Mirriam Grave
The Bemused. The Amused. The Unstable.
- Location
- The edge of a point.
[X] Plan: Noblesse Oblige
Those 'pirates' number in the millions. All the groups big enough for us to know about have at minimum their own major city, with all the resources and infrastructure needed to sustain it.Yes. Risky investments that could collapse. And Australia will not be a gold mine of resources. For the simple reason that except for the pirates and natives it is not inhabited. To get at those resources will require decades of infrastructure buildup.
So you incorrectly assume. We are going to have problems with these people. Our long term aims clash with theirs. So we can either ignore them now and deal with them when we are an Area Governor in our own right. Or we can screw ourselves over placating then now and still need to deal with them once we claim Australia as our Area.You are ignoring the level of potential future problems they can cause.
You assume the deal only covers direct military action. Area 8 wants to ensure that business continues as usual from those cities. They will object equally whether we conquer by martial or intrigue.The only deal we are not interested in is the Area 9 deal. The Area 8 deal is something that we might want to take here, as +3000 to our income in exchange for ignoring two pirate groups that we could subvert in time (and are also not our highest priority when it comes to trying to eliminate in case we can't make use of them) is quite a good deal from my point of view.
Now you are going from Zero Requiem to Schneizel's Damocles plan. Peace through superior firepower. The problem is that unless we rebel we won't be able to use them against the Area governors. And while that is happening we will be distracted from production of those Knightmares due to problems closer to home.Making mass-produced versions of Gawain (enhanced with at least psionic controls) will be a big step forward in our own military power. Flying Knightmares equipped with Hadron weaponry should give pause to most enemies, which is why I felt confident enough to make my plan.
If Euphie gets into a snit about not taking in refuges when we have no way of feeding or housing them then we should really look into a replacement for her.I really don't like the idea of not taking the refugee action, it seems the sort of thing to piss of Euphy to say that the refugees can sit where they are till it's convenient for us to help them.
And most assume that the meeting is ONLY about the deals. There is a lot more. Indonesia situation to get them on board with Schneizel goals. The issue we built a port that is a competition to them in terms of size.So you incorrectly assume. We are going to have problems with these people. Our long term aims clash with theirs. So we can either ignore them now and deal with them when we are an Area Governor in our own right. Or we can screw ourselves over placating then now and still need to deal with them once we claim Australia as our Area.
You assume the deal only covers direct military action. Area 8 wants to ensure that business continues as usual from those cities. They will object equally whether we conquer by martial or intrigue.
And here we go with delusions about our capabilities.also IDGAF about the governers. We can just have them assassinated if they become a problem, we have a better intrigue network than anyone other than the empire itself plus we have strong connections in the empires intrigue network. On top of that we are a prince with all the clout that provides, unless the emperor himself finds out about this and is disapproving we are fine.... and To be honest? I HIGHLY doubt he would disapprove.
[X] Plan: Noblesse Oblige with a twist!
-[X] Kallen's Squadron: Now that Sutherlands have been out for a year or two and the immediate demands of the army have been met, you'll be able to secure a few more units for Kallen to build a personal squadron. It will be a small unit, but composed of elite pilots under her tutelage and command as both your personal problem-solvers and guards on the field of battle. Cost: 300; Upkeep: 100; DC: 60; Rewards: Increase personal survival on the battlefield, Elite problem-solving unit.
[X] War Games: You have an entire new fleet to break in and not much time to do it. If you don't take Weber's warning at face value, you might as well put them through their paces. You'll spend the year planning out a more formal doctrine and getting your new sailors used to operating these ships properly. Cost: 200; Upkeep: 50; DC: 40; Rewards: Fleet occupies itself doing something productive, Possible Bonuses dependent on rolls; chance of Greta's SL progressing.
-[X] See a Girl About a Robot: It's not that you doubt Dr. Jaeger, it's just that you have to continually remind yourself that the man is a genius in addition to being mad as a hatter. Somehow, as with all bizarre situations in your life, the solution seems to be to call Millicent Ashford. Cost: 300; Upkeep: 0, DC: 45; Rewards: Partner with the Ashford Conglomerate to analyze the Gawain, lower difficulty checks for Gawain Learning Action, Slight Chance for Milly's SL to Progress.
-[X] Refugee Crisis: Normally, a matter like this wouldn't concern you, save for the fact that a great many of the refugees Ethiopia is trying to export have psionic potential. Also, opening your borders to them will stop Euphie from giving you that pitiable look. Cost: 600; Upkeep: 100; DC: 30/60/90; Rewards: Potential pool of variable quality psionic candidates to recruit from, increased civilian population, Slight chance of Euphie's SL Progressing.
-[X] Watchtowers: Given that a pirate fleet has already shown up near your island, prompted by external backers or not, you should really start getting an early warning system in place. Given your actions two years ago, this project will be easier now with roads to many of the locations where towers would be ideal. Cost: 300; Upkeep: 100; DC: 60; Rewards: Bonus to detect enemy units entering airspace or territorial waters.
-[X] Enlarge Docks: Completes this year.
doing war games instead of on the prowl to help increase the effectiveness of our fleet. With the watchtowers we should be relatively safe from surprise attack.
also IDGAF about the governers. We can just have them assassinated if they become a problem, we have a better intrigue network than anyone other than the empire itself plus we have strong connections in the empires intrigue network. On top of that we are a prince with all the clout that provides, unless the emperor himself finds out about this and is disapproving we are fine.... and To be honest? I HIGHLY doubt he would disapprove.
