Semper Ad Meliora (Code Geass/Britannian Royalty Quest)

We want to rule the stars.

Having others get a head-start means we can steal their research to move our timetable ahead or we can make sure nobody bothers with spaceflight in-till we have the ability to send up spacecraft that will blow up any of their attempts.

Long-term I think its best to be the only person able to get into space. Future space colonies will be under our direct rule and as long as we have that it does not matter who the Emperor is as in the long run we win.
...Okay, ummm. What do we actually want to happen on the international stage regarding space exploration and exploitation? I admit I'm kind of hitting a blank here.
Well we obviously can't tell them we're doing it to get the lunar ruins of ancient humanity. Personally I'm inclined to think that scientific research might be the way to go. My reasoning is that the other powers interested in space would focus on earth orbit and microgravity, leaving the moon as a further off target, which MIGHT buy us time. But remember we also gotta get up Weather, Communications, and GPS stuff alongside spy satellites which was a game changer during the Cold War
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Would be a good time to discuss what, exactly, are our aims regarding this conference, so that we may have a better idea as to what option should we go for regarding our introductory speech for the Tunguska Conference.

Also, a list of some of the other rewards we're getting out of the whole affair regarding the Indonesian Conference (aside from those we are already aware of, based on snippets from this update):
  • Two private planes, one for us and one for Nunnally (" Milly rolls her eyes as she step further into your private plane; the Henge Air Model 766 was a favored conveyance of the Britannian elite for a reason, as well as an extravagance you'd never really afforded yourself. The people you associated with simply weren't the kind to be impressed by enjoying a soak in a hot tube while thousands of feet in the air. ", " Nunnally will vastly enjoy the new custom knightmare frame, and indeed use it more, than her own plane ");
  • One custom knightmare frame for Nunnally (" Nunnally will vastly enjoy the new custom knightmare frame, and indeed use it more, than her own plane ");
  • One battleship and two cruisers (" Of course, the battleship and pair of cruisers your father had given you weren't new, but refurbished last-generation warships were still extremely powerful, especially from a former powerhouse of the second fleet such as the Victor zi Britannia. ").
The Victor zi Britannia. 😑 How much grief is Marianne giving Charles over this choice of ship? Especially since she and V.V. still don't get along, even here.

Technically, it could be named after Charles' father (whose name is unknown), since I doubt V.V.'s existence is public knowledge (besides maybe as a piece of historical trivia as Charles "deceased older brother, killed during the Emblem of Blood")
We want to rule the stars.

Having others get a head-start means we can steal their research to move our timetable ahead or we can make sure nobody bothers with spaceflight in-till we have the ability to send up spacecraft that will blow up any of their attempts.

Long-term I think its best to be the only person able to get into space. Future space colonies will be under our direct rule and as long as we have that it does not matter who the Emperor is as in the long run we win.
I am getting distinct iron blooded orphan vibes here, if we do manage to get immortality and colonize the stars let's not piss off Earth they have lots of resources we might find valuable in space.
[ ][LX] Take him in, regardless of risk, Xingke is a valuable piece on his own.

He's a valuable in, I think we should take him.

[ ][AL] Euro-Britannian Hosts
[ ][AL] EU Ambassadors
One of these probably.

This last one is extremely difficult to choose

[ ][PS] Downplay the importance of space as a whole, your aims will benefit from it.

Don't think we should do this. We'd probably never get called on it but I feel it would be a problem when we want Britannia to go to space.

[ ][PS] The Final Frontier and the value of extraterrestrial exploration.

This is romantic and all but I don't think it's a good option. It might lead to others getting shit before us.

[ ][PS] The value of scientific research specifically.

This might be a good distraction as well as potentially beneficial with all the tech it might produce.

[ ][PS] The military necessity of the ultimate highground.

Just coming out and saying this is overly militant and will only inflame conflict. No thanks.

[ ][PS] National pretige and the political realities of space.

I like this one, it'll work very well to jumpstart interest in space in the homeland, which I consider to be overall beneficial.

[ ][PS] The business of space and the profit to be had.

Space isn't likely to be profitable for a long time, though I suppose nobody knows that. It might be a good way to get industrialists at home to consider investing.

