Stasis Ending: Ending Slides 1

Or at least not necessarily.

We've been told that if he had succeed in getting a hard science degree he would have ended up in Iteration X before. It is entirely possible that in this future Iteration X, and the rest of the Union, has more time for supporting promising students.

Donald joined Iteration X and has had his biological desires damped (not fully suppressed, but damped) by an ADEI.

But what about Siddharth? :(

Captain Rajesh was decorated as a hero for bravery at the Battle of Gernsback when his space marine platoon bravely used stealth power armor to drift into and assault an Etherite battlecruiser, wresting control of it from the enemy. He now has a senior command position over the Border Control Division. In the 2030s, when the Void Engineers attempt to break away, his soldiers' loyalty will ensure that the majority of the Void Engineers stay where they are, and that the breakaway is merely an annoyance.

Gretkov, allowed to act without interference, eventually turns to the Nephandi as fewer and fewer opportunities for the messy wet work that he so loves come his way. He is responsible for "The Moscow Massacre," where hundreds of children are mutilated and killed during the winter months of 2011. Eventually, he is brought down by Ivan Rankovitch, killing Rankovitch in turn. The deaths are used to pass even more restrictive surveillance laws in Russia and strengthen the state security apparatus further.

Ivan Rankovitch finds that this new world, although one where the Technocracy is winning, is not one which he believes in. Still suffering from a conflict between his nationalism and his loyalty to the ideals of the Technocracy, when he finds that Gretkov has trapped him in a deathtrap as his last victim, makes no effort to escape, but rather commits suicide to avoid a worse fate. He is remembered as a hero and a symbol of perseverance, his internal conflicts papered over.

Elsa Naryshkin died in one of the multitude of battles involving the Technocracy reestablishing its control and dominance over Russia. Much like many of the Traditions magi who died during the 21st century purges, she is quietly forgotten.

Hannah Gladson joins the Traditions instead of the Rogue Council. This proves to be a foolish decision, as she is captured and reprocessed into an ATLAS unit by unsympathetic members of Iteration X.

Melody escapes capture when her friend does not. She eventually finds Hannah in an ATLAS chassis. Her last words, choked out from behind tears, are "Harmonious Purifier!" as she suicide bombs her former friend and the Construct in which she found Hannah.

Jamelia Belltower died of a stroke in late June 1999. It was later found that her codes were responsible for elevating An-Jin's authority so that his recommendations were followed. After a posthumous tribunal, it was decided that she would be given a decoration for heroism. Jeremiah Blanc saw it as vindication. His experiment succeeded. He had forged someone truly exceptional, someone who had changed history.

Jazmin Clock, Blanc's former right hand henchwoman, is intrigued by her donor-sister's history. With very little to do since Blanc's disappointment led her to be almost permanently sidelined, she asks for a transfer to the Watchers-and is surprised when it goes through. She becomes a popular reporter for the BBC, providing a Technocratic slant to human-interest stories and in her own way, becomes something more than a shadow of her donor-sister.

Alice Aristide felt when her real mother died, and spent the next decade trying to find who her real mother was. Recovering her memories and feeling some guilt at what happened, she eventually snuck into the London Geofront to pay her respects to the mother she never really knew. Narrowly escaping, she stays on the run, trying to rescue new mages from the clutches of the revitalized and immensely powerful Technocratic Union and teach them how to hide in this brave new world.

General Augustine Aleph, his mind unclouded by doubt, continues prosecuting the Technocracy's dirty shadow wars with peak effectiveness. Without the questions he had in the original time line, he sees nothing wrong with using the dirtiest tactics and the cruelest tortures. My Union, he thinks. My Union right or wrong.

Anyone else you might care about? :p
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Well, there's a few other people we're familiar with -- like Alexander Cross and Winston Kingsley -- but Alexander would probably have a similar-ish role in this newold Union as he does in PQ.

And Winston Kingsley probably keeps doing the same thing he's always done, as we saw with the Electronic Frontier Federation. I wonder if he still gets to turn an impressionable young teen into a budding MGS boss in this world too.

What about Christos and Senex?
And of course in that world, everything is totally awesome for Henriette Langley-Langara: Meteoric career, loving proud parents who are themselves Iteration X 'royalty', Perfect Princess of ItX status herself, fame, glory, glorious successful mission after mission, her fellow hotshot-Pilot as a husband/wingmate... everything as it should be.

