Subjugation Corp Resonance
So. Serafina's got an okay look at it - enough to identify the core components, but not enough to exactly work out the precise dot ratings of the Resonance.

Its Dynamic Resonance is Transgressive. This resonance is about breaking standards and rules, violating taboos and exceeding boundaries. This resonance helps with magic that goes against how things are 'meant' to be - for example, a spell which turns a man into a pig (or a pig into a man) would benefit, as would one which enhances someone far beyond their normal limits. It penalises magic which sticks within the rules or plays along with expectations - it draws strength from contravened expectations and shock and fear. Paradox flaws incurred when using this primal energy resonance would shock others, or drive the caster to go against their own beliefs.

Serafina guesses that this fuels the strange genius of these aliens, allowing them to - with the right incentives - quickly break their previous limitations (although in the process they may well acquire new ones). They'll show no morality of their owns, or rather they'll be driven to cross any self-imposed standard.

Its Static Resonance is Apathetic. This resonance is cold and clinical and uncaring. It works against any magic the caster is using for a purpose they strongly care about or have strong emotions about, or which is trying to produce feelings or beliefs or emotions. It reinforces magic that the caster is doing clinically with no emotional attachments, or which is trying to destroy feelings, beliefs or emotions. Paradox flaws incurred when using primal energy with this resonance will tend to inflict the same apathy on the caster.

Serafina guesses that this leaves these aliens apathetic and uncaring, without emotions of their own. It must be how they can look at the people in those tubes and feel nothing all. She thinks this is probably the weakest of the three flavours - there will probably still be things they feel about.

Its Primordial Resonance is Violating. This resonance is all about the subjugation and victimisation of others. It aids in magic which attacks the autonomy, self-will or freedom of others, whether mental, biological or otherwise - mind control magic always benefits, as does magic which would inflict painful or degrading Life transformations on others whether lethal or otherwise. It penalises magic if used to heal, fix, or aid others. This violation extends to the self - Paradox flaws incurred when using this magic will be unusually painful and degrading, or make them a target for others.

Serafina guesses that this leaves these aliens sadistic and cruel. They'll victimise their captives and use weapons designed to injure, not kill. Having seen the way they have this resonance in their ship, she really, really doesn't want to be taken alive. Although the tubes and the way they don't even sedate their prisoners would have clued her into that.
Well, that means that ripping out Primal Energy and using it to fuel horrible Life-based Agg damage attacks will certainly benefit. And @MJ12 Commando, I'm pretty sure the reactor is Life-based based on how she specifically described it as feeling like a heart, like something alive.

Alternatively, we could break out ZE BRAIN PROOOOOBES or ZE MIND CONTROL OOZE [1] and start forcing aliens to turn on their comrades and go off to wreck havoc/suicide charge the reactor/commandeer us a ship.

[1] The ooze is made of Xiaolians.
Serafina could also use Prime and Correspondence to send a disruptive Primal Energy Surge into the reactor if it isn't biological 'enough'.

(Prime 2 Holy Beeeeemz + Correspondence 2 to something not right here. The conduits act as an indirect access point to focus it to the right place i.e. a sympathetic link to reduce Correspondence difficulties)
I should point out that Alice said the ship is actually a spirit inside void engineer flavoured formatted space. So the reactor actually being a heart isn't that far off the mark.

Anyways, I definitely think we should take advantage of the local paradigm and resonance of this stuff and use it to do the whole horror movie stalker bits enacted on these enemies, since it plays to the relevant themes and gives us advantages when using their primal energy against them.
Like I said, Mind 4 BRAIN PROBE "you work for me now, go cause havoc" stuff is definitely both valid and gets bonuses, so Serafina should definitely do that.
I liked the ooze idea. The bodies Serafina has right now are unstable and held together by biosuits (basically ooze already!), so it's a small jump from there to splitting off bits of themselves that parasitically survive in other bodies. And since it's made of something that is currently her, every body she jacks is part of the hivemind. She could take over the whole ship that way as long as the infestation can reach critical mass quickly enough.

