Parlez-vous français?

  • Oui, je parle très bien français!

    Votes: 161 14.3%
  • Un peu.

    Votes: 188 16.7%
  • What? Francis? Nope.

    Votes: 329 29.1%
  • What? Oh, don't be silly, my dear!

    Votes: 159 14.1%
  • ¿El español es lo suficientemente bueno?

    Votes: 85 7.5%
  • Ich verstehe dich irgendwie.

    Votes: 64 5.7%
  • Я очень хорошо говорю по-русски.

    Votes: 63 5.6%
  • 我听不懂。

    Votes: 35 3.1%
  • 何を言っているのですか?

    Votes: 28 2.5%
  • nuqneH pa'!

    Votes: 10 0.9%
  • فرانسه بلدنستم

    Votes: 7 0.6%

  • Total voters

Well that was an... eventful turn

Edit: It also seem exceedingly stupid for Naples to join the Second Coalition when they have literally just lost a war and there are 50 000 Frenchmen literally next door in Rome
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...Well, we're dead. There is no hope of winning THIS.

Seriously, this is completely unwinnable. Without the Civil War, maybe. But NOT like this.

We're doomed. This Quest is over and lost.
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...Well, we're dead. There is no hope of winning THIS.
Not with that additude.

After all, they still need to mobilize their forces, we don't, and we have a lot of men with experienced commanders to work with.

Now of course, we are in a worse situation Nappy was in in 1814, but that's only because we are in a civil war.

Without the Civil War?

Then this would be a cakewalk, because the Russians are over a thousand miles away.

And the Prussians need to get through Jourdan's Army of the Rhine.
Ehh. I say we have a good shot. The pope fucked up so hard the royalists have joined our side. Robespierre will fall quickly. We have sister republics to give us a buffer. Naples literally doesn't have an army.

This won't be easy, but it is not certain defeat.
Plus all of Europe are not mobilized yet, whereas we are.

We've got the ability to move quickly... they do not.
Not with that additude.

After all, they still need to mobilize their forces, we don't, and we have a lot of men with experienced commanders to work with.

Now of course, we are in a worse situation Nappy was in in 1814, but that's only because we are in a civil war.

Without the Civil War?

Then this would be a cakewalk, because the Russians are over a thousand miles away.

And the Prussians need to get through Jourdan's Army of the Rhine.
...Actually, rethinking a bit, are the Coalition States even REMOTELY ready for another War? Given their overall shitty Rolls in the last few Rumor Mills, their Armies should still be in disrepair, same as their Economies.
...Actually, rethinking a bit, are the Coalition States even REMOTELY ready for another War? Given their overall shitty Rolls in the last few Rumor Mills, their Armies should still be in disrepair, same as their Economies.
Prussia, yes.

Everyone else?

Well... I'm not saying that they are broke, relying heavily on the British for gold and silver, low on available manpower that is able to fight in their regular armies, and still need to mobilize their forces that it would take months for them to have a battlefield army prepared for a war...

But they kinda are. Especially Russia.
Prussia, yes.

Everyone else?

Well... I'm not saying that they are broke, relying heavily on the British for gold and silver, and still need to mobilize their forces that it would take months for them to have a battlefield army prepared for a war...

But they kinda are. Especially Russia.
...Wow. Talk about 'jumping the Gun'.

Seriously, now that the first Panic has settled, the more I look at the Second Coalition, the more it seems like a shaky Construct that needs maybe two or three Pushes in the right Places to COMPLETELY fall apart.
Honestly we are quite lucky that we were forced to go on the campaign to the Orient because it means that we have 100 000 (relatively) experienced troops ready to move without having to be mobilised.
Honestly we are quite lucky that we were forced to go on the campaign to the Orient because it means that we have 100 000 (relatively) experienced troops ready to move without having to be mobilised.
And thank god we didn't go to Russia, because then, we would now be sitting in hostile Territory.

...Also, @Magoose, why was the Excommunication not immediately rescinded, considering how well Davout rolled against the Pope?
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And thank god we didn't go to Russia, because then, we would now be sitting in hostile Territory.
THen we would need to march 100,000 men home.

Makes the Greek March of the Ten Thousand look like a game.

...Also, @Magoose, why was the Excommunication not immediately rescinded, considering how well Davout rolled against the Pope?
Because two-fold. He wouldn't... and he believes that the catholic kings of Europe will come to his rescue.

He will change his tune very shortly, I guess when Davout kicks some more ass.
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Trying to see were all our forces are and what they will probably do:

35 000 with Napoleon and Ney - they will probably take care of the civil war itself.
Army of the Pyrenees - holding the Spanish border.
Army of the Rhine - they will face the Prussian and HRE when they arrive unless Jourdan goes on the offensive.
Army of the North - Fighting between recruits and veterans ? don't know.
Davout and 50 000 -- "Still not convinced ?"*Demolish Naples*"And now ?".

it seem likely we will go spanking Francis II for Napoleon, Brian already did it, will it become a family tradition ?:V.
35 000 with Napoleon and Ney - they will probably take care of the civil war itself.
Well, they have to face 40,000 men of the reformed Army of the North... so... there is that.

And we also need to get the Vendee quelled again once they realize that we are not putting Louis on the Throne.
Army of the Pyrenees - holding the Spanish border.
It's not like the Spanish will be able to break through prepared defenses? Right?
Army of the Rhine - they will face the Prussian and HRE when the arrive unless Jourdan goes on the offensive.
Jourdan has never struck me as a super... aggressive general. Extremely competent... yes.

But not aggressive, not like Napoleon.
Army of the North - Fighting between recruits and veterans ? don't know.
We could always pull a Nappy and talk them into fighting with us.
Davout and 50 000 -- "Still not convinced ?"*Demolish Naples*"And now ?".
Personally, if Davout Accidently kills Ferdinand, not a single tear would be shed by any of the powers of Europe.
After we have beaten Robby, maybe.

Personally, I'd much rather march against the Prussians and once and for all settle the score with our old Enemy, the Duke of Brunswick.
Old Brunswick is not leading the Army of France. That means is Blucher or prince Louis Ferdinand.
Curiously, how are the British doing in South Africa and Australia? Also, how are Great Britain's relations with the Americans? If I remember correctly, the British should still have a presence in the Northwest Territory and are currently supporting the natives against the Americans in hopes of creating an Indian buffer state. Now that the Americans have taken control of Louisiana and Florida, the British must be worried about getting into a secondary conflict now that they are fighting France again.