What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

  • Total voters
IIRC the SAGs doubling is the Techs that come after the logistical infantry equipment pair in the tech tree.
This is the WoG we have:
Also @HeroCooky thinking on it, would Logistical Infantry-Grade weapons and armor development research result in being able to field more SAG's because of the decrease in costs? or just make it less painful for raising them/replacing their equipment.
It would do both of that, yes.
If that's the case.

[] Plan: ALL IN, The River
-[] Logistical Armor (0/2)x1, +1 Free Research Point
-[] Evacuation Fleets - (2/4)
-[] [Megafreighters] Now that the infiltration has been thorough, it should now be controlling, aiming to gain the ability to influence the mechanical systems, to keep the engines and other key components from blowing up and keeping them under control, and otherwise foment the necessary takeover as carefully as possible. We have a timeline, we have a timeframe now. Now all we need to do is prepare for the Mutiny that will save billions of lives on Voxx Primus.

[] Plan: ALL IN, Cards On The Table
-[] SBG action
-[] Evacuation Fleets
-[] Start the Revolution
I didn't mention this in all the hubbub, but it's really great to see the Lamenters taking the plunge into aligning themselves even more closely with us. We've been building towards this pretty much all game.
I didn't mention this in all the hubbub, but it's really great to see the Lamenters taking the plunge into aligning themselves even more closely with us. We've been building towards this pretty much all game.
Yep. And they've also decided to discard the restrictions of the Codex, and while it does have some good advice in it, the Lamenters don't need such strict regulations of a Codex-Compliant Chapter
[] Plan: ALL IN, The River
-[] Logistical Armor (0/2)x1, +1 Free Research Point
-[] Evacuation Fleets - (2/4)
-[] [Megafreighters] Now that the infiltration has been thorough, it should now be controlling, aiming to gain the ability to influence the mechanical systems, to keep the engines and other key components from blowing up and keeping them under control, and otherwise foment the necessary takeover as carefully as possible. We have a timeline, we have a timeframe now. Now all we need to do is prepare for the Mutiny that will save billions of lives on Voxx Primus.

So yeah, this is my plan. Please vote for it. Logistical Armor will help both our SAGs and our Voxx Primus Troops, and survivability seems pretty important at this point.
Finally the thread is working on my time.

[] Plan: Long Range Snipers for Scary Ships and Logistical Armour
-[] [Military] [Construct/Refit] A Fleet - [48 Fleet Points] - [36 FP Banked]
- 20x Sagitarius-Secundus Lance Frigate
- 1x Taurus-S Troopship
-[] Logistical Armor (0/2) x1, +1 Free Research Point
-[] [Megafreighters] Laurent's: Now that the infiltration has been thorough, it should now be controlling, aiming to gain the ability to influence the mechanical systems, to keep the engines and other key components from blowing up and keeping them under control, and otherwise foment the necessary takeover as carefully as possible. We have a timeline, we have a timeframe now. Now all we need to do is prepare for the Mutiny that will save billions of lives on Voxx Primus.

Makes a fleet of Sagi-S to use the triple Prow Lance's Extreme Range +150% to focus down the cutting ships/Flyssa Destroyers, Cogitation mystery ship and Heavy Snipers while our SBGs hold the line and swarm with strikecraft.

Idea is the long range instant alpha strike can destroy or weaken the mystery ships before they can pull off their tricks.

All our Hivers get Carapace armour when the Revolution pops off.

Round out Taurus' for easy Hymn transport groups, a little more Ortillery.

Next Turn: Trigger Voxx Revolution, SBG Basilisk 1/2.5 -> 2/2.5, Evac Fleets 2/4 -> 3/4