[ ][PS] Potential benefits for international cooperation.

This one is interesting, though I don't want to cooperate with the EU, we might get closer international ties with Japan, China, Ethiopia and Euro Britannia/Russia.
I did assume it's named after an ostensibly-dead brother.
Technically, it could be named after Charles' father (whose name is unknown), since I doubt V.V.'s existence is public knowledge (besides maybe as a piece of historical trivia as Charles "deceased older brother, killed during the Emblem of Blood")
One of the best possible defenses against information leaking is everyone already knowing it's false.

Victor zi Britannia and his death are public knowledge and usually ascribed as the primary reason Charles took the throne from his father in the waning years of the Emblem of Blood.

The battleship is one of the few notably not named for an individual who's ever sat on the throne. The other exceptions are usually notable generals, admirals and statesmen, but no one is really going to gainsay Charles on such a small issue as naming a ship after his dead brother.
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Ok I think it's been an hour so let's begin:

[X][LX] Take him in, regardless of risk, Xingke is a valuable piece on his own.
[X][AL] EU Ambassadors
[X][PS] The value of scientific research specifically.

I would like to stay in Tianzi's good graces. For who we focus on I say the Europeans because they are likely to be the biggest pains in the ass regarding either Cornelia or our own ambitions and as for the last vote...I am torn honestly but I find it hard to believe industrialists will be willing to invest in such a longshot. A better bet is on the scientists.
[X][LX] Stay out of it, your reach should not exceed your grasp.
[X][AL] EU Ambassadors
[X][PS] The value of scientific research specifically.
[X][LX] Take him in, regardless of risk, Xingke is a valuable piece on his own.
[X][AL] Euro-Britannian Hosts
[X][PS] Downplay the importance of space as a whole, your aims will benefit from it.
[X][LX] Take him in, regardless of risk, Xingke is a valuable piece on his own.
[X][AL] Euro-Britannian Hosts
[X][PS] The value of scientific research specifically
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[x][LX] Take him in, regardless of risk, Xingke is a valuable piece on his own.
[x][AL] EU Ambassadors

The EU and the Federation are the only other national entities that can pour resources into space research at the same rate and extent as Britannia can. Since the Federation isn't here...

[x][PS] National pretige and the political realities of space.
[X][LX] Take him in, regardless of risk, Xingke is a valuable piece on his own.
[X][AL] EU Ambassadors
[X][PS] The value of scientific research specifically.
I think we should discourage space travel for now. Everyone else has less problems and more money then us. So kicking off the space race when we aren't even at the starting line is unwise.
Of course, the battleship and pair of cruisers your father had given you weren't new, but refurbished last-generation warships were still extremely powerful, especially from a former powerhouse of the second fleet such as the Victor zi Britannia.
Daddy dearest really proving himself. Them coming from the Victor zi Britannia Fleet is a silent nod, I guess.

Great update and nice information about our marriage prospects.

[ ][LX] Stay out of it, your reach should not exceed your grasp.
[ ][LX] Take him in, regardless of risk, Xingke is a valuable piece on his own.
Well, this choice is really heavy. Staying out of it will not have any obvious repercussions for us. Only in the unlikely scenario of the Empress faction coming out on top would we end up regretting it. For all others it does not matter in a positive way.

On the personal level getting the gratitude and better relation with the Empress is a nice boni and not all factions would go ballistic on us for sheltering Xingke. But the risk for some repercussions is there. The dice are fickle and without any information, it is extremely hard to make an educated guess. From the given information, it is far more likely for a faction, which wants to curtail Xingke to come out on top in the political struggle.
The Ethiopian one was in charge and was able to stop the Empress from actually sending out more troops. They were not disgraced and Ethiopia actually proved to be a "friend" to the Federation. They did not go for getting Indonesia into their sphere of influence. So I can see them retaining their primacy or grip on the "ruling seat". Eunuchs and EU are far less likely, because they both got nothing positive to them. The Eunuch ambassador/delegate was known to have further increased the tensions with the IC and not lower them. For the EU, well they did jackshit.

