What did that do again?
Gains us the ability to grant wishes and create our own type of Magical Girls. Oh and ??? as well.
[ ] The Power of a Wish: The Wishing Stone is a potent object of power. Within it lies the power to alter reality in order to grant the wishes of young maidens as well as the power to give them power beyond mortal men. If you had the same sort of power, wouldn't creating an army of Ebon-based Magical Girls be the best way to build up your forces? You'll have to try and absorb the Wishing Stone in order to even try and replicate it in some form though and who knows what a reality warping gemstone would do to you. Cost: 1 Wishing Stone, 900 EP. Chance of Success: 50% Reward: Gain the ability to grant wishes. Gain the ability to create "Ebon Magical Girls". ???
[X] A beautiful sleeping doll.

Even if she isn't a Hero Unit, getting an adviser of some kind is definitely worth it.
I'd like a clarification @shibosho - we can't give multiple bonuses to a single roll after the roll is made?

Also I think it's a good investment regardless, so yes.
If we overpower the roll, we'll get criticals.
Overpowering criticals? Even better.

Either way: if it's not too early, I pledge my bonus towards [ ] The Power of a Wish

But seriously people- let's keep at least one bonus at hand, to protect against critfails and the like.
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I'd like a clarification @shibosho - we can't give multiple bonuses to a single roll after the roll is made?

Also I think it's a good investment regardless, so yes.
If we overpower the roll, we'll get criticals.
Overpowering criticals? Even better.

Either way: if it's not too early, I pledge my bonus towards [ ] The Power of a Wish

But seriously people- let's keep at least one bonus at hand, to protect against critfails and the like.
Oh, you can put bonus after the roll has been made. If a roll fails, you can make it not fail with omake bonus. If something doesn't fail, you can still throw bonuses at it.
But more seriously, would Ebon Emperor look more like Harman/Gherman at his prime?

Hm... I doubt that we have enough data about them to find a good match. In fact, I got the feeling that the Ebon Emperor, considering their position, is probably an eldritch entity whose true power might be inconceivable to regular human beings. Trying to describe them at this point is probably useless.

Additionally, I was thinking... if we manage to use the Wishing Stone and create a Magical Girl of our own... could we, theoretically speaking, make our sister into one?
I am not advocating for that, just thinking. It would make sense insofar that this is probably not something to be done on a whim due to how powerful such a Magical Girl would likely be... and we can trust our family. Blood being thicker than water and all that.
On the other hand, the girl would most likely get in danger, not to speak of her own thoughts on the matter. As a responsible older brother, I am not sure that course of action is viable. On the contrary to that however, she is in danger anyway because there is magic everywhere around her; if she is in the wrong place at the wrong time, she might get seriously hurt and the same goes for the rest of Jacob's family.

Any thoughts on this idea?
Any thoughts on this idea?
Our sister doesn't seem combat oriented, she probably wouldn't be the best for fighting monsters and I don't think we should risk her life just so we can trust our magic girl a little more, that's rather selfish.

Also who's to say our sister will even want to get involved? Seriously, why would she want to help the bad guy? Likelihood is that she'd run to the company to try and get us away from the Ebon power and try to fix us, make us 'good' again.

Overall not the best idea in my opinion in exchange for the possibility of a higher chance of loyalty.
Our sister doesn't seem combat oriented, she probably wouldn't be the best for fighting monsters and I don't think we should risk her life just so we can trust our magic girl a little more, that's rather selfish.

Also who's to say our sister will even want to get involved? Seriously, why would she want to help the bad guy? Likelihood is that she'd run to the company to try and get us away from the Ebon power and try to fix us, make us 'good' again.

Overall not the best idea in my opinion in exchange for the possibility of a higher chance of loyalty.

Yeah, I did adress some of those myself... but I doubt the situation is as negative as you see it. It is all valid, but... well... I would like to keep in mind that we are by no means the bad guy, even if we call ourselves a villain and the Quest is named as such. We are, by our own choices, the Savior of Ebon. Our duty is not to conquer, to subdue or to destroy. It is to protect and save; I very much doubt Jacob's sister would not get an explanation from him in this theoretical situation.

Aside from that, who can resist a miracle? (Where can I find the Kyubey-face...)

But yes, I agree that bringing her in is probably too dangerous. On the other hand, maybe there is something she would need a miracle for; if this is the case, one should at least think about this.
In advance, on talks of possible family relatives being turned to dark magical girls, I'll point out this flaw/weakpoint that could put a wrench to that ploy...
A True Hero is Your Childhood Friend: Fate must be laughing at you. Even if it is by complete accident that you became what is essentially an evil overlord, there was no way you could have possibly known that your childhood friend would turn out to be the reincarnation of a legendary hero of light. Destiny now pits you against one another and it is gonna suck. Also, they are really powerful and you really don't want to face them unprepared.
IE: Unless by miracle, we diplomat crit king, she'd likely become a tragic issue if in collision course with Destiny.
In advance, on talks of possible family relatives being turned to dark magical girls, I'll point out this flaw/weakpoint that could put a wrench to that ploy...

IE: Unless by miracle, we diplomat crit king, she'd likely become a tragic issue if in collision course with Destiny.

Good point. This might become a problem, although we should probably wait for how this situation evolves before thinking about it too much. Maybe the fact we are not really trying to rebuild the Ebon Empire will change something about this part.
Good point. This might become a problem, although we should probably wait for how this situation evolves before thinking about it too much. Maybe the fact we are not really trying to rebuild the Ebon Empire will change something about this part.
I'd also counter that trying to save Ebon Emperor could also cause conflict.

Either way, Scooby Doo wise, it's a matter of learning whose the future hero/ine, and then figure out what to do with her quirks/destiny/memories, before one can even plot with dealing with her, or steeling our resolve at worse.
I would just like to point out 2 things in this argument.

1. In order to rescue the ebon emperor we NEED TO BUILD the ebon empire in order to get the resources. You think everyone is just going to hand over the cash to resurrect our dark god because you asked politely? That means we are going to have to conquer something.
Besides, we're supposed to be the villain. If I wanted to make nice with everyone I'd play a hero quest.

2. We know nothing about our sister. The sum total of info we have about her is that she exists, she had a ruby rose doll and she doesn't like count cuddles.

We really don't know how she would react to anything. Maybe we should go find out?
I would just like to point out 2 things in this argument.

1. In order to rescue the ebon emperor we NEED TO BUILD the ebon empire in order to get the resources. You think everyone is just going to hand over the cash to resurrect our dark god because you asked politely? That means we are going to have to conquer something.
Besides, we're supposed to be the villain. If I wanted to make nice with everyone I'd play a hero quest.

2. We know nothing about our sister. The sum total of info we have about her is that she exists, she had a ruby rose doll and she doesn't like count cuddles.

We really don't know how she would react to anything. Maybe we should go find out?

Those are fair points. Though it is arguable that we can build the Ebon Empire without conquering; taking over with money is just as viable.
Basically, what @chocolote12 said.
No, they'll hand over the cash in exchange for shiny trinkets, Annatar the Gift-Giver style.

As for your second point, this is one of the main problems here; I probably brought it up to early because we know nothing about her. What I can still remember is that Jacob's sister is currently somewhere in the middle of puberty.
However, I just realised we could rather easily find out more.

@shibosho, would you mind giving us whatever interesting knowledge Jacob has about his family? As in, what are their important character traits, how close is everyone with each other and what are they doing all day (work, clubs, etc.)

Seeing that this is Jacob's family, he ought to know enough about them.