"With all due respects, doctor," she says calmly, "he's a professional. We cannot simply 'monitor' him without him noticing. I can task Pilot Clarent with full spectrum surveillance, but purely passive surveillance has its limits and I can't guarantee that he won't notice. Ethical Compliance is very good."

"So just be better than him," Dr Gregor says casually. "If Pilot Clarent needs assistance to outwit him, just tell me and I'll outfit her for it. Is there anything else? Because Serafina, I need you to check on the incubation chambers. And bring me a black coffee."

Man Leon is like...he's that guy you know? You talk to him and he's not really rude to you, not really anything worse than vaguely condescending, and he's knowledgeable. And it's completely, utterly, irrational to hate him but then something in your gut just goes "nah, fuck that guh. Fuck him hard."

The idea of sowing doubt in Sanjeet does appeal. Hmm. And probably it should be Henriette who does it. Though I question just how many overrides he has.

(May involve the Dummy Plug system)

Sanjeet's already a ball of neuroses and brittle self-doubt. At some point you're going to get diminishing returns.

...Though, I mean, maybe Henriette could chalk up another on her list of "sorta-loved ones turned into alien gods" and somewhere deep in the Umbra Catherine Nichols (I almost typed Halsey heh) gets a Forces 5 migraine. :V

Keep in mind that taking the slow, subtle approach was let Moscow become such a clusterfuck. Going in hard and fast to shut Gregor down ASAP is probably a viable option.

Yeah it's...honestly I think part of this is just OOC impatience on my part. But while I understand the urge to keep carefully moving and painstakingly adjusting the approach it's hard to shake the sense that, like, there's going to be a break. There's going to be a rupture. Because Gregor is too smart, too well prepared, and running circles around him is a bit like treading water at the edge of a whirlpool. He's going to suck us in at some point.

So...fuck it I guess.

I'm more inclined to going in hard and fast anyway. All of this shit's been festering under the surface for the entire quest. This is where it all comes to a head. Where it all comes to light.

[X] Yes (pick 1 more option)
[X] Found some potential new friends who are in contact with Serafina.

Serafina has pretty consistently shown that when working in conjunction with(in) a larger group and given the proper incentives she's pretty fucking scary. What she accomplished in Mexico was, in large part, skillful enough that it earned the sort of grudging praise of Aleph. Also this'll likely link back into her whole Alicia thing which, tbh, I care a little less about but w/e.

[X] Gotten support from old allies. Cross and his branch of Ethical Compliance, Cross mistrusts Leon and Serafina fleeing to him is twitching up red flags.

Maybe he's aware of the surveillance? It's probably a situation more-in he thinks that Leon's doing something horribly unethical and is pulling fuckloads of strings to ram it through. Which, y'know, isn't exactly inaccurate. But I figure that Cross would be leery of any major shakeups in the Progenitors as a whole. Doubly leery with the great big questionmarks hanging over Serafaker, where the provided explanations probably don't sit quite right. And just leery in general of Leon as a person.

Sorta sloppy but like, mm, I think that doing this "in-house" in a sense might be our best bet to preventing civil war within the Progenitors or a greater conflagration enveloping the Union. It's the internal affairs arm of a Convention investigating shady internal affairs (and remember most of the Constructs associated with this have no idea what's going on). It gives it that sheen of legitimacy, of validity, and minimizes the fodder Li will have to go hard Pogrom. It's the apparatus of the Convention working as intended.

Or, dunno.

I await the post that tells me "well actually this is the worst possible option because x, y, z".
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Or, dunno.

I await the post that tells me "well actually this is the worst possible option because x, y, z".

Hmm. I was leaning more towards playing off the Clarent card for both the "This is how Gregor finds out" and "this is the ally of his he alienates".