Of course, when stealing bodies from your enemy there's little reason not to massively mutate/overclock them into horrific combat monstrosities, which conveniently also fits neatly into the resonance here.
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I liked the ooze idea. The bodies Serafina has right now are unstable and held together by biosuits, so it's a small jump from there to splitting off bits of themselves that parasitically survive in other bodies. And since it's made of something that is currently her, every body she jacks is part of the hivemind. She could take over the whole ship that way as long as the infestation can reach critical mass quickly enough.

And of course, when stealing bodies from your enemy there's little reason not to massively mutate/overclock them into horrific combat monstrosities, which conveniently also fits neatly into the resonance here.

Serafina does not have the Life 5/Correspondence 4/Mind 5 she needs to actually do this on a small scale. This is master-level magic-if she wants to do it to more than a dozen or two players, possibly archmaster level magic that requires Mind 6. If she wants to massively mutate all of them in real-time, that makes it Life 6/Mind 6/Correspondence 4. So that's the problem with the ooze idea in a nutshell.

The other problem is that you're abandoning armor and Primium to do this.
Dossier: Manton Autopsy
Oh. How disappointing.

I'll go back to letting people who know the mechanics run the voting, then.

Suggestions are good. Even if they don't work knowing why they don't work is rarely a problem.

Speaking of things that don't work, let's talk Subjugation Corps!

Void Engineer Intelligence Guide:
Subjugation Corps V-Type Shock Trooper ("Manton") Autopsy Report

Like many Subjugation Corps infantry units, the V-Type Shock Trooper ("Manton") is created by an unwilling human victim exposed to pharmaceutical, retroviral, and cybernetic modification. They are fast, tough, and although of limited intelligence, capable of executing tactical plans with surprising precision. Forensic DNA matching identifies this Manton as once having been Rachael Cobb, a farmer in Iowa who disappeared in 2006. Cause of death of this unit is multiple gunshot wounds to the chest and head, four to the chest area and two to the head area. The rounds have been identified as 15x40mm Tyr, fired at close (~35m) range from a Mjolnir IV-series handgun, with an impact velocity of 950 meters/second.

Mantons are 235cm tall, broad of stature, and mass approximately 290kg without armor. They are carbon-based life forms based on human DNA with heavy xenobiological modification. They have extremely low body fat levels. Shapeshifter DNA integration is notable in the Manton unit, providing them with the ability to use shapeshifter derived hyper-adrenal responses, rapid healing, and their noticeable stature. This integration is limited, and gives them a moderate weakness to silver. Silver compounds can poison Mantons, and silver-coated weapons inhibit their healing, much like Primium weapons. However, unlike shapeshifters they are not any more vulnerable to silver weapons than equivalent, non-silvered weapons. Mantons have drastically superhuman strength and can easily defeat unaugmented agents in hand to hand combat due to their incredibly dense muscle fibers, armored bone, and surprising agility. Their skin is thick and heavily reinforced, closer to leather armor than human skin, and can deflect shrapnel and bladed weapons. Their blood clots very quickly making it difficult for them to bleed to death. Like Victors, Mantons have limited integrated 'smart' biotech defenses which provide them some defense against Procedures and Reality Deviance.

Mantons are cybernetically augmented for improved combat effectiveness. Cybernetic motors and support struts are noticeable in the Manton's skeletal structure. These bone enhancements boost strength further and render them phenomenally durable. All manton organs are surrounded by lightweight flexible armor shielding and subdermal metal plating is installed across the torso, arms, legs, and head to provide additional protection. These plates render them nearly immune to SMG and light rifle fire, although heavy rifles can wound them and anti-materiel weapons are effective. Mantons are also modified with neural interfaces and preprogrammed combat skill packages, allowing the Subjugation Corps to turn unwilling abductees into elite soldiers. This interface allows them to integrate with their powered armor and datalink with other Subjugation Corps members.