I can actually see a good case being made for the Britannian faction to gain some traction, with such a powerful display by us and an official treaty showcasing our interest in Australia, it looks like Britannia will increase its presence in the region. Then you have the obvious connection between a Britannian Prince and a member of the social elite from Japan. So, they should see the clear rise of a powerful Britannian player in their backyard and this one has demonstrated a certain amiability or friendliness towards Federation issues.

Another point is that if worst come to worst and Xingke would get exiled, by sheltering him we would be a prime candidate for getting his services till he can return to the Tianzi's side. Of course, this would only work if the Federation does make a diplomatic incident out of it.

Not so sure about it. With our extreme lack of information, I would lean strongly towards staying out of it. But before I decide I would read what other questers think about it.

[ ][AL] Euro-Britannian Hosts
[ ][AL] Japanese Delegation
[ ][AL] EU Ambassadors
[ ][AL] Rus Republic Envoy
[ ][AL] Joint African Union Representative
[ ][AL] Ethiopian Delegation
Euro Britannian Hosts: Having informations about the hosts is always useful. They have a multitude of ways to make or break a conference. Furthermore, with this incident happening in their territory they are the prime candidate for providing as much information about it as possible. Then we have their semi-vassal nature towards Britannia, meaning we should be able to throw our weight around them and have it count for something.
Additionally, this incident nearly started a war between them and the Russian Republic and with Cornelia starting her big plan in the near future having some more insights into the direct neighbor to this conflict may prove useful.

Japanese Delegation: With their last scientific inventions they have shown the world they are a serious force on the scientific playground. Personally, I can see them somewhat investing into space. It is a massive prestige generator and would not alienate the big three in a direct way. Showcasing your own "power" without harming relations with everyone else, seems like a perfect way to show Japanese Greatness.
With Suzaku being with the last delegation, I doubt he would be here. I could see some members of the economic elite being present. Maybe someone substantial like Kirihara or another named canon character.
Overall, I don't think they would be the best target for information gathering.

EU Ambassadors: The only other member of the big three. Going by their anti-psionic stance and how their "shadow rulers"(or players) want to stop another extinction from happening I think they would be somewhat if not totally opposed to a space race or even a big investment into scientific pursuits in that direction. If we wanted to go that way, knowing about your enemy is the first step to make it happen. Except ourselves(at least in implication) they can throw the biggest weight around. Therefore, even without anything else knowing about the biggest player on the table should be enlightening.
Only problem here is how much could Milly get about them. While I think she would have some useful contacts or people to do it for her, I would not expect anything amazing here.

Rus Republic Envoy: Another faction that was close geographically to the event. With nearly having started some war over it, they should have their own data about it. Any information about them should allow us to judge Cornelia's venture more easily. It could also grant us some way in towards it. Interest in space per se, I doubt they would have. Like Euro-Britannia I think we would get the most out of them through explaining the military applications of it.

Joint African Union Representative: Another faction maybe able to pursue space. With them finally coming together there is a new powerful block in Africa. After their witch hunts and V.V. comments I think they have fallen into the Praetorian camp. Meaning they are either hidden enemies or future ones. The actions of Bradley did most certainly not help. I doubt they would be that open to us and I can see them somewhat leaning towards a European stance. EU has invested again and again into Africa. Even though some of those plots, regarding Ethiopia for example, failed, I would still see the EU in a strong position regarding them. Therefore, at best we would get information about a potential enemy or at this conference a bothersome obstruction.

Ethiopian Delegation: With the exception of Euro-Britannia, I can see them as being the friendliest towards us. They would be there not with a massive interest, but with an eye towards the future. Ethiopia is on the way to becoming a significant regional player and making plays to expand. With a Britannian faction on the rise inside their empire, I can see them seriously considering our words regardless which direction we may take.

