Indonesian Conference: Finale
Nunnally's Retreat: 93+48= 141
Nunnally vi Britannia dropped the last foot to the ground from her unit's ladder, and surveyed the civilian square Lelouch had commandeered for their use. All around her Indonesian troops were scampering like rabbits, ready to fight the wolves that had come to their doorstep, a few pausing to allow their eyes to linger on both the giant machines her pilots were vacating as well as, inevitably, her own body. Clad in the standard KMF Devicer Armored Bodysuit as she was, it was a common reaction among those her sister Cornelia dubbed the 'rabble.'
The obligation of nobility, though, was to be above such things.
"Ciffer, Jorn!" She called out, immediately receiving affirmatives from her direct subordinates. "Tally up remaining ammunition, energy filler, and get me a list of the most functional machines! Hughes, Rutgers! Your machines are barely mobile, once they get that list I want you swapping ammo and filler! I want at least half of these machines working for twice as long! Vitter, liaison with someone around here who speaks Britannian and divide up the rest of the machines to stable as fixed weaponry along the rearmost line! The rest of you, grab an emergency ration pack, go take a shit, and get yourselves in order! One hour!"
"Yes Your Highness!" A chorus of acknowledgements rang out and she turned to the final soldier marching towards her.
"Commander, I've got it right here! They're all slaved to go off just as you ordered!" The short-cropped girl's blue hair beaded with sweat as she handed over the transponder which bore a steady red light.
Nunnally smirked as she took the device in hand, "Dismissed Johansen, good work soldier. Drinks are on me after we've managed to un-fuck this situation."
"All Hail Britannia!" Her subordinate snapped off a sharp salute, her chest heavy as she turned to walk away.
Nunnally allowed her eyes to linger for a moment as she pulled free her canteen, draining it in generous gulps.
What's that saying? Hate to see her leave, but love to watch her go?
"Your Highness? You are Princess vi Britannia, correct?"
Nunnally turned, her eyes immediately locking on the uniformed man wearing epaulettes and command bars, surrounded by a small coterie of well-armed men. Immediately, she searched her memory of the briefing for any information on rank insignia and, sadly, came up empty. "I am. I take it you are in command of the local forces?"
"General Mehmet," the man nodded once, then extended a hand. "You'll forgive me if I don't indulge in your royalist customs."
Feeling her hackles start to rise and a few of her men shifting behind her, Nunnally was saved from forcing an international incident in the middle of
another international incident by the wry tilt of the dark-skinned man's smirk. Copying it, she clasped the man's offered hand tightly in her own.
"You're forgiven, though the proper term is
imperial, not royalist, but I suppose that's the best that can be expected of an uncivilized foreigner," she replied in the same tone.
Mehmet, who she was beginning to suspect was simply naturally gruff, only snorted as the tension around them racheted down a few notches... as low as it could get within a FOB of an active warzone anyway.. Nunnally turned and eyed her soldiers with a scowl.
"You have your orders, be about them! Lashings are still in the regs!" The Princess spat, gratified by the way the men and women under her command hopped to. Turning back, she found the general staring up at the KMFs arrayed in the streets between two tall buildings, hidden from enemy sight, but still standing proud in the fading light of the day despite the numerous signs of battle damage readily apparent. She made a mental note to see if someone could get the
spears and swords lodged in her unit's armor out before she had to sortie again.
"I have had the dubious pleasure of watching the gun-ru parade these streets. The Federation wished to make a statement of strength with their new toys." He turned his face back to Nunnally. "I believe I prefer to see Britannian frames in the capital's districts, oddly enough."
"The empire has always sought order, and abhorred those who would endanger those efforts." Nunnally stated, in lieu of anything else.
Mehmet nodded, "very well then, we have stood around long enough. We should discuss strategy, my command tent is this way. I have been informed that your unit is nearly depleted, but anything you can offer in continuing the fight may be a necessary contribution at this point. The garrison forces from our erstwhile masters are in danger of being overrun."