First Turn in the War: Activate Emergency Mode
- SBG x2 (Basilisk completes, next SBG 1.5/2.5), Evac Fleet completes; if we have added actions take Infantry Research, Songs, SBG replacement as needed
[X] Plan: Long Range Snipers for Scary Ships and Logistical Armour
-[X] [Military] [Construct/Refit] A Fleet - [48 Fleet Points] - [36 FP Banked]
- 20x Sagitarius-Secundus Lance Frigate
- 1x Taurus-S Troopship
-[X] Logistical Armor (0/2) x1, +1 Free Research Point
-[X] [Megafreighters] Laurent's: Now that the infiltration has been thorough, it should now be controlling, aiming to gain the ability to influence the mechanical systems, to keep the engines and other key components from blowing up and keeping them under control, and otherwise foment the necessary takeover as carefully as possible. We have a timeline, we have a timeframe now. Now all we need to do is prepare for the Mutiny that will save billions of lives on Voxx Primus.
[X] Plan: Military Intelligence
-[X] [General] Research:
—[X] Experimental Infantry-Grade Weapons and Armor Development
--[X] Free Duchy Shipwreck And Battle Studies
-[X] [Military] Fill Out Sector Battle Group
--[X] Basilisk (1/2.5)x2
—-[X] Transfer Excess to Hydralisk
The Garden Built Under A Noble Houses Ambitions - [Canon]
The Garden Built Under A Noble Houses Ambitions - Ah, this oh, so, pleasant world has all one might desire. Nature unspoiled by the unpleasantness of industry and smog. Cities built to please the eyes in their curves and arts. People who know how to dress and act in the presence of their betters, as well as how to please them in the ways of the court and nobility! Simply a wonderful world...if it wasn't also known to be the place where the nobility of the Free Duchy exiles its offspring to when they are currently not needed.
(Focus: House Manna's personal Garden World and the intrigues happening there as seen from a servant.)

"Didn't you hear? The Inquisitor got called away!" Estelliana spoke in a lilting voice that betrayed her offworld origins.

"No, really?" Nessa replied, feigning shock. She already knew the inquisition had gone, of course, and anybody else would have known she knew it. But Estelliana was newly arrived along with her mistress, and so she'd think she was doing Nessa a favor by telling her.

And that will be the start of a amicible relationship, instead of the hostile one you would first assume if you took into account our mistresses and how their families view each other.

"Yes, the Inquisitor and all six ships along with him! He had been here a while, is that true?"

"He had." Nessa confirmed, pursing her lips. "Sticking that crooked nose of his into all sorts of affairs. Rooting out heresy, or so he said. But, nothing to be found. Chasing space plasma, he was." She shrugged. "We bore him with good grace, even my mistress as the sister to his Grace. What else is one to do with the Inquisition? I wonder what sent him haring off." With that she sent a curious look at Estelliana, prompting her for more.

The other maid pursed her lips, then grinned conspiratorially. "Well. I don't know the details, but I do know that there was some fuss kicked being kicked up about Voxx Primus, if you'll believe it. The Hive world."

Nessa had to suppress a sneer.

Just because I'm stuck here doesn't mean I don't know what Voxx Primus is. It's the stronghold of one of my Mistress's childhood friends, after all.

It was true that very limited information came to the planet. The planet of Manna Paradisa was lush and gorgeous, sparsely populated and covered with nature preserves and cities focused on providing luxury to the inhabitants. But they also worked to create the illusion that the galaxy at large did not exist, and largely succeeded at it. That meant it was damnably difficult for a not-quite-exiled Viscount Esmerelda Manna to acquire information. It was an intentional thing, meant to interfere with Esmerelda's plans and prevent her from achieving... well, much of anything. But she chafed at the limitations, so the Viscount had tasked her maids to learn anything they could from the new arrivals.

"Oh, what a place." Nessa said, wrinkling her nose. Then she laughed slightly and decided to twist the needle slightly. "You know, my mistress was childhood friends with Lady Governor Omamsi, from before we came here." She waved her hand around to indicate the planet. "And I was the best of friends with her chief maid."

Estelliana flushed slightly, dipping her head to acknowledge the assumption she'd made and how Nessa had forgiven it. "I really don't know much, but I overhead a conversation between two Grand Admirals about corruption in the hives, and how serious it was. Apparently even though the Lady Governer Omamsi doesn't build a lot of ships, almost a third of our ship crews and special assets come from Voxx Primus."

And that's why Omamsi weilds so much influence in the Duchy. Influence she didn't bother to use to get us off this stifling emerald pit.

Nessa put a hand over her mouth. "Oh my. Well, then there's no wonder the Inquisitor left so quickly. I hope the Emperor's Blessings go with him." She made the sign of the Aquila, and Estelliana hesitated before following suit. And it wasn't a very good Aquila, with fingers ever so slightly misplaced. Nessa smiled, but let it go.

"So, tell me of the Lady Manna!" Estelliana chirped a moment later, happy to steer the conversation to more familiar waters. "She must have such demands on you! I can't imagine anything less of the Duke's sister."

"Oh, you would not believe what I told you." Nessa said, her smile growing coy. "It's less the dresses and more the parties. She throws these private parties - well. I shouldn't say."

They pattered on for a while, with Nessa dropping pre-prepared nuggets of information about her mistress and extracting nuggets from Estelliana in trade. Except, Nessa was better at it.

And, I'm playing on the same team as my mistress, while you're playing on no team but your own. What a foolish girl.