[ ][PS] Downplay the importance of space as a whole, your aims will benefit from it.
[ ][PS] The Final Frontier and the value of extraterrestrial exploration.
[ ][PS] The value of scientific research specifically.
[ ][PS] The military necessity of the ultimate highground.
[ ][PS] National pretige and the political realities of space.
[ ][PS] The business of space and the profit to be had.
[ ][PS] Potential benefits for international cooperation.
1.) Most likely the stance from the EU and has a certain ring towards self-interest for us. Personally I don't see that much use in this with some minor exceptions. With our last action we could have come on the radar of the Praetorians. By at least openly stating our disinterest in space we could throw a smokebomb and hide our true intentions for some time.
2.) If this option does not put us on the radar of the Praetorians I don't know what will. This would be a far-flung prediction for the future and mostly inspire people outside. Politicians will hardly move for dreams.
3.) This stance is less about politics and more about science, obviously. I think it would be appreciated by Japan. It would take some heat out of this topic. Not as extreme as the first one, but I think this would be one of the options with a low chance of starting a space race.
4.) You want nations to care about space, what better way is there than to tell them if the others get there first they will be doomed. I think both Russian factions would respond towards this, but such a message will raise tensions and has a chance of starting a space race.
5.) Getting such a message out would interest the ones below the big three. In direct contest, they should all know they can't hold a candle to any of the big three, but in something like that they could see themselves upstaging them. I think such a message would influence most of all Japan and maybe led to them starting a space program. The same could go for the other "minor" powers. Of course, if minor faction start something like that it would be prudent for the big ones to follow through and showing them how it is done. This could go either way, they start out ahead and make some achievement and then the big ones take notice.
Overall, I think this has the highest chance for getting some nations to start a space program.
6.) Milly! Milly! Milly! We know from the omake that Milly has an interest in diversifying the portfolio of "her" conglomerate. Showing her and the world the possibilities for space may get the Ashford Coorparation to field the bill for the initial space attempts from the Britannian side. This would also open cooperations between us in the future and play well into why we choose her to come with us.
7.) If Euphy was with us, this would be a good chance to try this. So, while the notion of international cooperation is nice and we would certainly profit from hammering out some compromise. The future for that is bleak. We know OOC about Cornelia throwing a torch into a big pile of sakuradite that will light up the region. Therefore, I think wrong place, wrong time and wrong person.

In the end we have to define what we would want out of this and I kind of lean towards the business option. The event per se was mostly concerning regarding the potential loss of life, if it would have hit a populated region. It was not a scientific event and this is not the location for scientists to talk about it. This is a round table of politicians and their delegations talking aobut the real-life problems this has raised for them.
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With years of practice and the secret training regimes of an ancient sect of shadow warriors at your beck and call, you easily catch the flying blonde projectile masquerading as a refined lady of Britannian culture. Still, as Millicent Ashford's arms clench around your body tightly, you can't help the smile which touches your lips.

...all of which instantly vanishes when she pulls back and slugs you in the shoulder.
The secret flying tackle technique. Now I'm starting to wonder if Milly has some Japanese contacts. Or if while negotiating with Carine if she got introduced to some Luchadore.
Really want her to join us.
Milly shakes her head, "I should have known you wouldn't have allowed a little something like a force of ten thousand pirates to get the better of you, Your Highness."
That was a rather larger force than I thought. We really need to get Jeanne to start recruiting our ground forces.
"Of course not," Milly waves you off, scanning the interior eagerly. "You know, I'm not sure if I should be impressed or appalled at how overboard your mother went in rewarding you two. These aircraft are entirely bespoke, you know? Carine has been trying to lure me onto hers for the last few months and entice me to make some deals, but I'd rather hoped my first time would be with you."