Especially if Rose or Alicia is there at the meeting which is meant to be his "just as planned" and either of them is like "Oh hai thar Life 1 detects the infestation" and then he's like "lol those Transhuman cells turn into a monster if detected" and Donald is like "oh god I'm squishy don't hurt me monster" and the monster is like "Graaagh" and Major Clarent is like "That was my skin".
Hmm. I was leaning more towards playing off the Clarent card for both the "This is how Gregor finds out" and "this is the ally of his he alienates".

Especially if Rose or Alicia is there at the meeting which is meant to be his "just as planned" and either of them is like "Oh hai thar Life 1 detects the infestation" and then he's like "lol those Transhuman cells turn into a monster if detected" and Donald is like "oh god I'm squishy don't hurt me monster" and the monster is like "Graaagh" and Major Clarent is like "That was my skin".
I fully endorse this plan as long as this exact description is told to Jamelia on screen at some point.
Personally, I think Leon has blundered here by showing off his Serafake when he has reason to believe the real one is around. The fact that Serafakes are a thing is known, so showing off that he has one could easily blow up in his face.

Also, why hasn't a known fake (LA Serafake) giving a political opponent of the real one (Leon) loads of high level research information tripped flags? That would be quite suspicious for people who know about Progenitor politics.
Hmm. I was leaning more towards playing off the Clarent card for both the "This is how Gregor finds out" and "this is the ally of his he alienates".

Especially if Rose or Alicia is there at the meeting which is meant to be his "just as planned" and either of them is like "Oh hai thar Life 1 detects the infestation" and then he's like "lol those Transhuman cells turn into a monster if detected" and Donald is like "oh god I'm squishy don't hurt me monster" and the monster is like "Graaagh" and Major Clarent is like "That was my skin".

I do need to get Alicia into the party's orbit somehow, which might lead to hilarity.

There is the realization that Alicia has all the spheres and knowledge to pretend to be Serafina and a body which can do exactly that, which could be all sorts of hilarious.
I do need to get Alicia into the party's orbit somehow, which might lead to hilarity.

There is the realization that Alicia has all the spheres and knowledge to pretend to be Serafina and a body which can do exactly that, which could be all sorts of hilarious.

Jamelia: "Repeat that again. You said you ran into not one, not two, but three Serafinas."

Donald: "That's right, boss. I wish there was some less bullshit way to put it, but..."

Jamelia: "And while you were able to determine that the one with Gregor Leon was a duplicate, you somehow could not distinguish between the other two."

Donald: "I don't know of anyone could create a copy so perfect. They even had identical auras when I tried to use Kirlian photography!"

Jamelia: "So, which one of you is the real Serafina?"

Alicia: "That would be me. The other one is Alicia, who is currently pretending to be me."

Serafina: *snickers*

Alicia: "Actually, that's a lie. Both of us are real."

*Hours of questioning later*

Jamelia: "This is ridiculous. I can't tell which of you is the real one."

Serafina and Alicia: *high five*
Okay, hmm. So if we trigger stuff now, we'll be going in less prepared and will probably have get chased or attacked by a monster made of Major Clarent's skin. We know that Gregor is playing around with Transhuman tech - and more scarily, he's smart enough to actually legitimately repurpose it. He's taken Transhuman bodies that were meant to be loaded with Transhumans that were provided to him, and he's been using them for things like Ms Candle and the Serafakers. It also means we can't easily trust that any given seeming Gregor actually is him. Engaging him now will result in him trying to crush us and he's got a lot more assets than us.

On the other hand, the sooner the showdown occurs, the more likely it can be before he brings multiple Rose-level combatants online. And I think that's in all of our interests. After all, unless we can bring all of EXEMPLAR II with us, it's much more likely he'll get gains that way.

(Also, if there's one active EXEMPLAR IV online, the faster we get to it the less complete or functional it might be. I don't think Rose really wants to fight 9 MP Roses.

Henriette: "Trust me. It sucks, being outnumbered that much."

