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He is Roachpierre no longer. He thought he got ahead of us, but Ney reined him in. At least it didn't cost him an arm and a leg. You could say Robespierre got a very close shave. Okay, I'm done.
Oh also... I forgot to add a few actions, but they were personal actions, and they were... well more along the lines of Louis' private life... (that is, he has made friends with a girl and is being teased by his friends) and Charlotte escaping England, Severin adapting to his new role as a Marshal of France and Murat... being Murat.

Along with Marmont bonding time.
I think it's a disconnect, Therese Auclair and we as voters have every reason to hate the guy. From a third-person though he seemed personally fascinating to me, as someone who knows zilch of French history I don't know anything about the guy. He seemed pretty sane when he was doing his political moves when he gave us the cool suit. I don't know why he went behead-crazy or if he was insane from the start.
OTL he was actually fairly good and famous for being incorruptible until he had a complete mental collapse once France was losing it's wars and started the terror, but even then he mostly stuck to the rightists and such and governed fairly well until another complete mental breakdown lead to him going all in on the murder and such, as well as do a bunch of other crazy stuff

He was pretty good at the start, he just had terrible, genuinely awful mental stability that lead to him becoming incredibly paranoid. He stayed a true believer all the way through, along with Saint Just
alas poor Rob, I knew him well

May future historians look kinder on him then we did

"I know that after my death a pile of rubbish will be heaped on my grave, but the wind of History will sooner or later sweep it away without mercy." - Stalin Alt!Rob
He would be looked as bad as Stalin but even badder
That is inaccurate.

He did not try to commit genocide on his people.
OTL he was actually fairly good and famous for being incorruptible until he had a complete mental collapse once France was losing it's wars and started the terror, but even then he mostly stuck to the rightists and such and governed fairly well until another complete mental breakdown lead to him going all in on the murder and such, as well as do a bunch of other crazy stuff
True, but here, a few significant details got altered to give rise to this Robespirre doing the things he did.

1. The Vendee Collapsed even harder then it did OTL, with British Regulars landing and helping train those guerillas before they were forced to retreat to the Ocean, and while it was put down in a rather compelling manner by Brian, Napoleon, Soult and others, it scared the everloving shit out of him. Which drove anti monarch sentiment through the roof.

2. Moderate voices within the Republic found new life after the victories on the Rhine and in the Netherlands (which we helped achieve), which without would have seen them be taken off the board and removed from power, and while the Jacobian's retained the majority, the Moderates were gaining some steam, along with Royalists.

3. When Robespierre took power in the COS, his longtime ally Paul Marat, and political rival Georges Danton had been executed. Marat for anti-revolutionary literature, and danton for supporting such proclamations, as they were calling out the COS situation and believing it was taking away powers of the New republic into an emergency Government that could be abused. (That is important for later). This fucked him up mentally, as he began to be very paranoid.

He was right, but we'll get to that.

4. Without Napoleon saving the Republic in 1793, and many of the blunders that made the Royalists bold in 1793 being beaten back or otherwise hidden, and with tensions so high with royalists and republicans, mob violence broke out, and then the Terror started.

5. Robespierre took command of the Committee, and used it, first to stop political enemies and ideological enemies, and then to quell the riots. The effects caused Brian to become dangerously worried for the continued safety of the citizens of both Paris and France, as the killings began to ramp up, and with Napoleon and other conspirators.

6. He's captured, tried and acquitted of all charges, becomes a sort of Elder Statesmen, still extremely paranoid, but otherwise still brilliant and successful.

7,Ney coups the Government again, and proclaims Bonaparte, and Brian consuls, lets the directorate elect one of their own. Elects him.

8. Robe is reasonably sure that the Army is playing politics and is doing everything in his power to stop this madness, and otherwise kill the two men who are first and second consul, not even realizing that Brian is just done with this shit and is only doing this till elections can be held.

9. Robe Coups. We get mad and start an empire.

10. He flee's, then gets captured.

Long story short, he's a guy who believed in his stuff so much, and fell to his paranoia after several coups against him, both for good reasons and bad, and then decided to fight back with violence instead of politics.

And wound up losing.
Good... the tyrant is dead... that's one less loose end to worry about. Even better, his legacy did indeed die with him, tarnished and ruined.

Britain not giving us the pox vaccine is annoying, but we can turn that decision against them. We just have to persuade the rest of Europe that Britain is selfishly hoarding up the vaccine in the hopes that as many enemies of it die and so that they can extort the others for significant monetary compensation. That should force their hand, lest they risk crippling their vaunted diplomatic powers and make it easier for us to isolate them and get a coalition against them.

