Carrying around ebon steel gear defeats the purpose of Jacob as an alias. Even if it's not obvious, Jacob being superhumanly durable, or shrugging off gunfire is missing the point. Even Jacob getting a hold of too much purely mundane gear is at risk of making things more suspicious.

Moreover, I'm pretty sure Jacob still could have given the mage a fight/could kill one in the right circumstance (I'm hoping hotwired hit and run personally). What we saw was from Roselyn's perspective and was just the opening exchange where Jacob was getting a feel for fighting mages. Had they'd stayed to fight it out, I fully expect he would have dived back through the window, searched for some kind of athame and tried to cut Mage Megee's throat out.

There's a reason I insisted Jacob comes across as a badass normal capable of hitting outside of his weight class, every single time we've actually seen Jacob lose- he's been caught off guard fighting a completely new kind of enemy with inhuman tricks he's never fought against before. It only makes sense that the skilled and experienced combat savant can find some opening to exploit once he actually knows what he's looking for.

I suspect if Jacob was more diplomatic, less shy, and just less taciturn in general he'd probably be asking Roselyn and the other mages about how mages actually fight as they ran away.
I'm just envisioning that in a hypothetical anime of this, Jacob is constantly depicted as the badass normal, from fighting ninjas to a standstill, to casually helping his friend's little sister escape, to seeing a Mage and going 'meh I can take him' and shrugging off getting hurled through a plate glass window.

I'm just waiting for a time when one of his friends asks for help and he shows up carrying actual firearms while his friends are all surprised by it.

Jacob's future halping outfit
I suspect if Jacob was more diplomatic, less shy, and just less taciturn in general he'd probably be asking Roselyn and the other mages about how mages actually fight as they ran away.
But could he physically do that in span of... about 15 seconds? And get enough info to do anything besides "hit him with a stick"?
I mean, he could just blast him away with his magical armaments or just punch him with full force. At this point it feels like he played the role of a normal-strength brute.
Which is good- Ando and Asuka were slightly suspicious of how calm Jacob was in his first encounter with ninjas, that's without going into his sheer skill.
[Edit 4] Apparently scared everyone into thinking The End had occurred by not being serious. Very well, I shall refrain from doing so more often.
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Nah, still not enuff Dakka.

1)Pred1059's post clearly stated insufficient dakka.
2)Post wasn't edited.
2a)The reply came after 3 minutes, where it wouldn't register the edit.
3)Quoted post clearly states insufficient dakka.
3a)Editing the original post doesn't change the quoted one.

And nooo. You will not get away from JUSTICE!
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Whatever. Since me trying to not be serious is cause for others to check for signs of the Apocalypse, I no longer care whether or not Pred1059's, or my phrasing, was correct.
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Whatever. Since me trying to not be serious is cause for others to check for signs of the Apocalypse, I no longer care whether or not Pred1059's, or my phrasing was correct.
Okay, but answer me this question!
What was the joke?
Was it the mention of phrase "nuff dakka", regardless of context?
Was it somehow you reading that wrong?

I did find this funny, just changed my response.
My initial reply was a "GRANDPA, DID YOU FORGET YOUR GLASSES" joke.
Merely found the second response better.
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Okay, but answer me this question!
What was the joke?
Was it the mention of phrase "nuff dakka", regardless of context?
Was it somehow you reading that wrong?

I did find this funny, just changed my response.
My initial reply was a "GRANDPA, DID YOU FORGET YOUR GLASSES" joke.
:eyebrow: You and I must read really different message boards if you don't recognize the standard response to someone saying it's still not enough dakka. No matter who says it, the only response that can be made is, there can never be enough dakka. Ergo, the correct phrase of comment should be, still needs more dakka. Now, I get that by saying "no dakka is 'nuff dakka" it could be construed as saying that having no dakka is enough, even though the context should be clear that it meant no amount of dakka is enough.
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Carrying around ebon steel gear defeats the purpose of Jacob as an alias. Even if it's not obvious, Jacob being superhumanly durable, or shrugging off gunfire is missing the point. Even Jacob getting a hold of too much purely mundane gear is at risk of making things more suspicious.

