Because I'm a horribly good procrastinator, my mind went... places, with the (possible) future 2 Ebon Magical Girls:

"What I want...? I just want my family to get together again! I'll do anything! Please!"

"I can move so fast now, ya~y! :D"

"... Or maybe everything's just so slow? Oh well. :whistle:"

"So not only do I move even faster, I can cut things better with this huge sword! :lol"

"Hmm, what did that guy in the internet say again... ah right. ;)"


"No matter how many awards I win as school, all I get a simple letter of recognition. From my own parents. What a joke."

"No matter how much trouble I cause downtown, all I get is a slap on the wrist. Not even a word of warning from my parents. What a joke."

"Does nothing I do ever really matter to them? Blessed or not, this life... this life is... such a joke."

"Haa... such overflowing power..."

"Compared to satisfaction of having high grades nor the rush of crushing lowlife punks in alleyways... "

"This is of a different level! Splendid!"

Note: The Tome she's using is one of the "Slave-type" Book of Ebon, while the "Master-type" Book of Ebon is always within Jacob or Evetta's reach.

"Oh~ho, seems like those mages over there might put up a smidgen of a fight. Blaze, Spark, kindly take out their vanguards, if you please."
"Understood. Spark, try not to lop off too many limbs this time."
"Okaaaa~y. Ebony Spark, charging i~n!"

"Hmph... well then, I'll deal with the rest of the rabble myself."

"Those delicious Magic Cores of yours... I shall put them to better use."

"As sacrifices to the Black Tome, that is! HAHAHAHAHA!"


「ふん... いいでしょう。残った奴らを私で相手を差し上げますわ。」

「我が漆黒の書の供物としてからな! ハハハハハ!」

Disclaimer: I'm not going to force everyone, especially our based QM shibosho, to use these ideas. I just had a random muse hit me over the head with something heavy something fierce.

Also, Your Mileage May Vary. :confused:
The Delinquent reads more like a Signum to me.
Now I just wonder how will Renata explain her current... hobby.
"There was a note in your diary?!"
"Yeah, so I followed that shadow to some lone caravan, and a creepy robed man offered me a job as a magical girl. Oh, also there was a ninja."
*stares of pure disbelief*
*Ebon groans in the distance, preparing his mind-wipe*
"I really need to explain to her what a 'secret identity' is..."
... I just can't decide whether or not @shibosho was intentionally taunting me with that dark stranger offering little girls 'strange and wondrous' things bit... or if I'm just reading into the similarities in my panic arguments, and assuming our GM has poor humor...
You're oversensitive.

He just basically reenacted Nanoha's origin story.
Never saw that anime, so wouldn't have known. (money isn't exactly flowing for me here, so can't just run out and purchase film of animated little girls in skimpy outfits... oh wait that's Sailor Moon... whatever this one is. ) And yes, I did acknowledge I was likely being, oversensitive; but even you might acknowledge that the interlude seemingly almost mocked my prior fear of the chosen character. I mean, if done as an obvious tongue in cheek it could be humorous without being distasteful. But, in this instance it wasn't quite so obvious if it were... at least to me it wasn't... but then I freely admit to being unaware of the ways of social actions.
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[X] meganeshounen

Are we still voting? If so, I pick this picture because it makes her look like an actual middle school girl, instead of an adult porn star like the other choice...
Never saw that anime, so wouldn't have known. (money isn't exactly flowing for me here, so can't just run out and purchase film of animated little girls in skimpy outfits... oh wait that's Sailor Moon... whatever this one is. ) And yes, I did acknowledge I was likely being, oversensitive; but even you might acknowledge that the interlude seemingly almost mocked my prior fear of the chosen character. I mean, if done as an obvious tongue in cheek it could be humorous without being distasteful. But, in this instance it wasn't quite so obvious if it were... at least to me it wasn't... but then I freely admit to being unaware of the ways of social actions.