She meant, of course, both Estelliana and her mistress.


"My dear Nessa, what did you learn?"

Nessa felt her cheeks flush as Esmerelda arched a lovingly sculpted eyebrow in her direction. She always felt that way whenever her mistress directed full attention towards her. But this time, she had good news. "Several things. Most importantly, the Lady Siltren doesn't seem to know how to inspire loyalty in her subordinates."

The eyebrow arched higher, and Nessa rushed to clarify. "Oh, it wasn't disloyalty, but her servants don't share her objectives. I was able to learn more than lady Siltren likely wants you to know, and Estelliana wanted to know just the bare minimum required to satisfy her. " Her lips curved up in a self-satisfied smirk. "I gave her everything we planned. And learned much in return. First off, the Inquisitor left to go to Voxx."

Esmerelda gave a delicate snort. "Oh, I do wish dear Omi the pleasure of his company. No wonder - hives are always dens of scum. I wonder what roused his ire."

Nessa shrugged. "Whatever it was, it seemed to have the admiralty worried, according to Estelliana. They want to make sure they hold onto the system."

"Hmm. That is a lever to use. Surely some admirals will care more about their pet wars against the greenskins and the cruel ones. Now, what of lady Siltren?"

With a nod, Nessa continued her report of all of the things she'd learned of the new noblewoman. There was nothing shocking, but it would be enough to allow Esmerelda to cuttingly insult or ingratiate herself, whichever she desired.

"What would I do without you, Nessa?" the Viscount replied as two maids sewed her hair together while another four assembled her gown around her. "Now, step forward and take care of my makeup. To greet our newest inmate, it must be perfect."

Her report completed, Nessa stepped forward to attend to her mistress's face, working delicately with powders worth more than she was. It was a delicate art to work with the gold and crimson highlights her mistress preferred. But as ever when she worked to make Esmerelda beautiful, it felt like there was another hand guiding hers. Esmerelda was already a work of art, but Nessa felt sublime joy in enhancing that beauty, in her hand being the one to bring it to new heights.

Another maid stepped forward to give her own report, this one on things she'd learned during an orgy with Baronette Handemar's kitchen staff. Given that he was hosting the soiree this evening, she had crucial information on the plans for the evening as well as furthering their infiltration of another noble's staff.

Three more reports came and went before Esmerelda was done preparing, and she looked around the room, tapping her finger against her artfully painted lips as she chose the one who would accompany her tonight. After a moment her lips curled into a satisfied smile and she pointed at Nessa, who felt her toes clench.

"Nessa my dear. You will make a fine escort. I'm sure the Baronette will be enamored." She leaned close, speaking directly into Nessa's ear. "After all now that the Inquisitor is gone we can resume the Path of a Thousand Whispers."

Author's Note: I don't think it's unreasonable to believe that there are some chaos cults among the bored high nobility relegated to a garden world to keep them away from power. I'm taking a little bit of artistic license in saying that the sister of the current duke is unsatisfied with being stuck here and has turned to Slaanesh for help, but I think it's very reasonable. I... uh. Just hope it doesn't blow up in our faces. We'll see!

Hyperactive 'Yeen Queen - Though the military forces of the Federation do their best to encourage and foster teamplay amongst its soldiers, some are simply not made to be part of a team. At least, not a large team. But one other? This Yeeni can do one other in their hunts as they set out with their Anansi as scouts and harriers, eagerly chomping at the bit to get dropped in the upcoming fight and show them Duchians what a Yeeni woman is made out of!
(Focus: Human-Yeeni interaction. Takes place shortly before the Voxxian Liberation starts.)
Now somebody should do this one. I wanted to, but couldn't come up with a good idea. You don't have long before it expires!
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Oh, actually need to post @The Laurent's plan.
[X] Plan: ALL IN, The River
-[X] Logistical Armor (0/2)x1, +1 Free Research Point
-[X] Evacuation Fleets - (2/4)
-[X] [Megafreighters] Now that the infiltration has been thorough, it should now be controlling, aiming to gain the ability to influence the mechanical systems, to keep the engines and other key components from blowing up and keeping them under control, and otherwise foment the necessary takeover as carefully as possible. We have a timeline, we have a timeframe now. Now all we need to do is prepare for the Mutiny that will save billions of lives on Voxx Primus.