Manton cognition is highly limited. The side effect of the mutagenic serums and retroviruses required causes drastic, irreversible degradations in intelligence. Parts of the brain responsible for image processing swell, while parts of the brain required for higher reasoning wither and atrophy. To mitigate this, Mantons are spliced with a DEI variant, a neural coprocessor which assists its user in tactical decisionmaking and allows the Manton to take advantage of the skills the implant provides. Combat data confirms that Mantons generally fight like Victors without direct control from a Subjugation Corps commander. They lack cognitive capacity, and the shapeshifter DNA integration makes them likely to go berserk if heavily wounded or panicked.

To improve their combat effectiveness, Mantons are integrated into suits of heavy power armor and issued heavy weapons. These suits are quite primitive compared to cutting-edge Union equipment, barely better than the second-hand equipment given to Union sympathizers. Their armor makes heavy use of ceramics and titanium, and is based off of high-power servomotors rather than modern artificial muscle systems, making it relatively clumsy and still vulnerable to armor-piercing antimateriel rounds. It is clear that Mantons are intended for mass production rather than unit per unit effectiveness and are relatively expendable. Weapons-wise, Mantons use their massive bulk to wield primitive directed energy weapons that can be relatively easily mass-produced. These weapons use largely Sleeper technology for their dense plasma focus, giving them short range and only moderate hitting power (compared to ItX man-portable plasma weapons, which can easily be anti-fortification), but are reliable in atmosphere and provide firepower roughly equivalent to the IX-22, although less effective against energy-dispersing Primium armor. Some Mantons are armed with heavier weapons.

Because of their primitive technology, Mantons are relatively stable Earthside although the retroviral and chemical treatments, as well as the boosted metabolism, render them highly vulnerable to many forms of cancer and give them an effective lifespan of roughly 10 months. They are often used as Subjugation Corps shocktroopers and are highly effective in this role.

Mantons do not provide any useful intelligence and further live captures are not necessary unless a new subspecies is discovered. Their weapons and equipment should still be salvaged-our marines would appreciate having better armed and armored clone assistance.
I'll note, based on the above, that Rescuing Those Poor Innocent People, Because We Care is going to have *significant* penalties based on the resonances, especially if we do it in non-transgressive ways.

...but we still have that willpower thing to look at.

Clinically examining all of the various horrible ways we could turn this ship against itself, and, even better, against its initial inhabitants... pinning them down and eating away at them - that will have bonuses.
[x] Reactor

Mostly because Sera can rationalize it to herself that saving more people by bringing this ship down as fast as possible will kill less people overall. It's for The Greater Good.

Rote Suggestions: Such Saryn, very Warframe

1.) Use the meat-slurry as a catalytic energy source for creating an impromptu biologically-based mat-fab organ (technorganic infestation for integrating meat and machine on the fly) for the Xiaolian's automated grenade launchers to upgrade them to mimick TX-21 (Tumor Explosion) Biowarfare Rounds, NGAP Roomcleaners (Nerve Gas Anti-Personnel) and UHEM (Ultra-Hypovolemic Exsanguination Munitions) Bleeder Rounds.

This is a Life (Biotech) + Prime roll supplemented by Intelligence + Engineering (Biology)

2.) Use the meat-slurry as a catalytic energy source for emulating Damage Control Carnophagic Organic Explosive (CoX - they find the TLA very ironic) spore grenades. The fungal infection seeded by the spores eats living flesh only slowly, but rapidly metabolizes dead biomatter into self-igniting organic explosives. Can cause chain reactions if one spore carrier dies and the explosion kills others.

