In spite of everything else, this may be the most terrifying thing to happen this week.
Everyone shield your eyes!
What, is it like disgustingly cute or...?
*reads the manga*
Or he'll make you swoll.
Jacob:"... What. The. Fuck."
Evetta:*blushes furiously*"Oh my..."
Yuudai:"... I refuse to go anywhere near that."
Renata:"I don't know if I should be impressed or horrified."
Ando:"Sooo.... going to gym often, yeah?" *so jealous*
Count Cuddles:"Bo? Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo!"
Roselyn:"I think I need to rewrite my wizard fanfiction. All of it."
Christina:"Ah, Mr. Atsushi! Aren't you feeling cold without pants? I can borrow you my dad's jeans if you'd like."
Michael:*tear in one eye*"Big Bro... one day I wanna be just like hi..." Jacob: NO.
Fury:"This guy looks like Mike that one time when Michael's crush visited..." Mike:*rocks back and forth* "Glitter. Glitter everywhere..."
Aestia:"... I knew we were low on girls, but that is just desperation."
Chubey:"Paltry young girl body cannot compare to a fully grown male bodybuilder. This is the future."
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No need to panic. Just doing some rolls~ :whistle:
shibosho threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Renata Total: 92
92 92
shibosho threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Suspicion Total: 83
83 83
shibosho threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Minions Total: 32
32 32
shibosho threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Page Total: 79
79 79
shibosho threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Rsponse Total: 22
22 22
*blinks* Is that... daylight I see from behind this darkened abyss of non existence?

*blinks more till sight clears up* Oh! Nay, for it is even better the OP has found a light source to lead the way to life!
No need to panic. Just doing some rolls~ :whistle:

Excellent, it lives.

Looks like whatever Renata is up to, she succeeded. Probably made contact with the other megucas, if the next roll is their reaction.

Minions could refer to a lot of things, so I can't guess on that.

Looks like maybe the next Page that popped up is handled pretty well. Though I'm guessing that some authorities have found out and aren't happy, based on that 22.
Barbecue the the corpse-wizar-
Oh great mods, please show mercy.
Oh. Uh...
Tis naught but a jape.
Nevermind then. :oops:
Srsly tho.
Week 7
AN: Head's up and sorry for taking so long to post. Uni was taking up my time along with some writer's block, assignments and a period of not wanting to stuff for a while kept me from writing. I've decided to try and split the updates into small ones in order to facilitate faster updates, rather than do everything in one big post. Let's see how it goes and if goes well, I'll make it permanent thing.

Week 7

Today is simply not your day.

Earlier, you detected a source of immense magical power which matched the signature of a Radiant Page. Seeking to acquire the page before anyone else, you immediately headed over to the location of the Page. Unfortunately for you, it had activated before you got there. It was here that you witnessed the power of the Radiant Page.

The page had turned some random person into a bizarre monster that wouldn't look out of place in a kid's live action hero show. Unfortunately for several victims, whoever had the page must have had a strong desire to cut things, judging by all the shape pointy protrusions and claws on the monster's body.

Fortunately for you, you had all the guns and made quick work of the monster. While you're sure that there was a way to undo the monstrous transformation that the page caused in their host, you didn't really care so you simply mow down the former human down with a minigun as well as some explosives.

You retrieved the page just as Roselyn and her new partners, Alicia and Yoshirou, appeared on the scene to collect the page themselves.

"Hey! Give that back! It has to be sealed!" Roselyn demanded at the time.

You simply put the page away in your coat and disappeared into the shadows, leaving behind a frustrated mage, dark magical knight and bright magical girl to deal with the aftermath of your fight.

You don't know anything about this whole Radiant Witch and Grimm Knight business but you can only assume that things are going to get worse before they get better, especially considering the current state of the city.

The events of the past few days threaten to usurp the peace in Las Angeyoto. It was only thanks to the efforts of several powerful mages, the Company, and Ninja Enforcers that the mundane side of your city still remains separate from the world you are now making your mark upon. The ordinary lives of ordinary people continues to turn in peace.

Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for the supernatural elements of your beloved city. The ninja clans are barely able to keep themselves from tearing apart the city in search of the one they call Ninja Slayer. The magical girl population outside the Company has suddenly been cut down to only a small handful of heroines. The only upside of that is the fact that whatever enemies these magical girls had to fact has also had their numbers cut down dramatically. Time seems to have gone a bit screwy for some reason and there's probably a dozen other things that threatens the peace of your city.

Worse of all, your new magical girl minion has exposed her existence to the mages of the city on her very first proper outing. It seems Renata was a bit to gung-ho about her new position in life and in demonstrating her loyalty and enthusiasm to the cause, she winded up being seen by a number of prominent mages while draining a powerful and respected mage in the city. You have have gotten over the one hundred page mark in the book of Ebon but now the magical community knows that someone is out there hunting mages for their magic core.

You have a sick feeling that this is only the start of an incoming storm that will soon sweep into the city and drag you and everyone of significance into chaos and anarchy. Either that or you're being to paranoid.