Nunnally's smile spread to a vicious grin as she held up the transponder she'd been given. "We may be nearly out of ammunition, energy filler, and almost exhausted from seven hours of straight combat, but that doesn't mean we're quite out of tricks. Tell me, general, are you familiar with the standard issue chaos mine?"
The general paused, turning to look at the rather petite young woman part of him still disdained needing to speak to. His own daughter was but a few years younger, and to see a girl her age in such immodest dress rubbed against the grain. Still, if he did not like her, he could at least respect her.
"Before today, I had wondered how the world would allow such an empire as yours to hold a boot to its throat across so many lands and peoples." He paused meaningfully. "After meeting first your brother and now you, I believe I understand now."
Nunnally merely chuckled.
Psionic Ground Troops: 95+50= 145
Raiders: 79 (Raw Roll)
Indonesian Confederation Forces: 72+40+40= 152
Chinese Garrison: 05+20+40= 65
Kallen's Squad: 13+45+40= 98
-Reroll: 73+45+40= 158
"I swear if
one more of these assholes jumps at me with a
fucking sword I'm going to start
stepping on them!"
"Ashra! If you have enough time to shout obscenities, focus your firing discipline! You're the closest to the breach!" Kallen shouted over the radio, sweat beading her forehead as she danced around the bolts of energy and formations of soldiers that wouldn't have looked out of place on an ancient battlefield. "Nu! Heavy ordinance, drop the building on my right when I give the signal!"
"Roger that!" Her direct subordinate replied and Kallen swore she could
feel the targeting reticule sweep over her back as Viletta positioned massive KMF-sized bazooka in accordance with her orders.
"Fire!" Kallen cried and pushed her machine to its limits as she dove away, her team taking the opportunity to feed suppressing fire onto the mass of troops surging towards the disorganized and panicking Chinese troops behind her.
Instantly, an RPG the size of a motorcycle crossed the distance between their positions and blew out the lower side of a four-story building even as Sokkia slammed her own KMF into its opposite side. The structure, already damaged from the fighting, gave way and toppled to the ground while Kallen's unit regrouped and continued dodging a slackening hail of elemental fury.
"Let's move! We've got four more points where the lines are fraying and we can't expect Nunnally's battalion back in action anytime soon!" Privately, Kallen was torn. She
knew her five-man team couldn't match the work of ten times that number, but being given a battlefield where she
alone was the sole source of heavy munitions?
It was a heady thing, to have her contributions make or break the fate of thousands of lives.
"Moving to garrison group 46, ma'am!" Liliana called out, her young voice strident in spite of the conflict. "Command has ordered clean up squads to this location, we're free to move on."
Kallen nodded and gave the order.
As important as her job here was, it
was nice to have backup to take the stress off, little as it was.
Caster Support: 41+60= 101
Shinobi roll as per last turn's tactics: 22+48+15 (Omake)= 85
Shinobi-OSI Equipment Teams: 93+48= 141
-Anti-Psionic Unit Special Rule: Nullification
Psionic Ground Troops: 95+50= 145-30= 115
Caster Support: 41+60= 101-30= 71
Special Unit does not actually modify opponent rolls, but treats them as if they were not psionic for the purposes of determining damage, casualties, etc.
Shiro had retired from field work five years ago after a particularly nasty mission had left him with one too many scars. Specifically, scars indicating a history of life-threatening wounds, ones which a family man could ill-afford to keep sustaining. As every
shinobi knew, it wasn't the five blows you dodge which mattered, it was the sixth one that
Truthfully, he didn't know whether to curse or bless his new 'master,' Prince Lelouch.
Even as he was a member of the clans, he had also settled into a quiet civilian life, taking up the sword only as something to pass onto his children. Though, the life he'd left behind was rich in his eldest's blood, so it was anyone's guess how long his peaceful interlude would have lasted even
without their family's names turning up on the ancient family rosters the government had unearthed.