Here's a potential interpretation of the last talk between Therese and Robespierre (if they had any; source of inspiration is the last confrontation between
Reinhard Heydrich and Heinrich Himmler in Heydrich's Route of Germany, TNO)

Robespierre: Therese... Therese what have you done!? Th-th-this betrayal is the end of us, o-our undoing! The enemies of the Revolution w-w-will rule f-f-f-forever!
Therese: What for? You brought us to this point, Robespierre. You made France what it is. You halted our mission. The Revolution succeeded, and then you stole it away!
Robespierre: It was your fault! You... If you'd just followed orders! But you wouldn't, would you? False Jeanne d'Arc! A monarchist sympathizer in disguise, that was all you ever were!
Therese: No, Robespierre. You betrayed our vision. You betrayed France and its people. I've corrected the order of things, and now it will be as it always should have.
Robespierre: I only ever did what I had to do!
Therese: As did I.
welp, that nat 1 probably killed republicanism for decades

Gd if only he could have rolled higher
For fucks sake, why do you love this murderous lunatic so much?!

Republicanism is NOT dead at all. He was the guy to endanger it the most! Therese is actually the one keeping it alive right now!!

I must say, I'm getting kinda pissed at you and @Magoose trying to spin him as some kind of midunderstood good guy here. He slaughtered countless innocent people out of nothing more then paranoia and wanted to kill even more! He killed two of the Revolutions greatest advocates because they "dared" to criticize - not even revolt against, JUST criticize! - him seizing complete control of the State! He started a completely unnecessary Civil War! He wanted to kill children for who their Parents were! HE WAS WILLING TO MURDER NEWLY BORN BABIES LYING IN THEIR BEDS, FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!!

Yes, he may have truly wanted to save the Revolution and the Republic, but HE was the one doing the most to destroy them! Is that tragic? Sure. But any sympathy I might have had left for him died when he, again, TRIED TO MURDER BABIES!!!
I do not CARE what mental Gymnastics he may have used to justify all this shit to himself and others. He stopped being the Champion of the People and Freedom the second he became willing to tear France apart and endanger the whole Revolution to force his own Vision on it!

He was a mass-murdering Tyrant, a Traitor and a Monster. And History in this Timeline will rightfully remember him as such!
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Let's shelve the discussions regarding Robespierre before we get too heated here... he has left the stage and will trouble us no longer. Now we need to focus on our other enemies, the British and the bankers first and foremost. We also need to keep an eye out on the Royalists as well.
I must say, I'm getting kinda pissed at you and @Magoose trying to spin him as some kind of midunderstood good guy here. He slaughtered countless innocent people out of nothing more then paranoia and wanted to kill even more! He killed two of the Revolutions greatest advocates because they "dared" to criticize - not even revolt against, JUST criticize! - him seizing complete control of the State! He started a completely unnecessary Civil War! He wanted to kill children for who their Parents were! HE WAS WILLING TO MURDER NEWLY BORN BABIES LYING IN THEIR BEDS, FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!!
I will only say this, just so I do not have to say it again.

I mearly told the cause and effect of the downfall of Robe that our or Napoleons actions affected to where he began his downfall.

Nothing more.

Don't you dare ever claim I was doing mental gymnastics for a man that ITTL, has gone down as a very bad dude.

At all.

It's hard enough to deal with some of the shit I get from other readers who expected a far more historical quest then what was given and they got mad at that.

Working 12 hours and using what little free time I have to write this.

Or the people that say my writing sucks, that plaus was better and I should give the reins back to him, even though Plaus isn't coming back and that will mean the quest dies.
That reminds me. What is the ITTL fate of Gracchus Babeuf?

OTL, he was executed by the directory in 1797 but before that he was writing a lot against Robespierre. Did he survive Robes purges here?
No unfortunately, talking the mad shit the second time around got him a one way ticket to heaven.
Let's shelve the discussions regarding Robespierre before we get too heated here... he has left the stage and will trouble us no longer. Now we need to focus on our other enemies, the British and the bankers first and foremost. We also need to keep an eye out on the Royalists as well.
Indeed… The Royalists are going to be very interesting to work with in the coming years, especially when Louis starts coming of age and they decide to push for him to get a title.
Ahah. guilotine go brrrr.
I think France is stopping the use of the guilotine for awhile.
Don't you dare ever claim I was doing mental gymnastics for a man that ITTL, has gone down as a very bad dude.

At all.

It's hard enough to deal with some of the shit I get from other readers who expected a far more historical quest then what was given and they got mad at that.

Working 12 hours and using what little free time I have to write this.

Or the people that say my writing sucks, that plaus was better and I should give the reins back to him, even though Plaus isn't coming back and that will mean the quest dies.

I'm sorry. I really didn't mean it like that. I was frustrated and misinterpreted what you were trying to say.
I was not calling you a bad writer, and I am really sorry that I came off that way. As I've said before, I love this Quest and how you write it. This was not meant at all to say that your writing sucks. Because it doesn't.

I apologize for getting what you were saying completely wrong. I should've thought about this more before I started writing. This is my fault alone and I am sorry for annoying you like this.
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