Yup yup! I hope the logistical armor will let our hivers start churning out high-quality armor for themselves right before all this shit kicks off. Then eventually we'll get the next 2 researches to double our number of SAGs. Then we'll really be able to go a 'conquerin.
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[X] Plan: ALL IN, The River
-[X] Logistical Armor (0/2)x1, +1 Free Research Point
-[X] Evacuation Fleets - (2/4)
-[X] [Megafreighters] Now that the infiltration has been thorough, it should now be controlling, aiming to gain the ability to influence the mechanical systems, to keep the engines and other key components from blowing up and keeping them under control, and otherwise foment the necessary takeover as carefully as possible. We have a timeline, we have a timeframe now. Now all we need to do is prepare for the Mutiny that will save billions of lives on Voxx Primus.
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[X] Plan Counterstudy + Dynamic Entry
-[X] Free Duchy Shipwreck And Battle Studies
-[X] Creative Anti-Gravity Military Utilization (Free research point)
-[X] Evacuation Fleets - (2/4)
-[X] [Megafreighters] Now that the infiltration has been thorough, it should now be controlling, aiming to gain the ability to influence the mechanical systems, to keep the engines and other key components from blowing up and keeping them under control, and otherwise foment the necessary takeover as carefully as possible. We have a timeline, we have a timeframe now. Now all we need to do is prepare for the Mutiny that will save billions of lives on Voxx Primus.

Studies the ships our fleets are going to fight, so we actually know how best to fight them, and gets prototype grav-chute infantry which should help with some of the boarding and other very important infantry attacks.

[X] Plan: Military Intelligence
[X] Plan Parabellum
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[X] Plan: Military Intelligence

I'd rather go with the straight upgrade for weapons and armour with the Novel research option, rather than Experimental. But beggars can't be choosers.
[X] Plan: ALL IN, The River
-[X] Logistical Armor (0/2)x1, +1 Free Research Point
-[X] Evacuation Fleets - (2/4)
-[X] [Megafreighters] Now that the infiltration has been thorough, it should now be controlling, aiming to gain the ability to influence the mechanical systems, to keep the engines and other key components from blowing up and keeping them under control, and otherwise foment the necessary takeover as carefully as possible. We have a timeline, we have a timeframe now. Now all we need to do is prepare for the Mutiny that will save billions of lives on Voxx Primus.

The intelligence could be very important. But I think the logistics feel more useful when supplying a Hive revolt then the Grav-chutes. Though I can see some uses for drop troops, they're would probably just be too few of them.

[X] Plan Counterstudy + Logistics Preparation
-[X] Free Duchy Shipwreck And Battle Studies
--[X] Logistical Armor (0/2) (Free Research Point)
-[X] Evacuation Fleets - (2/4)
-[X] [Megafreighters] Now that the infiltration has been thorough, it should now be controlling, aiming to gain the ability to influence the mechanical systems, to keep the engines and other key components from blowing up and keeping them under control, and otherwise foment the necessary takeover as carefully as possible. We have a timeline, we have a timeframe now. Now all we need to do is prepare for the Mutiny that will save billions of lives on Voxx Primus.
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Whew, finally got to the computer and save a slot for myself. Family gatherings are hell, but Songs List are updated and have songs asked so far. You guys go ham when a new Melody is available. A lot to go over two updates in one day. So next turn is when we have to trigger the Revolution and free Voxx Primus.

Break Your Chains

My soul sees freely, my mind fears rightly,
For who can guess my thoughts, as I flit through the night,
No man can stop me, no hunter can kill me,
For my soul sees freely, and my chains lay shattered,
For none can cage me once more, within the dark shadowed pits,
No king can jail me, no god can bind me,
For my soul sees freely, and I shall die freely.
I seriously love this aspect of our psykana and how our faction is, the drawing for each one of the melodies and songs along with the descriptions in of them. just something unique and always happy and eager to see when a new one is added. Very fitting picture of it.

The Scales never show favor.
Neither shall We.
Classic image for Justice and a good one. I do like this is a 'forgive but never forget'. and 'do on to others as you do'.

Auto-Loaders help with all physical munitions. Like torps.

Ans SPTS helps acquire targets. You need to hit an enemy with your weapons to hurt them. :V
Oh torpedo's too? and I guess missiles as well? well after the war then we could try adding that since most our fleet using missiles and torpedos, second with Macrocannons. I think given that info it is worth it.

Had a Space Marine Chapter go through the region three centuries ago.
....OH UP THERE. I need to go back now.