The other world? Where she's lost everything, her sister is a twisted, insane puppet-thing of evil, and Henriette herself is nearly mad and broken from grief and pain? Panopticon-world is Henriette's dystopia.

Annoying bratty younger sister.

Okay, that's admittedly an improvement, but still.
Stasis Ending: Ending Slides 2
What about Christos and Senex?

Senex is still a ghost. He knows that something has gone incredibly wrong with the Wheel of Fate, but he cannot understand what it was. It haunts him. He spends all his resources in a desperate attempt to understand what went wrong, but always hits a brick wall. He sometimes fears that the Technocracy has truly won, upended the Wheel of Fate and stopped it from turning, replacing it with a complex perpetual machine instead.

Christos fights a desperate shadow war with a slowly decreasing list of allies to find out what changed and how to revert it. He knows from his contacts that something has gone drastically, drastically wrong with the timeline but the Dimensional Anomaly makes it difficult to pinpoint what exactly it was.

Psychic powers get pushed ever more out of Consensus with Control at the helm. Harlan Aristide dies a bitter drunk, full of unsaid regrets. His ghost eventually happens onto his adopted daughter, who forgives him for the lies and deceptions and arguments, and lets him finally pass on.

What about Stephanie? Is she still fighting against the Exarchs?

Stephanie turned her eyes onto the real hidden masters of reality-the Technocracy. In turn, they turned their eyes on her. She is still at large and causes chaos wherever she goes, but she is rapidly running out of places to run.
Amusing fact: Primium, as straight-up Prime "this is what reality should be fuck you reality warpers", may protect its bearers from changes in the timeline from time travel. Yes, this is me imagining the Chrononauts Initiative having this massive sealed Primium vault somewhere that housed the time machine and records of all of history, which an old transistor-powered Iteration X supercomputer the size of several rooms constantly compared historical records outside to historical records inside.

So, have the Chrononauts figured out what Jamelia did to the timeline yet?

EDIT: Also, Kessler has a primium skull, so would that have given him partial resistance to the timestream changes?
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Another good one: What can you tell us about Agent John Courage? :V

[insert some implausible sounding statement here]

[assert statement is a lie]

[however claim some evidence of first statement being true]

[give plausible alternate explanation]

[assert plausible alternate explanation is also a lie and offer evidence as to why]

Here. You can now play your own John Courage mad-libs.
Planet Hollywood might be a physical planet, but its space combat is shaped by Hollywood's rules. Drone-ships are cannon fodder for the main characters, to die in droves before the outnumbered heroes, while big doom ships exist to get asploded by the plucky protagonists in tiny X-Wings. Henrietta is on the side of the Big Bad Evil Guys, and we're the Rebels.

Really? Because I thought Henrietta was the brave champion of the good guys, trying to reclaim their homeworld from traitors who rose up and captured the place, throwing their mook-like waves of treacherous Void Engineers to prevent the good guys from liberating the people they keep captive and telling them the truth of what happened. The good guys are more technologically advanced and shinier, compared to the cannon-fodder-crewed vessels of the traitors.

It's not a great idea to assume that you're the good guys if you want to play by Hollywood's rules, especially when the Residents are the ones paying the bills and the Agency are on the film classification boards. :p
The interesting one from a time travel perspective - whatever happened to Catherine Nichols? Disappeared from Paradox? Desperately seeking to undo what is, ironically, her own work? Being a terrible mentor to Cristos, the 'hero' of Traditions Quest? Still a void engineer, having never defected due to...timey-whimey?
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Are we still voting? if we are, then....

[x] Jamelia's daughter is Alice Aristide.
[x] The security codes to the LA Construct
[x] Donald Sykes has done Reality Deviance in London in the form of EDE-binding.

Aleph's right that word getting out about IBM could ruin us.

Giving Clock the Construct codes will probably be survivable with Rose there and Donald and Serafina buffing people, although we'll lose at least most of the security staff. Also being attacked will look suspicious, and we can probably use that in itself.

Donald's very good at getting out of things, while Serafina is still very vulnerable right now and would be an easy target.

As for Alice, I hate having to choose her but she is the one we have the least investment in.
The interesting one from a time travel perspective - whatever happened to Catherine Nichols? Disappeared from Paradox? Desperately seeking to undo what is, ironically, her own work? Being a terrible mentor to Cristos, the 'hero' of Traditions Quest? Still a void engineer, having never defected due to...timey-whimey?

