Parlez-vous français?

  • Oui, je parle très bien français!

    Votes: 161 14.3%
  • Un peu.

    Votes: 188 16.7%
  • What? Francis? Nope.

    Votes: 329 29.1%
  • What? Oh, don't be silly, my dear!

    Votes: 159 14.1%
  • ¿El español es lo suficientemente bueno?

    Votes: 85 7.5%
  • Ich verstehe dich irgendwie.

    Votes: 64 5.7%
  • Я очень хорошо говорю по-русски.

    Votes: 63 5.6%
  • 我听不懂。

    Votes: 35 3.1%
  • 何を言っているのですか?

    Votes: 28 2.5%
  • nuqneH pa'!

    Votes: 10 0.9%
  • فرانسه بلدنستم

    Votes: 7 0.6%

  • Total voters
[X] Make him an Aide De Camp: You are in desperate need of an aide. Perhaps he will see himself regain his honor from you.

[X] Towards Paris, and the Siege There: Napoleon has already laid Siege to Paris… with only 45,000 men, against 70,000… You are not going to allow him to kill himself because of his own overconfidence. (Will arrive on October 15th)
[X] Make him an Aide De Camp: You are in desperate need of an aide. Perhaps he will see himself regain his honor from you.

[X] Towards Paris, and the Siege There: Napoleon has already laid Siege to Paris… with only 45,000 men, against 70,000… You are not going to allow him to kill himself because of his own overconfidence. (Will arrive on October 15th)
[X]Make him an Aide De Camp: You are in desperate need of an aide. Perhaps he will see himself regain his honor from you.

[X]Towards Paris, and the Siege There: Napoleon has already laid Siege to Paris… with only 45,000 men, against 70,000… You are not going to allow him to kill himself because of his own overconfidence. (Will arrive on October 15th)

Militarily, the second is no longer needed, but it is where we can do the most good as we are now (wounded and pregnant), by a mix of rebuilding France (economically and politically) and helping plan grand strategy. It also puts a formidable force (Napoleon's troops+Army of Orient+Army of the North) in central position from which it can be quickly dispatched to wherever necessary. SO it makes sense both IC and OOC, IMHO.

*Takes a deep breath.*

Okay, how about instead, we'll just say they put down the Revolt in New Spain, and discovered some new gold reserves, that makes more sense then... well... El Dorado.

Why not have the Spaniard discover the California Gold in advance of OTL? AT this point in time, California is Spanish in totality, IIRC.

I hope we can catch Robe. The king had a lot of trouble getting out of France in 1793, and unless Robe has massive foreign support to get him out, which might be possible, he should encounter the same difficulties.

The King made the stupid mistake of paying for a small service with a big gold coin bearing his own face, while he was fleeing incognito under a false name.....
Rob won't do the same (no coin with his face on it)
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[X]Make him an Aide De Camp: You are in desperate need of an aide. Perhaps he will see himself regain his honor from you.

[X]Towards Paris, and the Siege There: Napoleon has already laid Siege to Paris… with only 45,000 men, against 70,000… You are not going to allow him to kill himself because of his own overconfidence. (Will arrive on October 15th)
At this point there were only maybe a couple thousand Spaniards in California IIRC; the region didn't have a large non-indigenous population until the 1840s
Yes, but it does not prevent a chance (ie big crit) discovery of the motherload which triggered OTL gold rush in california. That keeps some of the feeling of mythical El Dorado without going into fantasy novel territory.
[X]Make him an Aide De Camp: You are in desperate need of an aide. Perhaps he will see himself regain his honor from you.

[X]Towards Paris, and the Siege There: Napoleon has already laid Siege to Paris… with only 45,000 men, against 70,000… You are not going to allow him to kill himself because of his own overconfidence. (Will arrive on October 15th)
[X]Make him an Aide De Camp: You are in desperate need of an aide. Perhaps he will see himself regain his honor from you.

[X]Towards Paris, and the Siege There: Napoleon has already laid Siege to Paris… with only 45,000 men, against 70,000… You are not going to allow him to kill himself because of his own overconfidence. (Will arrive on October 15th)
[X] Make him an Aide De Camp: You are in desperate need of an aide. Perhaps he will see himself regain his honor from you.