Donald: "We're learning!")
While we certainly need to keep the lessons of Moscow in mind, I think we also need to be wary of applying the lessons a bit too enthusiastically by rushing in before we're ready.

Get maybe one (or two, at most) thing out of the way before we start tripping flags since as @EarthScorpion noted Gregor currently has a lot more assets available.

Hmm. Actually, it might not be a bad idea to start off with write-in wherein we discover how close Gregor is towards completing his project. Not what the project is, since that's a different option, just how much time we have until shit hits the fan.

Actually, scratch that. That takes time and, operating under the assumption that we have a very narrow window, diverts focus away from things that could actually help us succeed.
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How many EXEMPLAR IIs do we know details of? There is Paris/Cross who is head of Damage Control and hasn't started a war for love of a beautiful woman for ages, there is Achilles who gets let out of his box when it's time to embrace the collateral damage... any others?
How many EXEMPLAR IIs do we know details of? There is Paris/Cross who is head of Damage Control and hasn't started a war for love of a beautiful woman for ages, there is Achilles who gets let out of his box when it's time to embrace the collateral damage... any others?
The beautiful woman who accidently starts wars for her affections. Rose has talked to once or twice.
Just as a note, I will be in only sporadic contact for about two weeks due to a personal trip to see family, so another update probably will either happen tomorrow or not happen for about 2 and a half weeks, dependent on whether I have ideas or not.
Tradwiki: Warren Roth



Warren Harvey Roth
Faction: Technocratic Union (Syndicate Disbursements)
Political Allegiance: Pro-Pogrom (Extreme)
Tactical Threat: Very High
Strategic Threat: Very High
Notes: Hates all Traditionalists. All of them. Also hates werewolves, changelings, sorcerers, ghosts, ghouls, insufficiently dedicated Technocrats, and vampires (especially Malkavians).

Warren Harvey Roth (born January 2 1969) is a Syndic assigned to the Disbursements methodology. He is the chairman and CEO of Roth Financials. He is major contributor to Paladin Security and can reliably call upon their services. In addition, he maintains a private paramilitary force known as the Birds made up of hunters he funds and arms.

Warren Roth is an extreme Pogoromite and should be considered a major threat. He should be treated as a high-end Enforcer with regards to combat capabilities in person, and has a significant personal arsenal of high-end Technocratic weaponry and vehicles. He has extensive contacts within the Union, although senior elements of the Syndicate consider him insufficiently discrete and he has been censured multiple times for public use of hypertechnology.

Publicly Available Information

Born in 1969, as the second eldest son of the Roth family of New York financiers. In 1974, his parents and elder brother were killed in a home invasion. He was privately educated and attended Harvard College, majoring in History.

In his twenties, he was a noted playboy and socialite, heavily involved with charities including the Roth Foundation. His interests in extreme sports left him hospitalised for a year following a rock-climbing accident in 1995. This led him to take a more active role in business and to step up his charitable work, saying "I opened my eyes and realised how short life could be. That moment when you think you're going to die - it changes you".

In 1996, he took up the position of chair of Roth Financial, additionally becoming CEO in 1999. Since then Roth Financial has gone from strength to strength, diversifying its interests. He earned a total of $54.2 million in 2002, as one of Wall Street's most highly paid executives. His bonus reflected the performance of Roth Financial, which reported record net earnings of $9.5 billion. The compensation included a cash bonus of $27.3 million, with the rest paid in stock and options. While CEO of Roth Financial in 2007, Roth earned a total compensation of $69,965,418, which included a base salary of $600,000, a cash bonus of $32,985,474, stocks granted of $25,542,756 and options granted of $10,453,031.

Roth Financial has managed to avoid much of the criticism directed at Wall Street through its practice of corporate reinvestment in social causes and other things that Technocrats do when they have very highly paid PR people.

TODO Wingz - Okay, we're going to need to clean this up somewhat.