This is a Life+Corr roll supplemented by Intelligence + Engineering (Biology)

3.) Use the STERILISER ammunition in conjunction with the meat-slurry as the base for rapid-maturing, limitedly self-replicating Organic Disposal sporulating agent. Amplify the normally limited range of the STERILISER rounds through the high-energy meat slurry to liquefy all flesh not protected by Progenitor Biowarfare Defenses within a select area (fire more bullets to increase area)

This is a Life+Corr+Prime(agg) roll supplemented by Intelligence + Engineering (Biology) or Engineering (Chemistry), whichever is more appropriate
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"Yes. I have run this scenario a hundred times in emulation. I know how things will go - and randomness is our foe here. Reality Deviants are interfering in the probability matrix. Assume all random chance will go against us. Minimising risk is imperative."
Alicia, is that you?

[X] Targets of Opportunity - with a side of rescue
->And if the opportunity comes up to hit the Reactor, go for it.

What's the quickest way to get them to (temporarily) stop kidnapping and vivisecting people? Make it so they can't move people out of the containment room. Or at least, it's the best way Serafina can think of that won't call down a bunch of alien marines on the people she's trying to protect. So, using the memories from the scientist, break the exit/disposal ports, get in the walls, and do fun things to the neural cabling, possibly splice it into some of the Prime artery/conduits, and see how unhappy the data network gets when it is hooked up to that level of power. (If it's anything like standard computers, it will make at least the next terminals down the way very unhappy.)

And, of course, "She's in the walls!" is a very, very fun and appropriate Correspondence focus. Especially since some of the walls have transport tubes in them. And if she gets hold of one of those Manton plasma weapons, well... poor, poor walls.

Actually, taking the transport tube to the rendering facility might have some potential - if the subjects unsuitable for conversion have any Primal Energy destructively extracted from them, that seems like it might well be directly linked to the Reactor.
Message in a Bottle:
Donald wants to send a message. Who might that message be sent to? Choose one or more-the more you choose, the more noticeable it is.
[X] Send a message to your furry friends. You do have some unused favors with them...

maybe someone else i don't really know i sort of was just writain rather than thinking

Message in a Bottle, Part 2:
Write-In: What's Donald's message?
[ ] Write-In.

Yeah, we need to discuss this.

If It Bleeds We Can Kill It-But It Doesn't Bleed
Donald has a motley crew of Traditions magi and a veteran knight who also led the Order of Reason. Their opposition is a literal brain eating space alien that gets stronger and more mystically potent as it attacks mages and assimilates them so it can take advantage of another 20 paradox boxes per brainwashed and eaten mage as well as their spheres. They don't need to kill it-just drive it off or weaken its cordon. How will they do that?
[X] Write-In: Reina has a plan. Oh god.

There's a barrel filled with burning trash in the middle of the bar room. Two people are sitting by it, wrapped up warmly and wearing fingerless gloves. That's purely for aesthetics, but Donald doesn't mind it so much since everyone else managed to get them to stop playing the harmonica. It's bad enough that they're Reality Deviants who channel their talents by invoking the archetypes and right now are trying to use the Wandering Vagrant to avoid notice by the watcher outside, but harmonica music is more than he can tolerate right now.

It's been a couple of days. A couple of frustrating days. He is exhausted, and also aggravatingly sober. But if he has a drink, Reina will stick her hand down his throat, pull out his tongue, and then use it to garotte him.

When he told her that he didn't think it was physically possible, she smiled in a very disquieting manner. He's not prepared to take the risk. Especially here in VR, where it's possible she might have found out how to turn on Toon Mode. In Toon Mode it wouldn't kill him, but there's a lot of things he doesn't want to live though. He really hopes she doesn't understand pop culture references enough to know what it is, but she's osmotically absorbing knowledge like a sponge.

Reina is an amazing woman. Donald admits it freely. He also freely admits to himself - though he's not saying it out loud for fear that she'll hear - that she's a charismatic, authoritarian asshole who probably considers the magic word "please" to be intolerable Reality Deviancy considering how rarely she uses it. Man, at least Director Belltower says things like, "Sykes, if you would please make arrangements to gather the required intel, I will go down to the field and put myself in extreme danger, then wind up in hospital having completed the mission and narrowly failed at getting myself killed for the third time this week. Next week I've scheduled annoying the evil space ghosts of Control so much that they'll try to assassinate me in six different ways again, so please add that to your calendar".

