Parlez-vous français?

  • Oui, je parle très bien français!

    Votes: 161 14.3%
  • Un peu.

    Votes: 188 16.7%
  • What? Francis? Nope.

    Votes: 329 29.1%
  • What? Oh, don't be silly, my dear!

    Votes: 159 14.1%
  • ¿El español es lo suficientemente bueno?

    Votes: 85 7.5%
  • Ich verstehe dich irgendwie.

    Votes: 64 5.7%
  • Я очень хорошо говорю по-русски.

    Votes: 63 5.6%
  • 我听不懂。

    Votes: 35 3.1%
  • 何を言っているのですか?

    Votes: 28 2.5%
  • nuqneH pa'!

    Votes: 10 0.9%
  • فرانسه بلدنستم

    Votes: 7 0.6%

  • Total voters
An Unthinkable Situation (AvidFicReader)
An Unthinkable Situation

Seated atop his glorious throne, Napoleon Bonaparte, Emperor of the French, presided over his court. It had been nearly twenty years since he had met the love of his life, the brilliant and bright star, Therese. Oft had he joked that among the crown jewels of the Empire, she was the centerpiece. But now was not the time for sentimentality; now he was the emperor holding court, the mightiest and most influential of Europe.

Between the trials and tribulations of war and peace, reforms had been pushed through as France and her allies would either adapt or perish. Many vapid, serpent-tongued courtiers had been squeezed out by the pressured demanded of those who served him. In the present, imperial courtiers we're expected to do actual work, and only make court appearances while not on duty. This had reduced the simpering sycophants and corrupt parasites to only the most competent and efficient, making court much less frustrating.

Today's court was full of pomp and fanfare, as a royals from France's allies were paying Napoleon's court a visit. It would be good to see his brothers, busy as they were running their own kingdoms. An Austrian archduchess, an acquaintance of his stepson Louis, would be in attendance representing the House of Hapsburg. And the heir apparent of a former enemy turned recent ally.

Napoleon wasn't quite sure what the Swedes were thinking when they elected that man to be their next king. Had he not known better, he would be excused for thinking that all Swedes were mad. Having met a sane one in their prime minister, Napoleon revises his estimate; most, but not all Swedes were madmen. He was also of mixed feelings that his heir, Alexander, was to marry the madman's daughter. God in Heaven, they would soon be in-laws!

"Presenting, Crown Prince Erik Denis Severin of Sweden!"

"Hey, Emperor Nappy! I come bearing meatballs and affordable, easily assembled furniture! But the instructions are only in Swedish, so good luck!"

With a strangled scream, Napoleon shot bolt upright in his bed, painfully empty with Therese dealing with the morass that Spain had become.

"Whew, what an awful nightmare. How absurd, that man, royalty? Pah! Were he not so skilled a commander and unquestionably loyal, is have nothing to do with him! Therese, I miss you. I never had such frightful dreams while you slept beside me. Perhaps I should write her some poems to go along with her next letter."

Just a short April Fool's omake! I wanted to include some jokes and memes, so I did. This dream-like future seems so bright and wonderful, and then bam! Severin comes in like a wrecking ball. With Swedish meatballs and Ikea, no less! At least he wasn't twerking. The Archduchess is Louis' international romcom interest. Sweden fought against France during the Fourth Coalition, and their troops were besieged in Lubeck by Bernadotte when Napoleon blitzed Prussia OTL. Bernadotte's generous treatment of them was what got him elected as their crown prince to avoid a succession crisis.
Due to some commissioning me and paying me 200 dollars per week for my undivided writing stuff for all my quests are canceled.
A very sad announcement
I only have myself to blame. And my ever-growing frustrations at not being able to write this damn quest and get writer's block every time I have a bout of inspiration because dammit, I can't work without any help on this quest anymore.

For now, there is another hiatus.

Possibly even an indefinite one.

I just have lost every semblance of will to keep going on this after so long. Plus I think I just felt myself doing it out of duty and just... found it not fun to write anymore.

Hopefully, It will not be forever. Maybe Cyber will come back and Plaus maybe will be able to join back up.

In Fine, Solum Est Tibi (A Quest in Rome, During The Fall of the Republic) Original - Mature - Historic

During a Crisis, many will see you as a Hero Many will see you as nothing more than an ambitious conquerer A Destroyer of the Republic, or its Savior. It Matters little. In the end, all that matters, perhaps the only thing that matters... Is the Choices you Make. The Republic and its...
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*groan* And so dies my absolute favorite Quest on this Forum. Just GREAT...

Just to be clear, I don't blame you, @Magoose. But I won't lie and say that I am not very, VERY frustrated and even angered by this, because I really am. Not with any person, just with the circumstances.

I just hope this will come back one day, because this Quest deserves SO much better then being abandoned forever.
Really sad to hear this, I hope that inspiration comes back, but you are doing the right thing by not continuing if it begins to be a chore for you.
Sure, Im fairly certain, a number of people would love to see the finish to this quest. Or at least, see it alive again.
Do I wish for you to continue this?

@Magoose, I will be frank: This Quest right here was my favorite on this Forum while it was active. Bar none. I consider it, if not your finest work, then definitely among them. I was genuinely saddened when you put it on Hiatus and really hoped that one day, it would return.

And if you are willing to do have my full support.

Let the Enemies of France tremble and Europe itself shudder as we shout 'VIVE L'EMPEREUR!!' and let the Eagle fly once again!!
If it's going to continue, I will tell you all that there is a small time skip to 1799.

Mostly because I have some… rolling to do.

And because the turn of the century is going to be interesting.