Warren Roth has spoken before the Senate on several occasions, calling for improved codes of practice. He has also written several articles for the Financial Times, where he argues that the business community has the moral duty to make the world a better place in every way it can, and that even if readers don't believe it, self-interest means that financiers should do it. He has argued that regulation is inevitable, and it's better to accept a well-designed system now when people are calm and can be reasoned with than let government elements push out ill-thought bills due to public outrage.

For more information, see wikipedia's article on Warren Harvey Roth.

The Actual Truth

Divination has revealed that the individuals arrested for the murder of Warren Roth's family were not the ones who did it. The party behind the attack is not known - it may just have been a miscarriage of justice, but it is more likely that some supernatural group was linked to the killings. Intel reports captured from the Technocracy indicate that Warren Roth believes mages of some sort to be behind their deaths, although it is not known whether this is the truth or just Technocratic indoctrination. He also shows a particular hatred of Malkavian vampires, although we don't know why.

TODO Li23 - Find out why he hates Malkavians.

Rumours from among the Sleeper monster-hunting community indicate that by at least 1993, a wealthy new supporter was providing funding. In 1994, Warren Roth was linked to the Birds, a paramilitary extrajudicial vigilante organisation that recruited from among New York hunters. They engaged both mages and vampires. However, at the time the Birds were not a Technocratic organisation - they are recorded as having both psychics and low magicians as members. This probably indicates that at this point he was not a Technocrat.

It is suspected that his Awakening was close to the 'rock-climbing accident' mentioned in his official biography - it either caused it, or he suffered the injury while newly Awakened and not fully of the limitations of his magic. From the hospital records, he broke both arms and several ribs as well as experienced several long cuts that the records attribute to broken glass. From this, it seems likely he was mauled by either a werewolf or a claw-using vampire.

From 1995, the Birds step up their activities. They made contact several times with Traditions-backed militia groups. Some of these contacts are friendly, but in at least two cases they assaulted remote compounds - once successfully, once being driven back with high casualties among the attackers.

Warren Roth joined the Technocracy somewhere between 1996 and 1999 - he was definitely a Syndic when he became CEO of Roth Financial. From 1999 onwards we see increasing harmonisation between Roth Financial and the Syndicate's other operations, along with a massive increase in its value and its expansion into various vital sectors. It increases its charitable spending significantly - this is probably being used to buy influence over charities and also launder money, as he has to have some reason behind such profligate donations.

Roth Financials grows increasingly important post-99, as one of the Syndicate's major assets on Wall Street. It profits greatly from the 2008 economic crash - evidence suggests that Warren Roth used the economic crisis to step up anti-vampire activities and directly attack Camarilla funding sources. He was reprimanded at least once for his activities during this period, on the grounds that his actions to try to exterminate the vampire influence in the banking sector risked further destabilisation.

Warren Roth is one of the major supporters within the Syndicate for the Purge of the Special Projects Division, and his influence in Disbursements was thrown fully behind exterminating the tainted spirit-mages. He's ideologically consistent, if nothing else - evidence suggests he prioritises going after 'fallen' Technocrats (and Fallen Technocrats)


As a wealthy Syndic and a technosorcer, Warren Roth usually goes festooned in Technomatic devices. It is hard to tell what his precise personal enlightenment is, because he makes extensive use of hardware to supplement his skills. The below ratings in terms of the Great Spheres is a worst case, assuming that all his skills are his own. It is possible that they may be overestimations. However, as usual, one should not assume that a railgun is less lethal merely because it is fuelled by enchantment rather than personal enlightenment.

-The Great Spheres

(To represent this knowledge outside of the Hermetic standardised representation, see Equivalents to the Great Spheres)

Ars Conjunctionis: Warren Roth routinely uses surveillance, long-ranged weapon fire and displays a total awareness of his surroundings when prepared for combat. He should be treated as roughly equivalent to an apprentice.

