Year 9 (Phase I) Results
Kallen's Squadron: 92+24=116 // Crit: 07+16= 23
It says something that you trusted Kallen almost to the same degree as your own full-blood sister or a subordinate who was so devoted to you it was almost impossible to believe. Kallen, was, in many ways an ideal knight to have at your side. She had few political ambitions, loved the rush of combat and the thrill of piloting, and most importantly, she was
extremely talented at it. Exceptional ability, as the Britannian saying went, meant exceptions could be made. Even for a half-breed, almost-bastard child who had to be kept away from imperial court at nearly all costs because of her quick temper, quicker wit, and yet quicker still right hook.
Even if she
would win the resultant duels, you didn't need that level of irritation in your life.
However, even the greatest of trusts can be called into question occasionally.
Ashley Ashra." You state, holding up the personnel file as you look your girlfriend dead in the eye. "Jeanne knew him from Euro-Britannia's war college. He was nearly expelled twice for participating in an underground fighting ring amongst the other students. One of his opponents had to be invalided out."
"He's also been cited for valor five times in border skirmishes with EU forces during the last year." Kallen replied. "Almost invariably, his superiors have petitioned for crimson shield awards for bravery under fire defending his fellow soldiers."
"He's a hothead with the decision-making capacity of a particularly angry pitbull." You shake your head, but hold up a hand. "Still, I honestly find him to be the
least concerning of your picks."
"Really?" Kallen blinks. "I would have thought that would've been
Villetta Nu."
You shake your head. "Her record is entirely clear of any problematic blemishes, but she's a pureblood Britannian born to family in Area Eight with explicit military and political ambitions." You pause meaningfully. "Her recommendation was also forwarded from Jeremiah Gottwald through my
Kallen crossed her arms, giving you a distinctly unimpressed look. "I want her for my second-in-command. While I'm not as bad as Ashra, I need someone level-headed enough to spot mistakes I'm making. She's also older than I am, which means she has more experience, but not enough that she will feel like she can overrule me."
"I suppose you also have adequate reasoning behind your other choices?" You asked, fanning the remaining files out in a smooth movement. "Marika Soresi and Lliana Vergamon are as young as Nunnally with only
half the apparent skills to recommend then. Neither have significant family connections, noble titles, or holdings."
"Okay, now I know something's up Lelouch." Kallen frowned, appearing actually concerned now. "You've never cared about that sort of thing and you
know I don't either. Even if those two
are young, they have room to grow. Being half as skilled as Nunnally, by the way, is still pretty impressive."
You snort and lay one leg across the other at the knee. "Mostly I just wanted to make sure you could adequately defend your own reasoning. I was never going to actually veto any of your selections given they're going to be under
your command."
Kallen blinked, then scowled. "My dad put you up to this, didn't he?"
You lean back and steeple your fingers. "Ask me no questions."
"Ugh." Kallen stood with a grunt. "Excuse me,
sire, I need to catch my plane and have a word with the Duke of Westhaven while I'm gathering my knights in Pendragon."
You sincerely don't pity the man.
"Oh, and Kallen?" You ask, holding up the final file. "I recognize the complaints put into
Sokkia's file were almost certainly false accusations brought on by her being, as some of her superiors felt, 'far too open regarding her sexual preferences,' but if I receive even one complaint I feel is legitimiate? I have more than enough pull to make sure she's posted to the Sheldron Drake Research Station in the Antarctic."
Kallen locks eyes with you again, and gives a sincere nod. "I'll make sure she understands."
You sigh and hit the intercom to order a light brunch be brought up.
Yes, there were occasions where trust could be called into question.
This, however, was not one of them.
Results: Red Queen's Squadron consists of potential combat aces, high skill, further (+10) to detached combat operations. Villetta provides Kallen with One rereoll per combat turn.
On the Prowl: 65+24=89(+15 Omake)= 104
To Be Continued in Combat Turn:
Into the Breach
Results: Automatically detect enemy fleet action, potential responses options increase, +30 Bonus to opening attacks, Greta Romano's SL Progresses (+1).
Area Eight: 79+25=104 // 69+04= 73
A visitation by royalty is normally a thing of pomp and celebration.