Okay if we go back the recent turns based on 830-850 and go back to 530-550

Significant Chaos Offensive - 530.M42. This was when Qulach's Forge got Nuked by Caine, the Mashan Temple Authority came by and tossed 'The Dangers of Chaos and how to avoid them 101' at us.
534.M42 - Thirty Seconds Passed- Rak'Gol show up through the webway.
540.M42 - ISHAS FUCKING TITS - Eldar from Lone Wave show up and ask what the hell happen, we ask them can they shut off the gate or can we just nuke the gate? Eldar are not amused and tell us not to touch it. Defenses are built around the gate.
555.M42 - Compassion, Mercy, Justice - Teeln the Star Prophet passes on peacefully.
560.M42 - A Lost Heartbeat - Miracle happens, after death the souls of the faithful are protected by the emcompassing wing. Yeeni bring back a Necron ship.

It ended up upgrading your Faith Trait, gave all of the middlefingers to Chaos by denying them any grasp on any person with a mutation in your territory (that was present within said territory at the time of the miracle, no guarantee of continued protection or future application), while also giving all souls in the Federation (once they die) the choice of embracing gentle oblivion to become part of a barrier against Chaos (your upgraded Trait) or be funneled to the Emperor to be used as fuel for the Star Child as usual.

So basically there WAS another Space marine Chapter that passed through the Dutchy territory around the time this was all going down. So then we do have another Space Marine chapter roaming about on this side of the rift and was in the sector relatively recent.... One that may or may not show up during this. I highly doubt it would time it and they wouldn't ask for help should things really get bad but something to consider.

The Laurent


Your thoughts on this guys? I know its stuff that can wait until after the war and when we need to worry about it but still just intial thoughts on this. My thought on this it might be alpha legion pretending to be normal Space Marines or a space fleet chapter and the reason they didn't go our way and fight us right after the 621 War was because of that conspiracy that said there already were expeditions sent out our way and reported back there was nothing there and just dead worlds. The timing of this is suspect.

Please don't. That Action won't do anything unless you have a Faith Turn. Said so when you got it, will say so when you try (without a Faith Turn) and take it.
Oh, okay than. just wanted to ask since it has been a while and I didn't remember that. Word of QM on this and it is noted now.

News from Voxx Primus. The Flyssa-Class Destroyers above the world were exchanged for a quartet of the same ships, the original three leaving the system after their replacements anchored themselves in the Ringyards. Despite the massive shifts in crews, menials, and assignments we have used to our advantage as much as possible in the wake of the purges, access to these ships remains highly restricted, and no further information is forthcoming. The Propaganda Office understands that High Command is intensely interested in uncovering any additional details on these ships, but we cannot work miracles on short notice, especially as these ships seem to utilize psychic phenomena, something outside our jurisdiction.

On the topic of new ships, six new ships bearing the insignia of the Inquisition arrived above Voxx Primus, turning the unguided and panicked flailing of the Mechanicus and Imperial Cult into a targeted Purge of those deemed corrupted or affiliated with Chaos. The resulting displacement of innocents has increased our reach into the Lower and Middle Hives thanks to agents being able to be inserted alongside subversion specialists waiting for the time to begin their work in the rapidly approaching D-Day.
huh, swapping out the ships but replacing them with a few more of the same class.... So what I'm hearing is the dutchy are afraid of those Destroyers being corrupted based on a reason and going to purify or investigate the three Flyssa Destroyers. We can't find anything out on this so sadly we will have to go in blind on this.

FUCK, well we expected this with the Chaos attack there. So Inquisition is there in force but not bringing in entire fleets with them. At least we got more people going to our side and underground railroading them to our areas.

It is the opinion of the Propaganda Office that the Voxx Revolution cannot be pushed out longer than two decades at this point. Any last preparations that must be taken should be taken now. We also recommend working on additional reinforcements to our already existing System Battle Groups should be started to ensure that any losses incurred during the Voxxian Liberations can be paved with fresh ships ready to fill the gaps before the wounded SBGs are reinforced.
Well we know that going in from last turn and we are trying to speedrun any last preparations. Also I will say this, worst comes to worst we just cannibalize the incomplete SBG for replacements needed for the SBG's in Voxx Primus after battle. Not good by any means but the option is there for an emergency if we can't complete it.

-[] Variable Macro-Cannon Shell Experiments
(Gain: Macro-Cannon 3 DP Equipment)
Haaaa, really? just after we did the Macro research and such? next time then.

[] [Blazing Sun] Learn The Legacies (0/1)
The past has offered many things to us, and it will offer one more; examples learned in blood and corpses from centuries past told through papers and sweat today.
(Gain: +1 to Veterancy as Base.)
OH COME ON! Please tell me this auto-being done because our 1st warpack is LITERALLY ONE AWAY from being Veteran group.

