Yes, That's the idea revolving around the energy gathering front option. It's produces a steady amount of energy at a fairly decent rate but runs the risk of being found by magical girls who have a bizarre tendency to stumble onto these kinds of operations.
What I'm thinking is us making people sign a contract before entering. Lets say, before entering the haunted house we'll inform them that their positive energies will be drained. People will assume it's just a clever play on words but we'll know better.
Heck, we could hire a legal team to arrange the legality of the enterprise, and extra points if we don't have mystical guards but we actually hire a security company.

I doubt this will be enought to stop the magical girls from attacking, but I want to see their reactions when we tell them we're calling the police on them.
Yeah, between an option of being a typical magical girl villain with some energy drain scheme, and just using magic to make things that give us more magic, I'll pick the latter.

Helps with secrecy, helps with sustainability, helps with enabling us to operate all over the place (no need to bother spending more options to setup new fronts in other locations)
Yeah, between an option of being a typical magical girl villain with some energy drain scheme, and just using magic to make things that give us more magic, I'll pick the latter.

Helps with secrecy, helps with sustainability, helps with enabling us to operate all over the place (no need to bother spending more options to setup new fronts in other locations)
Why do we have to think like that? Why decant we do like Ed Edd ,and Eddy should have and just have good service and preemptively negotiate with the magical girls. Also recruit out own star girls.

If fat can be covered into life force and Ebon power we should be able to get an extremely loyal supply of depressed costumers.
Why do we have to think like that? Why decant we do like Ed Edd ,and Eddy should have and just have good service and preemptively negotiate with the magical girls. Also recruit out own star girls.

If fat can be covered into life force and Ebon power we should be able to get an extremely loyal supply of depressed costumers.

FIrst off.....what? Where the hell does Ed, Edd and Eddy come into this.

Second off, we already recruited a magical girl.

Third, I have no clue what you are talking about with the fat covered life force. At all.
FIrst off.....what? Where the hell does Ed, Edd and Eddy come into this.

Second off, we already recruited a magical girl.

Third, I have no clue what you are talking about with the fat covered life force. At all.
Ed, edd, eddy ran scams and schemes to make money that only failed cause they were thinking of them as scams and trying to get more than in their work when they had good business models.

If we run an energy collecting scheme why can't we run it as an up and business masquerade compliance aside.

We have a magical girl, contact with the gun girls, and that one girl with the arm.If we get business we need more magical girls running on Ebon.

We can convert life force into Ebon and do all sort of fleshshaping. Fat is stored energy and generally depressing. There are all sorts of weight loss businesses we could run under that idea to drain people of fat and sadness for power.
Ed, edd, eddy ran scams and schemes to make money that only failed cause they were thinking of them as scams and trying to get more than in their work when they had good business models.

If we run an energy collecting scheme why can't we run it as an up and business masquerade compliance aside.

We have a magical girl, contact with the gun girls, and that one girl with the arm.If we get business we need more magical girls running on Ebon.

We can convert life force into Ebon and do all sort of fleshshaping. Fat is stored energy and generally depressing. There are all sorts of weight loss businesses we could run under that idea to drain people of fat and sadness for power.

Ah, the front idea.

Gotta say I don't favor it. The magical girls (not in our employ) will find it and attack. That's their bread and butter, they trip over these schemes all the time.

As for recruiting more magical girls? Sure, but the one we got is already failing at operational security i.e. keeping secrets. We need to train her to stay quiet before we go recruiting more teenage girls who like to shout attack moves to the heavens.
Because we cannot run an up front business that is masquerade complaint. We can't go "let us drain your negative emotions and a small amount of energy in exchange for cash".
Magic is not really legislated, how would what we do be different from an astrologer that writes horoscopes for the newspaper? Or what about a feng shui decorator? They cleanse the 'evil energy' of your house and are paid (and quite handsomely, I understand) for that.
At best our business would exist in a legal void, and if we're inteligent about it we could paint the magical girls as the bad guys(gals).
We just have to be completely open about this with our customers (that they believe us or not is another story) and be careful not to permanently harm them.
Magic is not really legislated, how would what we do be different from an astrologer that writes horoscopes for the newspaper? Or what about a feng shui decorator? They cleanse the 'evil energy' of your house and are paid (and quite handsomely, I understand) for that.
At best our business would exist in a legal void, and if we're inteligent about it we could paint the magical girls as the bad guys(gals).
We just have to be completely open about this with our customers (that they believe us or not is another story) and be careful not to permanently harm them.
Be completely open about it. New age spa that cleanses bad vibes. Advertise it!
And when people start marveling in wonder about it actually working; we get visited by all the magical girls and more than a few Wizards/Witches. Good in theory, but the translation to practice leaves something to be desired.
Which is fine, they don't want to risk the masquerade and they got stressful lives too!
Which is fine, they don't want to risk the masquerade and they got stressful lives too!
Admittedly; if we can convince them we're not [insert dark kingdom here] or otherwise up to [nefarious plot, otherwise termed "no good" ] or have less than wholesome designs on the customers. You know, basic Baka Heroes that are self assured that only they could know what using "magic" is good for.

