Year 9 (Phase I)
This year, Jeanne begins your weekly morning briefings on the state of your organization with breakfast in bed delivered by one of your attendants and while wearing a robe cut to end at the thigh. You have to admit that it's an intensely unethical abuse of power to utilize your relationship with your subordinate to have weekly romantic liaisons and then enjoy her private company the next morning. Still, as much as you have always tried to maintain a sense of professionalism and decorum... are also a Prince of Britannia, an empire self-declared in its decadence only to the Romans themselves.
At the very least, Kallen assure you that none of your
other subordinates suspect all that much. Which, considering that you've heard the gossip regarding the doe eyes Guilford looks to your sister with even half a world away, you'll take the achievement.
"Your Highness, another helping?" Jeanne asks, her sharp features unaccountably soft as she pierces another stack of pancakes on a fork to offer them to you.
Accepting the bite, you chew and swallow before taking a sip of your juice. "Dame Rowe, I
have explained my stance on the matter of using titles while we are at leisure. In fact, I believe I have explained such matters at great length and to great depth."
"As always, Your Highness, my apologies, but you will have to explain it at least once more." Jeanne states with a sly smile.
You give a faux put-upon sigh and decide, ultimately, to mark this own as one of Jeanne's quirks and stop trying to fight her on it. At least you didn't need a few bandages like you did when Kallen got especially
wild during your bedroom activities.
"Ah, Your Highness, I hate to interrupt your thoughts, but I do have our briefing to conduct." Jeanne states as you feeds you another forkful.
"I believe I've read all of the relevant documentation." You reply, seizing her fork and flipping it around to face her. Pushing the food into her open mouth with a grin, you shake your head. "You're recommending that I finally get around to either building up the KMF support system or green-lighting Kallen's squadron-building project if I plan to take an honor guard of knights with me to either of the conferences."
Jeanne swallows. "It
is within your rights as a Prince, sire."
"I'm not entirely sure bringing a squadron of knightmare frames to a peace conference sends the correct message." You reply dryly, but consider the matter a moment longer. "Although there is something to be said for a display of military power to make sure my voice is heard."
"Speaking of military power, sire, you also asked me to remind you of Prime Minister Weber's intelligence briefing on the movements of the New Heaven." Your subordinate states as she sets breakfast aside for a servant to retrieve. "If you truly believe the information to be credible, you may wish to hold the fleet at readiness."
You frowned thoughtfully. "I'll need to speak to Greta."
"Prince Lelouch."
"Admiral." You reply, looking out over the assembled vessels in dock. Four frigates and eight destroyer escort craft, three of which are on active patrol, all surround your flagship, the aircraft carrier
Emperor William. You'd wanted to choose another name, but... some traditions cost you little to follow, but a great deal to ignore. Sitting in dock, their formal births still incomplete, were three additional submarines which you could call upon at need as well.
"You have the flotilla doing exercises again?" You ask, rubbing at your chin.
"Yes sir." Greta replies with a sharp grin. "While the new boys and girls aren't quite broken in, the old workhorses have been kept ready for duty." She snorts lightly. "It will be strange transferring my flag to the flattop. Having an actual capital ship, even if it is a carrier, will be a nice change of pace though."
You shake your head at the admiral's... characteristic casualness. If she were serving under any other royal...
"You proposed a series of wargames this year?" You ask instead, knowing the matter is largely a lost cause.
"Either that, I suppose, or we get ready to fight the New Heaven if they end up making a move." Greta responds thoughtfully. "That's if you want to do anything at all, though. These boys and girls
are green, sir. It might be better to wait a year to let them familiarize themselves with the vessels and do the break-in runs."
"I'll take the matter under advisement." You assure her. "Regardless, as long as the flotilla is ready for action, we should have at least a token response to any problems which arise."
You leave it unspoken, but sometimes, politically, a token response is all you need.
"If there are any pressing issues with the final procurements, let me know. Otherwise, I have a few proposals from my sister to look over." You state as you take your leave, internally pondering whether or not you're going to stiff the governors for another year or finally cave to their invitations. If you decide to ignore them, though, with the conference this year, it's likely better to disregard the matter entirely. Attempting to mend bridges after deciding the fate of a neighboring polity without any input from them would be salt on an open wound. Duels have been fought over less.
You sigh and make your decision...
Current Banked Income: 4560 BRN (Turn 9 Phase I Start
Current Annual Income: 4850 Britannian Royal Notes
Current Annual Upkeep: 3600 BRN
[ ] Knight Support: Knightmare Frames are a revolutionary weapon on the battlefield, but they are not the sole implement of warfare. Like squires of old, modern knights need support crews fitted with weapons of their own and personnel carriers and equipment to help guard the mechanical bipeds from direct assault by infantry and do field repairs. Cost: 300; Upkeep: 150; DC: 20; Rewards: Increased effectiveness of KMF units, remove penalties in some combat situations.
[ ] Kallen's Squadron: Now that Sutherlands have been out for a year or two and the immediate demands of the army have been met, you'll be able to secure a few more units for Kallen to build a personal squadron. It will be a small unit, but composed of elite pilots under her tutelage and command as both your personal problem-solvers and guards on the field of battle. Cost: 300; Upkeep: 100; DC: 60; Rewards: Increase personal survival on the battlefield, Elite problem-solving unit.