"The archers are pulling back," his squad captain stated as he crouched behind the edge of the building. "Their equipment is overheating and they're running low on ammunition. They know better than to stay and fight it out, especially when these
mado-shi have grown wise to their positions. It is likely we will only be able to count on light support from them."
Shiro heard himself grunt, his hand caressing the blade he had been entrusted with as it fed on his minor talents. He would miss the beast when he was called to return it, they had reached a mutual understanding in their short time together.
"They're coming." Shiro stated, his eyes sliding open.
"Right, just like we practiced then. For his lordship."
Shiro didn't care about such things as outdated ideologies which had no place in the modern world. He cared about his family, a paycheck, and practicing his craft well. Whether that was making bread, or cutting down men.
As the small group of 'mages' floated down the streets, hidden operatives on either side loosed flashbangs, the small canisters detonating against the shields they'd erected hastily.
By the time the street was painted in harsh light, though, Shiro was already moving.
He hit the hood of the car at a run, catapulted himself off at full speed, hit his feet against a lamppost, and
Their shield parted like water in a stream, his blade slicing through two throats as he flipped midair and hit the ground in a roll. Across from him, another blade-wielder came to a momentary stop as well before they two of them advanced on the confused and alarmed remainder of the
maho-shi while their squads kept up a stream of bullets designed to force them to stay on the defensive.
Then it was all over.
New Heaven Fleet: 20+10= 30
Splinter Fleet: 15+10= 25
SIC Fleet: 78+40= 118
LvB Airforce: 87+36= 123
LvB Fleet: 14+46+15 (Omake)= 75
Dreizhen Weber scowled as he looked through his binocular. "Prince Lelouch's forces seem to be... strategically reorganizing themselves."
"If you're worried they are moving to retreat, you needn't be concerned." Euphemia li Britannia stated from her position at a small table, a servant pouring her tea as she daintily snacked on a series of sweets. "Admiral Romano is simply not the sort of person to recuse herself from conflict should any alternative be available."
Weber hummed and considered the woman behind him. "Truthfully, I am somewhat surprised your brother's forces have remained on the 'field,' as it were. Although I loathe the aphorism of the skilled leader being most wary of an amateur's lack thereof, it would seem there is some truth to it here. With their senior staff almost certainly dead or in the water, the fact that many of the pirates have reduced themselves to attempting ramming actions to free themselves of their encirclement is both unforeseen and unfortunate."
"Conflict, as I have so often seen it, is very unfortunate indeed. If for no other reasons than it uses humanity's best to do its worst," Euphemia stated.
Weber frowned as he observed another wave of fighters making precise drops towards the enemy vessels, laying down a sheet of bombs and secondary fire which forced it to turn from its collision course with the imperial cruiser.
Running their air assets as a defensive screen is a novel tactic. Or at least certainly not a Britannian one. Improvisation or innovation?
"I can't help but note that so much of your time as our guest has seen you espouse a number of sentiment one might, if they were so inclined, denote as running counter to the beliefs of your homeland," Weber stated neutrally, no longer able to help his curiosity.
The pink princess chuckled as she sipped her tea. "If you will pardon the comparison, I find it equally strange that a man such as yourself, who prides himself as a representative of a culture of enlightenment and progressivism would attempt to categorize the ideologies of a people who span the whole of a continent into a single spectrum, no matter how broad."
Weber considered the matter, then narrowed his gaze as he turned to the captain of the vessel. "Inform the good Admiral that we will be making an end of this. Despite their attempts to escape, the Britannians have stalled them long enough. Finish forming up and we will make a final firing of our full batteries. What ships are not sunk in the doing will be offered surrender,
once, and summarily destroyed without reprise of that option."
As his orders were executed, he turned back to the princess. "If you would, your highness, please communicate to your brother's fleet that we will be staging a final thrust to destroy the enemy's cohesion. Whatever counter-force they can muster to act as an anvil to our hammer would be much-appreciated."