Well, she doesn't actually say that, but he knows that's what she really means. It's how she shows she cares.

Also, there's a risk Rose will try to tell Reina about things which will get him killed, he thinks darkly. Poor Rose. She's going to be in such a state when she gets back. He really, really hopes that Serafina is okay, but fears she isn't.

And the reason he's in such a dark mood is that he's heard an all-too-familiar sob-yep from one of the dark corners of the room, and he's wondering if he should approach Janice. She woke up him more than enough, sounding like that. He isn't sure whether she wants to go over there. She might not want to see him. He doesn't want to see her in an emotionally vulnerable state, especially considering that the truce at the moment in here is awfully tentative.

He waits. Plucks up the courage. It's another sob from her which makes up his mind, and taking a deep breath, he walks over to her corner where she's sprawled out, hat over her face. She's twitching and thrashing her arms all over the place. In the most gentle and dignified and not-at-all-creepy way he can possibly manage, he tries to wake her up without getting hit in the face.

He fails his secondary objective.

A few minutes later, they're sitting next to each other in the dark corner, nursing black coffees. Donald has also obtained an ice pack for his eye.

"Thank you," she says quietly. Her green face is beaded with night-terror sweat.

"Hey, I remember how it was," he says. He winces. "Clearly out of practices at not getting hit. Things'll be all right."

"I hope so," she said.

"How's your body?"

"Perv," she says, glaring at him.

"Are we doing this? Are we really doing this?" Donald asks wearily. "Given you're trapped in here, I am a bit worried that you might die."

"For your information, Mother Nature will provide," Janice says archly. "And the way Mother Nature has provided is by giving me a familiar who I have extensively trained in caring for me in case I get trapped away from my body." She sighs. "Although I can't say much for the taste in my mouth, since there's a good chance he'll be feeding me catfood once he empties out the fridge."

"He's a cat?"

"Yeah. Prehensile tail, thank the goddess, or else he'd have to carry things in his mouth. I hope he'll think to phone one of my friends, because it'll make things much easier."

Donald chuckles, and then shakes his head, sipping his coffee and looking for a tactful way to say the next point. "The nightmares aren't getting any better?"

Janice pulls her legs up onto the seat and wraps her arms around her knees. "They're getting worse," she says in a tiny voice, staring at the fire in the barrel. "It's not just the jungle any more. It… it was bad enough dreaming of being a monster, hunting men through the mists. Killing them silently with knives and teeth and claws. Eating their brains to steal their memories. Being the eyes gazing from the undergrowth." She looks at him, but she's not looking at him. She's staring through him with a thousand yard gaze. "Now sometimes I dream I'm in a worse place. It's dark and… and the things in there. The writing on the walls. The… the things they're doing. To children. I want to kill them all. I want to die."

"Janice," Donald says, eyes widening in concern.

"In the dream," she adds hastily. "In the dream, I want to die. The… the monster went there to die. And to kill as many of them as possible." She rests her head on her knees. "Stupid werewolf past life," she says quietly. "Or whatever. I never asked for this."

Donald doesn't really have an answer for that. "You didn't want to use sleeping pills before. Have you considered starting?" he asks.

"Hah!" she mutters harshly. "You haven't changed that much, Donald, if your solution is 'drugs'." She sighs. "Started in the past few years," she admits. "Obviously, they don't work here since… you know, can't log off and take them. I'm mixing them with a homeopathic solution I prepare. It helps when I combine them - neither of them work on their own anymore. I never should have done that stupid prati-prasav ritual."

"Be careful with the dosage," he advises. "I sometimes got some nasty side effects from mixing homeopathic solutions with conventional drugs."

"I would show you more respect for that advice if I didn't know you studied homeopathy so you could get your hands on cheap drugs," she says, coldly.