One of the two.

Oh, and your shadow minion numbers continue to grow without any of your input.

It might be a good idea to check what the deal with that is.

Available Resources:
3310 Ebon Power

1 Mage (Mid-rank)
1 Human Captive (poor condition)
5 Ninja (Low-rank) captives (Good Condition)

Current Available Forces:
350 Ebon Shadows
50 Neoshadows
5 Black Beasts
5 small shadow doll thing? (Wait, they're multiplying as well!?)


Martial: The city despite the events that transpired in the last few days is fairly calm. Not too surprising since a chunk of the supernatural community of Las Angeyoto were suddenly put out of commission. However, this peace can only last so long so you best take good advantage of it while you can. (Choose 2)

[ ] Soldiers in disguise: You've got some advice from Evetta on how to actually go about improving the combat capabilities of your Golems. According to her, you could theoretically grant your golems a more combat capable form though it would also depend on the intelligence and ego of the golem themselves. If successful, your golems may be able to become completely viable combatants. With power to spare, you're ready to bring up the existence of your golems up a notch. Cost: 400 EP. Chance of success 100% Reward: Minion Type - Golem Rank Up. All existing Golems gains combat upgrade. Certain Golems evolves into Spirit Tools.

[ ] Steel Sentinels:
Ebon Steel does not lend itself to life very easily. It's not impossible if you consider Evetta's Ebon Steel Doll Soldiers. Even if it\ was on the same level as your weakest golems, they were intelligent or at least sapient. Having examined some of the few remaining Ebon Steel Dolls, combined with your greater mastery of Ebon Power, you believe you can create your own versions. Cost: 500 EP. Chance of Success: 100%. Reward: New Minion Type - Knight gained. ???

[ ] Animals of the Black Kingdom:
The Black Beasts are strong monsters. With some Ebon Power, you can turn a small kitten into a deadly monstrous saber-toothed tiger. But what if you tried using your powers of other kinds of creatures as well as bigger ones as well? The forces of the Black Kingdom need their heavy hitters, steeds, and war animals. You just have to figure out which ones are best to use. Cost: 500 EP. Chance of Success: 100% Reward: Black Beast Upgrade. 5 new Black Beasts.???

[ ] Magic Core Hunt:
Renata has exposed herself to the magical community. While her identity is unknown, her actions have caused a stir. However, you cannot falter here and now. You must collect more pages, even if you have to personally oversee the operation yourself. With a horde of energy stealing shadows at your side, the magic cores will be yourself. Cost: 100EP. Chance of Success: 50% Reward: Fill up more pages in the Book of Ebon. ???

[ ] Magical Girl Villain Culling:
Despite the sudden apparent cosmic retcon of a number of villains that the magical girl of Las Angeyoto had to face, there are still those that remain and with less competition, they will only grow more powerful. Best to prune away these threats before they become truly dangerous. Cost: 200 Ebon Shadows. 40 Neoshadows. 5 Black Beasts. Chance of Success: 80%. Reward: Information on magical girl villain forces. Improved relations with Magical girls outside the Company. Ebon Power. ???

[ ] Demon Purge:
Those skeleton demons that turn their host bodies into floating artillery demons are a threat. Not only do they pack a punch, but apparently they also inject anyone hit by their attacks with some virus that kills people and make their bodies crumble into ashes. The exorcists are doing well by themselves but you're certain that they could use some help. PLus you simply don't really care for these skeleton demon things that the funny looking demon due in a top-hat has been shoving into his victims' bodies. Cost: 100 Ebon Shadows. 20 Neoshadows. 5 Black Beast. Chance of Success: 50% Reward: "Akuma" forces reduced drastically. Exorcist group SL gained. ???
[X] Soldiers in disguise: You've got some advice from Evetta on how to actually go about improving the combat capabilities of your Golems. According to her, you could theoretically grant your golems a more combat capable form though it would also depend on the intelligence and ego of the golem themselves. If successful, your golems may be able to become completely viable combatants. With power to spare, you're ready to bring up the existence of your golems up a notch. Cost: 400 EP. Chance of success 100% Reward: Minion Type - Golem Rank Up. All existing Golems gains combat upgrade. Certain Golems evolves into Spirit Tools.

[X] Animals of the Black Kingdom:
The Black Beasts are strong monsters. With some Ebon Power, you can turn a small kitten into a deadly monstrous saber-toothed tiger. But what if you tried using your powers of other kinds of creatures as well as bigger ones as well? The forces of the Black Kingdom need their heavy hitters, steeds, and war animals. You just have to figure out which ones are best to use. Cost: 500 EP. Chance of Success: 100% Reward: Black Beast Upgrade. 5 new Black Beasts.???

time to up our troop quality and quantity before doing some purging
If you do, maybe edit it all into the threadmark while also posting it for the people following it as it is finished?

It tends to work out better if it's just a new post. Checking back in to see if the post was updated is a pain in the ass.