"Of course, Minister." Euphemia smiled and stood to make her way to the radio room.
"...and your highness, it is not a matter of collapsing your empire's political spectrum to a singularity, but rather an attempt on my part to reconcile your espousal of peace with your seeming comfort in a theater of war."
Euphemia shook her head and gave Dreizhen a pitying look. "If one cannot wish for peace while acknowleding the cruel reality of necessary wars, then one has no place at the helm of a nation, sir. Were this a futile struggle or senseless violence, then I would perhaps act differently in the face of it, but there is no sense in anxious hand-wringing when one quarrels with brigands and pirates."
Weber sighed as the princess marched away, a bit of a smile tugging at his lips.
"There is much I would give to be allowed so uncomplicated an outlook on life," he said quietly to himself.
"We will need to consider measures of retreat," you state unequivocably, sighing deeply as you look at the maps arrayed before you. "We have done our best to contain and destroy as many units as possible of the invaders. At this stage, though, we would be better served by shifting defensive lines back and allowing them to overextend in the face of our apparent capitulation."
Kubertho simply nods his head. "We have already staged an evacuation of the areas nearest the fighting. Inasmuch as it is possible on such short notice, at least." The Premier looks at you directly, his eyes fierce, yet tired. "You have done a great thing today, your highness. I shudder to imagine the situation without your sage advice and timely contributions."
You nod, "truly, I only wish I could do more. Perhaps if we-"
A runner suddenly bursts into the room, gasping for air at the speed which he has pushed himself to. "Premier, sir! It is the Chinese!"
A murmur runs through the assembled men of rank and functionaries within the room, but Kubertho holds his hand out for silence. "What Chinese, what is afoot man?"
"A fleet, sir! The Chinese Third Fleet! The Vice-Premier has sent word from his rallying point in the north of Java, the Federation fleet is making good speed to our location with a full army! We are saved, sir!"
...and after nearly a week of intense grumbling and political malice towards each other, you find yourself in awe of the cheer which runs through the masses gathered to desperately defend their city.
After a short celebration, though, Kubertho calls order back to the room.
"We may see the light at the end of the tunnel, comrades, but we are not there yet! Hard hours of fighting await us until we are reinforced!" He turns to you. "What would you suggest in light of this new development, your highness?"
All told, even with the arrival of Li Xingke, the battle lasts for several more days. The bulk of the enemy forces are broken during a vicious night battle in the late hours following the Chinese landing where fresh troops stormed the near-exhausted veterans of the long day's engagements. Even then, though, pockets of resistance manage to reform a proper defensive position early in the day and bleed Xingke's ground forces beyond anything you expected them still capable of. Ultimately, though, the course of the battle is a foregone conclusion at this point.
It is all over but the dying.
With the addition of crew-served weapons, a battalion of gun-ru to soak the incredible damage the psionics deal out, and an unending tide of men and small explosives, the day is won. As a minor note, and rather embarrassingly, the gun-ru battalion's only true use really does seem to be soaking damage.
The infrastructure of the docks is ravaged, scorched, and heavily damaged in places, but it still survives. It will take
days to clear the larger docks so that relief vessels might moor themselves, but that is vastly preferable to the
weeks or months it would have taken if you'd needed to resort to their destruction.
With access to the KMF repair stations the Federation sets up and replacement parts drawn from your own fleet, Nunnally and Kallen both sortie further in the final days of the invasion, unwilling to simply allow the battle to close. While you could have denied them, by this time the local, and even national and international, media had arrived and it was good for real battle footage to be released as soon as possible. Later, you'd consider handing off cuts of your own KMF's recorded footage to friendly sources within Britannia.
Still, that is later.
For now, battle-worn and weary as many of the group which gathers is, there is work to be done.