You sigh, crushing the rising blush in your cheeks with an iron will. "Honestly, I think it's more of a matter of impressing the other royals for once. Nunnally will vastly enjoy the new custom knightmare frame, and indeed use it more, than her own plane." Of course, the battleship and pair of cruisers your father had given you weren't new, but refurbished last-generation warships were still extremely powerful, especially from a former powerhouse of the second fleet such as the Victor zi Britannia.
Milly isn't really subtle with her flirting.
On the other hand the rewards are impressive. I wonder if the plane and custom KMF offer some bonuses to rolls in diplomacy and combat. The ships will be useful. Now I'm wondering if V.V. was impressed with us enough so he asked his brother to give us that specific ship as an inside joke instead of having it decommissioned as last generation or if he lost a bet due to not believing we could have pulled this off.
[ ][LX] Stay out of it, your reach should not exceed your grasp.
[ ][LX] Take him in, regardless of risk, Xingke is a valuable piece on his own.
First lets look at the factions:
Isolationist eunuchs - would be opposed to us trying to get better relations with China anyway. So handing him over to them won't really give us many points in our favor. As for them using him staying with us as a political point. It is a factor that might help them but getting their hands on him would help them more. And if we somehow can spin Li Xingke as a tragic patriotic hero fighting against corrupted officials (I think it was this faction that had ties with pirates) then we could really hurt them. Might need a Diplomacy/Intrigue action.
Ethiopia faction - they might not like it but getting into a pissing contest with someone who has good relations with Ethiopia wouldn't be smart for them. We will need to grab the Refuge action next turn so we are seen as keeping our world and so they can't undermine us there with Ethiopia.
EU faction - they would oppose us anyway. Mostly because a growing Britannian power in the region isn't something they want. We might need to work on our Diplomacy/Intrigue to limit them.
Britannia faction - will be a plus and if we take him in and their support for us would be greater.
MEF faction - could be bad so we might try to weigh in next turn with Diplomacy/Intrigue so they don't stand a chance.
EB faction - not a problem either way.
Tianzi faction - the dark horse in the race but if we manage to somehow manage to push her into first place or into a winning coalition with the Britannia faction then the payoff will be great.

Then there is Li Xingke himself. If we manage to keep him due to the political maneuvering then we might get one of the better pilots in the setting. If we manage to deal with his health problems it will be even better. And it might not even require him to be exiled. Even if the Tianzi wins she might need to sacrifice him and make him a semi permanent envoy to us.

I am for getting him to stay and then spending some actions to help a more amendable faction to win.

As for the delegations.
[ ][AL] Euro-Britannian Hosts
The hosts of the conference. How are they planning to steer it and what are their goals might be important. Especially as we don't want to step on their toes.
[ ][AL] Japanese Delegation
The recent breakthroughs in material sciences in Japan could really help them. And anyone who works with them. We have good relations with them and a joint project on developing the more civilian side of the tech could help. It might also help strengthen Britannia-Japan relations like the Japanese KMF development program the Ashfords are working with the Sumeragi on. If we don't go for super secret they might be our best bet on a joint project.
[ ][AL] EU Ambassadors
What is their game and what they are planning. What will they push for to counter our expansion. Will they try for a "no weapons in space" treaty?
[ ][AL] Rus Republic Envoy
Part of me is curious what that dumpster fire of a country is planning but I don't think we can either get support from them. The only thing I'm worried is what problems they might cause.
[ ][AL] Joint African Union Representative
With the civil war in Africa they don't have resources to pursue space exploration. They might try to hobble others or try to find someone to work with.
[ ][AL] Ethiopian Delegation
We have rather good relations with them but they are busy with the war and refuges. We might be able to strengthen Britannia-Ethiopia bonds by proposing a joint space program.

So out of the actions we have two groups that could be potential partners in a space program if we can convince them (Japan and Ethiopia) and our hosts would be the most influential. I am leaning towards focusing on the Japanese due to their tech and potential future cooperation in research. Not to mention strengthening relations between Britannia and Japan.

Now for our speech.
[ ][PS] Downplay the importance of space as a whole, your aims will benefit from it.
While this might help us get a head start if we succeed. It will also give us the least chance of gaining allies to work together with. And when others see us focusing on space together with our downplaying of space exploration we will loose some diplomatic points for dishonesty (might not be so important but the best liars are those who others think are honest and only lie for the important things) and might cause everyone to scramble. And if we fail others might wonder why we are trying to convince people against space exploration. Do we already have a space program? Might have the opposite reaction to what we want.
[ ][PS] The Final Frontier and the value of extraterrestrial exploration.
With our focus on Australia which is the last mostly unclaimed land on Earth (not taking into account polar regions) it would be in character for us. And while it might not be as effective as downplaying it directly if we fail we will just be seen as a dreamer. And if we succeed we might attract other more colorful characters for our space project. Basically those who have a dream.
[ ][PS] The value of scientific research specifically.
This would be pushing for space exploration. But it wouldn't make it such a space race. If people see space as just science they will not invest as much. We would attract the more serious scientific community members with this. I don't know how they would react to working with our eccentric team.
[ ][PS] The military necessity of the ultimate highground.
This has a high chance of starting a major space race. With our martial accomplishments and the fact we are pioneering new naval tactics with aircraft carriers people would sit up and listen. Which might not be such a good thing. As for who would we attract. Most likely military interests and might get government funding for our research projects. Of course we would need to produce results.
[ ][PS] National pretige and the political realities of space.
Basically the space race option. We might get support from the government for our projects since we are popular right now but it would come with a lot of pressure to succeed. Not to mention the space projects would be rushed instead working on something sustainable.
[ ][PS] The business of space and the profit to be had.
Might attract Guinevere to compete with us if we don't work with her. Not really a result I want.
[ ][PS] Potential benefits for international cooperation.
Would show us as a more diplomat type character. Especially combined with our input into the Indonesian conference. But it could also hurt our Britannian opinion. Especially if the EU delegation would push for a joint project due to this.