[X] Soldiers in disguise: You've got some advice from Evetta on how to actually go about improving the combat capabilities of your Golems. According to her, you could theoretically grant your golems a more combat capable form though it would also depend on the intelligence and ego of the golem themselves. If successful, your golems may be able to become completely viable combatants. With power to spare, you're ready to bring up the existence of your golems up a notch. Cost: 400 EP. Chance of success 100% Reward: Minion Type - Golem Rank Up. All existing Golems gains combat upgrade. Certain Golems evolves into Spirit Tools.

[X] Animals of the Black Kingdom:
The Black Beasts are strong monsters. With some Ebon Power, you can turn a small kitten into a deadly monstrous saber-toothed tiger. But what if you tried using your powers of other kinds of creatures as well as bigger ones as well? The forces of the Black Kingdom need their heavy hitters, steeds, and war animals. You just have to figure out which ones are best to use. Cost: 500 EP. Chance of Success: 100% Reward: Black Beast Upgrade. 5 new Black Beasts.???
AN: Head's up and sorry for taking so long to post. Uni was taking up my time along with some writer's block, assignments and a period of not wanting to stuff for a while kept me from writing. I've decided to try and split the updates into small ones in order to facilitate faster updates, rather than do everything in one big post. Let's see how it goes and if goes well, I'll make it permanent thing.
Um... how do you expect us to properly allocate resources if we don't have all the options before we start spending Ebon power and money?
[X] Steel Sentinels: Ebon Steel does not lend itself to life very easily. It's not impossible if you consider Evetta's Ebon Steel Doll Soldiers. Even if it\ was on the same level as your weakest golems, they were intelligent or at least sapient. Having examined some of the few remaining Ebon Steel Dolls, combined with your greater mastery of Ebon Power, you believe you can create your own versions. Cost: 500 EP. Chance of Success: 100%. Reward: New Minion Type - Knight gained. ???

[X] Demon Purge:
Those skeleton demons that turn their host bodies into floating artillery demons are a threat. Not only do they pack a punch, but apparently they also inject anyone hit by their attacks with some virus that kills people and make their bodies crumble into ashes. The exorcists are doing well by themselves but you're certain that they could use some help. PLus you simply don't really care for these skeleton demon things that the funny looking demon due in a top-hat has been shoving into his victims' bodies. Cost: 100 Ebon Shadows. 20 Neoshadows. 5 Black Beast. Chance of Success: 50% Reward: "Akuma" forces reduced drastically. Exorcist group SL gained. ???
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Um... how do you expect us to properly allocate resources if we don't have all the options before we start spending Ebon power and money?
Not to worry. I've divided up each section with appropriate costs in regards to available resources.

While you can overspend, you have a safety net in the form of mini-turns where you have to go on a draining spree, at least in terms of Ebon Power.

Money also has a similar safety net in the form of bank heists, raids, and the likes.
I think it's probably time to push back against some of the fuckwits intruding on our territory.

Plus, the Book doesn't care who it drains. We've got plenty of perfectly legitimate targets all over the place here.

I'd purge the Demons myself, as they're the ones who are likely to cause us the biggest headache if left unchecked. The MG villains are at least in a stalemate.
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[X] Magical Girl Villain Culling: Despite the sudden apparent cosmic retcon of a number of villains that the magical girl of Las Angeyoto had to face, there are still those that remain and with less competition, they will only grow more powerful. Best to prune away these threats before they become truly dangerous. Cost: 200 Ebon Shadows. 40 Neoshadows. 5 Black Beasts. Chance of Success: 80%. Reward: Information on magical girl villain forces. Improved relations with Magical girls outside the Company. Ebon Power. ???

[X] Animals of the Black Kingdom:
The Black Beasts are strong monsters. With some Ebon Power, you can turn a small kitten into a deadly monstrous saber-toothed tiger. But what if you tried using your powers of other kinds of creatures as well as bigger ones as well? The forces of the Black Kingdom need their heavy hitters, steeds, and war animals. You just have to figure out which ones are best to use. Cost: 500 EP. Chance of Success: 100% Reward: Black Beast Upgrade. 5 new Black Beasts.???
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[X] Soldiers in disguise: You've got some advice from Evetta on how to actually go about improving the combat capabilities of your Golems. According to her, you could theoretically grant your golems a more combat capable form though it would also depend on the intelligence and ego of the golem themselves. If successful, your golems may be able to become completely viable combatants. With power to spare, you're ready to bring up the existence of your golems up a notch. Cost: 400 EP. Chance of success 100% Reward: Minion Type - Golem Rank Up. All existing Golems gains combat upgrade. Certain Golems evolves into Spirit Tools.

[X] Magical Girl Villain Culling: Despite the sudden apparent cosmic retcon of a number of villains that the magical girl of Las Angeyoto had to face, there are still those that remain and with less competition, they will only grow more powerful. Best to prune away these threats before they become truly dangerous. Cost: 200 Ebon Shadows. 40 Neoshadows. 5 Black Beasts. Chance of Success: 80%. Reward: Information on magical girl villain forces. Improved relations with Magical girls outside the Company. Ebon Power. ???