"Ambassador Senai, Premier Kubertho, Prince Lelouch vi Britannia, Prime Minister Weber," Li Xingke addresses each of you and, despite the tiredness in his frame, his back is straight and his appearance is near-flawless. "I must apologize for the hurried nature of these proceedings, but as the highest official representing the Chinese Federation, and one who speaks directly for the Empress herself, I believe the obvious truth which must be voiced here and now is that this invasion of pirates and the assassination of our previous representative compels an urgent response. We cannot occupy ourselves with matters of internal politics while the scum at our doorsteps is circling for the slightest display of weakness after such an unprecedented attack."
Even as he nods, Afework Senai is noticeably frowning at the speech. You can read between the lines well enough, given that last you'd heard the faction which favored a closer international partnership with Ethiopia was most popular at court. As Xingke is known to represent the Empress' faction, this will almost-certainly mean a huge upset in the court and a loss of prestige and power within the Federation for his homeland.
Still, his personal ambitions demand that he at least see this matter before him to a close so that he might salvage as much as he can from this fiasco.
Well, a fiasco from
his point of view, at least.
"Well spoken, General Xingke, well spoken indeed." Afework paces towards the head of the table and the Chinese man yields the position with a deep nod, not quite a bow. "It is incredibly apparent that, regardless of what decision we come to here and now, we nevertheless come to a clear and concise decision
here and now."
From there, the details are hammered out as political pretense falls away and, barred to the press as the proceedings are, a group of powerful people speak the nearly-unvarnished truth to each other.
Indonesian Independence, always something of a pipe dream, is thoroughly off the table. Even Kubertho acknowledges, somewhat grudgingly, that his nation is not ready to stand on its own... yet. Xingke acknowledges, if in not as many words, that the Federation has more than failed in its duties this past decade, but he pledges the fleet patrolling outside the city to the defense of the Confederation for the foreseeable future.
Reparations are brought up and Senai has to intercede at various points. Particularly when Xingke points out the death of the High Eunuch can be laid at the feet of the Confederation given their lax security.
"I hardly think one man's death can equate to the suffering brought on our hosts by the Federation's corruption," Weber speaks up for the first time, leaning back in his seat as deep blue eyes watch the proceedings intently. "Regardless, though, I think tallying the suffering of respective parties is unproductive at best. What do you believe, Prince Lelouch?"
Your lips twitch as you watch the other three men in the room slide their eyes between the pair of you and wonder at their thoughts. A European Pirate Lord with pretensions to legitimacy and an Imperial Prince defending a nominally democratic foreign client state.
You've heard quite a few jokes with stranger setups.
For one brief moment, though, your wishes are in alignment. Schneizel has asked you to ensure the Federation maintains primacy over Indonesia. The stability of Weber's would-be-polity depends on the same, using the looming shadow of Chinese regional power to stay Britannian aggression.
"There is truth in what you say, Minister Weber." You allow. "Still, while the Confederation might be owed
something for the damage they've incurred, a paltry donation of liquid wealth seems a bit...
gauche in the face of things."
A face on any other man you'd call 'aristocratic,' smiles and Weber nods. "Precisely my thoughts. Ambassador Senai, Premier Kubertho, perhaps instead of limited resources your constituents might contest the use of, it would be better to come to an understanding with General Xingke as to funding or facilitating a military expansion to defend your own territory. Surely
both China and Indonesia benefit from more secure trade lanes?"
Xingke's eyes pass over you, a barely perceptible nod in your direction even as Kubertho does the same to Weber.
It's the start of a middle-ground.
Afework Senai takes things from there, necessitating only a bit of help at times. China will not pay out reparations, ultimately. To do so would be to admit in a material way that a state run by a divinely appointed monarch was, in some way,
wrong. You're intensely familiar with the maneuvers used to avoid such a thing. But, instead, the Federation will support fleet-building efforts not quite
at cost, but close to it. Chinese shipyards constructing Indonesian fleets, which will likely see training from both the SIC and, should you pursue it, your own Britannian forces.
