The Slave Who Makes Free: An Anakin Skywalker Quest

…in the Supreme Chancellor's office

The senate unless we roll unreasonably well will just drive our biy away from democracy, Naboo would get stepped on, it's a mid rim recovering from blockade and invasion planet and are hilariously outmatched in terms of skulduggery.

This option reduces stress(which means more wholesome and better ani choices later) is liable to possibly work, and probably won't disillusion him to the ideas of democracy if he can see said insutions at leats doing things(OOC we also know that sheev would probably drop grevious for more control over us...and this feels the most in character choice perhaps tying with naboo)
Much as I personally dislike your voting choice, integrity demands I remind you you need the [ ] and X for your vote to count.
[X] ...on Naboo.
I refuse to do anything that would put us in Palp's clutches.
[X] …in the Supreme Chancellor's office.

This seems like a Sheev plot to block our way and push us into his fingers. 100%... but, I think that means that the road to any other path to resolve this has been littered with roadblocks in abundance.

I don't think many QMs go with trap options, and I don't think that's the case here, but I can imagine that we're being given the option to go to the Chancellor because it's the one surefire way to make sure this goes right... with the loss of putting Anakin further under Sheev's thumb. But Sheev won't ever let that presence remain non-existent, regardless of how much we as questers avoid him, so I'm willing to take the hit here and now.

That all said, I can see the writing on the wall, and I think the vote is more or less decided by this point. But hey. Every vote counts.
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[X] …in the Supreme Chancellor's office.

This seems like a Sheev plot to block our way and push us into his fingers. 100%... but, I think that means that the road to any other path to resolve this has been littered with roadblocks in abundance.

I don't think many QMs go with trap options, and I don't think that's the case here, but I can imagine that we're being given the option to go to the Chancellor because it's the one surefire way to make sure this goes right... with the loss of putting Anakin further under Sheev's thumb. But Sheev won't ever let that presence remain non-existent, regardless of how much we as questers avoid him, so I'm willing to take the hit here and now.

That all said, I can see the writing on the wall, and I think the vote is more or less decided by this point. But hey. Every vote counts.
The big thing is do we really need to think of the optics of this scenario if this go further ahead like legitimately even the senate would balk at this as it would alienate the jedi order and Sheev can't have a Jedi order rethinking its relationship with the republic or he will end up with something like the legacy order which had a whole other temple complex. Like this is in some ways more brazen then the invasion of Nabou!
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With Palpatine one issue is that trying to fight him and his plans in a visible, blatant way is likely to have him double down. You bring a knife, he brings a gun and all that. A prey animal, when being run down by a predator like a cheetah, has to get the predator to over commit and then swerve at the last second.

Is fighting the sort of thing that hinders Palpatine, goads him into increasing his efforts out of spite, switching into a different sort of sabotage that makes winning another form of loss, or even just decides that we (and other pawns like Grievous) are too difficult a prize and thus something to be discarded like every Jedi? Killed outright when things suddenly go to shit. None of us have infinite value in his eyes and are merely things of some limited convenience.

Its a serious question. This could go a few ways.

Also, its interesting that this is going to be souring the Temple's relationship with the powers that be themselves. Not breaking anything... but the Temple will be naturally inclined to be more cynical in its exchanges. This is a clear cut sign the enemy... if one assumed to be a more banal enemy than a Banal enemy... is within rather than without. They knew the Senate and the mass of wriggling worms beneath its pallid skin was sick but this blatant a move should crack an eye or two that its worse than they thought.

Its a good first step for them and, by itself, that is a good step forward. But it also might lead to more pressure against them in response in the hopes of causing an overreaction.
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[X] …on Naboo.

Palapatine is interfering to try and get us to rely on him, going to the senate blindly will just end with his stooges redirecting us to him.
Padme might be able to help us, either through official action from Naboo or by helping us raise public attention to the issue / introducing us to other opponents of the megacorps (Organa, Mon Mothma, etc)
With Palpatine one issue is that trying to fight him and his plans in a visible, blatant way is likely to have him double down. You bring a knife, he brings a gun and all that. A prey animal, when being run down by a predator like a cheetah, has to get the predator to over commit and then swerve at the last second.

Is fighting the sort of thing that hinders Palpatine, goads him into increasing his efforts out of spite, switching into a different sort of sabotage that makes winning another form of loss, or even just decides that we (and other pawns like Grievous) are too difficult a prize and thus something to be discarded like every Jedi? Killed outright when things suddenly go to shit. None of us have infinite value in his eyes and are merely things of some limited convenience.

Its a serious question. This could go a few ways.

Also, its interesting that this is going to be souring the Temple's relationship with the powers that be themselves. Not breaking anything... but the Temple will be naturally inclined to be more cynical in its exchanges. This is a clear cut sign the enemy... if one assumed to be a more banal enemy than a Banal enemy... is within rather than without. They knew the Senate and the mass of wriggling worms beneath its pallid skin was sick but this blatant a move should crack an eye or two that its worse than they thought.

Its a good first step for them and, by itself, that is a good step forward. But it also might lead to more pressure against them in response in the hopes of causing an overreaction.
Exactly why Sheev would know to let this sleeping dog lie, him getting Anakins ear is him winning. Nothing else makes sense he's not gonna forewarn the order on something this minor.
Exactly why Sheev would know to let this sleeping dog lie, him getting Anakins ear is him winning. Nothing else makes sense he's not gonna forewarn the order on something this minor.
[X] …in the Supreme Chancellor's office.

I'll go with it. Its arguable as to whether its a good option or a bad one, really, and its probably both simultaneously. But it at least seems a more useful danger.

It might not win but so be it.
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