Why are you so sure Nichols exists in linear time? She defected in the 80s, by the way.

Ouh, I have some.

What happened to Major Clarent and Antonia?

No real change.
Giving Clock the Construct codes will probably be survivable with Rose there and Donald and Serafina buffing people, although we'll lose at least most of the security staff. Also being attacked will look suspicious, and we can probably use that in itself.
If you think all of this is true - why do you think Ms. Clock doesn't know it?

I don't expect to see those codes used anywhere near so openly. Not when so much worse can be done to us subtly.
[X] Further infuriate Henriette-A.
-> [X] How?

Yes, Henriette thinks, shuffling in her king-sized bed, she's definitely glad she's got this room on this irradiated stolen RD vessel, rather than a VE life support pod. It actually means she has space for herself. She's slept in life support pods before. They make her legs go to sleep and mean she wakes with pins and needles in the morning.

… of course, with a vasculoid implant her legs don't actually go to sleep, but the point still remains that life support pods make those Japanese pod hotels look spacious. Void Engineers get about as much personal space on missions as HITMarks.

And now that she's made herself comfortable, she gets back to work. Working from bed. How decadent. How Donald-ish.

Nah, that's just her little joke. She hasn't seen much evidence that Donald actually works.

Stupid Syndics.

But enough about that. She has more important things to do before she can let herself sleep. Like continue working on her next blow at the Autopolitan war machine outside.

The station below them is a extrasolar hub for media. They even seem to have pretty much every film ever made on Earth, along with the product of tens, maybe hundreds of other worlds. And as befits a media hub, it has broadcasting equipment. It has a lot of broadcasting equipment. Each megacorp that holds a module has the kind of broadcasting antenna which has the kind of power output more commonly associated with directed energy weapons, to beam tightbeam transmissions across interplanetary distances.

A year ago, she'd probably have - huh, Henriette realises. A year ago, she was on the flight to Autochthonia. She was just a few days from her life going entirely wrong. In fact, checking the date it was in fact the day when she and Sanjeet joined the… never mind. Not important. She's not going dwell over could-have beens. She saw his residual noetic presence and he hadn't held any grudges. Far from it.

Well, anyway, a year ago, she'd have immediately decided to try to launch an alpha strike against the drone using repurposed broadcast antenna. Back then she was rash. Arrogant. Certain that she was the best damn pilot out there and she was going to find her parents and they'd have turned out to have survived all the years and everything would go perfectly.

Henriette laughs bitterly. Well, she found her parents all right, and now as the Hero of Moscow she had a good claim on being 'the best'. Didn't do so well on 'everything would go perfectly', though.

Now? Now she's not going to use the broadcast antenna as directed energy weapons. She's going to use them as a far more effective kind of weapon. One which primium plating won't do anything to stop. She's got the required drone orbits required to drop off interface modules on the broadcast antenna, and she's observed their encryption frameworks and hardware specifications and how they're hilariously only operating at Masses level of technology there. Clearly these aliens haven't had to deal with real cyberwarfare experts if they only protect their communications about as well as the Masses do.

But that's just the easy part, assuming control of these broadcast nodes and using them to stream signals at her sister. An easy yet necessary part, because it allows her to obfuscate the signal origin, and means that if someone - probably her sister - snaps and decides to blast the antenna, she's shooting at the station and will prompt a counter-attack. The hard part is engineering a message which will produce that response.

She's started with films. There are plenty of them from the station. Classic monster attack ones. Just enough to take snips from them, which she can build up into a 'the good guys aren't the ones who attack cities with giant monsters or robots' thing.

But that's just the broad theme. Because there's an underlying message there. It's that the heroes win. It's that the enemy dies. It's that the monster gets killed by human ingenuity and for all its power, it proves to be just not good enough to stand up to a handsome male lead and his beautiful sidekick. The alien invader loses and there are celebrations in the streets.

'Ding dong, the witch is dead' et al.

She knows what she's doing. Com… she knows exactly what she's doing. She remembers being fifteen, too. Looking back at her former self, she was an insufferable prodigy. She's been Enlightened for ten years, and casually outstripped people twice her age. That just meant the things which she couldn't do, the times she failed, the bits where she was held back - they chafed her even more. She remembers the gnawing acid churning in her stomach just because someone had beaten her in a sim-firing test. It seems so silly now. She shouldn't have been quite that angry about coming second. But she had.