I don't think the author was intentionally mocking you and that you may be over thinking things.
I feel those three could have a pretty nice dynamic between them.

Henrietta is the rich deliquent.
Mari is the kid.
Renata is best minion.
Ebon is our Jacob.

After a mission with magicians...

E: Splendid mission, everyone. Archmage didn't see that coming.
H: Yeah, we are awesome, but that was almost too easy.
E: Don't worry, next mission will be more... appropriate for your abilities.
M: I feel kinda bad for the gramps. His whining was so pitiful.
E: Such is fate of those who oppose us. Now, the Goblet.
M: The what?
E: The Goblet of Merlin. The objective of this mission.
M: Um... there was a goblet we were supposed to take?
E: *raises brow* Do you have it?
M: Ah, I... uh... forgot...
E: You WHAT?!
M: I got distracted! He was throwing all those green bolts just at me!
E: *sigh*Well then. That will be just a bit problema...
R: I have it.
E: What?
R: I expected Mari to forget it, so I took it myself.
E: Ah, well... good job, Renata.

During an especially long guarding mission...

M: It's boring. And cold. And boooooring.
R: We are supposed to guard this entrance from any intruders. Boring means that no one came in the first place, which is good.
H: Which is boring you mean. Yo, Ren.
R: Hmm?
H: Fight me.
R: Excuse me?
H: You heard me. Nobody came and it's boring. So fight me.
R: No.
H: No? Really. Well, how about I take my gauntlet and...
M: Please don't fight. Ebon will scold us again!
H: Sorry, scrub, but if I don't get my daily dose of violence, I'll get all woozy.
R: We are not going to draw attention to our pos... *RUMBLING*
H: What the hell was that?!
R: Six'o'clock. Unknown threat, massive life force.
M: Yay! Something to do!
H: Took it right out of my mouth. Ha! Leave it to me!
M: Hey, not fair!
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Renata needs to be the coolheaded Sniper who doubles as the Overwatch.

The genki loli will be the Pointman who doubles as the Dodge Tank.

The ojou delinquent will be the Overwatch who would rather be in the thick of the action as the Pointman.

The golem mascot becomes the Operator.
I like those three enough that I want to consider all interactions between them and every character in this story (that I have something to write about).
I mean, two of them aren't even really canon. But I wish so much they were.
Rated H for Headcannon.

-Mari: Waaah! Eve! He replaced my gumdrops with smoke bombs again!
-Renata: Y: Wait, you did it already? *after a moment of confusion, he smirks* I guess you do have potential.
-Henrietta: Hah, next time we'll see if your little tricks can hold up!

-Mari: E: *sigh* Yes, we'll get you ice cream, but after the mission.
-Renata: E: Hah, yes. Why, it's such a shame tha... R: He's so dead. E: ... Yes. He is.
-Henrietta: E: Is that the best you've got? I could beat you with my hands tied and blindfolded!

-Mari: *after having Evette help with Mari's hair* Thanks Eve! You're the best!
-Renata: *after seeing Eve summon her army of dolls* Where do you keep them anyway?
-Henrietta: *after an emotional moment and a surprise hug* Yeah... thanks, I guess. Don't just do that out of nowhere though, okay?!

-Mari: A:Sup kiddo! *looks around* ... Are you supposed to be the escort? (she's my sisters age for god's sake!)
-Renata: I was honestly expecting someone more impressive. A: Gee, thanks.
-Henrietta: A:I don't know how Jacob will feel about me punching his girlfrie... OW! What was that for?

-Mari: A:*squeees internally, and a bit externally* So adorable. M: I can't breathe.
-Renata: A:Your devotion to your lord is commendable. It seems I still have much to learn.
-Henrietta: A:What?! No, 'he's ninja king' is not an excuse to kick him in the face as a hello!

-Mari: R: Okay, fine. I'll do the spell again. But just once, alright?
-Renata: R: H-how did you... I spent a week learning this!
-Henrietta: Yeah, and he didn't even budge. Like, that's not fair, right?