For once, you allow it.
With Kallen off to gather her hand-picked troops, you have Euphemia and Nunnally at your side, the former in a stunning pink dress and the latter in uniform with vi Britannia colors on her shoulders and breast. A short column of KMFs escort your procession down South London Avenue, a major shop-lined street you can envision being often used for various events and parades. Even with the relatively short notice, a moderately sized crowd has gathered along the Auckland street, which you and your sisters wave to the amassed spectators.
Along the way you take in the various food vendors, merchandise salesmen, and street performers from the safety of your bulletproofed-glass enclosure. Nunnally's squadron of knights has been cut in twain for the occasion, with Jeanne taking half of them to the front and Gino taking the remainder as rearguard. All-in-all, for something as hastily-planned and quickly put-together as this event was, it seems to have been a resounding success.
Nunnally sighs as she maintains her bright and cheery smile. "I should be in my sutherland with my men."
Your own smile twitches. "Dearest little sister, if I have to put up with this inanity, I'm not allowing you the comfort of a giant armored robot to deflect it."
"Shush, both of you." Euphemia reprimands the two of you lightly, her own expression placidly beatific in a way you've never quite cared to learn or practice.
You... can't find it in yourself to envy the skill or application thereof.
"Something like this is a great boon for Area Eight. They seldom ever receive visits from royalty, and very few of those appearances are public ones. The Marquis was obsequiously grateful for a chance to boost tourism to the degree this event will, especially given you're set to appear in the Indonesian Conference later this year and neither of you have exactly taken the time to create a public image for yourselves."
Your own and Nunnally's smiles turn just a shade more plastic.
Still, things are over soon enough. There is a speech at the end of your parade, a few quick words from yourself and Euphemia, while Nunnally bows out using her military standing as your subordinate to excuse her silence. You drone on for a solid ten minutes about looking forward to a prosperous relationship between yourself and the governor, ensuring safe transit around the Australian coast, and combating the pirate menace wherever it should rear its head. At the insistence of Euphie's hours-long lecture, you also drop a few hints here and there that you'll be a frequent visitor of Area Eight's attractions in the coming years.
Then, of course, there's a private reception even as a larger general buffet is opened for the public. You spend another few hours running the gauntlet of the Area's notables, shaking hands and complimenting women who think they have a chance of enticing you to put a ring on their finger.
Nunnally is an ice-cold presence by your side as a veritable menagerie of young studs attempt to woo her and you're reminded of the fact that Cornelia gave her a few tips and tricks on how to 'deal with' that type of suitor. Euphie, on the other hand, dances a fine line between flirtatious and dismissive over the course of the party. Finally,
finally, you leave the two in the care of each other and your bodyguards as you're invited by Hugo Eastbrook to his private study.
man himself is a gently-aging blonde wearing a pair of half-glasses with a suit that is deceptively-inexpensive. Cut to look like a sample of one of Pendragon's most elite and selective stores with a years-long waiting list, without the right connections at least, a few small mistakes leave you certain it's a much cheaper counterfeit.
After all, you're wearing the genuine article.
"Your Highness, I simply
must thank you for going to all of this trouble on my behalf again. If there's anything I can do to repay you..." The Marquis leaves the suggestion hanging as a servant steps up holding a menu of chilled, heated, and room temperature beverages. You absently select a fruit juice and tack another mark against the man. It's a relatively small faux pas, but he should have had a smaller selection present in the room for you to pick from immediately.
You'd initially taken Eastbrook to be a somewhat conniving, very corrupt, backroom dealer.
Now, you'll add sloppy, careless, and arrogant to the list of insults you'd serve him, should you care one whit about him in general.
"It seems odd to lead with an offer of repayment when you plan to ask yet more favors in the near future, governor." You reply cordially as you take a long smell of the juice you'd selected and content yourself with the fact that it isn't likely to be poisoned. Masking the move with simple appreciation for the flavor, you run through another trick or two you learned last year just to make sure.
"Ah, I suppose given the political climate in this part of the world it would be somewhat obvious what I planned to ask given the upcoming conference." He states with a simpering smile. "The business of Area Eight is just that, business. We are not an expansionist Area, but neither do certain significant figures under my authority wish to see Carbez grow to eclipse us."