The hidden rage, the fear of 'what if I'm not good enough', all these little things - they'd driven her on. Made her the best. Never good enough for her own personal fears. Back then, before… before Autochthonia, she'd wanted more augs. More enhancements. Hardwired reflexes, nerve boosters, subAI cogboosters - you name it, she'd tried to persuade people to let her have it. She'd got a few things - all wrecked in the damage to her body and brain that Autochthonia left her with - but none of the high end stuff.

Of course, in the poor Technocracy post-99, such things went on an as-needed bonus. There were always people who needed such things more than her, where the Time Motion Managers had determined the resources could allocated more efficiently. She'd reluctantly accepted such logic and clung to the justification that she was so good she didn't need it, that she could outperform people with much more augs than her because she was just brilliant, but it still hurt.

The thing out there didn't have those justifications. It knows it lost. It knows it wasn't good enough. And it hurts it. She knows it hurts it as much as it would have hurt her if she had failed to get on the Autochthonia mission because she 'wasn't good enough'. The mockery of Iteration X which had twisted her unborn little sister into that thing had enough resources to waste on its overblown DSS knock-offs, but couldn't be bothered to make a better pilot than a - hah - 'stupid meatbag' like her.

Piece by piece, captured data stream by random noise pattern, her message is coming together. Henriette has a siphon subAI picking out any dialogue which uses phrases like "they're holding you back" and "you just weren't good enough". She's just leaving them running as they work through the corpus of earthly media, building up a message which will replace the electronic noise which fills the place around this station. Now she just has to wait.

Henriette turns off the lights, and lies there, staring up at the dark ceiling. She feels dreadful about what she's doing. It isn't affecting her resolve, but… but she hates the fact that it's necessary. She pities the… the thing made from her sister. She feels sorry for it. She wishes it had listened to the residual noetic presence of their mother.

She… she just wishes that she could let her know how she felt without any death robots being involved. It hurts, knowing what happened to the only family she has left in the world - her maternal grandmother was killed by Traditionalists, her grandfather had been in space, and her paternal grandparents had been in the Masses and had died before she had been born. Decanted. Whatever. She wonders what… what her sister thinks will happen to her when she's no longer useful to the Computer? Even if she wins - and Henriette will stop her, no doubt - she'd lose too. Henriette has people who care for her as more than a tool. The Computer? Doesn't care for anyone.

[Henriette - ooops, momentarily lost focus for the Mind component of her Mind/Corr shield.]

Taking a deep breath, Henriette sits up, crossing her legs and resting her palms on her thighs. She can't get to sleep in this kind of mood. She'll work on her meditation for an hour, and if that doesn't work, she'll run a sleep programme.

Tomorrow will be a busy day.
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Ooooo. Vicious and sneaky and underhanded and liable to get us shot at if Henrietta notices that momentary lapse in the Mind/Corr shield.

Ah liek eet.

[X] Further infuriate Henriette-A.
-> [X] Monster Movie Marathon Message
And now that she's made herself comfortable, she gets back to work. Working from bed. How decadent. How Donald-ish.

Nah, that's just her little joke. She hasn't seen much evidence that Donald actually works.
Donald: "Hey! That is totally unfair! I work a solid, grinding two to three hours per week day, young lady! Ok, some of it's from bed. I just make it look like I'm messing around. And being sexy and awesome. It takes work to look this hot. Which is important, for business reasons. And such."

"Young Iterators. So ungrateful."
A year ago, she'd probably have - huh, Henriette realises. A year ago, she was on the flight to Autochthonia. She was just a few days from her life going entirely wrong. In fact, checking the date it was in fact the day when she and Sanjeet joined the… never mind. Not important. She's not going dwell over could-have beens. She saw his residual noetic presence and he hadn't held any grudges. Far from it
Did you miss a full stop or ellipsis, or did we lose a line here?
So, I was working on something with pros and cons of various approaches... and then ES puts up Win. Because
the good guys aren't the ones who attack cities with giant monsters or robots'
is a very helpful paradigm to attempt to establish. Even if the lapse in the shield may let Henrietta know "We're he~re..."

However, that's just what Henriette is doing. We Can Do More.

[X] Further infuriate Henriette-A.
-> [X] Monster Movie Marathon Message
[X] Also work to upgrade the ship and make our Chronal Torpedoes as shiny as possible. The rest of the crew needs something to do.