-Mari: Mi: *after seeing her do a few pirouettes in the sky* That is so cool. Ma: I know, right! We are aaaawesome!
-Renata: *ruffling his hair* Don't worry kid. One day you will find your calling.
-Henrietta: You can't just let some punks toss you around! You got to train hard kid. One day I'll see how hard you can punch!

Count Cuddles
-Mari: Come here, Cuddly! We'll make your mighty steed fly! *happy bobobo noises in the distance*
-Renata: How is this an evil minion? CC: Bobo? R: Eh, I guess it makes sense that way.
-Henrietta: *just stares at him* CC: Bo? H:...You're alright, little buddy. *pets him*

Fury the Ruby Doll
-Mari: Hahaha! You are so funny mister Fury. F: It'll be more funny if you put John down. He's afraid of heights!
-Renata: Why do you sound like a man. F: Why do you wear a frilly skirt as a battle uniform. R:Touche.
-Henrietta: Heh. You guys remind me of my old dollhouse set... not that I have it anymore.
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There will come a time when the Ojou Delinquent, who just loves to get in scuffles with anyone strong, would eventually ask Ebon to for a no holds barred rough housing friendly spar.

Of course, Ebon/Jacob's Martial score would still be high enough to trump over the Ojou, but that won't stop her from asking for rematches every now and then.

The loli would be cheering both of them on while a sparkly-eyed Renata just watches her onee-sama and boss man go at it.
There will come a time when the Ojou Delinquent, who just loves to get in scuffles with anyone strong, would eventually ask Ebon to for a no holds barred rough housing friendly spar.

Of course, Ebon/Jacob's Martial score would still be high enough to trump over the Ojou, but that won't stop her from asking for rematches every now and then.

The loli would be cheering both of them on while a sparkly-eyed Renata just watches her onee-sama and boss man go at it.
But Ebon is Hierarchical. He'd win every time, by definition.
But Ebon is Hierarchical. He'd win every time, by definition.
But as the Ojou's desription says, she's not in the fights for winning or losing.

It's about her getting a challenge.
She wants something that would make her sweat.

Even if the fight ends up with her on the ground; even if it was a curbstomp from Ebon or she actually became a slight threat to him, it would be the same for her.
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But as the Ojou's desription says, she's not in the fights for winning or losing.

It's about her getting a challenge.
She wants something that would make her sweat.

Even if the fight ends up with her on the ground; even if it was a curbstomp from Ebon or she actually became a slight threat to him, it would be the same for her.
Challenge seekers don't throw themselves at cliffs; the only important part of the challenge is the sweet, sweet panacea of victory. I say this as a Dark Souls player. *nods self-importantly*
Or she would beat him and become the Ebon lady. After all wishes arnt Hierarchical.
So she'd wish to be strong enough to beat Ebon? I mean, what for? She'll become One Punch Woman, and being bored and bald is probably the opposite of what she wants.

I do actually wonder what her wish would be?
"I want to always find a fight I can enjoy!" Feels like a good, orcish wish. Though it would make her a huge trouble magnet, as fights would always appear near her...
At least we'll get conflict for the The Black Sword early, eh?
Wow... it's... only been two days since @shibosho, last responded... er, to my question of the time... anyways, huh. Some reason feels like it's been longer. Anyone else experiencing personal elongated temporal distortion? *Le sigh* so that means I have to keep mum about thread content. HOW THE HELL AM I GOING TO STAY SANE WITH NO ONE ELSE POSTING INTERESTING THINGS TO READ FOR ANOTHER WEEK AND A HALF!? (Note: Interesting things to read, does not include commentary within the thread itself, but reading material in general... for some reason nearly ever writer that writes decides that Summer is a valid excuse to forget their stories for two to three months. A few weeks extra, yeah, maybe. But no, everyday of non school is usually absent of updates. )