"So you endeavored to bribe a prince to see if your objectives could be accomplished without showing your hand to the Countess." You reply as you pick over a batch of local sweets offered by another servant. At the man's strained expression, you wave the matter off as if it doesn't enrage you that this simpering idiot who allows himself to be controlled by
pirates. "It's certainly an ambitious plan, at least. What concerns me more, though, is the matter you had
originally asked to see me in regards to."
Eastbrook's facade cracks just a bit. "Ah, yes. There are a number of local entrepreneurs on the Australian mainland who, outside of Britannian rule of course, provide goods and services which would otherwise be unattainable for many in my Area. Even those items which
can be purchased here in New Zealand or in Tasmania often suffer significant markup which a third party might circumvent, at least partially."
By which, of course, he means that the pirates pay him a kickback for allowing them to fence stolen goods to local businesses and, you'd guess, even governmental services. The counterargument being that his practices are likely a large reason why the Area is so prosperous. He's successfully offloaded nearly all risk to foreign third-parties while retaining a profit margin based solely on doing as little as possible. You're almost impressed. Eastbrook is certainly nothing new in the Britannian Empire's massive political and administrative machine, you just wish he'd been slightly more creative and less exploitative about the entire thing.
Thankfully, the man is asking for quite a bit at the moment, which gives you more than enough room to negotiate a favorable deal for yourself. The only question is precisely what you'll agree to, if anything. After all, limiting Carbez' expansion is doubly in your favor, both because Schneizel asked you to do so and because you'd rather the woman not set her eyes on Australia for personal reasons. Such a thing would cost you nothing to promise.
Then there's the fact that if you move against the New Heaven this year, it's incredibly likely you'll be at war with one of the major pirate factions of Australia. Can you really afford to tacitly pick a fight with the minor powers on the continent's east coast while doing so?
Due to the high roll and attendance at events this year, you are already owed TWO Favors:
[ ] Services Rendered:
-[ ] Area Nine Territory Limitation.
-[ ] Non-Intervention with the Calico Cats & Cosa Nostra
-[ ] Area Eight Public Appearances (One Personal OR Diplomatic Action within 3 Years)
-[ ] Intimidation Tactics (One Personal OR Military Action within 3 Years)
[ ] The Payoff:
-[ ] A Cut of the Gross (+3000 Income for Ten Years//May be chosen more than once.)
-[ ] A Piece of the Pie (+20,000 One-Time Payment//May be chosen more than once.)
-[ ] Crown Jewels (A 20% cut of ownership in the Britannian-registered PMC.)
-[ ] Political Backing (Aid claiming Australian Territory when the times comes.)
-[ ] An Introduction (Bypass initial difficulties to bring Calico Cats & Cosa Nostra to the table.)
-[ ] Investment Options (Open up Actions in Area Eight.)
Results: Lelouch vi Britannia come to an understanding on their respective positions, details pending...
Area Nine: 60+25=85(+15 Omake)= 100
Your meeting with
Countess Emilia Carbez could not be more different.
is a reception for you, but it's a much more private affair. The gathering is closed to the public, Euphie and Nunnally stay back at New Caledonia, and Jeanne is on your arm as Kallen takes patrol duties in a KMF. Instead of a prince, you present yourself as a military commander, complete with a suitably ostentatious uniform. The sum total of your public remarks are a short address to the highest-tier of nobles and military commanders of the Area with an eye towards the details of your military operations locally.
You promise nothing, but say it in such a way which leaves all involved feeling reassured.
Afterwards, you and the countess retire to a quiet dinner as you're introduced to the countess' husband: Oswald Carbez is a hulking man who has retained a post in the Area's administration and who often serves as his wife's eyes, ears, and hands in situations where she cannot be personally present. To your great surprise, he and Jeanne hit it off almost immediately.
"Ah, yes, we've faced a fair number of difficulties filing the proper requisition forms this far out on the fringes of the Empire." Jeanne confides after the count relays his own dissatisfaction at the turnaround of certain documents. "I've found that it's far easier to send them through some of the independent holdings in Britannian-Africa or to bypass the bureaucracy by using the Stadtfelt shipments to carry independent couriers."