So my choices would be:
[X][LX] Take him in, regardless of risk, Xingke is a valuable piece on his own.
[X][AL] Euro-Britannian Hosts
[X][PS] The Final Frontier and the value of extraterrestrial exploration.

Edit: Changed delegation vote from Japanese to EB since I was the only one. I'll leave the speech vote the same as it's what I want and both current top options are acceptable.
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[X][LX] Stay out of it, your reach should not exceed your grasp.
[X][AL] EU Ambassadors
[X][PS] The value of scientific research specifically.
[X][LX] Stay out of it, your reach should not exceed your grasp.
[X][AL] Euro-Britannian Hosts
[X][PS] The business of space and the profit to be had.
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[X][LX] Take him in, regardless of risk, Xingke is a valuable piece on his own.
[X][AL] Euro-Britannian Hosts
[X][PS] The business of space and the profit to be had.
[X][LX] Take him in, regardless of risk, Xingke is a valuable piece on his own.
[X][AL] EU Ambassadors
[X][PS] The value of scientific research specifically.
[X][LX] Take him in, regardless of risk, Xingke is a valuable piece on his own.
[X][PS] The value of scientific research specifically.
I am for getting him to stay and then spending some actions to help a more amendable faction to win.
I think this is wishful thinking. Are you seriously suggesting that we would be able to influence the power dynamic in the CF in any significant way? How can you think that? We are not granted a noble rank and have no way in to the court or even the sphere of politics except through Kaguya. And she has only some personal connection to the nominal head of the weakest overall faction, which she has shown no indication of sharing with us. This is one of the big three we are talking about. It would be like us stating we could influence the next election of the president of the EU or the election for Prime Minister in any significant way without any kind of build up on our side.
Then we have our own diplomatic action regarding the Blood on our table, the refugee problem, Gawain and whatever else comes out of this conference. The same goes for nearly every other category. This of course, does include the power battle taking a year to finish and, it not ending before we come to the next turn, which is a possibility.

I think you seriously downplay the risks. We have been given examples of how bad it could go. With the worst case having troops at our door demanding Xingke to be handed over. Furthermore, you ignore the mention of how the Ethiopian faction would act in the same way and mindset as the Eunuch one. If repercussions are mentioned, we should think about them. Especially when the factions friendly towards us are not the ones mentioned to be the clear winner of any power struggle.

While there is a chance for the opposition of the Ethiopian faction towards sending more troops costing them political capital. There was a reason why they were the ones setting the tone. And the whole thing did not end in disaster, ending this situation without a need for a scapegoat to blame.
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Technically, it could be named after Charles' father (whose name is unknown), since I doubt V.V.'s existence is public knowledge (besides maybe as a piece of historical trivia as Charles "deceased older brother, killed during the Emblem of Blood")
Or some other past royal that is really strong.

Edit: responded too quickly.

[X][LX] Take him in, regardless of risk, Xingke is a valuable piece on his own.
[X][AL] EU Ambassadors
[X][PS] The value of scientific research specifically.

We want scientific advancement but we also want a degree of stability as Praetorian probing and Australia in addition to Britannian politics add that to scientific and/or psionic research and developing our own forces and devloping our own fief and we have too many plates in the air already and are barely keeping up.

Encourage science so you can steal and/ or benefit from the results while also not painting too much of a target on your back. Worst case science haters target us and we can kill them.
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