"I was poor!" he tries to defend himself. He gets the feeling from her that she's been saving this up for a while, and makes the decision that he's not looking to really argue with her given she's always in a bad mood after a nightmare. But he isn't sure how to defuse this without making her angrier or her starting crying, so he'll just sit back and take his lumps.

"And now that you're rich, you now profit by selling people sugar pills you know don't do anything," she adds, swirling her coffee and taking a sip.

Donald shifts uncomfortably. "You could consider it me striking a blow by annoying the Progenitors?" he tries weakly. "Look, placebos make people feel better and I make sure the packaging tells people to go see a real doctor if they have severe symptoms. Someone's going to make money off this either way, so it might as well be me. And I put the money to good use. Better me than… say, some Pentex company."

Janice narrows her eyes. "You're a real asshole, you know that," she says harshly. "At least the better kind of Progenitor thinks they're helping even if they're over medicalising things and… and drugging people with expensive solutions rather than letting people use real knowledge! You're just profiteering! Making money off people being sick and selling them something you don't even think works!"

"I support UHC," Donald objects, but she isn't listening.

"The worst thing is… you fucking well know homeopathy can work if you do it right. You're a fucking cheapskate who used to make homeopathic cocaine using sugar as a base. And yet you doublethink your way into thinking you're selling 'placebos' which we both fucking know is a Technocratic coverup to explain why things which 'shouldn't' work really do."

"I'd just like to say that homeopathic cocaine was actually pretty unsafe, because it was really easy to OD if you didn't take enough of it," he mumbles.

Why are so many of his exes so hard to argue against? Although Janice is problematic because she's smart and somehow has a talent for making him feel guilty, compared to some of the others - cough Karen cough - who never really argued with you as opposed to some figment of their imagination who made more convenient arguments for them to knock down.

She wraps her hands around her mug. "The worst thing is… the worst thing is," she says, not entirely coherently. He can sort of guess at the stress she must be under right now. After all, her body is out there. "The worst thing is… you're still almost you. But not quite. You've got all the right mannerisms, but… but not quite. Here you are, coming over to comfort me because I had one of my fucking nightmares-"

"Why wouldn't I?" he asks, slightly confused.

"Because you're not exactly you! Except you are!" she explains in a not very explanatory way.


"They… you… someone went and changed a core bit of… of who you are, but you're not acting like it was a core bit and now you're being you with your you expressions but how can you be you if you don't run around with your old polaroid camera treated with the same drugs you're taking and… and…" she looks at him, eyes almost frightened. "Did it hurt?"

"Did what hurt?" His shoulders slump. "Oh. Jan, I'm… I'm not pretending the Union is perfect. Far from it. It's a very flawed, human group. Just like everyone else in this mess." He pauses. "Apart from the aliens and the EDEs and-"

"See! The spirits! You know the word!"

Donald runs his hands through his short blonde hair. "Honestly, 'spirits' isn't a very useful term," he says. "Anyway, I prefer my spirits alcoholic."

"Stop doing that! Stop… stop showing they got in your head and then acting like you're still you."

Things are a little bit surreal right now, considering he's sitting next to a facsimile of a sexy version of the Wicked Witch of the West and trying to defuse an argument.

Eh. He's been in weirder places.

"They didn't get in my head." He keeps this quiet. "Look, I know sometimes it happens, but seriously. Look, I know very well the Union is universalist. Yes, it wants everyone to join, but people who walk in through the front door or who get picked up straight from the Masses-"

"From the Sleepers."

"-well, it just doesn't work out that way. I didn't get my head cut open. I don't have brain implants. I got some gene therapy but I paid for that myself, because… fuck it, my granddad and two of my uncles died from heart problems. I used to have the high risk genes. And yeah, you know what? A bunch of Iterators are weird about cybernetics, but I'm not the sort to be an Iterator." He deliberately doesn't think about what Christos Barberi told him. "I don't do the stuff I used to do because it's dangerous and there's no need and… and in the end of it, I get paid very well to produce economic activity and invest in other projects so they reach the market, and I'm really damn good at what I do. Do I feel like a sell-out? Sometimes, yeah. Sometimes I wish I could be doing more."