*blinks* and I just realized Joss Wheadon may have borrowed the forced dramatics shtick from piss poor children's hero stories. Oddly, this doesn't ruin childhood... just confirms he's a hack.

*blinks* sorry, random tangent rant.
Week 7 (_.4)
Thanks to your new recruit's...enthusiasm, the Book of Ebon has about a hundred pages already filled. Because of this, the Book has begun to reveal a glimpse of the wealth of knowledge and power hidden within it. Spells, rituals, ancient forgotten technology and more have been revealed to you. You can only wonder what else the book will grant you once more pages have been filled.

More importantly, though, you've discovered that the way you've been converting Ebon Power into normal non-magical material is the most inefficient method the whole time. Using the new method, you only need to maintain a shell of Ebon Power in the form of whatever material you want and somehow the rest of reality will be tricked into filling up the shell for you. While you obviously can't do it for complex objects that consist of many parts, something like a high-quality gemstone or a brick of gold now hardly uses up any Ebon Power.

New Options available.

Money is no longer a problem, forever. (You made a small pile of gold bricks and left it for your forces to takes and use whenever they need to.)

3700 Ebon Power Available


Stewardship: Let's be honest here. After learning how to convert Ebon Power into material wealth, you have effectively unlimited funding. Money is no longer an issue for you. What does matter is your supply of Ebon Power (You really need a new name for the strange purple bluish energy that is the source of your awesome powers.) You can't just keep kidnapping people and draining them of what amounts to their soul. You need a better more efficient way of doing things. (Choose 1)

[X] Energy Plants
: Sooner or later someone is going to realise that people have been disappearing and frankly, you're getting tired of the cries and pleas of your prisoners. That's why you've come up with the idea to create an entity that will generate Ebon Power for you. Combined with some knowledge from the Book of Ebon, it'll be a sure thing. The only problem is that it'll require quite a bit of your current supply but the long-term benefits are sure to outway the initial costs. Cost: 1800 EP. Chance of Success: 100%. Rewards: New Ebon Power Generator unit available. ???

Roll: 21 + 10 (Ebon Savior): 31

Creating an Ebon Power Generator that can continuously produce Ebon Power at a steady rate without any downsides turns out to be a much more difficult task than you had originally expected. While all kind of matter and the likes can be converted into Ebon Power, what you desire is a way to create Ebon Power without manually doing so while reducing the amount of actual matter or energy that is converted. After all, you didn't want to waste manpower gathering junk and the likes to convert to Ebon Power. That kind of shenanigan was likely to get noticed after all and the whole point of creating these "plants" was to remove the need to kidnap people for energy.

Throughout the week, you work together with Evetta to create a viable prototype of the first Ebon Power Generator. The initial results are...interesting to say the least.

Prototype number one, "Ebon Flower", tried to convert various kind of gases save oxygen into Ebon Power. While you normally couldn't convert stuff that wasn't a solid or a liquid, the Book of Ebon showed you how to make a create that rapidly absorbed air to create poison gas. A little tweaking and you end up with It something that not only produced Ebon Power but oxygen as well, like a real plant. It worked for a little while before things turned ugly. When one of Yuudai's ninjas collapsed while in the midst of the Ebon Flower's operations, you remembered that pure oxygen was deadly to normal people and the Ebon Flower made it so that the air around it would rapidly become pure oxygen. Once there were no other gases available to convert, the Ebon Flower rapidly withered and died, making it useless as a generator.

Your next attempt was the "Ebon Puncher". It was essentially a living sandbag that somehow converted kinetic energy into Ebon Power. The initial results were quite promising. The sandbag would absorb every single physical attack into its being before release it as Ebon Power. Doubling as a training tool, it seemed like the ideal generator - as long as someone or something was hitting it, it would accumulate kinetic energy and produce Ebon Power. Unfortunately, when you tried to test its limits, you discovered a flaw. It turns out that once the sandbag took a certain amount of cumulative damage, the next hit would be reflected back to the attacker along with the built-up kinetic energy.

You were thrown from one end of the base to the other end and through several dozen feet of bedrock. After dragging yourself out of the hole, you tried to fix the problem but to no avail. Due to how it worked, this energy limit kept changing making it impossible to safely control. You were forced to go back to the drawing board but you kept the thing around since it was pretty useful for training.

The third prototype was the one that ultimately accomplished what you wanted. The most readily available source of energy in the world was solar energy and it was child's play to create a solar panel that converted every bit of light that struck it into electricity which was then converted into Ebon Power. The resulting amount of Ebon Power was decent, especially when you considered the costs of creating the Ebon Solar Panel and its projected output. Not only was it efficient, it was very eco-friendly. The only downside was that you needed to set up these panels in various places around the city which would logically make them quite noticeable.

However, it was a simple task of replacing a number of solar panels that were meant for home use with your Ebon Solar Panels. With these panels continuing ot produce electricity for the home-owners and Ebon Power for you, you had secured a steady source of Ebon Power without resorting to more kidnapping.

Still, you were a little disappointed that you weren't able to figure out true Ebon Power generation that was mentioned in the Book of Ebon. You suppose you'll have to wait until you've unlocked more of the book before trying again. For now, Solar Energy is the way to go.

Rewards: 1 Set of Ebon Solar Panels set up around the city, replacing home-use solar panels. Each set produces 250 units of Ebon Power. Ebon Puncher produces random amounts of Ebon Power each week. Low chance of Ebon Puncher inflicting comedy damage to a Hero Unit. Option to set up more sets of Ebon Solar Panels available.
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Prototype number one, "Ebon Flower", tried to convert various kind of gases save oxygen into Ebon Power. While you normally couldn't convert stuff that wasn't a solid or a liquid, the Book of Ebon showed you how to make a create that rapidly absorbed air to create poison gas. A little tweaking and you end up with It something that not only produced Ebon Power but oxygen as well, like a real plant. It worked for a little while before things turned ugly. When one of Yuudai's ninjas collapsed while in the midst of the Ebon Flower's operations, you remembered that pure oxygen was deadly to normal people and the Ebon Flower made it so that the air around it would rapidly become pure oxygen. Once there were no other gases available to convert, the Ebon Flower rapidly withered and died, making it useless as a generator.
Put the Ebon Flowers in a room with an open flame. It would probably need some tweaking but the flame would eat up the oxygen and convert it into CO2. The room would still be deadly for normal people but as long as you keep the flame fueled the cycle will continue.

The only question is how the Ebon Flower's production of Ebon Power compares to the amount of fuel burnt. If it's enough to cover the cost of spawning more out of Ebon Power or just buying the stuff then we've got another power source. If not I'm sure I can think of other options.
Put the Ebon Flowers in a room with an open flame. It would probably need some tweaking but the flame would eat up the oxygen and convert it into CO2. The room would still be deadly for normal people but as long as you keep the flame fueled the cycle will continue.

The only question is how the Ebon Flower's production of Ebon Power compares to the amount of fuel burnt. If it's enough to cover the cost of spawning more out of Ebon Power or just buying the stuff then we've got another power source. If not I'm sure I can think of other options.

A single Ebon Flower would require a large park to be on fire to deal with how much pure oxygen it produces. The Flower also doesn't produce enough EBon Power to make burning down a forest worthwhile either.
I am now imagining that our base get's raided at some point and one of our hero units ends up using the ebon puncher as a projectile weapon that reaches it's limit when it hits someone and blast them through the base... and now I'm thinking of a force field that we could make to help protect our things but when it fails instead of just disappearing it explodes outwards knocking back any attacker that got to close while everything inside is left unharmed. Sure it probably won't stop a determined foe, but it would catch them off guard and it would be funny.