No, she is just the equivalent of a shitweasel with access to 3/5 Chaos bullshit bolstered by 2/5 Iconoclast goodness.

Uncover The Tragedies Unfolding
Huh so that's her split. kinda scary this is how its showed or built and how the mixing works out.

Okay that song is a good name and seems to be a general info song. mostly going to give us useless info with how much of the 40k is a shitfest but with any luck it will give us something nearby to do. Gonna be keeping that one in my back pocket to suggest. If only we can spare the Actions for it.

Peeking Through The Prison Bars Of An Inhumane Universe
Holy shit, I love the name of this but not sure other will go for it. God I wish we could grind omakes for just 1 action and direct it, because it feels we won't do songs unless we are going into a situation and need the advantages. Like if we find chaos again I suspect suddenly we will be willing to spend two actions for the songs that seem to be geared against it.

I know it won't and it would be a bad for what it would mean and the writing of omakes solely for trying to get an action. But I want to try to get some songs every three or four turns.

Let Blind Justice Rouse Kindred Minds Against The Monsters They Know
Oh shit. this one is rather.... I wouldn't say uprising songs but that breaking point directed at monster people know if their lives based on the perspective of justice. Might be worth research.

They are basically Infantry but Skitarii. So...they don't benefit from your Doctrine.

And the benefits are canceled by, ya know...*Urban Hellscape In Three Dimensions*
Ahh, so our version of Skitarrii. fair enough and wasn't expecting too much. so are these just cannon fodder or what? or is this more like Kil'drabi and more for specialized troop for extreme environments? IN this case being more for Void, deathworlds, extremely toxic worlds and the like?

.... can we just.... wait. Wait a minute. looks at mechanzied FUCK we don't have any fully tracked vehicles! Damn it I was going to say can't we just magnetize something like the Tarox's treads and drive up and down the sides of the spires and like. none our vehicles can do that can they?

Fuck I should have thought of this and tried to get something earlier. oh well.

A Tribe Called Sword
Again the naming scheme and why Tribe? I want to do one of the Tribe songs just so I can finally understand the working of it and the reason for the name.

This is what the Anansi was made for. Trust in our spider tanks
Indeed. And as a light tank it should work fine and be suited for this. Sadly its the only one and going to be overworked.

Spoiler: Much bigger list , if you're feeling bored
Why? Why do you do this to us?

Please. Have mercy...:cry:
there, there QM, I have to share your pain as well. Have a Digital Biscuit.

Maladies Of Bleak Souls Shall Not Touch Thee
Maladies Of Bleak Minds Shall Not Prosper
Okay, so besides this being Six melodies long, Maladies mean diseases or ailments. So this means Ailments of Bleak Souls shall not touch us or prosper. I want to ask again can we do Six Melodies in a song or what was the ruling on that again?

the titles sound fine but I want to make sure.

We Who Think Where We Remain
A March Unending Against Emotion
There Are No Maladies We Cannot Overcome
The Void Holds No Favors
Interesting overall. first one confuses me a bit and gives me thinker impression.

second one feels like logic or suppressing emotion.

third one more of the same.

Four one no idea and intrigues me.

Advance Upon Difficult Paths
Ohhhh, me likely. another one to add in the back pocket.

Forgive me, my ancestors.
I have failed.

hahaha, but really all good, it gets tiring or hard to make ALL of the songs ominous sounding to keep us guessing.

It is a system-system web of mail. Choir Q gets a message meant for Choir D, so they pass it along the line to Choir P with a note that the message is for Choir D, which then does the same until the message reaches its destination.

You also have a messaging/mail system with Federation Post acting as a Pony Express expy for you.
Ah so game of telephone with the backup being the post service delivering stuff to other systems and just sending a courier on them. At least we have back ups but yah, wondering if upgrading the Melody components of the song would change that and boost it to be able to do it within the same sector. Interesting to see how it works now though.

For the purpose of Voxx Primus (and Free Duchy), they are, possibly, the worst kind of ship to have. They rely on stealth to get close, mag-dump their munitions, then GTFO ASAP. The Voxxian SDF is...not in a position where you could stealthily approach with ~30 ships and not get detected by conventional means.

Not to speak about their Harrowayd Auspex Array. Which no-sells that tactic.
yahhhhh, I figured as much. If only because I think this kind of ship and weapon is more suited for large ships and focusing fire on them since the ships matter as oppose to the low weight focus of the Dutchy with the light warship spam and only a few large ships that are in the backline. and given the Dutchy is torpedo spam... yah this isn't good against them.

and was before we factor in their Auspex Array, that would reveal stealth.