He swirls his cooling coffee, but doesn't take a sip. "Fuck it. For all I know, all that's just a bunch of self-rationalisation for how I'm some kind of Dollhouse simulacrum stuck in the body based off my personality scans. But I don't think that's true, you know? Like, sure, that's what a sim'd say, but I'm pretty sure they'd make a sim based off me less… you know. Me. They'd probably take fewer recreational drugs - yeah, I've still got several habits." He grins. "Several better ones, actually. And if I really was some brainwashed sheeple-man my workaholic superior wouldn't look quite so exasperated when I show up at the office at ten."

The note of the conversation sours considerably. "Yes. And you're working for Jamelia Belltower, so, you know, I can't really trust anything you say." Janice jabs a finger at him. "You seem just like the sort to fall for her, with… with your polished shoes and your spy gadgets and… and your sense of humour! Well, she's little and humourless and highly competitive and a smug excessively sober know-it-all!"

"Are you internet-stalking me?" Donald pauses. "Are you internet-stalking her?" he asks, semi-humorously.

"As you taught me," she says darkly, "it does to keep track on the field assets of the other side. So yes, I have read up on her, because she's the sort of person that they might send after me if they want to… to try to make me think I joined up willingly."

Sad music starts up, wavering and quavering over the flickering of the firelight.

"Shut that goddamn harmonica up!" someone shouts from the other side of the room. "Jesus Christ, Phil! It's really fucking depressing!"

"And some of us are trying to sleep!" someone else chips in. "That means you two in the corner too! Find somewhere else to argue!"

"Invoking the Wandering Vagrant needs harmonica music! You're ruining the ritual!" one of the figures by the barrel retorts. "Stop oppressing my paradigm!"

Ah, yes. Donald hasn't missed this bit of being a Traditionalist. Despite outside appearances, getting Technocrats to do things together when there isn't a clear chain of command is rather like herding cats. By contrast, getting Traditionalists to do things together with people outside their cabal is like herding wet, hungry cats.

Weirdly enough - or perhaps not so weirdly enough - Reina seems to consider it entirely tolerable. Well, perhaps the Invisible College was also like wet hungry cats.


Write In Part 2 coming soon
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[X] Targets of Opportunity. Stealth systems are notoriously sensitive to 'internal fires', there are power conduits in the walls which are probably powering the weapons or maybe the anti-grav, and she saw what had to be fuel and ammo caches near the landers. (Low difficulty. Successes start shutting off subsystems like weapons and stealth. The more successes, the more subsystems are wrecked. With a lot of successes, she'll hit something critical and inflict catastrophic damage)

There are `biological component` in the UFO being fed with chemical and dull red slurry made from local aliens being piped directly into them. Since we are close to the capture bay I think the feed system that supply the `biological component` with their nutrient and `E115-enriched green fluid which aids in cognition`. Might be a pretty good component to attack, and could potentially do a lot of damage if their servitors starts to die.

Also, a UFO, being a spaceship, is by necessity a closed environment. By utilizing their internal environmental/life support system using a correspondence effect, (checking the char-sheet She does have the correspondence 3, to pull this off) vectors that she introduce can be introduced to the entirety of the UFO(barring dice failures and enemy actions of course).

Since her best spheres are life and mind, I would suggest introducing a rage virus, targeted at the clones and specifically targeting any vulnerabilities that is introduced by the introduction of 'alien' biologies by the VE. Through interrogation and analysis, Serafina realize that the mainstay of the alien 'soldiers' were converted baseline human civilian with genetic and cybernetic alteration and clones. Using the custom venom gland mark XII in one of the Xiaolin unit, Serafina secret a virus of her own creation, designed to target these clones. Through a Mind 5 (forge psyche) effect, Serafina trigger the berserk vulnerability that was introduced with shapeshifter DNA, and since "The side effect of the mutagenic serums and retroviruses required causes drastic, irreversible degradations in intelligence. Parts of the brain responsible for image processing swell, while parts of the brain required for higher reasoning wither and atrophy." It also target the image processing portion of the brain and rewrite recognition of everything living to 'enemy'. The Life 4 part of the procedure, is used to hopefully damage any kill switch that is in use by the VE, and possibly overcome the smart biotech defense(I am not too sure how counter magick work in this case, but since it's a life based defense, overcoming it with life seems like it could possibly maybe work?).