The trade agreements are more contentious, but Xingke gives
some ground on the matter of sakuradite, which helps a great deal. You're entirely sure that the subject had absolutely no relevance to Kaguya making an appearance with refreshments, nor any polite contributions she may or may not have made. Regardless, Britannia has few native sources of the rare mineral and opening new markets to drive the price down will be appreciated in the military sector, so you'll gladly take credit for it. least, if the Sumeragi's traditionalist factions don't use the sakuradite trade to get a foot in the door to Indonesian politics.
But the day to be concerned about
that is not today.
Long after the fighting stops, you are still at the negotiations table. Much of your fleet has returned with the most-damaged of your equipment and those soldiers injured, but capable of being moved, which is the vast majority. The SIC fleet has likewise departed, leaving only a small flotilla to see their officials back safely.
Plans are made to facilitate infrasturcture projects, at your own polite urging. Britannian imperialism has always been a different beast than its Chinese counterpart, but you feel it is useful here. Weber has little to say on the subject, but defers on the matter both out of courtesy and, likely, knowledge that he should pick his battles carefully. Despite the weight his words carry, he is still the least 'official' official sitting here. He
does make motions towards allowing the Indonesians increased domestic policy control, something which grates at your own sensibilities, but you similarly allow to pass unremarked.
The end result of a week's worth of haggling, though, is a functional compromise.
It is, in your opinion,
a mess, but it will work in the short-term. In large part thanks to the bloody sacrifice of so many of the garrison and the timely arrival of Xingke's fleet to save the day, the Federation has the political and military realities on their side. Kubertho might be many things, but as much as he is a staunch patriot, he is also a pragmatist. Ambassador Senai, on the other hand, is simply happy to have done his job well enough that only the truly biased could possibly find fault.
Weber, though...
He asks for little. Joint fleet exercises with the budding Indonesian navy, the right to dock military vessels in certain ports, and a very specific release from tariff duties on sakuradite. The latter is only granted after he makes a compelling argument in regards to the purchasing power, or lack thereof, his small state possesses.
could point out how he will inevitably act as a reseller to the EU, no doubt leveraging his newfound power for more specific support and funding to, in turn, increase his own funds to buy more sakuradite. You
could do that, but you don't. If matters should come to a head, you have no doubt that a number of the other Australian pirates would be interested to know the valuable cargo being shipped through the region. Failing that, any European vessels which show their faces in the region will certainly make for tempting targets.
You might even seize a few for yourself, should a viable pretense be avaialble.
No, there is enough opportunity in what he's asking for that you decide to pass on voicing an objection. There is also the matter of keeping the peace at the table. Given how integral your 'alliance' has become to finding middle ground, you're loathe to break it in these final hours.
Instead, you focus on what
you want.
[ ] An Indonesian Port, Leased for 100 Years for services rendered (DC 100)
[ ] A Chinese Port, Least for 100 Years for services rendered (DC 150)
[ ] A Chinese Federation Title and Noble Patent (DC 90)
[ ] A Preferential Trading License to ignore duties and customs in Indonesian Ports (DC 80)
[ ] Docking & Passage Rights for Britannian Naval Vessels in Indonesia (DC 75)
[ ] Formal Position as Military Advisor to the Indonesian Confederation (DC 50)
[ ] Flat Payout for Services Rendered jointly from the IC & CF (DC 30)
[ ] Written Acknowledgement of your claims in Australia within the treaty (DC 75)
[ ] Arrange permission to conduct 'joint exercises' with CF units in the future, with yourself in charge (DC 70)
[ ] Push the Federation to extend formal diplomatic recognition to the Southern Independent Colonies (DC 75)
[ ] Weigh in to modify the trade terms in favor of the IC, allowing them a stronger position (DC 80)
QM's Note: Total Bonuses for your three rewards will be: (+73/48/23), in order. Approval Voting is in effect, choose as many options as you like, but only the final three with the most votes will win.