From what I read about it, it appears to me like an attempt by Ricardo von Brittania to gain some legitimacy since he was only Elizabeths III lover. So he revised history so that he is in fact descended from the first true ruler of Great Britain and not some noble that got the crown because he was fucking the late queen and got preferential treatment in her will.
I believe I canonized something to that effect in an old info post back at the start of the quest, let's see...
Yeah, here:
"So, the World of CG makes a big deal about Charles being the 98th Emperor, which is pretty obviously bullshit unless they've had a different Emperor/Empress every two/three years. So why do they say this?
Well, after Queen Elizabeth III (Elizabeth I had a son in this timeline) nominates her lover Ricardo von Britannia as her successor upon her death, Ricardo kind of...
rewrites history a little bit for some extra glory. He basically amalgamated all of the various English dynasties into a single line of inheritance and numbered them, with Alwin I the Celtic Super-King of all tribes as the origin of the throne itself, which explains the new dating system as well."
This, as I recall, was also the post where I made the unwelcome discovery that the EU uses the French Republican Calendar in canon, as per Akito the Exiled... which gives me
one more reason to hate that show. Not that I needed it.
One of the hardest things about that piece was twisting the words "All men are created equal" into a pretzel. Code Geass under Charles zi had that big speech about how all men are NOT created equal so I wanted to give some historical basis to that. Benedict Arnold throwing back Jefferson's words about how his "nascent democratic experiment" was hardly equal seemed too good.
There's actually a wink and a nod towards that omake idea you pitched me in the last sidestory post. Specifically...
All eyes pointedly drifted towards a slim, dark-skinned man in a baggy suit with thick bottle-glasses.
A few seconds after the room quieted other than the scratching of his his pen, he looked up and blinked owlishly. "Hmm?"
Smilas scowled and grit his teeth. "The report Jefferson. About the mentalists. The one we need for the new policies. Do you have it?"
"Ah..." The diminutive man shuffled a few papers before coming up with a moderately-sized ream of stapled documents. "Here we go! Yes, I completed it... last week? Something like that."
Saturnino closed her eyes and breathed deeply to give her the strength of forbearance as Smilas grit his teeth against the urge to strangle the paper-pusher.
Absalom Jefferson looked the document over for another long moment before nodding. "It should all be in here. The financial incentives for the mentalists to consent to sterilization... I indexed the payments to the number of children they've already had as well. No point in them having a litter if we're going to pay them not to have kids." He paused. "What else? I suggested altering the potential trial regulations based on the type of crime committed rather than the offender's status as a mentalist. That kind of thing always sets off the more tolerant politicos."
Saturnino, Hensen, and Umbraisis bit back grimaces at the question being asked which, for anyone else, would be rhetorical. But, no, there was a reason Jefferson was the actual secretary of the organization. Studious, book-smart, and a consummate intellectual, he had little to no understanding of politics or military operations. The man was a miracle-worker when it came to writing, formatting, and presenting a research paper or penning new laws, but couldn't connect with another human being outside of an academic setting. The apple truly had fallen far from his ancestor's tree.
Absalom Jefferson is an AU descendant of Thomas Jefferson in this world, through his relationship with
Sally Hemmings. Having fled America to seek refuge in France after Washington's Rebellion failed, Jefferson eventually became an advisor to Napoleon in this world and was integral in the French Emperor's construction of a more lasting political schema for Europe which would eventually morph into the EU of today.
If one is of a mind, they can consider the
United States of the British Isles to be something of 'Jefferson's Revenge' for the failure of America. He was also instrumental in a more republican-leaning Confederation of the Rhine and a few other nation-building projects.
EU historians usually remark that, "Washington's Failure was Napoleon's Success," as a direct reference to how important Jefferson was in moderating Napoleon's more extreme and reactionary moments.
Britannian historians will usually reply, "Napoleon's Success was a Failure," pointing out that contrary to both Jefferson's and Napoleon's aims to remove the English/Britannian Empire as a threat, they created a prosperous authoritarian regime which today casts a long threatening shadow over Europa.