I call this plan, it just wouldn't be a Terror mission without panicking/berserking/mind controlled rookies.
So, the EMP plan is probably happening. This means someone has to roll Henriette's "EMP." Because she thinks this is a stupid as fuck idea and her training and experience is telling her this is a stupid goddamn idea, she cannot get any Ability enhancements from it. Because it is fucking stupid, she spends 1 Willpower to be able to roll at all, and cannot spend WP on the rolls.

So she rolls 9d10x7 for her feat of idiocy, and as she's doing this Vulgar With Witnesses (the witness is herself) she takes 6 points of paradox.

Difficulty is Forces 4 (+2), What The Fuck Am I Even Doing? (+3), and Vulgar With Witnesses (+2), so +7.

"How do I manage to succeed on a +7 difficulty roll?" You might ask. Henriette has Genius 5, and can spend up to 5 prime energy per turn. But this might not be enough if you want more than a turn or two of disruption since there's still a good chance of messing up a difficulty +2 roll. So, let's talk about an important feature of Prime 1.

Prime 1 lets you cannibalize health levels for Prime Energy. 1 aggravated HL taken = 1 point of Prime Energy. This lets Henriette get more dice or lower successes, which she'll probably need. Because of her augmentations, Henriette can 'safely' cannibalize up to 10 HLs. Any more will kill her. Spending cannibalized PE does not count towards your Prime Energy limit. Good luck. Also, any other effects you might suggest that can get the party out of the killzone may be useful, because there will be guys with non-EMP vulnerable guns as well, or things shielded heavily enough that Henriette might not crash them. Remember you have Elsa, Wufan, Harlan, Jamelia, and Kessler around with you.
Should we roll first?


And it works, apparently.

How much prime energy should be spent to reduce difficulty?

And do we need to roll paradox as well?
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IIRC, we do still need to spend prime energy if we want that to work, since the base difficulty is 1, which means that difficulty +7 requires 8 successes.

Edit: And attempting a difficulty +7 roll without spending any prime is crazy, so can we please assume that we spent Henriette's prime?
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I have no idea if this is plausible, but could Kessler use Matter (possibly in conjunction with forces? I'm not sure) to deploy an ultrafine wire mesh out of one of his implants to act as a Faraday Cage and shield us against the electromagnetic pulse? Alternatively, Elsa could use her CAD/CAM Correspondence rote to give ordinary cloth the property of a wire mesh to shield us, but that would be more vulgar.
Janice pulls her legs up onto the seat and wraps her arms around her knees. "They're getting worse," she says in a tiny voice, staring at the fire in the barrel. "It's not just the jungle any more. It… it was bad enough dreaming of being a monster, hunting men through the mists. Killing them silently with knives and teeth and claws. Eating their brains to steal their memories. Being the eyes gazing from the undergrowth." She looks at him, but she's not looking at him. She's staring through him with a thousand yard gaze. "Now sometimes I dream I'm in a worse place. It's dark and… and the things in there. The writing on the walls. The… the things they're doing. To children. I want to kill them all. I want to die."

"Janice," Donald says, eyes widening in concern.

"In the dream," she adds hastily. "In the dream, I want to die. The… the monster went there to die. And to kill as many of them as possible." She rests her head on her knees. "Stupid werewolf past life," she says quietly. "Or whatever. I never asked for this."
Hello, Ami, and goodbye.

At least you died killing enemies of the Union, rather than would-be reformers.
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