Upkeep: 100; DC: 60; Rewards: Ensure psionic computation prototypes won't automatically kill whoever you attach them to, human testing becomes easier.
[ ] Human Testing: Alternatively, you have faith in Jaeger's work and he proved himself to have at least
reasonably sound judgment last year. You'll give the okay to move forward with human testing, you only hope this isn't a tragic mistake. Cost: 500; Upkeep: 200; DC: 90; Rewards: Psionic computation prototypes move to production stage, actions become available to incorporate them into other technologies.
[ ] The Green Knight: You've recently come into possession of a sixth-generation KMF. The fifth generation, the Gloucester, was decidedly unimpressive. The Gawain, though, promises to be a different beast entirely. Letting Jaeger analyze it will likely yield interesting results. Cost: 500; Upkeep: 0; Time: 2 Years; DC: 50/70/90; Rewards: Unlock advanced technologies and the ability to design a unique KMF.
[ ] Ramjet Theory: Quite honestly, you can't use this technology. However, you
can sell it if you develop it properly. It might even net you a significant sum depending on the buyer. Hashima is certain of her ability to produce results, at least, and it's a significantly less
strange than some of Jaegar's technology. Cost: 800; Upkeep: 200; DC: 60; Time: 2 Years; Rewards: Development of a potentially valuable technology.
[ ] Environmental Hazards: Jaegar's specialty isn't disease, or poisonous animals, or sandstorms, but he has an extensive background as a researcher and the empire has an extensive body of research. Get him working on categorizing and outlining potential solutions for all of the problems your soldiers might face in the field. Cost: 200; Upkeep: 50; DC: 40; Rewards: Negate normal penalties from hazardous environments when fielding troops.
[ ] Ruin Delvers: Between what Jaegar remembers from his travels and what you've plundered from the depths of the orb, you can pinpoint a number of ancient sites of great importance... in a general way. You'll need to assemble a proper team to really explore these options, though. Cost: 300; Upkeep: 200; DC: 30; Rewards: Archaeologist team assembled.
[ ] Recruitment: All told, you have fewer than fifty people studying the 'magic of the mind.' In large part, this is because of your own wealth of expertise and inherited knowledge. However, if you ever want to actually put much of this theory into practice, you'll need to enlarge your operations substantially. Luckily, you've finished a basic training curricula. Cost: 600; Upkeep: 200; Time: 2 Years; DC: 60/80; Rewards: Build a pool of potentially powerful psionics to be used in other operations, Piety options increase.
[ ] Psionic Engineering: The simple fact is that a great many of the conveniences of the ancient society you remember have been outmoded by modern industrialization and digital devices which can be more easily mass produced. That doesn't mean the lessons of the past can't offer you anything, though. Cost: 200; Upkeep: 50; DC: 70; Rewards: Hybrid Psionic-Industrial/Digital Tech Tree, ???
[ ] Combat Training: Crowley's people are not fighters. They are the lucky winners of a chance lottery which has rewarded them with powers beyond their comprehension. You simply want to teach the how to more... practically apply those powers to real-world situations. Cost: 300; Upkeep: 100; DC: 50; Rewards: Begin applying psionic skills and abilities to combat fields.
[ ] The Crystalline Orb: After mining the complex tide of information contained within the orb itself, you have a very good idea of what it was meant to be: a repository of ancient culture and a form of technology nearly lost to time and an alien invasion. What you don't know, though, is what exactly the physical structure of the orb is meant to have been created from. Cost: 50; Upkeep: 0; DC: 60/100; Rewards: Unlock the origins of the physical materials of the orb, discover where it was hidden through the ages to the modern day.
[ ] Alchemical Practitioners: Even as your training of the first modern generation of alchemists reaches fruition, you can set them to practicing their new trade. While, in theory, they should be aiming to produce Sakuradite, that's the 'gold standard' of ancient psionic technology, so to speak. There are other, less difficult materials they could be crafting. Cost: 300; Upkeep: 100; DC: 60/80/100 Rewards: Potential for producing a variety of alchemical materials.
QM's Note: I think the opening could be better, but I'll let it pass I suppose. As always, please remember to use plan voting. As you didn't negotiate with the Ashfords, Kenshin's DCs haven't changed on the Gawain. If you move forward with it, though, you can expect to trade access to the tech for a number of favors with Milly or others.