Semper Ad Meliora (Code Geass/Britannian Royalty Quest)

[X] Plan Multilateral Backing
-[X] Services Rendered:
--[X] Area Nine Territory Limitation.
--[X] Area Eight Public Appearances (One Personal OR Diplomatic Action within 3 Years)
-[X] The Payoff:
--[X] A Cut of the Gross (+3000 Income for Ten Years//May be chosen more than once.)
--[X] A Piece of the Pie (+20,000 One-Time Payment//May be chosen more than once.)
--[X] Crown Jewels (A 20% cut of ownership in the Britannian-registered PMC.)
--[X] Political Backing (Aid claiming Australian Territory when the times comes.)
[X] Plan Multilateral Backing

I'm iffy about the artifacts. But it's true that the chance of synergy is decent.

Eh... But now I feel less lucky...
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I meant more along the lines of if:
1. Will we need more expansions to the port to increase our navy (did we include space for naval expansions)?
2. Will any income increasing options become available thanks to the expansion?
1) No, that was the entire point of expanding the docks. Without doing so, the Aircraft carrier wouldn't have fit.
2) Yes, next turn some will become available.
I am against taking the Relics of the Past option. Even with the whole "roll 1D100 3 times and take the best roll", we could wind up getting nothing of use out of that option and waste a favor for nothing. Also, even if we do roll high on that option, I feel like we have enough stuff to do in the Piety section, and we really shouldn't make it even more bloated than it already is (even if it isn't as bloated as our Learning section).

If we consider it acceptable to risk letting La Cosa Nostra and Calico Cats think of us as hostile to their interest by not taking An Introduction, then Thomasfoolery's proposed set of option (which I've turned into a plan under the name of Multilateral Backing) is a better plan than Australian Crown Pie, as additional Income is more useful than the mytery box that is Relics of the Past, because upkeep is one of our bigger limitations when it comes to what actions we can pick.
[X] Plan Multilateral Backing

Money makes the world go round. And even if we don't spend all of said cash, it'll pad our bank accoundts for the later point when we do need to spend it.
[X] Plan: Australian Crown Pie

The money is tempting...but the chance at unearthing something useful is simply too good to pass up. Though to be fair I may be biased due to my current work drafting an Omake for a potential Ruin delver character...depending on Slayer's verdict on its canonicity. And before anyone asks the character is neither an Indiana Jones or Laura Croft expy.
I am against taking the Relics of the Past option. Even with the whole "roll 1D100 3 times and take the best roll", we could wind up getting nothing of use out of that option and waste a favor for nothing. Also, even if we do roll high on that option, I feel like we have enough stuff to do in the Piety section, and we really shouldn't make it even more bloated than it already is (even if it isn't as bloated as our Learning section).
Seeing that at least some of us are planning to take Ruin Delvers, I don't think we will be avoiding potential bloat there anyway. Besides, it is likely that not all artifacts include a tech-tree of their own, or that even if they do, that we can't use them without researching them first.

I would guess, for example, that they might be things like weapons that we could give to Lelouch and his ninja-bodyguards without further action-investement. Which, in turn, could mean the difference between life and death, or at least major setbacks in some rolls.

And even if they do give us further actions to complete, we can take time with them if needed.
Year 9 (Phase I) Results
A ragtag bunch of aces.
An upcoming battle.
A corrupt slime-ball only interested in spreading corruption.
An actually reasonable governor.
And a shipping near miss.

Good results.

Now might be a good time to consider our stance regarding La Cosa Nostra and Calico Cats, and what exactly do we want to do with those pirate groups. If we want to subvert or ally with at least one of those two pirate groups, we might want to consider taking An Introduction as one of our favors here.
Ultimately? We want them destroyed. Neither black-market trade nor law-free tourism are desirable long term. Short term they aren't powerful enough to be worth allying with or active enough to squash. When we own most of the continent and have a stronger military we can just sail in, claim the place and set our ninja to cleaning up.

[X] Plan: Australian Crown Pie
Solid plan, good reasoning.
I'm not entirely convinced the relics are worth an Action. Personals are always in extreme demand and we intend quite a lot of diplomacy in the near future.

[X] Plan Multilateral Backing
Given we will be taking action to cripple the revenue stream the +income comes from I'm very much against spending an action to get it.