Ars Fati: No concrete proof either way - if he can do probability manipulation, it's only at a low level. Warren Roth cannot be solidly assigned a rating in the Ars Fati.

Ars Essentiae: This man displays extreme levels of technosorcerous firepower, capable of levelling a sanctum. He makes use of high-powered railguns, specialist grenades, and other such technomantic arts. He should be treated as an adept of Ars Essentiae.

Ars Animae: Warren Roth has been observed making his flesh whole via technosorcerous means after being injured. He is at least an apprentice, and may be a disciple.

Ars Materiae: Warren Roth is highly skilled at such means, making advanced Technocratic materials and equipment. Intelligence reports indicate he designs and modifies his own hardware, with the aid of an extensive team of Technocratic sorcerers. He is probably an adept and may even be a master.

Ars Mentis: Warren Roth has willpower similar to some of the mightiest of our own order. He has been observed to mentally dominate consors through his sheer presence, and through the application of fear to his victims he can break them and leave them as Technocratic pawns. He is also exceedingly charismatic and burns with the inner fire of the Great Work, allowing him to greatly refine his own intellect and talents to an extent that seems inhuman. He is probably an adept of this art.

Ars Vis: As far as can be determined, Warren Roth uses the Technocratic psuedo-sphere of primal utility in place of the Ars Vis. It is, however, very hard to tell them apart - but due to his Syndicate allegiance it is judged that he probably uses primal utility.

Ars Manium: Warren Roth is a Technocrat and is clearly ignorant of the Ars Manium. However, he still shows some awareness of spirits, so may be a practitioner of dimensional science.

Ars Temporis: Warren Roth shows both precognitive divination and temporal acceleration in combat. Against a group of ten men, he has been seen to move between them with violent speed, incapacitating them all in seconds. He is likely a disciple of the Ars Temporis.

Psuedo Spheres

Dimensional Science: Warren Roth has been known to use equipment allowing him to detect spirits. It is not known whether this comes from a natural talent or from the use of Technocratic Devices. He may be able to do things that an initiate or apprentice of the Ars Manium can do.

Primal Utility: Warren Roth shows a clear habit of always being well-equipped with technosorcerous equipment. This may indicate that he is roughly equivalent to a disciple or an adept of the Ars Vis. However, with a Syndic this is hard to tell and he may only be an apprentice, but with judicious amounts of funding.

Combat Danger

Warren Roth is extremely dangerous and should not be treated as a soft target, unlike most Syndicate executives. He has combat enhancements only usually seen in senior Enforcers or Operatives, including extensive genetic modifications, some manner of innate antimagic field (possibly primium-sheathed bones?) and nervous system upgrades. When in the field, he makes use of a Generation 4.5 Nano Muscle Suit III, heavily customised.

However, he should still be considered a dangerous threat even if stripped naked (see Warren Roth Assassination Attempt, 2011). His combination of physical augmentation, highly expensive Operative-grade training and the many low-profile weapons he keeps around him at all times means that he should not be underestimated.

The Birds have been recruited by the Technocracy. The non-Technocratic elements have been purged and they have make use of light power armour, cybernetic enhancements and the like. Warren Roth has recruited heavily from the elements of the hunting community made up of veterans of the recent American overseas conflicts, and as a result they are a group of military grade monster-hunters who are armed to the level of a light Technocracy task force.

TODO Li1998 - Try to track down that page on those tank things he uses. It's like that was purged deliberately by whatever hit us.

Social Danger

TODO Wingz - Find someone who can fill this in. For now, just treat him like he's your standard Syndicate executive in what he can do - bankrupt you, etc. Also, remember, he can mind control you with willpower and can scare you so shitless you don't want to attack him and want to reform and be a good Technocratic puppy.

Known Associates

TODO Wingz - Completely lost in the crash. Again, find someone with a copy.

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wow, that is a really well done example of mostly accurate but highly biased info. so who wants to bet that there is someone in the birds who has the rank/nickname of robin?