If the Lamenters join you *coughcoughwinkwinkcoughcough* doing as you say could work.
I can't tell if that's hint of the future turns or saying we need to ASK them about it instead of assuming they will.

Monday On 3 Hours Of Sleep And Late Public Transit
Rise With The Inevitable Already Enforced
A Bloody Scale Cares Not Who Wields It
Truly, the first song is the bane of many species. and seriously that is some of the worst combos to have.

huh.... second one is strange but I doubt we'll go for it.

Third seems like a weapon that can go either way.

Justice Is Blind. Not Cruel.
The Ways Of The Galaxy Can Be Changed
Hope Beyond Reason, Build Without Fear
Ohhh i like the first one here, another for the pocket.

second one a hope inspiring song and maybe morale boost.

third is.... a gamble. make everyone into an optimist? or could this boost our actions but blind us to developments?

The Butcher's Blade Is Equal To The Executioner's
Bastion Against The Unwanted
Drown Them In Their Hope
First is interesting but not sure about that phrasing and could go either way for us.

Second one seems worth trying out at least. Could be good against psychic intrusions and the like.

Third one seems ominous given the bird/shellfish fracker but not sure how one would drown in hope unless its to make people who can lost it they can't help but have it again.

As the preparations against Voxx and the Free Duchy continue unabated, thousands of tons of ore shifted and melted, tens of thousands laboring to pull and push materials into place, with thunderous orchestras of industrial machinery beating their deadly rhythm as ships are slowly born with lethal weaponry and burning thirst for war alongside those weeping the innocents lost and forgotten, so too do the Lamenters prepare, for a discussion, a decision, and a decree was held, reached, and propagated.
Yah that checks out with fleet expansions going on. And the Lamenters? okay lets see what's going on-

For Those We Cherish, We Die In Glory!

Our warcry, our guiding light, and the words by which our Chapter has lived and died and been reborn since the 36th Millennium.

Words that encompass all that we strive to be, all that we have been, and all that we shall remain.

Avengers of those who cannot fight anymore.
Defenders of those who cannot fight at all.
The first in line against the dark.
The last who shall leave their posts when the light is gone.
Those who fight beyond hope to donate it to others.
Those who burn so others may not.
Soldiers. Warriors. Guardians.
Space Marines.

Yet, we cannot deny one truth any longer, one simple fact that has burned at the mind of Chapter Master Chyron even before he died, May His Name Be Remembered.
Oh, they're going another introspection. Another one since Chyron did before the war with Neon right before the Ruinous powers split Neon into pieces. And given they were going over the Codex and re-examining it. It was meant for the Imperium and it having more than one Space Marine chapter, along with a vastly different value system. Some thing the Codex calls for or suggests just isn't possible anymore or that the Lamenters don't have to worry about at all. At their core, what was said here IS what was Space Marines are supposed to be.

The Lamenters are the embodiment of it and would make the Emperor and Sanguinius proud. they go above and beyond what other Space Marines would have done. Though I thought Chyron already did everything and choose to side with us fully, so what else is there to ask now?

The Imperium that created us...
The Imperium that gave us our charge...
The Imperium that spurned us...
The Imperium filled with countless trillions deserving protection against the galaxy's horrors...

It is not here to guard humanity with its legions of Guards, nor is it here to enforce stability and order, nor is it here with waving banners and hope, mighty arms and mightier fleets filled with aid.

It is on the other side of the galaxy.
I... Okay? that is true and given the nature of the situation here the Imperium is just a past memory and can't really do anything on this side and has no reach. So I guess this makes sense considering the Codex is from the Imperium and followed for the most part there, hence the asking of 'why are we following this book again?' and the foundations of it. And all that is on this side of the rift is the Lamenters and those scattered worlds. SO given that, the Codex is not enough and changes need to be made to reflect the changes and adapt to them is what I'm guessing.

Feasting on the innocent so that its rotting carcass may remain alive a minute longer.
Feasting on the tortured souls so that the Emperor can see its wretched form continue for a minute more.
Feasting on all that the Emperor tried to bring, all so it can remain a mockery of all we were meant to be.

We were meant to be His bulwark against the terror.
We were meant to be His Defenders of Humanity
We were meant to Know No Fear.

And yet, we have not acted on the truths in our sights for too long.
We have stayed our hand for too long.
We have set aside sword and bolter when those we cherish cry for salvation.

Have looked at billions screaming into the skies, "Save Us!" and answered, "No."