[X] Towards Paris, and the Siege There: Napoleon has already laid Siege to Paris… with only 45,000 men, against 70,000… You are not going to allow him to kill himself because of his own overconfidence. (Will arrive on October 15th)

Or Britian would say: Blatant Power Grabbing cunts who need to be destroyed.
*Looks at Canada, The Caribbean, India, South Africa, Central Africa and Australia*

Superevent - The French Civil War: Napoleonic Victory
Superevent - The French Civil War: Napoleonic Victory

All great events hang by a hair. The man of ability takes advantage of everything and neglects nothing that can give him a chance of success; whilst the less able man sometimes loses everything by neglecting a single one of those chances.
-Napoleon Bonaparte

The Eagle takes flight

A.N.: A bit late, but better late then never.
[X]Make him an Aide De Camp: You are in desperate need of an aide. Perhaps he will see himself regain his honor from you.

[X]Towards Paris, and the Siege There: Napoleon has already laid Siege to Paris… with only 45,000 men, against 70,000… You are not going to allow him to kill himself because of his own overconfidence. (Will arrive on October 15th)
Alright you know what: I'm up for answering questions!

Ask away!

though I shall say this: do not ask about new Spain, cyber is working on it!
So, provided that the Coalition members are aware of current events (and provided that this question can be answered)... what was their reaction to the end of French Civil War?
I don't know was this asked, but what is American reaction to our and Napoleons coronation and end of revolution? And reaction of European great powers in general, including Ottoman empire?
Ah yeah that is a great question, how does our fellow republic in America feel about ourselves crowning an emperor and empress? Are they disappointed or are they taking notes? this also applies to our sister republic in Sicily.
[X]Make him an Aide De Camp: You are in desperate need of an aide. Perhaps he will see himself regain his honor from you.
[X]Towards Paris, and the Siege There: Napoleon has already laid Siege to Paris… with only 45,000 men, against 70,000… You are not going to allow him to kill himself because of his own overconfidence. (Will arrive on October 15th)
So, provided that the Coalition members are aware of current events (and provided that this question can be answered)... what was their reaction to the end of French Civil War?
The coalition has at least for the moment think we are still in a state of civil war.

they are in for a very rude awakening once the battles begin.

and Britian is shitting it's pants, because Spain just… we don't talk about the leisurely stroll the French army is going on in Spain.

We might just steal a good portion of the Spanish Navy.
I don't know was this asked, but what is American reaction to our and Napoleons coronation and end of revolution? And reaction of European great powers in general, including Ottoman empire?
America: Why… I mean i understand you have made some bad choices, but we didn't expect you to just dive back to authoritarian tendencies.

Ottomans: Paraha, you have some explaining to do… why did you say the French were going to invade us? When they went to Sicily?

Parsha: shit.

other great powers: Why is the French Army so large and badass!? Aren't the suffering from a civil war.
Ah yeah that is a great question, how does our fellow republic in America feel about ourselves crowning an emperor and empress? Are they disappointed or are they taking notes? this also applies to our sister republic in Sicily.
Disappointed. They saw a chance for a true European republic, but they saw it dashed by military strong men, and royalists.

As for Sicily? They might not be in a position to care, as they have accepted they might not remain a republic without an act of god because the Royal Navy is coming to kick the shit out of anyone who may help the French.
[X]Make him an Aide De Camp: You are in desperate need of an aide. Perhaps he will see himself regain his honor from you.
[X]Towards Paris, and the Siege There: Napoleon has already laid Siege to Paris… with only 45,000 men, against 70,000… You are not going to allow him to kill himself because of his own overconfidence. (Will arrive on October 15th)

To make things right.
Honour shall be regained.
While helping the proud eagle against the mad tyrant.
Considering what @Magoose let slip about the British Rolls...the Amercians might be in for a grim remainder of what it means to fight a true Super Power.
You'll see.

but the Americans-have one thing going for them. A little dingy, called the USS Constitution and her flotilla have just been rushed off of the production line and into service.

Old Ironsides is about to be baptized in fire.