[X]Plan: For the future and power
-[X] Kallen's Squadron: Now that Sutherlands have been out for a year or two and the immediate demands of the army have been met, you'll be able to secure a few more units for Kallen to build a personal squadron. It will be a small unit, but composed of elite pilots under her tutelage and command as both your personal problem-solvers and guards on the field of battle. Cost: 300; Upkeep: 100; DC: 60; Rewards: Increase personal survival on the battlefield, Elite problem-solving unit.
-[X] War Games: You have an entire new fleet to break in and not much time to do it. If you don't take Weber's warning at face value, you might as well put them through their paces. You'll spend the year planning out a more formal doctrine and getting your new sailors used to operating these ships properly. Cost: 200; Upkeep: 50; DC: 40; Rewards: Fleet occupies itself doing something productive, Possible Bonuses dependent on rolls; chance of Greta's SL progressing.
These two I think are very advantageous, the Kallen squad will protect us until we have Gawain in our control and the war games will prepare our navy to face the pirates and the subsequent fight with Australia...moreover, progress the Greta's SL is not bad
-[X] See a Girl About a Robot: It's not that you doubt Dr. Jaeger, it's just that you have to continually remind yourself that the man is a genius in addition to being mad as a hatter. Somehow, as with all bizarre situations in your life, the solution seems to be to call Millicent Ashford. Cost: 300; Upkeep: 0, DC: 45; Rewards: Partner with the Ashford Conglomerate to analyze the Gawain, lower difficulty checks for Gawain Learning Action, Slight Chance for Milly's SL to Progress.
-[X] Area Eight: The Viceroy of the South Pacific, the Marquis Hugo von Eastbrook, has indicated a desire to meet with you at your leisure. Everything you know about the matter suggests a lack of urgency, but perhaps it is best to see what the man wants to talk about? Besides New Zealand is a very popular tourist destination, you're sure it will be a beautiful. Cost: 100; Upkeep: 0; DC: 40; Rewards: Information regarding ???.
I think it's time to see what the ruler of area eight wants, his agreement doesn't hinder what we intend to do while that of area nine is bad and I think we can take it easy if she becomes an "enemy" and prepares Gawain is perfect ... because it is Gawain, a perfect Knightmare for Lelouch to operate, in addition to speeding up the process to produce 7th generation knightmares faster
Yes, I like Refugee Crisis, but I don't think this will go away quickly and we can wait until the next shift for this
-[X] Enlarge Docks: Completes this year.
-[X] Domestic Supplies: It has come to your attention that your base imports all of your supplies, in particular food. While New Caledonia isn't exactly awash with fertile farmland and your stores will hold out should a shipment or two be delayed, an introduction of modern vertical farming and the sponsoring of a small fishing industry would be a welcome supplement. Cost: 300; Upkeep: 100; Time: 2 Years; DC: 30/60; Rewards: Domestic food supply, Possibility for Income Gain, start economic activity among the civilian population.
This is simple, we will improve our access to food to prepare for Refugee Crisis, in addition to starting greater economic activities on the island