[ ] War Games: You have an entire new fleet to break in and not much time to do it. If you don't take Weber's warning at face value, you might as well put them through their paces. You'll spend the year planning out a more formal doctrine and getting your new sailors used to operating these ships properly. Cost: 200; Upkeep: 50; DC: 40; Rewards: Fleet occupies itself doing something productive, Possible Bonuses dependent on rolls; chance of Greta's SL progressing.
[ ] Amphibious Training: You have ships and giant mecha. The problem is getting the latter off of the former in combat situations, usually while under fire. That is a far more difficult proposition than what many consider. Cost: 200; Upkeep: 100; DC: 40; Rewards: Retrain knights and retool equipment to properly handle amphibious landings, remove penalties in those instances.
[ ] On the Prowl: While you don't specifically have actionable intelligence, you have been informed by Prime Minister Weber that the New Heaven pirate faction is planning a large-scale raid sometime soon. It might be a little expensive, but you can order your fleet at full readiness during regular intervals. Cost: 600; Upkeep: 0; DC: 40; Rewards: Increased readiness in the event of a large pirate attack, chance of Greta's SL Progressing.
Diplomacy: CHOOSE TWO
[ ] See a Girl About a Robot: It's not that you doubt Dr. Jaeger, it's just that you have to continually remind yourself that the man is a genius in addition to being mad as a hatter. Somehow, as with all bizarre situations in your life, the solution seems to be to call Millicent Ashford. Cost: 300; Upkeep: 0, DC: 45; Rewards: Partner with the Ashford Conglomerate to analyze the Gawain, lower difficulty checks for Gawain Learning Action, Slight Chance for Milly's SL to Progress.
[ ] Refugee Crisis: Normally, a matter like this wouldn't concern you, save for the fact that a great many of the refugees Ethiopia is trying to export have psionic potential. Also, opening your borders to them will stop Euphie from giving you that pitiable look. Cost: 600; Upkeep: 100; DC: 30/60/90; Rewards: Potential pool of variable quality psionic candidates to recruit from, increased civilian population, Slight chance of Euphie's SL Progressing.
[ ] Pirates: In theory, at least, not all of the local pirate groups are a scourge to humanity. Some are merely
dark gray private military contractors who would be amenable to opening talks to ensure they don't move against you. There's even the chance that you could get one of them attack another. 'Honor among thieves' must have its price-tag after all. Cost: 300; Upkeep: 0; Variable; DC: 50; Rewards: Use Walpurgis contacts to get a pirate group on your side, triggers mini-turn. ACTION USES INTRIGUE BONUS.
[ ] Area Eight: The Viceroy of the South Pacific, the Marquis Hugo von Eastbrook, has indicated a desire to meet with you at your leisure. Everything you know about the matter suggests a lack of urgency, but perhaps it is best to see what the man wants to talk about? Besides New Zealand is a very popular tourist destination, you're sure it will be a beautiful. Cost: 100; Upkeep: 0; DC: 40; Rewards: Information regarding ???.
[ ] Area Nine: The Viceroy of the West Pacific, the Countess Emilia Carbez, has indicated a desire to meet with you at your leisure. Everything you know about the matter suggests a lack of urgency, but perhaps it is best to see what the man wants to talk about? Besides New Guinea is a very popular tourist destination, you're sure it will be a beautiful. Cost: 100; Upkeep: 0; DC: 40; Rewards: Information regarding ???.
Stewardship: CHOOSE ONE
[X] Enlarge Docks: Completes this year.
[ ] Domestic Supplies: It has come to your attention that your base imports all of your supplies, in particular food. While New Caledonia isn't exactly awash with fertile farmland and your stores will hold out should a shipment or two be delayed, an introduction of modern vertical farming and the sponsoring of a small fishing industry would be a welcome supplement. Cost: 300; Upkeep: 100; Time: 2 Years; DC: 30/60; Rewards: Domestic food supply, Possibility for Income Gain, start economic activity among the civilian population.
[ ] Watchtowers: Given that a pirate fleet has already shown up near your island, prompted by external backers or not, you should really start getting an early warning system in place. Given your actions two years ago, this project will be easier now with roads to many of the locations where towers would be ideal. Cost: 300; Upkeep: 100; DC: 60; Rewards: Bonus to detect enemy units entering airspace or territorial waters.
[ ] Resource Exploitation: Frankly, you've just been too busy with the plethora of other tasks to actual scout your island for valuable minerals or ores. There's a solution to that, though: outsourcing. This year you'll accept bids from various companies that want to exploit the resources of your domain. Cost: 0; Upkeep: 0; DC: Variable; Rewards: Yearly Income Increase dependent on roll.
[ ] Japanese Investments: It's not a great surprise that the Japanese market is being swamped with foreign investors after their announcement last year. Speculation is rampant and a bubble is rapidly forming, though given that construction has already commenced on the project, you can't be sure it isn't legitimate economic growth. Or both. Cost: 600; Upkeep: 0; DC: Variable; Rewards: Yearly Income Increase dependent on roll.
QM's Note: Okay, it's not quite what I wanted, but close enough. My eyes keep watering from the damn allergies so I'll call it finished.