............... i never mentioned intelligence dude.... i said intrigue so calm yo tits.Our "intelligence network' is still forming and is limited to local area due to being almost completely Japanese. Most Britannians surely surround themselves with Japanese. They only look like Britannian high society members.
Slayer stated again and again that we can break the law but only if don't get CAUGHT. If we do daddy dearest will slap us down. Heavily. We got a direct warning against meddling with Britannia internal politics in such way after the Stadtfeld incident.
As for the quality of our spies. You do remember how they did against established Britannian security during our little war games against Euphy's mother?
And us being an "intrigue god" in the area. You do remember that everyone suspects Area 8 governor of being dirty and working with pirates but there being not a shred of proof? Wanting to go against someone with a local ESTABLISHED network that good at covering his ass is hard. Especially when we have multiple other enemies to deal with.
........... that is a fair point and will fix that weakness immediately.Same problem as the original Noblesses Oblige plan... not taking Domestic Supplies while also taking Refugee Crisis, which means we strain our food supply and since we do not secure our food supply with farming, we are vulnerable to having the Organization cut off our food supply in order to cause us problems.
While I admited in my post that I was worried about some parts, I wasn't much worried about us getting into direct conflict with the governors, just their pawns (which would have been mostly pirates). And sincerely doubt about their ability to "lose" 7th Generation Knightmares that would be later found in the hands of pirates without some major political shit-storm. Also, I didn't plan on them being assassinated, just otherwise being targeted by our more our subtle assets, like being actually caught on actual criminal activity with enough charges that their activities are at least limited to forseeable future.Now you are going from Zero Requiem to Schneizel's Damocles plan. Peace through superior firepower. The problem is that unless we rebel we won't be able to use them against the Area governors. And while that is happening we will be distracted from production of those Knightmares due to problems closer to home.
Problems with getting supplies due to businesses in nearby areas not willing to work with us or jacking up prices heavily.
And if those super knightmares are produced on the mainland? Political pressure to make sure we are pushed down the queue due to the number of enemies we gained. Do you think being an Area Governor is possible without allies at court is possible? And I doubt deal old dad would interfere. He would say us this is a learning experience of not making enemies of people you can't kill off and can mess with you in subtle ways. And if the Ashfords try the same trick as with the Sutherlands again it could cause them intensive problems.
And even if that does not happen. There is always the possibility of "pirates" taking the shipment due to intel that Area 8 governor slips them. That would be rather embarrassing for us.
And that is also ignoring the fact we a re looking at a minimum of 4-5 years before production could start in which we would have actively hostile neighbors messing with our plans.
Intelligence network = our Intrigue operatives. Both offensive and defensive................ i never mentioned intelligence dude.... i said intrigue so calm yo tits.
also i never mentioned spies either. I know ours are only meh at best. However our assassins are world class and can easily go up against just about any other organization. The only significant danger and i admit it is a danger, is if the empire's intelligence network realizes we were the one who killed them. And yes there is the chance of it failing, but I am more than willing to bet on out ninja's beating any bodyguards either of the governors might have.
I meant that a shipment going to us ends up being taken by pirates due to Area 8 governor getting the schedule and helping to organize the theft with "pirate" patsies. Then the egg would be on our face for loosing state of the art military equipment. It is one of the Intrigue actions that could be used against us. Or tie up our ships as escorts while pirates attack some targets making our anti piracy operations look ineffective.And sincerely doubt about their ability to "lose" 7th Generation Knightmares that would be later found in the hands of pirates without some major political shit-storm.
Right now I would like to grab Shadow Administration in Intrigue so Lelouch doesn't get overworked with all the reports coming from the activated agents. In Learning I would like to continue our psionic development with Animal Testing and either get Archeologist finally or work on Hashima's projects for money making. It all depends how actions in phase 1 will influence our budget. The tech developed from Jaeger research could really give us attention and money from imperial organizations. I want to finish both testing actions and develop Improved Detector to sell before we switch our focus.That being said, I did say I was worried about other parts (like the Indonesian-Chinese conference), and continue to be so. If we do not take Ashford -assistance this turn, and so presumably push back Gawain's analysis by one year, what do you think we should take on this turn for Learning? I was thinking about of finally getting those archeologists (especially if we take the orb-action in Piety at the same time), and maybe starting on Hashima's project so that we get more income. It would push back our primary psionics studies by at least a year (probably two if we start studying Gawain in the next year), yes, but it might still be necessary with our current lack of income.
There might even be a Learning option to create a KMF research team in house with a higher cost and without a chance of Milly getting a SL increase but allowing us to get more income from researching the tech.---Psionic Teaching Standards (Requires Dedicated Campus, ???)
Hmmm. While I do hate switching out of a plan that I made myself, you make too much sense in this case for me to continue to defend it. And your plans to the next phase if your plan wins seem reasonable. Switching my vote:Right now I would like to grab Shadow Administration in Intrigue so Lelouch doesn't get overworked with all the reports coming from the activated agents. In Learning I would like to continue our psionic development with Animal Testing and either get Archeologist finally or work on Hashima's projects for money making. It all depends how actions in phase 1 will influence our budget. The tech developed from Jaeger research could really give us attention and money from imperial organizations. I want to finish both testing actions and develop Improved Detector to sell before we switch our focus.
For Piety I would like to start on our alchemists so they can start paying for themselves. And either the Orb or finishing our technique library with combat training. If we get combat training and start our alchemy program we might be able to work on training psionics from our population. Of course that might require this from Jeager tree: