"Hey bro, wanna be a magical girl?"
"No no, a dark magical girl with cool Ebon powers!"
... And thus, came the omake where a little brother totally gets to uh, 'meet' a Magical Girl?... Except both parties are completely naíve to the gender bender side effects, or that he'd be stuck serving an 'Evil Bad Guy' as a "Dark Magical Girl"... Except he's his big brother, and totally cool. Which if ply'd right would lead to a WTF?!? Over morale code, that can be bent over...

As for Vivian, who'd totally not be even more baity Magical Girl material, if we're really that deep in influence with Magical Girls, and totally not the 'Childhood Friend Hero rival' candidate to worry about, as she's totally a family relative, not strictly childhood friend, so we're safe from her?...

... At least, until the off chance that 'completely normal' hides her Shonen potential, maybe... Or a crit on wishes leads to her becoming "Dark Magical Girl Ivory" or something, who'd make a long term PR miracle/disaster for the Black Kingdom?

EDIT: Also, in before we accidentally hire scary dad as a possible Manager, if our little 'base' grows well enough to require a manager, with a 'decent wage'/bait, that on a funny roll (not strictly, good/bad in family finance), ends up with him working for a weird Edge Lord... :p

Which, could be omake material, on him passively complaining on having to work for some "funny guy" in Ebony.
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Klaus in Kekkai Sensen fought with a style of Blood Magic. I wonder what Blood magic is like here is this world?
... And thus, came the omake where a little brother totally gets to uh, 'meet' a Magical Girl?... Except both parties are completely naíve to the gender bender side effects, or that he'd be stuck serving an 'Evil Bad Guy' as a "Dark Magical Girl"... Except he's his big brother, and totally cool. Which if ply'd right would lead to a WTF?!? Over morale code, that can be bent over...

As for Vivian, who'd totally not be even more baity Magical Girl material, if we're really that deep in influence with Magical Girls, and totally not the 'Childhood Friend Hero rival' candidate to worry about, as she's totally a family relative, not strictly childhood friend, so we're safe from her?...

... At least, until the off chance that 'completely normal' hides her Shonen potential, maybe... Or a crit on wishes leads to her becoming "Dark Magical Girl Ivory" or something, who'd make a long term PR miracle/disaster for the Black Kingdom?

EDIT: Also, in before we accidentally hire scary dad as a possible Manager, if our little 'base' grows well enough to require a manager, with a 'decent wage'/bait, that on a funny roll (not strictly, good/bad in family finance), ends up with him working for a weird Edge Lord... :p

Which, could be omake material, on him passively complaining on having to work for some "funny guy" in Ebony.
im pretty sure we could override the genderbender part and prevent that.

that aside now we just need for certain to hire dad as a manager XD
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I think people are basically coming at this from two different directions-

Our goal is to unleash an ancient evil from its imprisonment and save it from destruction. This is an evil act, we can legitimize and call it something different but a spade's a spade.

But people are against flagrantly announcing Jacob as evil, we're in this with a goal - an objective. And achieving that objective is the 'evil' rather than our actions inherently be evil.

We're not going to be good guy, we're not some protagonist- but what we are? Is that special kind of Evil that apes Good to serve it's purpose. That will use kindness and charity to egender goodwill and loyalty. That will enforce the law and keep the peace not because of any moral obligation- but because it benefits us. What we care about, and what makes us evil isn't necessarily our actions, but our intent to win. Now I know people will intend on keeping these trappings even when they're no longer useful, or be worried as much- and to that I say fuck that, I don't want to White Knight here.

If our objective is furthered by getting people to willingly work with us, than great. If our objective is furthered by pretending we're cooperating, awesome. If it's not? If it's in our way? Than maybe the one guy who stood in our way being made an example of will further it.

We don't need love, or friendship, or whatever- we need apathy when we make our moves. And that's a pill I can swallow.

We're the man that carved apart a few human beings to see how our magic affected them- our family would be absolutely disgusted if they knew what we did. We're not some paragon of virtue even if we have standards of our own. Basically, we should try to be Amadeus/Black Knight from A Practical Guide to Evil
I couldn't get into it, personally; the characters just had none of the gravitas their Names implied, and it cut the knees out from everything.
Part of that is the point. That these larger than life figures are ultimately people. And then you have other moments. Where Warlock demonstrates why he's called Sovereign of the Red Skies, and why Transitionary Names are still total bullshit when 3 of them take the field together.

But I can kinda see that. I wouldn't necessarily call it a deconstruction, but the stories do kinda try to show what these people can act like, and also how they can be perceived. A big theme is that villains don't necessarily have to seem nefarious or even antagonistic- it would be undermined if the Black Knight was constantly being an evil knight in skull armor riding an undead horse. Black on more than a few occasions lives up to his hype, and pretty much every Named get's a moment where a reader has to go 'Holy Shit'.

Thief probably has one of the best moments in that regard. Heiress also does the 'stereotypical' villain a lot of justice in terms of how crazy some of her shit gets. But I'm trying to avoid too many spoilers.
Honestly, I love the story but I've never gone "holy shit" while reading it. It's usually just like "finally, jfc."

I'm not super fond of how the MC complains in a way that isn't snarky enough to be worth the text. I suppose it's part of a general shift toward Black's pragmatism, but it could be done with more finesse. Also, the sudden jump to a romantic entanglement with the mage started out okay but up until I stopped reading (I like to read in big bursts) it had stopped getting enough screen time to make me actually care.
Honestly, I love the story but I've never gone "holy shit" while reading it. It's usually just like "finally, jfc."
Well it sortof depends on how far you've read. Marchford was pretty 'Holy Shit' worthy for me. And the Siege of Liesse has some awesome moments.

I'm not super fond of how the MC complains in a way that isn't snarky enough to be worth the text. I suppose it's part of a general shift toward Black's pragmatism, but it could be done with more finesse. Also, the sudden jump to a romantic entanglement with the mage started out okay but up until I stopped reading (I like to read in big bursts) it had stopped getting enough screen time to make me actually care.
Eh, the MC complaining didn't bother me that much. And the whole thing with the mage was it never is really intended to come across as some sweeping romance, it's definitely not a love story in so much and it's kinda explained as such. But to each their own, probably best not to let this topic drag on too long either.
Well it sortof depends on how far you've read. Marchford was pretty 'Holy Shit' worthy for me. And the Siege of Liesse has some awesome moments.
I've read that far but am jaded by the vast number of "crowd of dark amorphous creatures resembling zombies, demons, or other monstrous humanoids attack a city and crawl on walls" that I've encountered in books, movies, and dreams.

Eh, the MC complaining didn't bother me that much. And the whole thing with the mage was it never is really intended to come across as some sweeping romance, it's definitely not a love story in so much and it's kinda explained as such. But to each their own, probably best not to let this topic drag on too long either.
Ehhhh... letting the topic be a long dragon sounds pretty toasty to me.

I get that it's a campaign fling or whatever, but she's occasionally presented as being happy about it and etc., presumably to make her seem more human through needing company and being someone her subordinates can joke about as a result. The problem is just that it all falls flat because we don't get these human moments that would let us understand the relationship, the emotion, that the jokes are butting. We get tell but not show.
What are our parent's jobs? It says our dad is a manager but to what company and what does this company do? Same goes for mom.
What are our parent's jobs? It says our dad is a manager but to what company and what does this company do? Same goes for mom.

My brain just connected dots that are not there... but I might as well say it.
Who knows, maybe our father is a manager of The company? It would be somewhat amusing for him to turn out being the boss of the Magical Girls we are working with at the moment.
Checked it out because it reminds me of another quest on SB and I think i'll be sticking around as the execution is different. As other have said, playing the villain is what we're doing here and our stats are more geared toward it, what with our piddly squat diplomacy and amazing martial. AKA we're better at brute force and stuff than playing nice and waifuing people. The only way I can see us not being evil is for our end goal of saving our ancient evil benefactor is if it DOESN'T herald the endtimes, instant dysotopia, etc. Like... wait what even happens when he gets released? Go conquer the world even though we'd have done it for him by that point?