The bald man's eyes spark as his wife forestalls him with an upturned hand. "Dear, I'm not going to authorize private, corporate, couriers for official government documentation. His Highness' relationship with the duke's daughter allows a uniquely reliable and confidential understanding between them. We have no such ability."
The man droops slightly.
Later, after the meal, you finally come to brass tacks with the two.
"There is a great deal I could offer you for your aid in facilitating a beneficial understanding about the Confederation." Carbez states, then sighs. "But with the prevailing political climate and the involvement in the MEF, I've been a governor long enough to know the Empire's limitations, slight as thought they may be." Her expression turns sour. "Then there's the fact that snake Eastbrook has been courting you."
"You'll forgive me if I don't respond to such,
sadly, unverifiable slander against one of your fellow governors." You reply with a sympathetic look. "Just because our courses of action happen to intersect in the short term does not mean I am overly fond of the man."
Carbez sneers slightly, her expression tilted towards an ocean-facing window of her manor. "I would be greatly worried if you did." She snorts suddenly. "I don't suppose I can convince you to go after that bastard Weber's head, can I? There's a great deal of men and materiel I'd put forward for the effort."
Lelouch Rolls Diplomacy: 97+17=114
You're tempted to consider the bargain for a moment, but decide that the best way to deal with the forthright woman is to be forthright yourself. "Unfortunately, it's very likely that the New Heaven faction is going to launch a major offensive sometime later this year, possibly using the conference as a distraction. If such an attack comes to fruition, I'll almost certainly be committed militarily."
The woman sighs and nods. "Quite honestly, if the Blood would lay off international shipping in my Area I'd be able to extract myself from the situation to the satisfaction of the nobles here. I suppose it's too much to ask for a miracle, though."
You drain your glass of wine and set it aside, motioning for another as you think.
"There is a chance, in the extreme abstract, that I might be able to do something in that case." You admit slowly.
Carbez' eyebrows rise.
Results: Lelouch vi Britannia and Emeilia Carbez come to an understanding: if the Blood of L'Olannis will cease their attacks on ships within Area Nine's territorial waters, Carbez will deescalate.
Domestic Supplies: 04+26= 30
You rub at your eyes tiredly.
"I really need someone to run internal developments on the island."
Given your appointments with Carbez and Eastbrook this year, you'd been away far too much for your liking. Granted, it was only the fact that you were in those Areas which let you source the replacement supplies after the first shipments were lost to tropical storms. You really
had experienced a run of good luck so far in that regard, but you suppose all streaks had to end.
Results: Increased sustainable and self-sufficient food sourcing on New Caledonia, fewer penalties if supply lines disrupted. Cost Increases from 300 → 450 as a result of tropical storm damages.
Enlarge Docks: Completes This Year
The first year had largely been devoted to dredging out a primary deep water berth for certain vessels which would ground themselves on the shallow shoals of New Caledonia.
The second year had been a year of construction, of shipping in and dumping frankly egregious amounts of concrete treated to set itself underwater. As well as driving in foundation supports and the creation of a few new buildings on the island itself to help support the fleet your were building.
The third year,
this year, was a year of
blasting. Sadly, one of the coral reefs had to be
trimmed to properly allow your vessels to make port in a timely and safe manner. In addition to that, you'd marked off a few locations for true submarine docks against one of the cliff faces. Finally, though, as you stand on the new breakwater upon which the last few blocks of concrete were being poured, you could rest easily.
This was easily the largest project you'd undertaken to date, but it was
finally complete.
You at last had enough berths to safely dock the majority of your fleet in a safe harbor which would block the worst brunt of the region's storms.
Still, though, you couldn't help but feel for all that you had accomplished as yet, it was only just a start to what you had to look forward to.
Results: Docks Enlarged, Fleet remains in safe harbor while not in use or on patrol. Slight bonus to defense against assaults, opens more fortification actions.
QM's Note: Well, that took some effort to get done, but it's finished. Also, earlier than usual. However, I'm going to be holding an extended moratorium this time for people to propose ideas for Area 8's negotiation. Which means...