We have failed what we were meant to be. To bring. To encompass.
Oh. OH. Okay. nope, I guess seeing the other two Imperium Successors and what history of the Imperium we have isn't good and seeing what the Glimmering Federation has accomplished. They see the Flaws in the Imperium, they know what the Space Marines were meant to be and have been idle.... Is this our fault for not being involved in anything and just giving the Lamenters time alone with their thoughts? this sounds the basis of them deciding to start venturing out on their own and roaming about. They'll still be on our side and come back to visit but they will be moving and defending Human worlds and the like.

Can someone knowledge of the Codex give me a rundown of what the Codex says? All I know is the Purpose the Rebooty Gorlliaman made it and was made to break up the legions into chapters so nothing on the scale of the Heresy could happen again with that many Space Marines. It was mostly about limiting the damage the Ruinous powers could do to the Space Marines.

We are the Lamenters. Sons of Sanguinius. The Cursed Chapter. Shield of Corillia. Crusaders of Charadon. Chroniclers of Slaughterhouse III. Fools of the Badab War. Bane of Hive Fleet Kraken.

But we will not be Deserters to Humanity.

To All Humanity.

We have stood aside for a millennium as we grew in strength and number.
We have accepted aid time and time again.
We have watched all that time and only fought when forced by honor and need.

No more.
Frack after listening to Warrior Tier's Lamenters, this hits different. Also the fact I now know of some of these events and locations. The History in it.

So if I'm understanding this correctly, the Lamenters are looking at and questioning the specific wording of only the Imperium and no one else. Still don't know what its building up to but might be time to let them leave the nest and roam around. The parts of 'only fought when forced by Honor and need' lend themselves as not fine with just those times as they focused on rebuilding and the like.

We shall not refuse the screams of those yearning for salvation, for we were meant to be that salvation.
We shall not refuse the screams of those chafing under unjust systems, for we were meant to be liberators.
We shall not refuse the screams of those chained and broken, for we were meant to be more than this.

If the laws and guidances of ancient days bind us to stay aside and disgrace ourselves...
Then, we shall no longer abide by these laws.

Let every horror and monster in the galaxy know this:
We are the Lamenters.
And we would rather die than stay aside any longer.
Ohhhh boy, I guess after this upcoming fight with the Dutchy the Lamenters are going to start expeditions or the like, We will help them if they need it. Re-Examining what it means to be an Space Marine and what is expected of them. And they are indeed no longer following the Codex anymore... okay so no other chapter being founded and specializing for other things, I guess this means they will start growing beyond the one thousand mandated strength chapter and be more then one thousand strong.

Oh boy, this honestly sounds like the Beginning of a Crusade!.....
@HeroCooky Please tell me, for the love of all that is holy, they aren't gonna go on a crusade into the dutchy to save the people there and we're gonna have to tag along to make sure they wont' died and might be overstretched by this?

For Those We Cherish, We Die In Glory!
And we shall make no more excuses.​
Damn that was a powerful passage for this chapter and I see now why your muse was beating you over the Head QM. Top Notch and great writing for that. good job.

-[] Structural Integrity Studies
(Gain: 3 DP Equipment reducing/increasing Ramming Damage.)
You really couldn't have rolled this before the Lamenters did their fleet refit New Danw?

[] Trigger The Voxx Revolution
the time draws near, next turn we pull the trigger and go loud.

[] [Blazing Sun] Learn The Legacies (0.5/1)
The past has offered many things to us, and it will offer one more; examples learned in blood and corpses from centuries past told through papers and sweat today.
(Gain: +1 to Veterancy as Base.)
Oh Thank God it was auto and we will have a full Veteran Warpack in time.

[] [Chapter] Prepare For War (0/0.5)
No longer merely guardians of the dogmas of old, but guardians of Humanity, its future, and all those who shall be under and aside its ascendant stars. The Lamenters cannot stand by any longer, nor shall they tolerate those who try and drag Humanity down with their greed, hate, and ignorance. Let the future be born by those bold, brave, and able enough to fight for those we cherish.
(Gain: The Chapter will begin all required preparations to aid in the Federation-Duchy War.)
AH, okay so they are focusing on the Dutchy war and are preparing for it next turn. Still a bit confused on what they are aiming for beyond aiding in the war and the thing of standing aside through all of this.

AN: You have 850 as a Full Turn. 860 will need you to pull the Trigger.
Yahhhh, after the past few updates and comments this needs to be included or there will be a panic. One more turn people.

High, but not a guarantee.
I would say its enough its not perfect but should be enough for what we've done for it by now.

[X] Plan: Military Intelligence
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