[X] Plan: Australian Crown Pie
1) No, that was the entire point of expanding the docks. Without doing so, the Aircraft carrier wouldn't have fit.
So if we buy a second or third aircraft carrier to make our fleet match the numbers of fleet formations the pirates have the cost of extra berths will be included in the fleet expansion action? That what I was curious about since we spend a lot of Stewardship actions on Military expansions instead of working on expanding our income.
Okay, I'm going to be fading out now. You guys stay civil and sane.
This is SV. Civil is within our abilities. Sanity is asking for the impossible:).
I would guess, for example, that they might be things like weapons that we could give to Lelouch and his ninja-bodyguards without further action-investement. Which, in turn, could mean the difference between life and death, or at least major setbacks in some rolls.
I really want Lelouch to gain something like the flying disk of death that Carine got some time ago.
Not to mention we might get lucky and gain tools for our alchemy or more information that can be used (and that we can access due to our knowledge) that we can use to get an in with the Geass Directorate and Charles inner circle. The more proof we can gather of the ancient space war the easier we can gain support for our projects. If we can get Schneizel onboard it will be a great boon. If we can point people at a threat it makes it easier to make them work together.
The hunt for more information/proof is one of the reasons I want to take Ruin Delvers this turn.
The only comment I'll make on the Cosa Nostra & Calico Cats is the fact that, as Lelouch considered in the OP for this turn, not doing something can be just as vocal a statement as doing it.
So really, by meeting with their patsy/facilitator, and not mentioning them at all, we'd be demonstrating that we have absolutely zero intention of working with them. We have an obvious in, if we don't take it we wouldn't be willing to treat with them under most circumstances.

In that case, the meetings probably worthwhile unless we can use snubbing them to our advantage.
If anyone is interested in a plan that does take An Invitation as one of our favours, here are 3 possible plans that include that option (just make sure to X the plan you want to take if you are the first person to vote for that plan):

[] Plan Path Towards Subversion
-[] Services Rendered:
--[] Area Nine Territory Limitation.
--[] Area Eight Public Appearances (One Personal OR Diplomatic Action within 3 Years)
-[] The Payoff:
--[] A Cut of the Gross (+3000 Income for Ten Years//May be chosen more than once.)
--[] Crown Jewels (A 20% cut of ownership in the Britannian-registered PMC.)
--[] Political Backing (Aid claiming Australian Territory when the times comes.)
--[] An Introduction (Bypass initial difficulties to bring Calico Cats & Cosa Nostra to the table.)

[] Plan Path Towards Subversion A1
-[] Services Rendered:
--[] Area Nine Territory Limitation.
--[] Area Eight Public Appearances (One Personal OR Diplomatic Action within 3 Years)
-[] The Payoff:
--[] A Piece of the Pie (+20,000 One-Time Payment//May be chosen more than once.)
--[] Crown Jewels (A 20% cut of ownership in the Britannian-registered PMC.)
--[] Political Backing (Aid claiming Australian Territory when the times comes.)
--[] An Introduction (Bypass initial difficulties to bring Calico Cats & Cosa Nostra to the table.)

[] Plan Path Towards Subversion A2
-[] Services Rendered:
--[] Area Nine Territory Limitation.
--[] Area Eight Public Appearances (One Personal OR Diplomatic Action within 3 Years)
-[] The Payoff:
--[] A Cut of the Gross (+3000 Income for Ten Years//May be chosen more than once.)
--[] A Piece of the Pie (+20,000 One-Time Payment//May be chosen more than once.)
--[] Crown Jewels (A 20% cut of ownership in the Britannian-registered PMC.)
--[] An Introduction (Bypass initial difficulties to bring Calico Cats & Cosa Nostra to the table.)
[X] Plan Multilateral Backing

Why gamble on results for psionics when we have more than enough juicy options already on the table? The governor is not stated to be especially interested in such topics and Slayer said such
finds would have been left alone for the last two decades. The table for getting something worthwhile sound majorly screwed against us.

Getting 3000 more income for some turns looks far more enticing.
Not voting for it myself, but if people really think we need a lot of money...

[ ] Plan: All The Money
[ ] Services Rendered:
-[ ] Area Nine Territory Limitation.
-[ ] Area Eight Public Appearances (One Personal OR Diplomatic Action within 3 Years)
[ ] The Payoff:
-[ ] A Cut of the Gross (+3000 Income for Ten Years//May be chosen more than once.)
-[ ] A Cut of the Gross (+3000 Income for Ten Years//May be chosen more than once.)
-[ ] A Piece of the Pie (+20,000 One-Time Payment//May be chosen more than once.)
-[ ] A Piece of the Pie (+20,000 One-Time Payment//May be chosen more than once.)
[X] Plan Multilateral Backing
-[X] Services Rendered:
--[X] Area Nine Territory Limitation.
--[X] Area Eight Public Appearances (One Personal OR Diplomatic Action within 3 Years)
-[X] The Payoff:
--[X] A Cut of the Gross (+3000 Income for Ten Years//May be chosen more than once.)
--[X] A Piece of the Pie (+20,000 One-Time Payment//May be chosen more than once.)
--[X] Crown Jewels (A 20% cut of ownership in the Britannian-registered PMC.)
--[X] Political Backing (Aid claiming Australian Territory when the times comes.)
Always need more money to build our forces