[X] Diplomacy

More opportunities to make allies, which gives us a greater chance to get hero units/advisors from them.
[X] Piety

Was thinking Martial, but hindsight... Eh, may as well go with the 'natural high' cap, and build from there say...

And in arbitrary order...

[ ] Martial, given her nature as a Doll, and our Golems as is... Might, actually develop/grow to become an amplifier, if one thinks of her threat to 'blow herself up' not help with Human tanks tier escalation. However, stat wise alone, she... Isn't the best. Though that could be countered by later trait development, Golem/Doll advancement, est.

... Think, her potentially becoming 'mother hen' for our Living Dolls, say? And that Ruby plushie...

[ ] Stewardship

At risk of going 'hur manager', Stewardship is... Hindsight, not 'that' needed, unless we want to think of having a 'pretty face' be our Manager/business accountant, and be the 'public' face of our more... 'public' venures. However, I don't think it'd be as much a 'strength' for the Dollmaster, compared to say, Martial or Piety.

[ ] Diplomacy

Hindsight, on an 'off' focus, Diplomacy could be a bit better for the Dollmaster. However, focus/deck of hands wise... I've a feeling, it 'miight' be better to see on acquiring a Magical Girl for a Diplomacy adviser, modern times et all, ditto for Ninja. (And don't get me started on the Dollmaster's joke Intrigue, that's the inverse of the Ebon Lord's bad diplomacy.

And lastly...

[ ] Piety

Holy cow, at a natural high base, plus bonuses leading to an advantage on piety... If going "High stat" focus, she'd have us beat on Piety. And on risk/reward bonus, no need to focus/gamble on getting a risky 'corruptable/dark mage' as a Piety adviser, and one can argue that she could be the best lore source to find out/learn about what the original/'true' Black Kingdom and it's history is like from a personal perspective, and craft an ideal to make an even better, updated/modern Black Kingdom to adapt to the times, to save the Ebon Emperor.

However, only bane is hindsight, one must account to this question: would Piety in a sense, 'truely' be the best field we can have our Doll under? When given her possible experience on commanding Dolls, which in hindsight could blend in well to our current forces of Shadow Stalkers and Golems, especially golems...


Pragmatically, I see only two fields we can put the Dollmaster under. Mainly,

Martial, & Piety.

Martial for that 'Doll Leader' bonus trait, potentially later on. (Though that may lock out a later good general, X Com base wise, say. Or Knight/Martial Magical Girl unit, say.)

While Piety, could go well with both learning on some of the olde style of Ebon magic/piety, and other esoteric fields that could really complement our Golems, and increase our own Piety stat over time, with training... It'd be even more hilarious, if she thinks/concludes that our 'natural low' Piety/Mana stat, may have helped ensure a lack of being traceable... Which, given the times, might be for the best, cover wise.


And last/last, I'm guessing Caleb? May have likely been a relative, if we picked a more noble background, last name wise. But alas, due to said background not being chosen/est, and likely suffered a background defeat/death... Well, tragic.
[X] Piety

Loved the fight scene, by the way. The Ebon Lord continues to be as bullshit as ever.
[X] Piety
Let's be frank- poor doll will over exert herself at a first serious battle, just like she did now.
Better to put that massive piety to good use.

Also we simply need to ask her about Black Kingdom and this Ebon stuff:
-Who and when was that Ebon Lord Caleb?
-Did she know Ebon Emperor? What were they like? (there's a chance we'll get more than servant, fawning bullshit...)
-Are there any remnants of the kingdom or allies powerful enough to survive after all this time?
-Are there any other magical vaults or sources of power, used back in the day?
Even after fall of the kingdom, there is bound to be something that remained.
-Any and all knowledge about our powers, or at least powers of other Ebon Lords.
-Forces of Light- any obvious things we'd rather ask her? Their more broken powers? (Dark Power Detection or something...?)
Champions who will most likely still be alive?(or avatars or some other immortal beings)
Or maybe organizations from back in the day, who lived to this day, that she has any intel on?
Is not sufficent for an Kingdom!

Or a second secret base.... Or to hire a clan of ninja

Kingdoms and second bases can wait till the end-game. Ninjas are...plausible, we'll need to make contact in order to get some prices.

My point is, at this point in time, we do not need to worry about being thrown out of our base due to missing rent, and we have some to throw around for non-magic/artifact upgrades. Furthermore, we have a reliable magic shop contact we can go and pawn whatever we do not need. Compared to last turn's income(ie: none), we should not be hurting for cash anytime soon.

If you mean we ought to keep an eye out for ways to invest for either small but reliable gains or a large future reward, I get that. But for now, the imperative for cash has dropped considerably.

Speaking of investment:

[X] Martial

We get more actions with her as our advisor. That means quicker gains in our combat abilities. The sooner we get those up, the sooner we can challenge Padraidis and reclaim the Vault. Not to mention, it is just good to have when the forces of good come knocking (and they will).
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hmmm ninjas, let's make Jackie chan adventures shadowkhans!!

As much as I enjoy the show, let us not invoke the wrath of copyright lawyers m'kay?

More seriously, we might be able to upgrade our Phantom Seekers to be more combat capable for covert ops. Our golems seem to be progressing toward the status of regular foot-soldier.