Moreover, I'm pretty sure Jacob still could have given the mage a fight/could kill one in the right circumstance (I'm hoping hotwired hit and run personally). What we saw was from Roselyn's perspective and was just the opening exchange where Jacob was getting a feel for fighting mages. Had they'd stayed to fight it out, I fully expect he would have dived back through the window, searched for some kind of athame and tried to cut Mage Megee's throat out.

There's a reason I insisted Jacob comes across as a badass normal capable of hitting outside of his weight class, every single time we've actually seen Jacob lose- he's been caught off guard fighting a completely new kind of enemy with inhuman tricks he's never fought against before. It only makes sense that the skilled and experienced combat savant can find some opening to exploit once he actually knows what he's looking for.

I suspect if Jacob was more diplomatic, less shy, and just less taciturn in general he'd probably be asking Roselyn and the other mages about how mages actually fight as they ran away.
But we have a two ways excuse to knowing people on the otherside. People we can acquire things through. In a way that is deniable.



Negima Magic

What the fuck

I did not think I could love this Quest any more than I could have, and then you go and do this.

You fucking beautiful bastard you.


The real question we should all have on our minds now is. where. the. hell. is. Jack. F-ing. RAKAN!? Cause he will wreck everyone's shit if he shows up BS ebon powers or no.
What i really want to happen right now is for Clone!Jacob to call one of the Ebon summons just as the magician guy is hauling ass out of there.

Clone!Jacob does a high pitched whistle which one of the Ebon Beasts come rushing in. Jacob points at the fleeing Magician guy and gives the order to 'fetch'. The Ebon Beast takes off and comes back with a bloody and barely alive magician guy, which it drops on the ground with a ungraceful wet thud in front of them. Think of it like a cat bringing back something dead because it like you.
At the end of the whole confrontation, Jacob could be like: "Oh by the way if you hadn't noticed... I found a new pet!!"
Jack. F-ing. RAKAN!?

If he is in the quest I assume there would be SOME way to beat him. Because I seriously doubt the quest giver would throw Mr "I will myself back into existence from being erased" at us. Not without a decent way to deal with him.

Again, that is IF he is in the quest, we may very well be using the same magical system without the people involved in it. Unless some eagle eyed poster versed in Negima lore can point out particular characters in these updates.
The real question we should all have on our minds now is. where. the. hell. is. Jack. F-ing. RAKAN!? Cause he will wreck everyone's shit if he shows up BS ebon powers or no.

If he is in the quest I assume there would be SOME way to beat him. Because I seriously doubt the quest giver would throw Mr "I will myself back into existence from being erased" at us. Not without a decent way to deal with him.

Inb4 the only legitimate way to beat him is awakening the Ebon Emperor, having them fight and come to a stand-still, and then killing him while he's weakened.

And then he just says 'Fuck death,' and keeps going anyway.

Jack Rakan Phase Two Activated. :eek:

Again, that is IF he is in the quest, we may very well be using the same magical system without the people involved in it. Unless some eagle eyed poster versed in Negima lore can point out particular characters in these updates.

Well... we do have the Millennium Earl running around from D.Gray-Man.

I would not be surprised if That Damn Guy You Can Stab With Swords All You Want And It Won't Do A Damned Thing Damnit is around here somewhere. :rofl:
I red through the forms until now, Just what the hell is happening?

What's currently happening is that the QM has dropped a term in-quest exclusive to the Anime Negima. Right now, the questgoers are afraid of the possibility of a particularly powerful character appearing called Jack Rakan. He is so powerful that he is able to, as mentioned before, will himself back to existence after having been erased from it.

I am skeptical of his presence, given that he would doom the quest before it started. Or at the very least, there is some way to counteract him.

Well... we do have the Millennium Earl running around from D.Gray-Man.

Yes, as well as Ninjas from Senran Kagura. However, the extent of the transplant has yet to be seen. The DM may just be taking characters and a few basic concepts, as working out the interacting cosmologies and politics would be a herculean undertaking. Not to mention fitting in the Black Kingdom into said history and politics.

Until we get some concrete verdict, either by evidence in Quest or the DM deciding to stop the mania and letting us know, Jack Rakan's presence in the quest is unknown. For now, all of this is conjecture.
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